八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > michael strogoff >


michael strogoff-第4部分

小说: michael strogoff 字数: 每页4000字

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and the Upper Ishim; Lake Saisang and Lake Aksakal。  The greater horde;
occupying the countries situated to the east of the middle one; extends as
far as the governments of Omsk and Tobolsk。  Therefore; if the Kirghiz
population should rise; it would be the rebellion of Asiatic Russia;
and the first thing would be the separation of Siberia; to the east
of the Yenisei。

It is true that these Kirghiz; mere novices in the art of war; are rather
nocturnal thieves and plunderers of caravans than regular soldiers。
As M。 Levchine says; 〃a firm front or a square of good infantry could
repel ten times the number of Kirghiz; and a single cannon might destroy
a frightful number。〃

That may be; but to do this it is necessary for the square of good
infantry to reach the rebellious country; and the cannon to leave
the arsenals of the Russian provinces; perhaps two or three thousand
versts distant。  Now; except by the direct route from Ekaterenburg
to Irkutsk; the often marshy steppes are not easily practicable;
and some weeks must certainly pass before the Russian troops could
reach the Tartar hordes。

Omsk is the center of that military organization of Western Siberia
which is intended to overawe the Kirghiz population。  Here are
the bounds; more than once infringed by the half…subdued nomads;
and there was every reason to believe that Omsk was already in danger。
The line of military stations; that is to say; those Cossack
posts which are ranged in echelon from Omsk to Semipolatinsk;
must have been broken in several places。  Now; it was to be
feared that the 〃Grand Sultans;〃 who govern the Kirghiz
districts would either voluntarily accept; or involuntarily
submit to; the dominion of Tartars; Mussulmen like themselves;
and that to the hate caused by slavery was not united the hate
due to the antagonism of the Greek and Mussulman religions。
For some time; indeed; the Tartars of Turkestan had endeavored;
both by force and persuasion; to subdue the Kirghiz hordes。

A few words only with respect to these Tartars。  The Tartars
belong more especially to two distinct races; the Caucasian and
the Mongolian。  The Caucasian race; which; as Abel de Remusat says;
〃is regarded in Europe as the type of beauty in our species;
because all the nations in this part of the world have sprung from it;〃
includes also the Turks and the Persians。  The purely Mongolian
race comprises the Mongols; Manchoux; and Thibetans。

The Tartars who now threatened the Russian Empire; belonged to
the Caucasian race; and occupied Turkestan。  This immense
country is divided into different states; governed by Khans;
and hence termed Khanats。  The principal khanats are
those of Bokhara; Khokhand; Koondooz; etc。  At this period;
the most important and the most formidable khanat was that
of Bokhara。  Russia had already been several times at war
with its chiefs; who; for their own interests; had supported
the independence of the Kirghiz against the Muscovite dominion。
The present chief; Feofar…Khan; followed in the steps
of his predecessors。

The khanat of Bokhara has a population of two million five
hundred thousand inhabitants; an army of sixty thousand men;
trebled in time of war; and thirty thousand horsemen。
It is a rich country; with varied animal; vegetable;
and mineral products; and has been increased by the accession
of the territories of Balkh; Aukoi; and Meimaneh。  It possesses
nineteen large towns。  Bokhara; surrounded by a wall measuring
more than eight English miles; and flanked with towers;
a glorious city; made illustrious by Avicenna and other
learned men of the tenth century; is regarded as the center
of Mussulman science; and ranks among the most celebrated
cities of Central Asia。  Samarcand; which contains the tomb
of Tamerlane and the famous palace where the blue stone is kept
on which each new khan must seat himself on his accession;
is defended by a very strong citadel。  Karschi; with its
triple cordon; situated in an oasis; surrounded by a marsh
peopled with tortoises and lizards; is almost impregnable;
Is…chardjoui is defended by a population of twenty thousand souls。
Protected by its mountains; and isolated by its steppes;
the khanat of Bokhara is a most formidable state; and Russia
would need a large force to subdue it。

The fierce and ambitious Feofar now governed this corner
of Tartary。  Relying on the other khansprincipally those of Khokhand
and Koondooz; cruel and rapacious warriors; all ready to join
an enterprise so dear to Tartar instinctsaided by the chiefs
who ruled all the hordes of Central Asia; he had placed himself at
the head of the rebellion of which Ivan Ogareff was the instigator。
This traitor; impelled by insane ambition as much as by hate;
had ordered the movement so as to attack Siberia。  Mad indeed
he was; if he hoped to rupture the Muscovite Empire。  Acting under
his suggestion; the Emirwhich is the title taken by the khans
of Bokharahad poured his hordes over the Russian frontier。
He invaded the government of Semipolatinsk; and the Cossacks;
who were only in small force there; had been obliged to retire
before him。  He had advanced farther than Lake Balkhash;
gaining over the Kirghiz population on his way。  Pillaging; ravaging;
enrolling those who submitted; taking prisoners those who resisted;
he marched from one town to another; followed by those impedimenta
of Oriental sovereignty which may be called his household;
his wives and his slavesall with the cool audacity of a modern
Ghengis…Khan。 It was impossible to ascertain where he now was;
how far his soldiers had marched before the news of the rebellion
reached Moscow; or to what part of Siberia the Russian troops
had been forced to retire。  All communication was interrupted。
Had the wire between Kolyvan and Tomsk been cut by Tartar scouts;
or had the Emir himself arrived at the Yeniseisk provinces?
Was all the lower part of Western Siberia in a ferment?
Had the rebellion already spread to the eastern regions?
No one could say。  The only agent which fears neither cold nor heat;
which can neither be stopped by the rigors of winter nor the heat
of summer; and which flies with the rapidity of lightning
the electric currentwas prevented from traversing the steppes;
and it was no longer possible to warn the Grand Duke; shut up
in Irkutsk; of the danger threatening him from the treason
of Ivan Ogareff。

A courier only could supply the place of the interrupted current。
It would take this man some time to traverse the five thousand two hundred
versts between Moscow and Irkutsk。  To pass the ranks of the rebels
and invaders he must display almost superhuman courage and intelligence。
But with a clear head and a firm heart much can be done。

〃Shall I be able to find this head and heart?〃 thought the Czar。


THE door of the imperial cabinet was again opened and
General Kissoff was announced。

〃The courier?〃 inquired the Czar eagerly。

〃He is here; sire;〃 replied General Kissoff。

〃Have you found a fitting man?〃

〃I will answer for him to your majesty。〃

〃Has he been in the service of the Palace?〃

〃Yes; sire。〃

〃You know him?〃

〃Personally; and at various times he has fulfilled difficult
missions with success。〃


〃In Siberia itself。〃

〃Where does he come from?〃

〃From Omsk。  He is a Siberian。〃

〃Has he coolness; intelligence; courage?〃

〃Yes; sire; he has all the qualities necessary to succeed;
even where others might possibly fail。〃

〃What is his age?〃


〃Is he strong and vigorous?〃

〃Sire; he can bear cold; hunger; thirst; fatigue; to the
very last extremities。〃

〃He must have a frame of iron。〃

〃Sire; he has。〃

〃And a heart?〃

〃A heart of gold。〃

〃His name?〃

〃Michael Strogoff。〃

〃Is he ready to set out?〃

〃He awaits your majesty's orders in the guard…room。〃

〃Let him come in;〃 said the Czar。

In a few moments Michael Strogoff; the courier; entered the imperial
library。  He was a tall; vigorous; broad…shouldered; deep…chested man。
His powerful head possessed the fine features of the Caucasian race。
His well…knit frame seemed built for the performance of feats
of strength。  It would have been a difficult task to move such a man
against his will; for when his feet were once planted on the ground;
it was as if they had taken root。  As he doffed his Muscovite cap;
locks of thick curly hair fell over his broad; massive forehead。
When his ordinarily pale face became at all flushed;
it arose solely from a more rapid action of the heart。
His eyes; of a deep blue; looked with clear; frank; firm gaze。
The slightly…contracted eyebrows indicated lofty heroism〃the hero's
cool courage;〃 according to the definition of the physiologist。
He possessed a fine nose; with large nostrils; and a well…shaped mouth;
with the slightly…projecting lips which denote a generous
and noble heart。

Michael Strogoff had the temperament of the man of action; who does
not bite his nails or scratch his head in doubt and indecision。
Sparing of gestures as of words; he always stood motionless like a soldier
before his superior; but when he moved; his step showed a firmness;
a freedom of movement; which proved the confidence and vivacity
of his mind。

Michael Strogoff wore a handsome military uniform something
resembling that of a light…cavalry officer in the field
boots; spurs; half tightly…fitting trousers; brown pelisse;
trimmed with fur and ornamented with yellow braid。
On his breast glittered a cross and several medals。

Michael Strogoff belonged to the special corps of the Czar's
couriers; ranking as an officer among those picked men。
His most discernible characteristicparticularly in his walk;
his face; in the whole man; and which the Czar perceived
at a glancewas; that he was 〃a fulfiller of orders。〃
He therefore possessed one of the most serviceable qualities
in Russiaone which; as the celebrated novelist Tourgueneff says;
〃will lead to the highest positions in the Muscovite empire。〃

In short; if anyone could accomplish this journey from Moscow
to Irkutsk; across a rebellious country; surmount obstacles;
and brave perils of all sorts; Michael Strogoff 

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