bel ami-第9部分
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For several moments she seemed to be vainly seeking an epithet more
forcible。 Suddenly leaning forward she grasped the cabman's sleeve。
〃Stop!〃 she cried; and opening the door; she alighted。 Georges was
about to follow her but she commanded: 〃I forbid you to follow me;〃
in a voice so loud that the passers…by crowded around her; and Duroy
dared not stir for fear of a scandal。
She drew out her purse; and taking two francs fifty from it; she
handed it to the cabman; saying aloud: 〃Here is the money for your
hour。 Take that rascal to Rue Boursault at Batignolles!〃
The crowd applauded; one man said: 〃Bravo; little one!〃 and the cab
moved on; followed by the jeers of the bystanders。
The next morning Georges Duroy arose; dressed himself; and
determined to have money; he sought Forestier。 His friend received
him in his study。
〃What made you rise so early?〃 he asked。
〃A very serious matter。 I have a debt of honor。〃
〃A gaming debt?〃
He hesitated; then repeated: 〃A gaming debt。〃
〃Is it large?〃
〃Five hundred francs。〃 He only needed two hundred and eighty。
Forestier asked sceptically: 〃To whom do you owe that amount?〃
Duroy did not reply at once。 〃TotoaM。 de Carleville。〃
〃Ah; where does he live?〃
Forestier laughed。 〃I know the gentleman! If you want twenty francs
you can have them; but no more。〃
Duroy took the gold…piece; called upon more friends; and by five
o'clock had collected eighty francs。 As he required two hundred
more; he kept what he had begged and muttered: 〃I shall not worry
about it。 I will pay it when I can。〃
For two weeks he lived economically; but at the end of that time;
the good resolutions he had formed vanished; and one evening he
returned to the Folies Bergeres in search of Rachel; but the woman
was implacable and heaped coarse insults upon him; until he felt his
cheeks tingle and he left the hall。
Forestier; out of health and feeble; made Duroy's existence at the
office insupportable。 The latter did not reply to his rude remarks;
but determined to be avenged。 He called upon Mme。 Forestier。 He
found her reclining upon a couch; reading。 She held out her hand
without rising and said: 〃Good morning; Bel…Ami!〃
〃Why do you call me by that name?〃
She replied with a smile: 〃I saw Mme。 de Marelle last week and I
know what they have christened you at her house。〃
He took a seat near his hostess and glanced at her curiously; she
was a charming blonde; fair and plump; made for caresses; and he
thought: 〃She is certainly nicer than the other one。〃 He did not
doubt that he would only have to extend his hand in order to gather
the fruit。 As he gazed upon her she chided him for his neglect of
He replied: 〃I did not come because it was for the best〃
〃How? Why?〃
〃Why? Can you not guess?〃
〃Because I loved you; a little; only a little; and I did not wish to
love you any more。〃
She did not seem surprised; nor flattered; she smiled indifferently
and replied calmly: 〃Oh; you can come just the same; no one loves me
〃Why not?〃
〃Because it is useless; and I tell them so at once。 If you had
confessed your fears to me sooner; I would have reassured you。 My
dear friend; a man in love is not only foolish but dangerous。 I
cease all intercourse with people who love me or pretend to;
firstly; because they bore me; and secondly; because I look upon
them with dread; as I would upon a mad dog。 I know that your love is
only a kind of appetite; while with me it would be a communion of
souls。 Now; look me in the face〃 she no longer smiled。 〃I will
never be your sweetheart; it is therefore useless for you to persist
in your efforts。 And now that I have explained; shall we be
He knew that that sentence was irrevocable; and delighted to be able
to form such an alliance as she proposed; he extended both hands;
〃I am yours; Madame; to do with as you will〃
He kissed her hands and raising his head said: 〃If I had found a
woman like you; how gladly would I have married her。〃
She was touched by those words; and in a soft voice; placing her
hand upon his arm; she said: 〃I am going to begin my offices at
once。 You are not diplomatic〃 she hesitated。 〃May I speak freely?〃
〃Call upon Mme。 Walter who has taken a fancy to you。 But be guarded
as to your compliments; for she is virtuous。 You will make a better
impression there by being careful in your remarks。 I know that your
position at the office is unsatisfactory; but do not worry; all
their employees are treated alike。〃
He said: 〃Thanks; you are an angela guardian angel。〃
As he took his leave; he asked again: 〃Are we friendsis it
〃It is。〃
Having observed the effect of his last compliment; he said: 〃If you
ever become a widow; I have put in my application!〃 Then he left the
room hastily in order not to allow her time to be angry。
Duroy did not like to call on Mme。 Walter; for he had never been
invited; and he did not wish to commit a breach of etiquette。 The
manager had been kind to him; appreciated his services; employed him
to do difficult work; why should he not profit by that show of favor
to call at his house? One day; therefore; he repaired to the market
and bought twenty…five pears。 Having carefully arranged them in a
basket to make them appear as if they came from a distance he took
them to Mme。 Walter's door with his card on which was inscribed:
〃Georges Duroy begs Mme。 Walter to accept the fruit which he
received this morning from Normandy。〃
The following day he found in his letter…box at the office an
envelope containing Mme; Walter's card on which was written:
〃Mme。 Walter thanks M。 Georges Duroy very much; and is at home
on Saturdays。〃
The next Saturday he called。 M。 Walter lived on Boulevard
Malesherbes in a double house which he owned。 The reception…rooms
were on the first floor。 In the antechamber were two footmen; one
took Duroy's overcoat; the other his cane; put it aside; opened a
door and announced the visitor's name。 In the large mirror in the
apartment Duroy could see the reflection of people seated in another
room。 He passed through two drawing…rooms and entered a small
boudoir in which four ladies were gathered around a tea…table。
Notwithstanding the assurance he had gained during his life in
Paris; and especially since he had been thrown in contact with so
many noted personages; Duroy felt abashed。 He stammered:
〃Madame; I took the liberty。〃
The mistress of the house extended her hand and said to him: 〃You
are very kind; M。 Duroy; to come to see me。〃 She pointed to a chair。
The ladies chatted on。 Visitors came and went。 Mme。 Walter noticed
that Duroy said nothing; that no one addressed him; that he seemed
disconcerted; and she drew him into the conversation which dealt
with the admission of a certain M。 Linet to the Academy。 When Duroy
had taken his leave; one of the ladies said: 〃How odd he is! Who is
Mme。 Walter replied: 〃One of our reporters; he only occupies a minor
position; but I think he will advance rapidly。〃
In the meantime; while he was being discussed; Duroy walked gaily
down Boulevard Malesherbes。
The following week he was appointed editor of the 〃Echoes;〃 and
invited to dine at Mme。 Walter's。 The 〃Echoes〃 were; M。 Walter said;
the very pith of the paper。 Everything and everybody should be
remembered; all countries; all professions; Paris and the provinces;
the army; the arts; the clergy; the schools; the rulers; and the
courtiers。 The man at the head of that department should be wide
awake; always on his guard; quick to judge of what was best to be
said and best to be omitted; to divine what would please the public
and to present it well。 Duroy was just the man for the place。
He was enjoying the fact of his promotion; when he received an
engraved card which read:
〃M。 and Mme。 Walter request the pleasure of M。 Georges Duroy's
company at dinner on Thursday; January 20。〃
He was so delighted that he kissed the invitation as if it had been
a love…letter。
Then he sought the cashier to settle the important question of his
salary。 At first twelve hundred francs were allowed Duroy; who
intended to save a large share of the money。 He was busy two days
getting settled in his new position; in a large room; one end of
which he occupied; and the other end of which was allotted to
Boisrenard; who worked with him。
The day of the dinner…party he left the office in good season; in
order to have time to dress; and was walking along Rue de Londres
when he saw before him a form which resembled Mme。 de Marelle's。 He
felt his cheeks glow and his heart throb。 He crossed the street in
order to see the lady's face; he was mistaken; and breathed more
freely。 He had often wondered what he should do if he met Clotilde
face to face。 Should he bow to her or pretend not to see her? 〃I
should not see her;〃 thought he。
When Duroy entered his rooms he thought: 〃I must change my
apartments; these will not do any longer。〃 He felt both nervous and
gay; and said aloud to himself: 〃I must write to my father。〃
Occasionally he wrote home; and his letters always delighted his old
parents。 As he tied his cravat at the mirror he repeated: 〃I must
write home to…morrow。 If my father could see me this evening in the
house to which I am going; he would be surprised。 Sacristi; I shall
soon give a dinner which has never been equaled!〃
Then he recalled his old home; the faces of his father and mother。
He saw them seated at their homely board; eating their soup。 He
remembered every wrinkle on their old faces; every movement of their
hands and heads; he even knew what they said to each other every
evening as they supped。 He thought: 〃I will go to see them some
day。〃 His toilette completed; he extinguished his light and
descended the stairs。
On reaching his destination; he boldly entered the antechamber;
lighted by bronze lamps; and gave his cane and his overcoat to the
two lackeys who approached him。 All the salons were lighted。 Mme。
Walter received in the second; the largest。 She greeted Duroy with a
charming smile; and he shook hand