八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > 10-the norka >


10-the norka-第2部分

小说: 10-the norka 字数: 每页4000字

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will undertake to do it。'

The Prince; having heard all this; said; ‘Go to the King; master;

and tell him that you will provide everything that's in your line。'

‘However can I undertake to make clothes of that sort? I work

for quite common folks;' says his master。

‘Go along; master! I will answer for everything;' says the


So the tailor went。 The King was delighted that at least one

good workman had been found; and gave him as much money as

ever he wanted。 When his tailor had settled everything; he went

home。 And the Prince said to him:

‘Now then; pray to God; and lie down to sleep; to…morrow all

will be ready。' And the tailor followed his lad's advice; and went

to bed。

Midnight sounded。 The Prince arose; went out of the city into

the fields; took out of his pocket the eggs which the maidens had

given him; and; as they had taught him; turned them into three

palaces。 Into each of these he entered; took the maidens' robes;

went out again; turned the palaces back into eggs; and went home。

And when he got there he hung up the robes on the wall; and lay

down to sleep。

Early in the morning his master awoke; and behold! there

hung such robes as he had never seen before; all shining with gold

and silver and precious stones。 He was delighted; and he seized

them and carried them off to the King。 When the Princesses saw

that the clothes were those which had been theirs in the other

world; they guessed that Prince Ivan was in this world; so they

exchanged glances with each other; but they held their peace。

And the master; having handed over the clothes; went home; but

he no longer found his dear journeyman there。 For the Prince had

gone to a shoemaker's; and him too he sent to work for the King;

and in the same way he went the round of all the artificers; and

they all proffered him thanks; inasmuch as through him they were

enriched by the King。

By the time the princely workman had gone the round of all

the artificers; the Princesses had received what they had asked for;

all their clothes were just like what they had been in the other

world。 Then they wept bitterly because the Prince had not come;

and it was impossible for them to hold out any longer; it was

necessary that they should be married。 But when they were ready

for the wedding; the youngest bride said to the King:

‘Allow me; my father; to go and give alms to the beggars。'

He gave her leave; and she went and began bestowing alms

upon them; and examining them closely。 And when she had

come to one of them; and was going to give him some money; she

caught sight of the ring which she had given to the Prince in the

other world; and her sisters' rings toofor it really was he。 So

she seized him by the hand; and brought him into the hall; and

said to the King:

‘Here is he who brought us out of the other world。 His

brothers forbade us to say that he was alive; threatening to slay us

if we did。'

Then the King was wroth with those sons; and punished them

as he thought best。 And afterwards three weddings were celebrated。

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