八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > michael strogoff >


michael strogoff-第6部分

小说: michael strogoff 字数: 每页4000字

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had not given him any document notifying that he was on
the Emperor's service; which is the Sesame par excellence。
He contented himself with furnishing him with a 〃podorojna。〃

This podorojna was made out in the name of Nicholas Korpanoff; merchant;
living at Irkutsk。  It authorized Nicholas Korpanoff to be accompanied
by one or more persons; and; moreover; it was; by special notification;
made available in the event of the Muscovite government forbidding
natives of any other countries to leave Russia。

The podorojna is simply a permission to take post…horses;
but Michael Strogoff was not to use it unless he was sure that
by so doing he would not excite suspicion as to his mission;
that is to say; whilst he was on European territory。
The consequence was that in Siberia; whilst traversing
the insurgent provinces; he would have no power over the relays;
either in the choice of horses in preference to others;
or in demanding conveyances for his personal use; neither was
Michael Strogoff to forget that he was no longer a courier;
but a plain merchant; Nicholas Korpanoff; traveling from Moscow
to Irkutsk; and; as such exposed to all the impediments
of an ordinary journey。

To pass unknown; more or less rapidly; but to pass somehow;
such were the directions he had received。

Thirty years previously; the escort of a traveler of rank consisted
of not less than two hundred mounted Cossacks; two hundred foot…soldiers;
twenty…five Baskir horsemen; three hundred camels; four hundred horses;
twenty…five wagons; two portable boats; and two pieces of cannon。
All this was requisite for a journey in Siberia。

Michael Strogoff; however; had neither cannon; nor horsemen;
nor foot…soldiers; nor beasts of burden。  He would travel
in a carriage or on horseback; when he could; on foot;
when he could not。

There would be no difficulty in getting over the first thousand miles;
the distance between Moscow and the Russian frontier。
Railroads; post…carriages; steamboats; relays of horses;
were at everyone's disposal; and consequently at the disposal
of the courier of the Czar。

Accordingly; on the morning of the 16th of July; having doffed
his uniform; with a knapsack on his back; dressed in the simple
Russian costumetightly…fitting tunic; the traditional belt of
the Moujik; wide trousers; gartered at the knees; and high boots
Michael Strogoff arrived at the station in time for the first train。
He carried no arms; openly at least; but under his belt was
hidden a revolver and in his pocket; one of those large knives;
resembling both a cutlass and a yataghan; with which a Siberian
hunter can so neatly disembowel a bear; without injuring
its precious fur。

A crowd of travelers had collected at the Moscow station。
The stations on the Russian railroads are much used as places
for meeting; not only by those who are about to proceed
by the train; but by friends who come to see them off。
The station resembles; from the variety of characters assembled;
a small news exchange。

The train in which Michael took his place was to set him down at
Nijni…Novgorod。 There terminated at that time; the iron road which;
uniting Moscow and St。 Petersburg; has since been continued
to the Russian frontier。  It was a journey of under three
hundred miles; and the train would accomplish it in ten hours。
Once arrived at Nijni…Novgorod; Strogoff would either take
the land route or the steamer on the Volga; so as to reach
the Ural Mountains as soon as possible。

Michael Strogoff ensconced himself in his corner; like a worthy
citizen whose affairs go well with him; and who endeavors to kill
time by sleep。  Nevertheless; as he was not alone in his compartment;
he slept with one eye open; and listened with both his ears。

In fact; rumor of the rising of the Kirghiz hordes; and of the Tartar
invasion had transpired in some degree。  The occupants of the carriage;
whom chance had made his traveling companions; discussed the subject;
though with that caution which has become habitual among Russians;
who know that spies are ever on the watch for any treasonable expressions
which may be uttered。

These travelers; as well as the large number of persons
in the train; were merchants on their way to the celebrated
fair of Nijni…Novgorod;a very mixed assembly; composed of
Jews; Turks; Cossacks; Russians; Georgians; Kalmucks; and others;
but nearly all speaking the national tongue。

They discussed the pros and cons of the serious events which
were taking place beyond the Ural; and those merchants seemed
to fear lest the government should be led to take certain
restrictive measures; especially in the provinces bordering on
the frontiermeasures from which trade would certainly suffer。
They apparently thought only of the struggle from the single
point of view of their threatened interests。  The presence
of a private soldier; clad in his uniformand the importance
of a uniform in Russia is greatwould have certainly been enough
to restrain the merchants' tongues。  But in the compartment occupied
by Michael Strogoff; there was no one who seemed a military man;
and the Czar's courier was not the person to betray himself。
He listened; then。

〃They say that caravan teas are up;〃 remarked a Persian;
known by his cap of Astrakhan fur; and his ample brown robe;
worn threadbare by use。

〃Oh; there's no fear of teas falling;〃 answered an old Jew
of sullen aspect。  〃Those in the market at Nijni…Novgorod will
be easily cleared off by the West; but; unfortunately; it won't
be the same with Bokhara carpets。〃

〃What! are you expecting goods from Bokhara?〃 asked the Persian。

〃No; but from Samarcand; and that is even more exposed。
The idea of reckoning on the exports of a country in which the khans
are in a state of revolt from Khiva to the Chinese frontier!〃

〃Well;〃 replied the Persian; 〃if the carpets do not arrive;
the drafts will not arrive either; I suppose。〃

〃And the profits; Father Abraham!〃 exclaimed the little Jew;
〃do you reckon them as nothing?〃

〃You are right;〃 said another; 〃goods from Central Asia run a great
risk in the market; and it will be the same with the tallow and shawls
from the East。〃

〃Why; look out; little father;〃 said a Russian traveler;
in a bantering tone; 〃you'll grease your shawls terribly if you
mix them up with your tallow。〃

〃That amuses you;〃 sharply answered the merchant; who had little
relish for that sort of joke。

〃Well; if you tear your hair; or if you throw ashes on your head;〃
replied the traveler; 〃will that change the course of events?
No; no more than the course of the Exchange。〃

〃One can easily see that you are not a merchant;〃 observed the little Jew。

〃Faith; no; worthy son of Abraham!  I sell neither hops;
nor eider…down; nor honey; nor wax; nor hemp…seed; nor salt meat;
nor caviare; nor wood; nor wool; nor ribbons; nor; hemp; nor flax;
nor morocco; nor furs。〃

〃But do you buy them?〃 asked the Persian; interrupting
the traveler's list。

〃As little as I can; and only for my own private use;〃
answered the other; with a wink。

〃He's a wag;〃 said the Jew to the Persian。

〃Or a spy;〃 replied the other; lowering his voice。
〃We had better take care; and not speak more than necessary。
The police are not over…particular in these times; and you
never can know with whom you are traveling。〃

In another corner of the compartment they were speaking
less of mercantile affairs; and more of the Tartar invasion
and its annoying consequences。

〃All the horses in Siberia will be requisitioned;〃 said a traveler;
〃and communication between the different provinces of Central Asia
will become very difficult。〃

〃Is it true;〃 asked his neighbor; 〃that the Kirghiz of the middle
horde have joined the Tartars?〃

〃So it is said;〃 answered the traveler; lowering his voice;
〃but who can flatter themselves that they know anything really
of what is going on in this country?〃

〃I have heard speak of a concentration of troops on the frontier。
The Don Cossacks have already gathered along the course of the Volga;
and they are to be opposed to the rebel Kirghiz。〃

〃If the Kirghiz descend the Irtish; the route to Irkutsk will not
be safe;〃 observed his neighbor。  〃Besides; yesterday I wanted
to send a telegram to Krasnoiarsk; and it could not be forwarded。
It's to be feared that before long the Tartar columns will have
isolated Eastern Siberia。〃

〃In short; little father;〃 continued the first speaker; 〃these merchants
have good reason for being uneasy about their trade and transactions。
After requisitioning the horses; they will take the boats; carriages;
every means of transport; until presently no one will be allowed to take
even one step in all the empire。〃

〃I'm much afraid that the Nijni…Novgorod fair won't end as brilliantly
as it has begun;〃 responded the other; shaking his head。
〃But the safety and integrity of the Russian territory before everything。
Business is business。〃

If in this compartment the subject of conversation varied but little
nor did it; indeed; in the other carriages of the trainin all it
might have been observed that the talkers used much circumspection。
When they did happen to venture out of the region of facts;
they never went so far as to attempt to divine the intentions
of the Muscovite government; or even to criticize them。

This was especially remarked by a traveler in a carriage at
the front part of the train。  This personevidently a stranger
made good use of his eyes; and asked numberless questions;
to which he received only evasive answers。  Every minute leaning
out of the window; which he would keep down; to the great disgust
of his fellow…travelers; he lost nothing of the views to the right。
He inquired the names of the most insignificant places;
their position; what were their commerce; their manufactures;
the number of their inhabitants; the average mortality;
etc。; and all this he wrote down in a note…book; already full。

This was the correspondent Alcide Jolivet; and the reason of his putting
so many insignificant questions was; that amongst the many answers
he received; he hoped to find some interesting fact 〃for his cousin。〃
But; naturally enough; he was taken for a sp

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