八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > the expedition of humphry clinker >


the expedition of humphry clinker-第30部分

小说: the expedition of humphry clinker 字数: 每页4000字

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who shine most in private company; are but secondary stars in the
constellation of genius  A small stock of ideas is more easily
managed; and sooner displayed; than a great quantity crowded
together。 There is very seldom any thing extraordinary in the
appearance and address of a good writer; whereas a dull author
generally distinguishes himself by some oddity or extravagance。
For this reason; I fancy; that an assembly of Grubs must be very

My curiosity being excited by this hint; I consulted my friend
Dick Ivy; who undertook to gratify it the very next day; which
was Sunday last。 He carried me to dine with S; whom you and I
have long known by his writings。  He lives in the skirts of the
town; and every Sunday his house is opened to all unfortunate
brothers of the quill; whom he treats with beef; pudding; and
potatoes; port; punch; and Calvert's entire butt beer。 He has
fixed upon the first day of the week for the exercise of his
hospitality; because some of his guests could not enjoy it on any
other; for reasons that I need not explain。 I was civilly
received in a plain; yet decent habitation; which opened
backwards into a very pleasant garden; kept in excellent order;
and; indeed; I saw none of the outward signs of authorship;
either in the house or the landlord; who is one of those few
writers of the age that stand upon their own foundation; without
patronage; and above dependence。 If there was nothing
characteristic in the entertainer; the company made ample amends
for his want of singularity。

At two in the afternoon; I found myself one of ten messmates
seated at table; and; I question; if the whole kingdom could
produce such another assemblage of originals。 Among their
peculiarities; I do not mention those of dress; which may be
purely accidental。 What struck me were oddities originally
produced by affectation; and afterwards confirmed by habit。 One
of them wore spectacles at dinner; and another his hat flapped;
though (as Ivy told me) the first was noted for having a seaman's
eye; when a bailiff was in the wind; and the other was never
known to labour under any weakness or defect of vision; except
about five years ago; when he was complimented with a couple of
black eyes by a player; with whom he had quarrelled in his drink。
A third wore a laced stocking; and made use of crutches; because;
once in his life; he had been laid up with a broken leg; though
no man could leap over a stick with more agility。 A fourth had
contracted such an antipathy to the country; that he insisted
upon sitting with his back towards the window that looked into
the garden; and when a dish of cauliflower was set upon the
table; he snuffed up volatile salts to keep him from fainting;
yet this delicate person was the son of a cottager; born under a
hedge; and had many years run wild among asses on a common。 A
fifth affected distraction。 When spoke to; he always answered from
the purpose sometimes he suddenly started up; and rapped out a
dreadful oath sometimes he burst out a…laughing  then he folded
his arms; and sighed and then; he hissed like fifty serpents。

At first I really thought he was mad; and; as he sat near me;
began to be under some apprehensions for my own safety; when our
landlord; perceiving me alarmed; assured me aloud that I had
nothing to fear。 'The gentleman (said he) is trying to act a part
for which he is by no means qualified  if he had all the
inclination in the world; it is not in his power to be mad。 His
spirits are too flat to be kindled into frenzy。' ''Tis no bad p…p…puff;
however  (observed a person in a tarnished laced coat):
aff…ffected in…madness w…will p…pass for w…wit w…with nine…ninet…teen
out of t…twenty。'  'And affected stuttering for humour:
replied our landlord; tho'; God knows; there is an affinity
betwixt them。' It seems; this wag; after having made some
abortive attempts in plain speaking; had recourse to this defect;
by means of which he frequently extorted the laugh of the
company; without the least expence of genius; and that
imperfection; which he had at first counterfeited; was now become
so habitual; that he could not lay it aside。

A certain winking genius; who wore yellow gloves at dinner; had;
on his first introduction; taken such offence at S; because he
looked and talked; and ate and drank like any other man; that he
spoke contemptuously of his understanding ever after; and never
would repeat his visit; until he had exhibited the following
proof of his caprice。 Wat Wyvil; the poet; having made some
unsuccessful advances towards an intimacy with S; at last gave
him to understand; by a third person; that he had written a poem
in his praise; and a satire against his person; that if he would
admit him to his house; the first should be immediately sent to
press; but that if he persisted in declining his friendship; he
would publish his satire without delay。 S replied; that he
looked upon Wyvil's panegyrick; as in effect; a species of
infamy; and would resent it accordingly with a good cudgel; but
if he published the satire; he might deserve his compassion; and
had nothing to fear from his revenge。 Wyvil having considered the
alternative; resolved to mortify S by printing the panegyrick;
for which he received a sound drubbing。 Then he swore the peace
against the aggressor; who; in order to avoid a prosecution at
law; admitted him to his good graces。 It was the singularity in
S's conduct; on this occasion; that reconciled him to the
yellow…gloved philosopher; who owned he had some genius; and from
that period cultivated his acquaintance。

Curious to know upon what subjects the several talents of my
fellow…guests were employed; I applied to my communicative friend
Dick Ivy; who gave me to understand; that most of them were; or
had been; understrappers; or journeymen; to more creditable
authors; for whom they translated; collated; and compiled; in the
business of bookmaking; and that all of them had; at different
times; laboured in the service of our landlord; though they had
now set up for themselves in various departments of literature。
Not only their talents; but also their nations and dialects were
so various; that our conversation resembled the confusion of
tongues at Babel。 We had the Irish brogue; the Scotch accent; and
foreign idiom; twanged off by the most discordant vociferation;
for; as they all spoke together; no man had any chance to be
heard; unless he could bawl louder than his fellows。 It must be
owned; however; there was nothing pedantic in their discourse;
they carefully avoided all learned disquisitions; and endeavoured
to be facetious; nor did their endeavours always miscarry  some
droll repartee passed; and much laughter was excited; and if any
individual lost his temper so far as to transgress the bounds of
decorum; he was effectually checked by the master of the feast;
who exerted a sort of paternal authority over this irritable

The most learned philosopher of the whole collection; who had
been expelled the university for atheism; has made great progress
in a refutation of lord Bolingbroke's metaphysical works; which
is said to be equally ingenious; and orthodox; but; in the mean
time; he has been presented to the grand jury as a public
nuisance; for having blasphemed in an ale…house on the Lord's
day。 The Scotchman gives lectures on the pronunciation of the
English language; which he is now publishing by subscription。

The Irishman is a political writer; and goes by the name of my
Lord Potatoe。 He wrote a pamphlet in vindication of a minister;
hoping his zeal would be rewarded with some place or pension;
but; finding himself neglected in that quarter; he whispered
about; that the pamphlet was written by the minister himself; and
he published an answer to his own production。 In this; he
addressed the author under the title of your lordship with such
solemnity; that the public swallowed the deceit; and bought up
the whole impression。 The wise politicians of the metropolis
declared they were both masterly performances; and chuckled over
the flimsy reveries of an ignorant garretteer; as the profound
speculations of a veteran statesman; acquainted with all the
secrets of the cabinet。 The imposture was detected in the sequel;
and our Hibernian pamphleteer retains no part of his assumed
importance; but the bare title of my lord。 and the upper part of
the table at the potatoe…ordinary in Shoelane。

Opposite to me sat a Piedmontese; who had obliged the public with
a humorous satire; intituled; The Ballance of the English Poets;
a performance which evinced the great modesty and taste of the
author; and; in particular; his intimacy with the elegancies of
the English language。 The sage; who laboured under the
agrophobia; or horror of green fields; had just finished a
treatise on practical agriculture; though; in fact; he had never
seen corn growing in his life; and was so ignorant of grain; that
our entertainer; in the face of the whole company; made him own;
that a plate of hominy was the best rice pudding he had ever eat。

The stutterer had almost finished his travels through Europe and
part of Asia; without ever budging beyond the liberties of the
King's Bench; except in term…time; with a tipstaff for his
companion; and as for little Tim Cropdale; the most facetious
member of the whole society; he had happily wound up the
catastrophe of a virgin tragedy; from the exhibition of which he
promised himself a large fund of profit and reputation。 Tim had
made shift to live many years by writing novels; at the rate of
five pounds a volume; but that branch of business is now
engrossed by female authors; who publish merely for the
propagation of virtue; with so much ease and spirit; and
delicacy; and knowledge of the human heart; and all in the serene
tranquillity of high life; that the reader is not only inchanted
by their genius; but reformed by their morality。

After dinner; we adjourned into the garden; where; I observed; Mr
S gave a short separate audience to every individual in a small
remote filbert walk; from whence most of them dropt off one after
another; without further ceremony; but they were replaced by
fresh r

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