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the expedition of humphry clinker-第34部分

小说: the expedition of humphry clinker 字数: 每页4000字

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of Barton; and that in all likelihood my lady Griskin acted as
her auxiliary: that this supposition would account for their
endeavours to convert him to methodism; an event which would
occasion a connexion of souls that might be easily improved into
a matrimonial union。

My uncle seemed to be much diverted by the thoughts of this
Scheme's succeeding; but I gave him to understand; that Barton
was pre…engaged: that he had the day before made a present of an
etuis to Liddy; which her aunt had obliged her to receive; with a
view; no doubt; to countenance her own accepting of a snuff…box
at the same time; that my sister having made me acquainted with
this incident; I had desired an explanation of Mr Barton; who
declared his intentions were honourable; and expressed his hope
that I would have no objections to his alliance; that I had
thanked him for the honour he intended our family; but told
him; it would be necessary to consult her uncle and aunt; who
were her guardians; and their approbation being obtained; I
could have no objection to his proposal; though I was persuaded
that no violence would be offered to my sister's inclinations; in
a transaction that so nearly interested the happiness of her
future life: that he had assured me; he should never think of
availing himself of a guardian's authority; unless he could
render his addresses agreeable to the young lady herself; and
that he would immediately demand permission of Mr and Mrs
Bramble; to make Liddy a tender of his hand and fortune。

The squire was not insensible to the advantages of such a match;
and declared he would promote it with all his influence; but when
I took notice that there seemed to be an aversion on the side of
Liddy; he said he would sound her on the subject; and if her
reluctance was such as would not be easily overcome; he would
civilly decline the proposal of Mr Barton; for he thought that;
in the choice of a husband a young woman ought not to sacrifice
the feelings of her heart for any consideration upon earth 
'Liddy is not so desperate (said he) as to worship fortune at
such an expence。'

I take it for granted; this whole affair will end in smoke;
though there seems to be a storm brewing in the quarter of Mrs
Tabby; who sat with all the sullen dignity of silence at dinner;
seemingly pregnant with complaint and expostulation。 As she had
certainly marked Barton for her own prey; she cannot possibly
favour his suit to Liddy; and therefore I expect something
extraordinary will attend his declaring himself my sister's
admirer。 This declaration will certainly be made in form; as soon
as the lover can pick up resolution enough to stand the brunt of
Mrs Tabby's disappointment; for he is; without doubt; aware of
her designs upon his person  The particulars of the denouement
you shall know in due season: mean while I am

Always yours;
LONDON; June 10。



The deceitful calm was of short duration。 I am plunged again in a
sea of vexation; and the complaints in my stomach and bowels are
returned; so that I suppose I shall be disabled from prosecuting
the excursion I had planned  What the devil had I to do; to come
a plague hunting with a leash of females in my train? Yesterday
my precious sister (who; by the bye; has been for some time a
professed methodist) came into my apartment; attended by Mr
Barton; and desired an audience with a very stately air  'Brother
(said she); this gentleman has something to propose; which I
flatter myself will be the more acceptable; as it will rid you of
a troublesome companion。' Then Mr Barton proceeded to this effect
 'I am; indeed; extremely ambitious of being allied to your
family; Mr Bramble; and I hope you will see no cause to interpose
your authority。' 'As for authority (said Tabby; interrupting him
with some warmth); I know of none that he has a right to use on
this occasion  If I pay him the compliment of making him
acquainted with the step I intend to take; it is all he can
expect in reason  This is as much as I believe he would do by me;
if he intended to change his own situation in life  In a word;
brother; I am so sensible of Mr Barton's extra ordinary merit;
that I have been prevailed upon to alter my resolution of living
a single life; and to put my happiness in his hands; by vesting
him with a legal title to my person and fortune; such as they
are。 The business at present; is to have the writings drawn; and
I shall be obliged to you; if you will recommend a lawyer to me
for that purpose'

You may guess what an effect this overture had upon me; who; from
the information of my nephew; expected that Barton was to make a
formal declaration of his passion for Liddy; I could not help
gazing in silent astonishment; alternately at Tabby; and her
supposed admirer; who last hung his head in the most aukward
confusion for a few minutes; and then retired on pretence of
being suddenly seized with a vertigo  Mrs Tabitha affected much
concern; and would have had him make use of a bed in the house;
but he insisted upon going home; that he might have recourse of
some drops; which he kept for such emergencies; and his
innamorata acquiesced  In the mean time I was exceedingly puzzled
at this adventure (though I suspected the truth) and did not know
in what manner to demean myself towards Mrs Tabitha; when Jery
came in and told me; he had just seen Mr Barton alight from his
chariot at lady Griskin's door  This incident seemed to threaten
a visit from her ladyship; with which we were honoured
accordingly; in less than half an hour  'I find (said she) there
has been a match of cross purposes among you good folks; and I'm
come to set you to rights'  So saying; she presented me with the
following billet


I no sooner recollected myself from the extreme confusion I was
thrown into; by that unlucky mistake of your sister; than I
thought it my duty to assure you; that my devoirs to Mrs Bramble
never exceeded the bounds of ordinary civility; and that my heart
is unalterably fixed upon Miss Liddy Melford; as I had the honour
to declare to her brother; when he questioned me upon that
subject  Lady Griskin has been so good as to charge herself; not
only with the delivery of this note; but also with the task of
undeceiving Mrs Bramble; for whom I have the most profound
respect and veneration; though my affection being otherwise
engaged is no longer in the power of

Your very humble servant;

Having cast my eyes over this billet; I told her ladyship; that I
would no longer retard the friendly office she had undertaken:
and I and Jery forthwith retired into another room。 There we soon
perceived the conversation grow very warm betwixt the two ladies;
and; at length; could distinctly hear certain terms of
altercation; which we could no longer delay interrupting; with
any regard to decorum。 When we entered the scene of contention;
we found Liddy had joined the disputants; and stood trembling
betwixt them; as if she had been afraid they would have proceeded
to something more practical than words。 Lady Griskin's face was
like the full moon in a storm of wind; glaring; fiery; and
portentous; while Tabby looked grim and ghastly; with an aspect
breathing discord and dismay。  Our appearance put a stop to their
mutual revilings; but her ladyship turning to me; 'Cousin (said
she) I can't help saying I have met with a very ungrateful return
from this lady; for the pains I have taken to serve her family' 
'My family is much obliged to your ladyship (cried Tabby; with a
kind of hysterical giggle); but we have no right to the good
offices of such an honourable go…between。' 'But; for all that;
good Mrs Tabitha Bramble (resumed the other); I shall be content
with the reflection; That virtue is its own reward; and it shall
not be my fault; if you continue to make yourself ridiculous  Mr
Bramble; who has no little interest of his own to serve; will; no
doubt; contribute all in his power to promote a match betwixt Mr
Barton and his niece; which will be equally honourable and
advantageous; and; I dare say; Miss Liddy herself will have no
objection to a measure so well calculated to make her happy in
life'  'I beg your ladyship's pardon (exclaimed Liddy; with great
vivacity) I have nothing but misery to expect from such a
measure; and I hope my guardians will have too much compassion;
to barter my peace of mind for any consideration of interest or
fortune'  'Upon my word; Miss Liddy! (said she) you have profited
by the example of your good aunt  I comprehend your meaning; and
will explain it when I have a proper opportunity  In the mean
time; I shall take my leave  Madam; your most obedient; and
devoted humble servant;' said she; advancing close up to my
sister; and curtsying so low; that I thought she intended to
squat herself down on the floor  This salutation Tabby returned
with equal solemnity; and the expression of the two faces; while
they continued in this attitude; would be no bad subject for a
pencil like that of the incomparable Hogarth; if any such should
ever appear again; in these times of dullness and degeneracy。

Jery accompanied her ladyship to her house; that he might have an
opportunity to restore the etuis to Barton; and advise him to
give up his suit; which was so disagreeable to his sister;
against whom; however; he returned much irritated  Lady Griskin
had assured him that Liddy's heart was pre…occupied; and
immediately the idea of Wilson recurring to his imagination; his
family…pride took the alarm。 He denounced vengeance against the
adventurer; and was disposed to be very peremptory with his
sister; but I desired he would suppress his resentment; until I
should have talked with her in private。

The poor girl; when I earnestly pressed her on this head; owned
with a flood of tears; that Wilson had actually come to the Hot
Well at Bristol; and even introduced himself into our lodgings as
a Jew pedlar; but that nothing had passed betwixt them; further
than her begging him to withdraw immediately; if he had any
regard for her peace of mind: that he had disappeared
accordingly; after having attempted to prevail upon my 

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