shorter logic-第1部分
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Short Logic
by Hegel
I: Introduction
§ 1。 Objects of Philosophy
§ 2。 Reflective Thought
§ 3。 The Content of Philosophy
§ 4。 Popular Modes of Thought
§ 5。 Reason
§ 6。 All that is Rational is Real
§ 7。 Beginning to Reflect
§ 8。 Empirical Knowledge
§ 9。 Speculative Logic
§ 10。 The Critical Philosophy
§ 11。 Conditions for the existence of Philosophy
§ 12。 The Rise of Philosophy
§ 13。 The History of Philosophy
§ 14。 The System of Philosophy
§ 15。 Each of the parts of philosophy is a philosophical Whole。
§ 16。 The form of an Encyclopaedia
§ 17。 How to Begin?
§ 18。 Subdivision of philosophy into three Parts
II: Preliminary Notion
§ 19。 Logic derived from a survey of the whole system
(1) Truth is the object of Logic
(2) Any man; it is supposed; can think without Logic; as he can digest without studying
(3) Thought made itself a power in the real world
§ 20。 (a) Thought regarded as an activity
…n。 The Logic of Aristotle continues to be the received system
§ 21。 (b) Thought in its bearings upon Objects
…n。 This universal which cannot be apprehended by the senses counts as the true and essential
§ 22。 (c) By the act of Reflection something is altered
…n。 What reflection elicits is a product of our thought
§ 23。 (d) 'Think for yourself'
§ 24。 The Objectivity of Thought
(1) Objective thought as the heart and soul of the world
(2) Logic is the study of pure thought…forms
(3) Truth may be learnt by Experience or Reflection; or the pure form of thought
§ 25。 The concrete formations of consciousness
III: First Attitude of Thought to Objectivity
§ 26。 The Method which has no doubts
§ 27。 Method not aware of antithesis of subjective and objective
§ 28。 Took the laws and forms of thought to be fundamental
…n。 The Old Metaphysic assumed that thought apprehends the very self of things
§ 29。 God has many names
§ 30。 Their objects were taken as subjects made and ready
§ 31。 The common conceptions of God; etc。
…n。 Metaphysic presupposed the object ready…made
§ 32。 This system turned into Dogmatism
…n。 Dogmatism draws a hard line between certain terms and others opposite to them
§ 33。 Ontology
§ 34。 Rational Psychology
…n。 Rational psychology viewed the soul through categories supplied by abstract thought
§ 35。 Cosmology
…n。 Cosmology
§ 36。 Rational Theology
…n。 The earliest teachings of religion are figurate conceptions of God
IV: Second Attitude of Thought to Objectivity
I: Empiricism
§ 37。 The need of a concrete subject matter
…n。 The rise of Empiricism is due to the need of concrete contents
§ 38。 Facts of experience the guarantee of correctness
…n。 From Empiricism came the cry: 'Stop roaming in empty abstractions; keep your eyes open;
§ 39。 There are two elements in Experience
II: The Critical Philosophy
§ 40。 Experience affords the sole foundation; as knowledge of phenomena
§ 41。 To test the value of the Categories
(1) Kant examined how far the forms of thought were capable of leading to knowledge of
(2) Kant viewed the categories to see whether they were subjective or objective
§ 42。 The Theoretical Faculty
(1) Kant holds that the Categories have their source in the Ego
(2) Kant's meaning of the transcendental
(3) The categories are not contained in the sensation as it is given us
§ 43。 The Categories as Instrumentality or in Consciousness only
…n。 It is not altogether wrong to call the categories empty; but the content is not foreign to
§ 44。 Incapable of Knowing Things…in…Themselves
§ 45。 Reason discovers the conditioned nature of knowledge
…n。 Kant was to first to signal the distinction between Reason and Understanding
§ 46。 Seeking for knowledge of the Thing…in…itself
§ 47。 The Soul
…n。 The soul is much more than a simple or unchangeable sort of thing
§ 48。 The World
…n。 Metaphysical philosophy gave rise to the belief that contradictions were due to subjective
§ 49。 Reason
§ 50。 To Begin with Being in its natural aspect
§ 51。 To set out from the abstractum of Thought
§ 52。 Can furnish only a criticism of knowledge; not a doctrine
…n。 Reason is unconditioned only in so far as its character is due to a foreign content
§ 53。 Practical Reason
§ 54。 The Formalism of Practical Reason
…n。 The free self…determination Kant denied to speculative he vindicated for practical
§ 55。 The Reflective Power of Judgment
§ 56。 Theoretical or Practical Reason
§ 57。 Reflective Faculty of Judgment
§ 58。 The relation between Means and Ends
§ 59。 The final End is Realised in the World
§ 60。 The Good is also our Good
(1) Critical philosophy brought home the conviction that the categories are finite in their range
(2) Fichte called attention to the want of a deduction of the categories
V: Third Attitude of Thought to
Immediate or Intuitive Knowledge
§ 61。 The Intuitional Theory
§ 62。 Jacobi
§ 63。 That Reason is Knowledge of God
§ 64。 Knowing that the Infinite Is
§ 65。 That Immediate knowledge can possess a true content
§ 66。 Immediate knowledge is to be accepted as a fact
§ 67。 But education is required to bring it out。
…n。 Innate ideas 。。 a sort of mere capacity in man
§ 68。 Something bound up with immediate experience
§ 69。 The doctrine of Immediate Knowledge
§ 70。 Being per se
§ 71。 The one…sidedness of the Intuitional school
§ 72。 Superstition is allowed to be true
§ 73。 Only tells us that God Is。
§ 74。 The general nature of the form of Immediacy
…n。 Consciousness is impossible without mediation
§ 75。 Asserts that Immediate knowledge is a Fact
§ 76。 〃I think therefore I am〃
§ 77。 The Cartesian Philosophy
§ 78。 Reject the opposition between immediate facts and mediation
VI: Logic Further Defined and Divided
§ 79。 The Abstract; Dialectical and Speculative Sides of Logic
§ 80。 'a' Thought as Understanding
…n。 Understanding is investing its subject…matter with universality
§ 81。 'b' The Dialectical Stage
(1) Wherever there is movement; there Dialectic is at work。 It is the soul of all knowledge
which is scientific
(2) Scepticism is complete hopelessness about all which understanding counts stable
§ 82。 'c' The Speculative Stage
…n。 Philosophy is the right of every human being on whatever grade of culture he may stand
§ 83。 Logic is Divided into Three Parts
…n。 The whole of the previous discussion is anticipatory
VII: The Doctrine of Being
§ 84。 Being is the notion implicit only。
§ 85。 Categories may be looked upon as definitions of the Absolute
…n。 Each sphere of the Idea proves to be a systematic whole or thought…forms & a phase of
the Absolute
(a) Being
§ 86。 Pure Being
(1) When thinking is to begin we have nothing but thought in its merest indeterminateness
(2) In the history of philosophy the different stages of the logical Idea assume the shape of
successive systems
§ 87。 Nothing
…n。 The distinction between Being and Nothing is; in the first place; only implicit
§ 88。 Becoming
…n。 Becoming is the first concrete thought; and therefore the first notion
(b) Being Determinate
§ 89。 Being Determinate
…n。 Becoming is a fire which dies out in itself when it consumes its material
§ 90。 'a' Quality
§ 91。 Reality
…n。 The foundation of all determinateness is negation
§ 92。 'b' Limit
…n。 A thing is what it is only by reason of its limit
§ 93。 ad infinitum
§ 94。 Infinity
…n。 The man who flees is not yet free
§ 95。 'c' Being…for…self
(c) Being…for…Self
§ 96。 'a' Being…for…self
…n。 The readiest instance of Being…for…self is found in the 'I'
§ 97。 'b'Many
…n。 The One forms the presupposition of the Many
§ 98。 'c' Repulsion and Attraction
(1) The Atomic philosophy forms a vital stage in the historical evolution of the Idea
(2) Quantity just means quality superseded and absorbed
(a) Pure Quantity
§ 99。 Quantity
…n。 The mathematical view; which identifies Magnitude with the Idea is the principle of
§ 100。 Continuous and Discrete
n。 Quantity is Continuous as well as Discontinuous
(b) Quantum
§ 101。 Quantum
n。 Quantum is the determinate Being of quantity
§ 102。 Number
n。 Number is the quantum in its complete specialisation
(c) Degree
§ 103。 Degree
…n。 Intensive magnitude or Degree is distinct from Extensive magnitude or Quantum
§ 104。 Infinite Quantitative Progression
(1) How do we come to assume a capacity of increase or diminution
(2) The quantitative infinite progression is what reflective understanding upon when it is
engaged with Infinity
(3) Pythagorus philosophised in numbers
§ 105。 Quantitative Ratio
…n。 In quantitative infinite progression quantity returns to itself
§ 106。 Measure
…n。 Quantity; by means of dialectical movement; becomes quality
§ 107。 Measure
…n。 Measure; where quality and quantity are in one; is thus the completion of Being
§ 108。 Rule
…n。 The identity between quantity and quality is at first only implicit
§ 109。 Measureless
…n。 Quantity is naturally and necessarily a tendency to exceed itself
§ 110。 Relative identity
§ 111。 In Being all is Immediate; in Essence all is Relative
…n。 In Being everything is immediate; in Essence everything is Relative
VIII: The Doctrine of Essence
§ 112。 The terms in Essence are always mere pairs of correlatives
…n。 Essence is the standpoint of 'Reflection'
§ 113。 Identity or Reflection…into…self
§ 114。 The Unessential
(a) The pure principles or categories of Reflection
§ 115。 'a' Identity
…n。 Identity is Being as Ideality
§ 116。 'b' Difference
…n。 'How Identity comes to Difference'
§ 117。 Diversity … Immediate difference
…n。 When understanding sets itself to study Identity; it has already passed beyond it; and is
looking at Difference
§ 118。 Likeness and Unlikeness … Specific Difference
…n。 Likeness and unlikeness are in completely reciprocal relation
§ 119。 Positive and Negative
(1) The negative per se is the same as difference itself
(2) Instead of the maxim of the Excluded Middle; we should say: Ever