八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > the expedition of humphry clinker >


the expedition of humphry clinker-第74部分

小说: the expedition of humphry clinker 字数: 每页4000字

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instantly accommodated with dry clothes and flannels; comforted
with a cordial; and replaced in statu quo; one of the maids was
ordered to chafe his lower extremities; an operation in
consequence of which his senses seemed to return and his good
humour to revive。  As we had followed him into the room; he
looked at every individual in his turn; with a certain ludicrous
expression in his countenance; but fixed his eyes in particular
upon Lismahago; who presented him with a pinch of snuff; and when
he took it in silence; 'Sir Thomas Bullford (said he); I am much
obliged to you for all your favours; and some of them I have
endeavoured to repay in your own coin。' 'Give me thy hand (cried
the baronet); thou hast indeed payed me Scot and lot; and even
left a balance in my hands; for which; in presence of this
company; I promise to be accountable。'  So saying; he laughed
very heartily; and even seemed to enjoy the retaliation which had
been exacted at his own expence; but lady Bullford looked very
grave; and in all probability thought the lieutenant had carried
his resentment too far; considering that her husband was
valetudinary  but; according to the proverb; he that will play
at bowls must expect to meet with rubbers。 I have seen a tame
bear; very diverting when properly managed; become a very
dangerous wild beast when teized for the entertainment of the
spectators。  As for Lismahago; he seemed to think the fright and
the cold bath would have a good effect upon his patient's
constitution: but the doctor hinted some apprehension that the
gouty matter might; by such a sudden shock; be repelled from the
extremities and thrown upon some of the more vital parts of the
machine。  I should be very sorry to see this prognostic verified
upon our facetious landlord; who told Mrs Tabitha at parting;
that he hoped she would remember him in the distribution of the
bride's favours; as he had taken so much pains to put the
captain's parts and mettle to the proof。  After all; I am afraid
our squire will appear to be the greatest sufferer by the
baronet's wit; for his constitution is by no means calculated for
night…alarms。 He has yawned and shivered all day; and gone to bed
without supper; so that; as we have got into good quarters; I
imagine we shall make a halt to…morrow; in which case; you will
have at least one day's respite from the persecution of

Oct。 3。

To Mrs MARY JONES; at Brambleton…hall。


Miss Liddy is so good as to unclose me in a kiver as fur as
Gloster; and the carrier will bring it to hand  God send us all
safe to Monmouthshire; for I'm quite jaded with rambling  'Tis a
true saying; live and learn  0 woman; what chuckling and changing
have I seen!  Well; there's nothing sartain in this world  Who
would have thought that mistriss; after all the pains taken for
the good of her prusias sole; would go for to throw away her poor
body? that she would cast the heys of infection upon such a
carrying…crow as Lashmihago! as old as Mathewsullin; as dry as a
red herring; and as poor as a starved veezel  0; Molly; hadst
thou seen him come down the ladder; in a shurt so scanty; that it
could not kiver his nakedness!  The young 'squire called him
Dunquickset; but he looked for all the world like Cradoc…ap…Morgan;
the ould tinker; that suffered at Abergany for steeling
of kettle  Then he's a profane scuffle; and; as Mr Clinker says;
no better than an impfiddle; continually playing upon the pyebill
and the new…burth  I doubt he has as little manners as money; for
he can't say a civil word; much more make me a present of a pair
of gloves for goodwill; but he looks as if he wanted to be very
forewood and familiar O! that ever a gentlewoman of years and
discretion should tare her air; and cry and disporridge herself
for such a nubjack! as the song goes

I vow she would fain have a burd
That bids such a price for an owl。

but; for sartain; he must have dealt with some Scotch musician to
bring her to this pass  As for me; I put my trust in the Lord;
and I have got a slice of witch elm sowed in the gathers of my
under petticoat; and Mr Clinker assures me; that by the new light
of grease; I may deify the devil and all his works  But I nose
what I nose  If mistress should take up with Lashmyhago; this is
no sarvice for me  Thank God; there's no want of places; and if
it wan't for wan thing; I would  but; no matter Madam Baynar's
woman has twenty good pounds a…year and parquisites; and dresses
like a parson of distinkson  I dined with her and the valley de
shambles; with bags and golden jackets; but there was nothing
kimfittable to eat; being as how they lived upon board; and
having nothing but a piss of could cuddling tart and some
blamangey; I was tuck with the cullick; and a murcey it was that
mistress had her viol of assings in the cox。

But; as I was saying; I think for sartain this match will go
forewood; for things are come to a creesus; and I have seen with
my own bays; such smuggling  But I scorn for to exclose the
secrets of the family; and if it wance comes to marrying; who
nose but the frolick may go round  I believes as how; Miss Liddy
would have no reversion if her swan would appear; and you would
be surprised; Molly; to receive a bride's fever from your humble
sarvant  but this is all suppository; dear girl; and I have
sullenly promised to Mr Clinker; that neither man; woman; nor
child shall no that arrow said a civil thing to me in the way of
infection。 I hope to drink your health at Brambleton…hall; in a
horn of October; before the month be out  Pray let my bed be
turned once a…day; and the windore opened; while the weather is
dry; and burn a few billets with some brush in the footman's
garret; and see their mattrash be dry as a bone: for both our
gentlemen have got a sad could by lying in damp shits at sir
Tummas Ballfart's。 No more at present; but my sarvice to Saul and
the rest of our fellow…sarvents;

Dear Mary Jones;
Always yours;
Oct。 4。

To Miss LAETITIA WILLIS; at Gloucester。


This method of writing to you from time to time; without any
hopes of an answer; affords me; I own; some ease and satisfaction
in the 'midst of my disquiet; as it in some degree lightens the
burthen of affliction: but it is at best a very imperfect
enjoyment of friendship; because it admits of no return of
confidence and good counsel  I would give the whole world to have
your company for a single day  I am heartily tired of this
itinerant way of life。 I am quite dizzy with a perpetual
succession of objects  Besides it is impossible to travel such a
length of way; without being exposed to inconveniencies; dangers;
and disagreeable accidents; which prove very grievous to a poor
creature of weak nerves like me; and make me pay very dear for
the gratification of my curiosity。

Nature never intended me for the busy world  I long for repose
and solitude; where I can enjoy that disinterested friendship
which is not to be found among crouds; and indulge those pleasing
reveries that shun the hurry and tumult of fashionable society 
Unexperienced as I am in the commerce of life; I have seen enough
to give me a disgust to the generality of those who carry it on 
There is such malice; treachery; and dissimulation; even among
professed friends and intimate companions; as cannot fail to
strike a virtuous mind with horror; and when Vice quits the stage
for a moment; her place is immediately occupied by Folly; which
is often too serious to excite any thing but compassion。 Perhaps I
ought to be silent on the foibles of my poor aunt; but with you;
my dear Willis; I have no secrets; and; truly; her weaknesses are
such as cannot be concealed。 Since the first moment we arrived at
Bath; she has been employed constantly in spreading nets for the
other sex; and; at length; she has caught a superannuated
lieutenant; who is in a fair way to make her change her name  My
uncle and my brother seem to have no objection to this
extraordinary match; which; I make no doubt; will afford
abundance of matter for conversation and mirth; for my part; I am
too sensible of my own weaknesses; to be diverted with those of
other people  At present; I have something at heart that employs
my whole attention; and keeps my mind in the utmost terror and

Yesterday in the forenoon; as I stood with my brother at the
parlour window of an inn; where we had lodged; a person passed a
horseback; whom (gracious Heaven!) I instantly discovered to be
Wilson! He wore a white riding…coat; with the cape buttoned up to
his chin; looking remarkably pale; and passed at a round trot;
without seeming to observe us  Indeed; he could not see us; for
there was a blind that concealed us from the view。 You may guess
how I was affected at this apparition。 The light forsook my eyes;
and I was seized with such a palpitation and trembling; that I
could not stand。 I sat down upon a couch; and strove to compose
myself; that my brother might not perceive my agitation; but it
was impossible to escape his prying eyes  He had observed the
object that alarmed me; and; doubtless; knew him at the first
glance  He now looked at me with a stern countenance; then he ran
out into the street; to see what road the unfortunate horseman
had taken  He afterwards dispatched his man for further
intelligence; and seemed to meditate some violent design。 My
uncle; being out of order; we remained another night at the inn;
and all day long Jery acted the part of an indefatigable spy upon
my conduct  He watched my very looks with such eagerness of
attention; as if he would have penetrated into the utmost
recesses of my heart  This may be owing to his regard for my
honour; if it is not the effect of his own pride; but he is so
hot; and violent; and unrelenting; that the sight of him alone
throws me into a flutter; and really it will not be in my power
to afford him any share of my affection; if he persists in
persecuting me at this rate。 I am afraid he has formed some
scheme of vengeance; which will make me completely wretched! I am
afraid he suspects some collusion from this appearance of
Wilson。  Good God! 

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