the story of a bad boy-第13部分
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use the widow loved him。 Bill Conway we hated for himself。
Late one dark Saturday night in September we carried our plan into effect。 On the following morning; as the orderly citizens wended their way to church past the widow's abode; their sober faces relaxed at beholding over her front door the well known gilt Mortar and Pestle which usually stood on the top of a pole on the opposite corner; while the passers on that side of the street were equally amused and scandalized at seeing a placard bearing the following announcement tacked to the druggist's window…shutters:
Wanted; a Sempstress!
The naughty cleverness of the joke (which I should be sorry to defend) was recognized at once。 It spread like wildfire over the town; and; though the mortar and the placard were speedily removed; our triumph was complete。 The whole community was on the broad grin; and our participation in the affair seemingly unsuspected。
It was those wicked soldiers at the fort!
Chapter Ten
I Fight Conway
There was one person; however; who cherished a strong suspicion that the Centipedes had had a hand in the business; and that person was Conway。 His red hair seemed to change to a livelier red; and his sallow cheeks to a deeper sallow; as we glanced at him stealthily over the tops of our slates the next day in school。 He knew we were watching him; and made sundry mouths and scowled in the most threatening way over his sums。
Conway had an accomplishment peculiarly his own…that of throwing his thumbs out of joint at will。 Sometimes while absorbed in study; or on becoming nervous at recitation; he performed the feat unconsciously。 Throughout this entire morning his thumbs were observed to be in a chronic state of dislocation; indicating great mental agitation on the part of the owner。 We fully expected an outbreak from him at recess; but the intermission passed off tranquilly; somewhat to our disappointment。
At the close of the afternoon session it happened that Binny Wallace and myself; having got swamped in our Latin exercise; were detained in school for the purpose of refreshing our memories with a page of Mr。 Andrews's perplexing irregular verbs。 Binny Wallace finishing his task first; was dismissed。 I followed shortly after; and; on stepping into the playground; saw my little friend plastered; as it were; up against the fence; and Conway standing in front of him ready to deliver a blow on the upturned; unprotected face; whose gentleness would have stayed any arm but a coward's。
Seth Rodgers; with both hands in his pockets; was leaning against the pump lazily enjoying the sport; but on seeing me sweep across the yard; whirling my strap of books in the air like a sling; he called out lustily; 〃Lay low; Conwayl Here's young Baileyl〃
Conway turned just in time to catch on his shoulder the blow intended for his head。 He reached forward one of his long arms…he had arms like a windmill; that boy…and; grasping me by the hair; tore out quite a respectable handful。 The tears flew to my eyes; but they were not the tears of defeat; they were merely the involuntary tribute which nature paid to the departed tresses。
In a second my little jacket lay on the ground; and I stood on guard; resting lightly on my right leg and keeping my eye fixed steadily on Conway's…in all of which I was faithfully following the instructions of Phil Adams; whose father subscribed to a sporting journal。
Conway also threw himself into a defensive attitude; and there we were; glaring at each other motionless; neither of us disposed to risk an attack; but both on the alert to resist one。 There is no telling how long we might have remained in that absurd position; had we not been interrupted。
It was a custom with the larger pupils to return to the play…ground after school; and play baseball until sundown。 The town authorities had prohibited ball…playing on the Square; and; there being no other available place; the boys fell back perforce on the school…yard。 just at this crisis a dozen or so of the Templars entered the gate; and; seeing at a glance the belligerent status of Conway and myself; dropped bat and ball; and rushed to the spot where we stood。
〃Is it a fight?〃 asked Phil Adams; who saw by our freshness that we had not yet got to work。
〃Yes; it's a fight;〃 I answered; 〃unless Conway will ask Wallace's pardon; promise never to hector me in future…and put back my hair!〃
This last condition was rather a staggerer。
〃I sha'n't do nothing of the sort;〃 said Conway; sulkily。
〃Then the thing must go on;〃 said Adams; with dignity。 〃Rodgers; as I understand it; is your second; Conway? Bailey; come here。 What's the row about?〃
〃He was thrashing Binny Wallace。〃
〃No; I wasn't;〃 interrupted Conway; 〃but I was going to because he knows who put Meeks's mortar over our door。 And I know well enough who did it; it was that sneaking little mulatter!〃 pointing at me。
〃O; by George!〃 I cried; reddening at the insult。
〃Cool is the word;〃 said Adams; as he bound a handkerchief round my head; and carefully tucked away the long straggling locks that offered a tempting advantage to the enemy。 〃Who ever heard of a fellow with such a head of hair going into action!〃 muttered Phil; twitching the handkerchief to ascertain if it were securely tied。 He then loosened my gallowses (braces); and buckled them tightly above my hips。 〃Now; then; bantam; never say die!〃
Conway regarded these business…like preparations with evident misgiving; for he called Rodgers to his side; and had himself arrayed in a similar manner; though his hair was cropped so close that you couldn't have taken hold of it with a pair of tweezers。
〃Is your man ready?〃 asked Phil Adams; addressing Rodgers。
〃Keep your back to the gate; Tom;〃 whispered Phil in my car; 〃and you'll have the sun in his eyes。〃
Behold us once more face to face; like David and the Philistine。 Look at us as long as you may; for this is all you shall see of the combat。 According to my thinking; the hospital teaches a better lesson than the battle…field。 I will tell you about my black eye; and my swollen lip; if you will; but not a word of the fight。
You'll get no description of it from me; simply because I think it would prove very poor reading; and not because I consider my revolt against Conway's tyranny unjustifiable。
I had borne Conway's persecutions for many months with lamb…like patience。 I might have shielded myself by appealing to Mr。 Grimshaw; but no boy in the Temple Grammar School could do that without losing caste。 Whether this was just or not doesn't matter a pin; since it was so…a traditionary law of the place。 The personal inconvenience I suffered from my tormentor was nothing to the pain he inflicted on me indirectly by his persistent cruelty to little Binny Wallace。 I should have lacked the spirit of a hen if I had not resented it finally。 I am glad that I faced Conway; and asked no favors; and got rid of him forever。 I am glad that Phil Adams taught me to box; and I say to all youngsters: Learn to box; to ride; to pull an oar; and to swim。 The occasion may come round; when a decent proficiency in one or the rest of these accomplishments will be of service to you。
In one of the best books1 ever written for boys are these words:
〃Learn to box; then; as you learn to play cricket and football。 Not one of you will be the worse; but very much the better; for learning to box well。 Should you never have to use it in earnest there's no exercise in the world so good for the temper; and for the muscles of the back and legs。
〃As for fighting; keep out of it; if you can; by all means。 When the time comes; if ever it should; that you have to say 'Yes' or 'No' to a challenge to fight; say 'No' if you can…only take care you make it plain to yourself why you say 'No。' It's a proof of the highest courage; if done from true Christian motives。 It's quite right and justifiable; if done from a simple aversion to physical pain and danger。 But don't say 'No' because you fear a licking and say or think it's because you fear God; for that's neither Christian nor honest。 And if you do fight; fight it out; and don't give in while you can stand and see。〃
And don't give in when you can't! say 1。 For I could stand very little; and see not at all (having pommelled the school pump for the last twenty seconds); when Conway retired from the field。 As Phil Adams stepped up to shake hands with me; he received a telling blow in the stomach; for all the fight was not out of me yet; and I mistook him for a new adversary。
Convinced of my error; I accepted his congratulations; with those of the other boys; blandly and blindly。 I remember that Binny Wallace wanted to give me his silver pencil…case。 The gentle soul had stood throughout the contest with his face turned to the fence; suffering untold agony。
A good wash at the pump; and a cold key applied to my eye; refreshed me amazingly。 Escorted by two or three of the schoolfellows; I walked home through the pleasant autumn twilight; battered but triumphant。 As I went along; my cap cocked on one side to keep the chilly air from my eye; I felt that I was not only following my nose; but following it so closely; that I was in some danger of treading on it。 I seemed to have nose enough for the whole party。 My left cheek; also; was puffed out like a dumpling。 I couldn't help saying to myself; 〃If this is victory; how about that other fellow?〃
〃Tom;〃 said Harry Blake; hesitating。
〃Did you see Mr。 Grimshaw looking out of the recitation…room window just as we left the yard?〃
〃No was he; though?〃
〃I am sure of it。〃
〃Then he must have seen all the row。〃
〃Shouldn't wonder。〃
〃No; he didn't;〃 broke in Adams; 〃or he would have stopped it short metre; but I guess be saw you pitching into the pump which you did uncommonly strong…and of course be smelt mischief directly。〃
〃Well; it can't be helped now;〃 I reflected。
〃…As the monkey said when he fell out of the cocoanut tree;〃 added Charley Marden; trying to make me laugh。
It was early candle…light when we reached the house。 Miss Abigail; opening the front door; started back at my hilarious appearance。 I tried to smile upon her sweetly; but the smile; rippling over my swolle