八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > the expedition of humphry clinker >


the expedition of humphry clinker-第69部分

小说: the expedition of humphry clinker 字数: 每页4000字

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'Sir (cried Lismahago); I must insist upon taking personal
vengeance for the personal injuries I have sustained。'

After some debate; the affair was adjusted in this manner。  His
lordship; meeting us at our friend's house; declared he was sorry
for what had happened; and that he had no intention to give
umbrage。  The valet de chambre asked pardon of the lieutenant
upon his knees; when Lismahago; to the astonishment of all
present; gave him a violent kick on the face; which laid him on
his back; exclaiming in a furious tone; 'Oui je te pardonne; gens

Such was the fortunate issue of this perilous adventure; which
threatened abundance of vexation to our family; for the 'squire
is one of those who will sacrifice both life and fortune; rather
than leave what they conceive to be the least speck or blemish
upon their honour and reputation。 His lordship had no sooner
pronounced his apology; with a very bad grace; than he went away
in some disorder; and; I dare say; he will never invite another
Welchman to his table。

We forthwith quitted the field of this atchievement; in order to
prosecute our journey; but we follow no determinate course。 We
make small deviations; to see the remarkable towns; villas; and
curiosities on each side of our route; so that we advance by slow
steps towards the borders of Monmouthshire: but in the midst of
these irregular motions; there is no abberration nor eccentricity
in that affection with which I am; dear Wat;

Yours always;
Sept。 28。



At what time of life may a man think himself exempted from the
necessity of sacrificing his repose to the punctilios of a
contemptible world? I have been engaged in a ridiculous
adventure; which I shall recount at meeting; and this; I hope;
will not be much longer delayed; as we have now performed almost
all our visits; and seen every thing that I think has any right
to retard us in our journey homewards  A few days ago;
understanding by accident; that my old friend Baynard was in the
country; I would not pass so near his habitation without paying
him a visit; though our correspondence had been interrupted for a
long course of years。

I felt my self very sensibly affected by the idea of our past
intimacy; as we approached the place where we had spent so many
happy days together; but when we arrived at the house; I could
not recognize any one of those objects; which had been so deeply
impressed upon my remembrance  The tall oaks that shaded the
avenue; had been cut down; and the iron gates at the end of it
removed; together with the high wall that surrounded the court
yard。 The house itself; which was formerly a convent of
Cistercian monks; had a venerable appearance: and along the front
that looked into the garden; was a stone gallery; which afforded
me many an agreeable walk; when I was disposed to be
contemplative。 Now the old front is covered with a screen of
modern architecture; so that all without is Grecian; and all
within Gothic。 As for the garden; which was well stocked with the
best fruit which England could produce; there is not now the
least vestage remaining of trees; walls; or hedges  Nothing
appears but a naked circus of loose sand; with a dry bason and a
leaden triton in the middle。

You must know; that Baynard; at his father's death; had a clear
estate of fifteen hundred pounds a…year; and was in other
respects extremely well qualified to make a respectable figure in
the commonwealth; but; what with some excesses of youth; and the
expence of a contested election; he in a few years found himself
encumbered with a debt of ten thousand pounds; which he resolved
to discharge by means of a prudent marriage。 He accordingly
married a miss Thomson; whose fortune amounted to double the sum
that he owed  She was the daughter of a citizen; who had failed
in trade; but her fortune came by an uncle; who died in the East…Indies
 Her own parents being dead; she lived with a maiden aunt;
who had superintended her education; and; in all appearance; was
well enough qualified for the usual purposes of the married
state  Her virtues; however; stood rather upon a negative; than a
positive foundation  She was neither proud; insolent; nor
capricious; nor given to scandal; nor addicted to gaming; nor
inclined to gallantry。 She could read; and write; and dance; and
sing; and play upon the harpsichord; and smatter French; and take
a hand at whist and ombre; but even these accomplishments she
possessed by halves  She excelled in nothing。 Her conversation
was flat; her stile mean; and her expression embarrassed  In a
word; her character was totally insipid。 Her person was not
disagreeable; but there was nothing graceful in her address; nor
engaging in her manners; and she was so ill qualified to do the
honours of the house; that when she sat at the head of the table;
one was always looking for the mistress of the family in some
other place。

Baynard had flattered himself; that it would be no difficult
matter to mould such a subject after his own fashion; and that
she would chearfully enter into his views; which were wholly
turned to domestic happiness。 He proposed to reside always in the
country; of which he was fond to a degree of enthusiasm; to
cultivate his estate; which was very improvable; to enjoy the
exercise of rural diversions; to maintain an intimacy of
correspondence with some friends that were settled in his
neighbourhood; to keep a comfortable house; without suffering his
expence to exceed the limits of his income; and to find pleasure
and employ merit for his wife in the management and avocations
of her own family  This; however; was a visionary scheme; which
he never was able to realize。 His wife was as ignorant as a new…born
babe of everything that related to the conduct of a family;
and she had no idea of a country…life。 Her understanding did not
reach so far as to comprehend the first principles of discretion;
and; indeed; if her capacity had been better than it was; her
natural indolence would not have permitted her to abandon a
certain routine; to which she had been habituated。 She had not
taste enough to relish any rational enjoyment; but her ruling
passion was vanity; not that species which arises from self…conceit
of superior accomplishments; but that which is of a
bastard and idiot nature; excited by shew and ostentation; which
implies not even the least consciousness of any personal merit。

The nuptial peal of noise and nonsense being rung out in all the
usual changes; Mr Baynard thought it high time to make her
acquainted with the particulars of the plan which he had
projected  He told her that his fortune; though sufficient to
afford all the comforts of life; was not ample enough to command
all the superfluities of pomp and pageantry; which; indeed; were
equally absurd and intolerable  He therefore hoped she would have
no objection to their leaving London in the spring; when he would
take the opportunity to dismiss some unnecessary domestics; whom
he had hired for the occasion of their marriage  She heard him in
silence; and after some pause; 'So (said she) I am to be buried
in the country!' He was so confounded at this reply; that he
could not speak for some minutes: at length he told her; he was
much mortified to find he had proposed anything that was
disagreeable to her ideas  'I am sure (added he) I meant nothing
more than to lay down a comfortable plan of living within the
bounds of our fortune; which is but moderate。' 'Sir (said she);
you are the best judge of your own affairs  My fortune; I know;
does not exceed twenty thousand pounds  Yet; even with that
pittance; I might have had a husband who would not have begrudged
me a house in London'  'Good God! my dear (cried poor Baynard; in
the utmost agitation); you don't think me so sordid  I only
hinted what I thought  But; I don't pretend to impose ' 'Yes;
sir (resumed the lady); it is your prerogative to command; and my
duty to obey'  So saying; she burst into tears and retired to her
chamber; where she was joined by her aunt  He endeavoured to
recollect himself; and act with vigour of mind on this occasion;
but was betrayed by the tenderness of his nature; which was the
greatest defect of his constitution。 He found the aunt in tears;
and the niece in a fit; which held her the best part of eight
hours; at the expiration of which; she began to talk incoherently
about death and her dear husband; who had sat by her all this
time; and now pressed her hand to his lips; in a transport of
grief and penitence for the offence he had given  From thence
forward; he carefully avoided mentioning the country; and they
continued to be sucked deeper and deeper into the vortex of
extravagance and dissipation; leading what is called a
fashionable life in town  About the latter end of July; however;
Mrs Baynard; in order to exhibit a proof of conjugal obedience;
desired of her own accord; that they might pay a visit to his
country house; as there was no company left in London。 He would
have excused himself from this excursion which was no part of the
oeconomical plan he had proposed; but she insisted upon making
this sacrifice to his taste and prejudices; and away they went
with such an equipage as astonished the whole country。 All that
remained of the season was engrossed by receiving and returning
visits in the neighbourhood; and; in this intercourse it was
discovered that sir John Chickwell had a house…steward and one
footman in livery more than the complement of Mr Baynard's
household。 This remark was made by the aunt at table; and
assented to by the husband; who observed that sir John Chickwell
might very well afford to keep more servants than were found in
the family of a man who had not half his fortune。 Mrs Baynard ate
no supper that evening; but was seized with a violent fit; which
completed her triumph over the spirit of her consort。 The two
supernumerary servants were added  The family plate was sold for
old silver; and a new service procured; fashionable furniture was
provided; and the whole house turned topsy turvy。

At their return to London in the beginning of winter; he; with a
heavy heart;

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