八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > the expedition of humphry clinker >


the expedition of humphry clinker-第66部分

小说: the expedition of humphry clinker 字数: 每页4000字

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stands seven miles above the place where the river falls into the
sea; and is; after Glasgow; the handsomest town I have seen in
Scotland。 The inhabitants; indeed; seem to have proposed that city
as their model; not only in beautifying their town and regulating
its police; but; also in prosecuting their schemes of commerce
and manufacture; by which they are grown rich and opulent。

We re…entered England; by the way of Carlisle; where we
accidentally met with our friend Lismahago; whom we had in vain
inquired after at Dumfries and other places  It would seem that
the captain; like the prophets of old; is but little honoured in
his own country; which he has now renounced for ever  He gave me
the following particulars of his visit to his native soil  In his
way to the place of his nativity; he learned that his nephew had
married the daughter of a burgeois; who directed a weaving
manufacture; and had gone into partnership with his father…in…law:
chagrined with this information; he had arrived at the gate
in the twilight; where he heard the sound of treddles in the
great hall; which had exasperated him to such a degree; that he
had like to have lost his senses: while he was thus transported
with indignation; his nephew chanced to come forth; when; being
no longer master of his passion; he cried; 'Degenerate rascal!
you have made my father's house a den of thieves;' and at the
same time chastised him with his horse…whip; then; riding round
the adjoining village; he had visited the burying…ground of his
ancestors by moon…light; and; having paid his respects to their
manes; travelled all night to another part of the country 
Finding the head of the family in such a disgraceful situation;
all his own friends dead or removed from the places of their
former residence; and the expence of living increased to double
of what it had been; when he first left his native country; he
had bid it an eternal adieu; and was determined to seek for
repose among the forests of America。

I was no longer at a loss to account for the apparition; which
had been described at Drumlanrig; and when I repeated the story
to the lieutenant; he was much pleased to think his resentment
had been so much more effectual than he intended; and he owned;
he might at such an hour; and in such an equipage; very well pass
for the ghost of his father; whom he was said greatly to
resemble  Between friends; I fancy Lismahago will find a retreat
without going so far as the wigwams of the Miamis。 My sister
Tabby is making continual advances to him; in the way of
affection; and; if I may trust to appearances; the captain is
disposed to take opportunity by the forelock。 For my part; I
intend to encourage this correspondence; and shall be glad to see
them united  In that case; we shall find a way to settle them
comfortably in our own neighbourhood。 I; and my servants; will
get rid of a very troublesome and tyrannic gouvernante; and I
shall have the benefit of Lismahago's conversation; without being
obliged to take more of his company than I desire; for though an
olla is a high…flavoured dish; I could not bear to dine upon it
every day of my life。

I am much pleased with Manchester; which is one of the most
agreeable and flourishing towns in Great…Britain; and I perceive
that this is the place which hath animated the spirit; and
suggested the chief manufactures of Glasgow。 We propose to visit
Chatsworth; the Peak; and Buxton; from which last place we shall
proceed directly homewards; though by easy journies。 If the
season has been as favourable in Wales as in the North; your
harvest is happily finished; and we have nothing left to think of
but our October; of which let Barns be properly reminded。 You
will find me much better in flesh than I was at our parting; and
this short separation has given a new edge to those sentiments of
friendship with which I always have been; and ever shall be;


To Mrs GWILLIM; house…keeper at Brambleton…hall。


It has pleased Providence to bring us safe back to England; and
partake us in many pearls by land and water; in particular the
Devil's Harse a pike; and Hoyden's Hole; which hath got no
bottom; and; as we are drawing huomwards; it may be proper to
uprise you; that Brambleton…hall may be in condition to receive
us; after this long gurney to the islands of Scotland。 By the
first of next month you may begin to make constant fires in my
brother's chamber and mine; and burn a fagget every day in the
yellow damask room: have the tester and curtains dusted; and the
featherbed and matrosses well haired; because; perhaps; with the
blissing of haven; they may be yoosed on some occasion。 Let the
ould hogsheads be well skewred and seasoned for bear; as Mat is
resolved to have his seller choak fool。

If the house was mine; I would turn over a new leaf  I don't see
why the sarvants of Wales shouldn't drink fair water; and eat hot
cakes and barley cale; as they do in Scotland; without troubling
the botcher above once a quarter  I hope you keep accunt of
Roger's purseeding in reverence to the buttermilk。 I expect my
dew when I come huom; without baiting an ass; I'll assure you。 
As you must have layed a great many more eggs than would be
eaten; I do suppose there is a power of turks; chickings; and
guzzling about the house; and a brave kergo of cheese ready for
market; and that the owl has been sent to Crickhowel; saving what
the maids spun in the family。

Pray let the whole house and furniture have a thorough cleaning
from top to bottom; for the honour of Wales; and let Roger search
into; and make a general clearance of the slit holes; which the
maids have in secret; for I know they are much given to sloth and
uncleanness。 I hope you have worked a reformation among them; as
I exhorted you in my last; and set their hearts upon better
things than they can find in junkitting and caterwauling with the
fellows of the country。

As for Win Jenkins; she has undergone a perfect metamurphysis;
and is become a new creeter from the ammunition of Humphry
Clinker; our new footman; a pious young man; who has laboured
exceedingly; that she may bring forth fruits of repentance。 I
make no doubt but he will take the same pains with that pert
hussey Mary Jones; and all of you; and that he may have power
given to penetrate and instill his goodness; even into your most
inward parts; is the fervent prayer of

Your friend in the spirit;
Septr。 18。



Lismahago is more paradoxical than ever。  The late gulp he had of
his native air; seems to have blown fresh spirit into all his
polemical faculties。 I congratulated him the other day on the
present flourishing state of his country; observing that the
Scots were now in a fair way to wipe off the national reproach of
poverty; and expressing my satisfaction at the happy effects of
the union; so conspicuous in the improvement of their
agriculture; commerce; manufactures; and manners  The lieutenant;
screwing up his features into a look of dissent and disgust;
commented on my remarks to this effect  'Those who reproach a
nation for its poverty; when it is not owing to the profligacy or
vice of the people; deserve no answer。 The Lacedaemonians were
poorer than the Scots; when they took the lead among all the free
states of Greece; and were esteemed above them all for their
valour and their virtue。 The most respectable heroes of ancient
Rome; such as Fabricius; Cincinnatus; and Regulus; were poorer
than the poorest freeholder in Scotland; and there are at this
day individuals in North…Britain; one of whom can produce more
gold and silver than the whole republic of Rome could raise at
those times when her public virtue shone with unrivalled lustre;
and poverty was so far from being a reproach; that it added fresh
laurels to her fame; because it indicated a noble contempt of
wealth; which was proof against all the arts of corruption  If
poverty be a subject for reproach; it follows that wealth is the
object of esteem and veneration  In that case; there are Jews and
others in Amsterdam and London; enriched by usury; peculation;
and different species of fraud and extortion; who are more
estimable than the most virtuous and illustrious members of the
community。 An absurdity which no man in his senses will offer to
maintain。  Riches are certainly no proof of merit: nay they are
often (if not most commonly) acquired by persons of sordid minds
and mean talents: nor do they give any intrinsic worth to the
possessor; but; on the contrary; tend to pervert his
understanding; and render his morals more depraved。 But; granting
that poverty were really matter of reproach; it cannot be justly
imputed to Scotland。 No country is poor that can supply its
inhabitants with the necessaries of life; and even afford
articles for exportation。 Scotland is rich in natural advantages:
it produces every species of provision in abundance; vast herds
of cattle and flocks of sheep; with a great number of horses;
prodigious quantities of wool and flax; with plenty of copse
wood; and in some parts large forests of timber。 The earth is
still more rich below than above the surface。 It yields
inexhaustible stores of coal; free…stone; marble; lead; iron;
copper; and silver; with some gold。 The sea abounds with
excellent fish; and salt to cure them for exportation; and there
are creeks and harbours round the whole kingdom; for the
convenience and security of navigation。 The face of the country
displays a surprising number of cities; towns; villas; and
villages; swarming with people; and there seems to be no want of
art; industry; government; and police: such a kingdom can never
be called poor; in any sense of the word; though there may be
many others more powerful and opulent。 But the proper use of
those advantages; and the present prosperity of the Scots; you
seem to derive from the union of the two kingdoms!'

I said; I supposed he would not deny that the appearance of the
country was much mended; that the people lived better; had more
trade; and a greater quantity of money circulating since the
union; than before。 

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