八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > the expedition of humphry clinker >


the expedition of humphry clinker-第78部分

小说: the expedition of humphry clinker 字数: 每页4000字

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for less than the double of what his estate produced; that; in
order to be upon the footing of a gentleman; he would be obliged
to keep horses; hounds; carriages; with a suitable number of
servants; and maintain an elegant table for the entertainment of
his neighbours; that farming was a mystery; known only to those
who had been bred up to it from the cradle; the success of it
depending not only upon skill and industry; but also upon such
attention and oeconomy as no gentleman could be supposed to give
or practise; accordingly; every attempt made by gentlemen
miscarried; and not a few had been ruined by their prosecution of
agriculture  Nay; they affirmed that he would find it cheaper to
buy hay and oats for his cattle; and to go to market for poultry;
eggs; kitchen herbs; and roots; and every the most inconsiderable
article of house…keeping; than to have those articles produced on
his own ground。

These objections did not deter Mr Dennison; because they were
chiefly founded on the supposition; that he would be obliged to
lead a life of extravagance and dissipation; which he and his
consort equally detested; despised; and determined to avoid  The
objects he had in view; were health of body; peace of mind; and
the private satisfaction of domestic quiet; unallayed by actual
want; and uninterrupted by the fears of indigence  He was very
moderate in his estimate of the necessaries; and even of the
comforts of life  He required nothing but wholesome air; pure
water; agreeable exercise; plain diet; convenient lodging; and
decent apparel。 He reflected; that if a peasant without
education; or any great share of natural sagacity; could maintain
a large family; and even become opulent upon a farm; for which he
payed an annual rent of two or three hundred pounds to the
landlord; surely he himself might hope for some success from his
industry; having no rent to pay; but; on the contrary; three or
four hundred pounds a year to receive。 He considered; that the
earth was an indulgent mother; that yielded her fruits to all her
children without distinction。 He had studied the theory of
agriculture with a degree of eagerness and delight; and he could
not conceive there was any mystery in the practice; but what he
should be able to disclose by dint of care and application。 With
respect to houshold expence; he entered into a minute detail and
investigation; by which he perceived the assertions of his
friends were altogether erroneous  He found he should save sixty
pounds a year in the single article of house…rent; and as much
more in pocket…money and contingencies; that even butcher's…meat
was twenty per cent cheaper in the country than in London; but
that poultry; and almost every other circumstance of house…keeping;
might be had for less than one…half of
what they cost in town; besides; a considerable saving on the
side of dress; in being delivered from the oppressive imposition
of ridiculous modes; invented by ignorance; and adopted by folly。

As to the danger of vying with the rich in pomp and equipage; it
never gave him the least disturbance。 He was now turned of forty;
and; having lived half that time in the busy scenes of life; was
well skilled in the science of mankind。 There cannot be in nature
a more contemptible figure than that of a man; who; with five
hundred a year; presumes to rival in expence a neighbour who
possesses five times that income  His ostentation; far from
concealing; serves only to discover his indigence; and render his
vanity the more shocking; for it attracts the eyes of censure;
and excites the spirit of inquiry。 There is not a family in the
county nor a servant in his own house; nor a farmer in the
parish; but what knows the utmost farthing that his lands
produce; and all these behold him with scorn or compassion。 I am
surprised that these reflections do not occur to persons in this
unhappy dilemma; and produce a salutary effect; but the truth is;
of all the passions incident to human nature; vanity is that
which most effectually perverts the faculties of the
understanding; nay; it sometimes becomes so incredibly depraved;
as to aspire at infamy; and find pleasure in bearing the stigmas
of reproach。

I have now given you a sketch of the character and situation of
Mr Dennison; when he came down to take possession of this estate;
but as the messenger; who carries the letters to the next town;
is just setting off; I shall reserve what further I have to say
on this subject; till the next post; when you shall certainly
hear from

Yours always;
Oct。 8。


Once more; dear doctor; I resume the pen for your amusement。 It
was on the morning after our arrival that; walking out with my
friend; Mr Dennison; I could not help breaking forth into the
warmest expressions of applause at the beauty of the scene; which
is really inchanting; and I signified; in particular; how much I
was pleased with the disposition of some detached groves; that
afforded at once shelter and ornament to his habitation。

'When I took possession of these lands; about two and twenty
years ago (said he); there was not a tree standing within a mile
of the house; except those of an old neglected orchard; which
produced nothing but leaves and moss。  It was in the gloomy month
of November; when I arrived; and found the house in such a
condition; that it might have been justly stiled the tower of
desolation。  The court…yard was covered with nettles and docks ;
and the garden exhibited such a rank plantation of weeds as I had
never seen before;  the window…shutters were falling in pieces; 
the sashes broken;  and owls and jack…daws had taken possession
of the chimnies。  The prospect within was still more dreary  All
was dark; and damp; and dirty beyond description;  the rain
penetrated in several parts of the roof;  in some apartments the
very floors had given way;  the hangings were parted from the
walls; and shaking in mouldy remnants; the glasses were dropping
out of their frames;  the family…pictures were covered with dust。
and all the chairs and tables worm…eaten and crazy。  There was
not a bed in the house that could be used; except one old…fashioned
machine; with a high gilt tester and fringed curtains
of yellow mohair; which had been; for aught I know; two centuries
in the family。  In short; there was no furniture but the utensils
of the kitchen; and the cellar afforded nothing but a few empty
butts and barrels; that stunk so abominably; that I would not
suffer any body to enter it until I had flashed a considerable
quantity of gunpowder to qualify the foul air within。

'An old cottager and his wife; who were hired to lie in the
house; had left it with precipitation; alledging; among other
causes of retreat; that they could not sleep for frightful
noises; and that my poor brother certainly walked after his
death。  In a word; the house appeared uninhabitable; the barn;
stable; and outhouses were in ruins; all the fences broken down;
and the fields lying waste。

'The farmer who kept the key never dreamed I had any intention to
live upon the spot  He rented a farm of sixty pounds; and his
lease was just expiring。  He had formed a scheme of being
appointed bailiff to the estate; and of converting the house and
the adjacent grounds to his own use。 A hint of his intention I
received from the curate at my first arrival; I therefore did not
pay much regard to what he said by way of discouraging me from
coming to settle in the country; but I was a little startled
when he gave me warning that he should quit the farm at the
expiration of his lease; unless I could abate considerably in the

'At this period I accidentally became acquainted with a person;
whose friendship laid the foundation of all my prosperity。 In the
next market…town I chanced to dine at an inn with a Mr Wilson;
who was lately come to settle in the neighbourhood。  He had been
lieutenant of a man of war; but quitted the sea in some disgust;
and married the only daughter of farmer Bland; who lives in this
parish; and has acquired a good fortune in the way of husbandry。 
Wilson is one of the best natured men I ever knew; brave; frank;
obliging; and ingenuous  He liked my conversation; I was charmed
with his liberal manner; and acquaintance immediately commenced;
and this was soon improved into a friendship without reserve。 
There are characters which; like similar particles of matter;
strongly attract each other。  He forthwith introduced me to his
father…in…law; farmer Bland; who was well acquainted with every
acre of my estate; of consequence well qualified to advise me on
this occasion。  Finding I was inclined to embrace a country life;
and even to amuse myself with the occupation of farming; he
approved of my design  He gave me to understand that all my farms
were underlett; that the estate was capable of great improvement;
that there was plenty of chalk in the neighbourhood; and that my
own ground produced excellent marle for manure。  With respect to
the farm; which was like to fall into my hands; he said he would
willingly take it at the present rent; but at the same time
owned; that if I would expend two hundred pounds in enclosure; it
would be worth more than double the sum。

'Thus encouraged; I began the execution of my scheme without
further delay; and plunged into a sea of expence; though I had no
fund in reserve; and the whole produce of the estate did not
exceed three hundred pounds a year  In one week; my house was
made weather…tight; and thoroughly cleansed from top to bottom;
then it was well ventilated by throwing all the doors and windows
open; and making blazing fires of wood in every chimney from the
kitchen to the garrets。 The floors were repaired; the sashes new
glazed; and out of the old furniture of the whole house; I made
shift to fit up a parlour and three chambers in a plain yet
decent manner。  The court…yard was cleared of weeds and rubbish;
and my friend Wilson charged himself with the dressing of the
garden; bricklayers were set at work upon the barn and stable;
and labourers engaged to restore the fences; and begin the work
of hedging and ditching; under the direction of farme

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