bel ami-第26部分
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〃It is the season for New Year's gifts。〃
〃Here is yours; which Laroche handed me just now。〃 She gave him a
small black box which resembled a jewel…casket。
He opened it indifferently and saw the cross of the Legion of Honor。
He turned a trifle pale; then smiled; and said: 〃I should have
preferred ten millions。 That did not cost him much。〃
She had expected a transport of delight and was irritated by his
〃You are incomprehensible。 Nothing seems to satisfy you。〃
He replied calmly: 〃That man is only paying his debts; he owes me a
great deal more。〃
She was astonished at his tone; and said: 〃It is very nice; however;
at your age。〃
He replied: 〃I should have much more。〃
He took the casket; placed it on the mantelpiece; and looked for
some minutes at the brilliant star within it; then he closed it with
a shrug of his shoulders and began to prepare to retire。
〃L'Officiel〃 of January 1 announced that M。 Prosper Georges du Roy
had been decorated with the Legion of Honor for exceptional
services。 The name was written in two words; and that afforded
Georges more pleasure than the decoration itself。
An hour after having read that notice; he received a note from Mme。
Walter; inviting him to come and bring his wife to dine with them
that evening; to celebrate his distinction。
At first he hesitated; then throwing the letter in the fire; he said
to Madeleine: 〃We shall dine at the Walters' this evening。〃
In her surprise she exclaimed: 〃Why; I thought you would never set
your foot in their house again。〃
His sole reply was: 〃I have changed my mind。〃
When they arrived at Rue du Faubourg Saint…Honore; they found Mme。
Walter alone in the dainty boudoir in which she received her
intimate friends。 She was dressed in black and her hair was
powdered。 At a distance she appeared like an old lady; in proximity;
like a youthful one。
〃Are you in mourning?〃 asked; Madeleine。
She replied sadly: 〃Yes and no。 I have lost none of my relatives;
but I have arrived at an age when one should wear somber colors。 I
wear it to…day to inaugurate it; hitherto I have worn it in my
The dinner was somewhat tedious。 Suzanne alone talked incessantly。
Rose seemed preoccupied。 The journalist was overwhelmed with
congratulations; after the meal; when all repaired to the drawing…
rooms。 Mme。 Walter detained him as they were about to enter the
salon; saying: 〃I will never speak of anything to you again; only
come to see me; Georges。 It is impossible for me to live without
you。 I see you; I feel you; in my heart all day and all night。 It is
as if I had drunk a poison which preyed upon me。 I cannot bear it。 I
would rather be as an old woman to you。 I powdered my hair for that
reason to…night; but come herecome from time to time as a friend。〃
He replied calmly: 〃Very well。 It is unnecessary to speak of it
again。 You see I came to…day on receipt of your letter。〃
Walter; who had preceded them; with his two daughters and Madeleine;
awaited Du Roy near the picture of 〃Christ Walking on the Water。〃
〃Only think;〃 said he; 〃I found my wife yesterday kneeling before
that painting as if in a chapel。 She was praying!〃
Mme。 Walter replied in a firm voice; in a voice in which vibrated a
secret exaltation: 〃That Christ will save my soul。 He gives me fresh
courage and strength every time that I look at Him。〃 And pausing
before the picture; she murmured: 〃How beautiful He is! How
frightened those men are; and how they love Him! Look at His head;
His eyes; how simple and supernatural He is at the same time!〃
Suzanne cried: 〃Why; He looks like you; Bel…Ami! I am sure He looks
like you。 The resemblance is striking。〃
She made him stand beside the painting and everyone recognized the
likeness。 Du Roy was embarrassed。 Walter thought it very singular;
Madeleine; with a smile; remarked that Jesus looked more manly。 Mme。
Walter stood by motionless; staring fixedly at her lover's face; her
cheeks as white as her hair。
During the remainder of the winter; the Du Roys often visited the
Walters。 Georges; too; frequently dined there alone; Madeleine
pleading fatigue and preferring to remain at home。 He had chosen
Friday as his day; and Mme。 Walter never invited anyone else on that
evening; it belonged to Bel…Ami。 Often in a dark corner or behind a
tree in the conservatory; Mme。 Walter embraced the young man and
whispered in his ear: 〃I love you; I love you! I love you
But he always repulsed her coldly; saying: 〃If you persist in that;
I will not come again。〃
Toward the end of March people talked of the marriage of the two
sisters: Rose was to marry; Dame Rumor said; Count de Latour…Ivelin
and Suzanne; the Marquis de Cazolles。 The subject of Suzanne's
possible marriage had not been broached again between her and
Georges until one morning; the latter having been brought home by M。
Walter to lunch; he whispered to Suzanne: 〃Come; let us give the
fish some bread。〃
They proceeded to the conservatory in which was the marble basin
containing the fish。 As Georges and Suzanne leaned over its edge;
they saw their reflections in the water and smiled at them。
Suddenly; he said in a low voice: 〃It is not right of you to keep
secrets from me; Suzanne。〃
She asked:
〃What secrets; Bel…Ami?〃
〃Do you remember what you promised me here the night of the fete?〃
〃To consult me every time you received a proposal。〃
〃Well; you have received one!〃
〃From whom?〃
〃You know very well。〃
〃No; I swear I do not。〃
〃Yes; you do。 It is from that fop of a Marquis de Cazolles。〃
〃He is not a fop。〃
〃That may be; but he is stupid。 He is no match for you who are so
pretty; so fresh; so bright!〃
She asked with a smile: 〃What have you against him?〃
〃I? Nothing!〃
〃Yes; you have。 He is not all that you say he is。〃
〃He is a fool; and an intriguer。〃
She glanced at him: 〃What ails you?〃
He spoke as if tearing a secret from the depths of his heart: 〃I am…
…I am jealous of him。〃
She was astonished。
〃Yes; I。〃
〃Because I love you and you know it〃
Then she said severely: 〃You are mad; Bel…Ami!〃
He replied: 〃I know that I am! Should I confess itI; a married
man; to you; a young girl? I am worse than madI am culpable;
wretchedI have no possible hope; and that thought almost destroys
my reason。 When I hear that you are going to be married; I feel
murder in my heart。 You must forgive me; Suzanne。〃
He paused。 The young girl murmured half sadly; half gaily: 〃It is a
pity that you are married; but what can you do? It cannot be
He turned toward her abruptly and said: 〃If I were free would you
marry me?〃
She replied: 〃Yes; Bel…Ami; I would marry you because I love you
better than any of the others。〃
He rose and stammering: 〃Thanksthanksdo not; I implore you; say
yes to anyone。 Wait a while。 Promise me。〃
Somewhat confused; and without comprehending what he asked; she
whispered: 〃I promise。〃
Du Roy threw a large piece of bread into the water and fled; without
saying adieu; as if he were beside himself。 Suzanne; in surprise;
returned to the salon。
When Du Roy arrived home; he asked Madeleine; who was writing
letters: 〃Shall you dine at the Walters' Friday? I am going。〃
She hesitated: 〃No; I am not well。 I prefer to remain here。〃
〃As you like。 No one will force you。〃 Then he took up his hat and
went out。
For some time he had watched and followed her; knowing all her
actions。 The time he had awaited had come at length。
On Friday he dressed early; in order; as he said; to make several
calls before going to M。 Walter's。 At about six o'clock; after
having kissed his wife; he went in search of a cab。 He said to the
cabman: 〃You can stop at No。 17 Rue Fontaine; and remain there until
I order you to go on。 Then you can take me to the restaurant Du Coq…
Faisan; Rue Lafayette。〃
The cab rolled slowly on; Du Roy lowered the shades。 When in front
of his house; he kept watch of it。 After waiting ten minutes; he saw
Madeleine come out and go toward the boulevards。 When she was out of
earshot; he put his head out of the window and cried: 〃Go on!〃
The cab proceeded on its way and stopped at the Coq…Faisan。 Georges
entered the dining…room and ate slowly; looking at his watch from
time to time。 At seven…thirty he left and drove to Rue La
Rochefoucauld。 He mounted to the third story of a house in that
street; and asked the maid who opened the door: 〃Is M。 Guibert de
Lorme at home?〃
〃Yes; sir。〃
He was shown into the drawing…room; and after waiting some time; a
tall man with a military bearing and gray hair entered。 He was the
police commissioner。
Du Roy bowed; then said: 〃As I suspected; my wife is with her lover
in furnished apartments they have rented on Rue des Martyrs。〃
The magistrate bowed: 〃I am at your service; sir。〃
〃Very well; I have a cab below。〃 And with three other officers they
proceeded to the house in which Du Roy expected to surprise his
wife。 One officer remained at the door to watch the exit; on the
second floor they halted; Du Roy rang the bell and they waited。 In
two or three minutes Georges rang again several times in succession。
They heard a light step approach; and a woman's voice; evidently
disguised; asked:
〃Who is there?〃
The police officer replied: 〃Open in the name of the law。〃
The voice repeated: 〃Who are you?〃
〃I am the police commissioner。 Open; or I will force the door。〃
The voice continued: 〃What do you want?〃
Du Roy interrupted: 〃It is I; it is useless to try to escape us。〃
The footsteps receded and then returned。 Georges said: 〃If you do
not open; we will force the door。〃
Receiving no reply he shook the door so violently that the old lock
gave way; and the young man almost fell over Madeleine; who was
standing in the antechamber in her petticoat; her hair loosened; her
feet bare; and a candle in her hand。
He exclaimed: 〃It is she。 We have caught them;〃 and he rushed into
the room。 The commissioner turned to Madeleine; who had followed
them through the rooms; in one of which were the remnants of a
supper; and lookin