a yellow dog-第2部分
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Bones seemed to miss him greatly; ran away for two days; and was
supposed to have visited him; to have been shocked at his
convalescence; and to have been 〃cut〃 by Uncle Billy in his
reformed character; and he returned to his old active life again;
and buried his past with his forgotten bones。 It was said that he
was afterward detected in trying to lead an intoxicated tramp into
camp after the methods employed by a blind man's dog; but was
discovered in time by theof courseuncorroborated narrator。
I should be tempted to leave him thus in his original and
picturesque sin; but the same veracity which compelled me to
transcribe his faults and iniquities obliges me to describe his
ultimate and somewhat monotonous reformation; which came from no
fault of his own。
It was a joyous day at Rattlers Ridge that was equally the advent
of his change of heart and the first stagecoach that had been
induced to diverge from the highroad and stop regularly at our
settlement。 Flags were flying from the post office and Polka
saloon; and Bones was flying before the brass band that he
detested; when the sweetest girl in the countyPinkey Preston
daughter of the county judge and hopelessly beloved by all Rattlers
Ridge; stepped from the coach which she had glorified by occupying
as an invited guest。
〃What makes him run away?〃 she asked quickly; opening her lovely
eyes in a possibly innocent wonder that anything could be found to
run away from her。
〃He don't like the brass band;〃 we explained eagerly。
〃How funny;〃 murmured the girl; 〃is it as out of tune as all that?〃
This irresistible witticism alone would have been enough to satisfy
uswe did nothing but repeat it to each other all the next day
but we were positively transported when we saw her suddenly gather
her dainty skirts in one hand and trip off through the red dust
toward Bones; who; with his eyes over his yellow shoulder; had
halted in the road; and half…turned in mingled disgust and rage at
the spectacle of the descending trombone。 We held our breath as
she approached him。 Would Bones evade her as he did us at such
moments; or would he save our reputation; and consent; for the
moment; to accept her as a new kind of inebriate? She came nearer;
he saw her; he began to slowly quiver with excitementhis stump of
a tail vibrating with such rapidity that the loss of the missing
portion was scarcely noticeable。 Suddenly she stopped before him;
took his yellow head between her little hands; lifted it; and
looked down in his handsome brown eyes with her two lovely blue
ones。 What passed between them in that magnetic glance no one ever
knew。 She returned with him; said to him casually: 〃We're not
afraid of brass bands; are we?〃 to which he apparently acquiesced;
at least stifling his disgust of them while he was near herwhich
was nearly all the time。
During the speechmaking her gloved hand and his yellow head were
always near together; and at the crowning ceremonyher public
checking of Yuba Bill's 〃waybill〃 on behalf of the township; with a
gold pencil presented to her by the Stage CompanyBones' joy; far
from knowing no bounds; seemed to know nothing but them; and he
witnessed it apparently in the air。 No one dared to interfere。
For the first time a local pride in Bones sprang up in our hearts
and we lied to each other in his praises openly and shamelessly。
Then the time came for parting。 We were standing by the door of
the coach; hats in hand; as Miss Pinkey was about to step into it;
Bones was waiting by her side; confidently looking into the
interior; and apparently selecting his own seat on the lap of Judge
Preston in the corner; when Miss Pinkey held up the sweetest of
admonitory fingers。 Then; taking his head between her two hands;
she again looked into his brimming eyes; and said; simply; 〃GOOD
dog;〃 with the gentlest of emphasis on the adjective; and popped
into the coach。
The six bay horses started as one; the gorgeous green and gold
vehicle bounded forward; the red dust rose behind; and the yellow
dog danced in and out of it to the very outskirts of the
settlement。 And then he soberly returned。
A day or two later he was missedbut the fact was afterward known
that he was at Spring Valley; the county town where Miss Preston
lived; and he was forgiven。 A week afterward he was missed again;
but this time for a longer period; and then a pathetic letter
arrived from Sacramento for the storekeeper's wife。
〃Would you mind;〃 wrote Miss Pinkey Preston; 〃asking some of your
boys to come over here to Sacramento and bring back Bones? I don't
mind having the dear dog walk out with me at Spring Valley; where
everyone knows me; but here he DOES make one so noticeable; on
account of HIS COLOR。 I've got scarcely a frock that he agrees
with。 He don't go with my pink muslin; and that lovely buff tint
he makes three shades lighter。 You know yellow is SO trying。〃
A consultation was quickly held by the whole settlement; and a
deputation sent to Sacramento to relieve the unfortunate girl。 We
were all quite indignant with Bonesbut; oddly enough; I think it
was greatly tempered with our new pride in him。 While he was with
us alone; his peculiarities had been scarcely appreciated; but the
recurrent phrase 〃that yellow dog that they keep at the Rattlers〃
gave us a mysterious importance along the countryside; as if we had
secured a 〃mascot〃 in some zoological curiosity。
This was further indicated by a singular occurrence。 A new church
had been built at the crossroads; and an eminent divine had come
from San Francisco to preach the opening sermon。 After a careful
examination of the camp's wardrobe; and some felicitous exchange of
apparel; a few of us were deputed to represent 〃Rattlers〃 at the
Sunday service。 In our white ducks; straw hats; and flannel
blouses; we were sufficiently picturesque and distinctive as
〃honest miners〃 to be shown off in one of the front pews。
Seated near the prettiest girls; who offered us their hymn books
in the cleanly odor of fresh pine shavings; and ironed muslin; and
blown over by the spices of our own woods through the open windows;
a deep sense of the abiding peace of Christian communion settled
upon us。 At this supreme moment someone murmured in an awe…
stricken whisper:
〃WILL you look at Bones?〃
We looked。 Bones had entered the church and gone up in the gallery
through a pardonable ignorance and modesty; but; perceiving his
mistake; was now calmly walking along the gallery rail before the
astounded worshipers。 Reaching the end; he paused for a moment;
and carelessly looked down。 It was about fifteen feet to the floor
belowthe simplest jump in the world for the mountain…bred Bones。
Daintily; gingerly; lazily; and yet with a conceited airiness of
manner; as if; humanly speaking; he had one leg in his pocket and
were doing it on three; he cleared the distance; dropping just in
front of the chancel; without a sound; turned himself around three
times; and then lay comfortably down。
Three deacons were instantly in the aisle; coming up before the
eminent divine; who; we fancied; wore a restrained smile。 We heard
the hurried whispers: 〃Belongs to them。〃 〃Quite a local
institution here; you know。〃 〃Don't like to offend sensibilities;〃
and the minister's prompt 〃By no means;〃 as he went on with his
A short month ago we would have repudiated Bones; today we sat
there in slightly supercilious attitudes; as if to indicate that
any affront offered to Bones would be an insult to ourselves; and
followed by our instantaneous withdrawal in a body。
All went well; however; until the minister; lifting the large Bible
from the communion table and holding it in both hands before him;
walked toward a reading stand by the altar rails。 Bones uttered a
distinct growl。 The minister stopped。
We; and we alone; comprehended in a flash the whole situation。 The
Bible was nearly the size and shape of one of those soft clods of
sod which we were in the playful habit of launching at Bones when
he lay half…asleep in the sun; in order to see him cleverly evade
We held our breath。 What was to be done? But the opportunity
belonged to our leader; Jeff Briggsa confoundedly good…looking
fellow; with the golden mustache of a northern viking and the curls
of an Apollo。 Secure in his beauty and bland in his self…conceit;
he rose from the pew; and stepped before the chancel rails。
〃I would wait a moment; if I were you; sir;〃 he said; respectfully;
〃and you will see that he will go out quietly。〃
〃What is wrong?〃 whispered the minister in some concern。
〃He thinks you are going to heave that book at him; sir; without
giving him a fair show; as we do。〃
The minister looked perplexed; but remained motionless; with the
book in his hands。 Bones arose; walked halfway down the aisle; and
vanished like a yellow flash!
With this justification of his reputation; Bones disappeared for a
week。 At the end of that time we received a polite note from Judge
Preston; saying that the dog had become quite domiciled in their
house; and begged that the camp; without yielding up their valuable
PROPERTY in him; would allow him to remain at Spring Valley for an
indefinite time; that both the judge and his daughterwith whom
Bones was already an old friendwould be glad if the members of
the camp would visit their old favorite whenever they desired; to
assure themselves that he was well cared for。
I am afraid that the bait thus ingenuously thrown out had a good
deal to do with our ultimate yielding。 However; the reports of
those who visited Bones were wonderful and marvelous。 He was
residing there in state; lying on rugs in the drawing…room; coiled
up under the judicial desk in the judge's study; sleeping regularly
on the mat outside Miss Pink