八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > michael strogoff >


michael strogoff-第7部分

小说: michael strogoff 字数: 每页4000字

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he received; he hoped to find some interesting fact 〃for his cousin。〃
But; naturally enough; he was taken for a spy; and not a word treating
of the events of the day was uttered in his hearing。

Finding; therefore; that he could learn nothing of the Tartar
invasion; he wrote in his book; 〃Travelers of great discretion。
Very close as to political matters。〃

Whilst Alcide Jolivet noted down his impressions thus minutely;
his confrere; in the same train; traveling for the same object;
was devoting himself to the same work of observation in
another compartment。  Neither of them had seen each other
that day at the Moscow station; and they were each ignorant
that the other had set out to visit the scene of the war。
Harry Blount; speaking little; but listening much; had not inspired
his companions with the suspicions which Alcide Jolivet had aroused。
He was not taken for a spy; and therefore his neighbors;
without constraint; gossiped in his presence; allowing themselves
even to go farther than their natural caution would in most cases
have allowed them。  The correspondent of the Daily Telegraph
had thus an opportunity of observing how much recent events
preoccupied the merchants of Nijni…Novgorod; and to what a degree
the commerce with Central Asia was threatened in its transit。

He therefore noted in his book this perfectly correct observation;
〃My fellow…travelers extremely anxious。  Nothing is talked of but war;
and they speak of it; with a freedom which is astonishing; as having
broken out between the Volga and the Vistula。〃

The readers of the Daily Telegraph would not fail to be as well informed
as Alcide Jolivet's 〃cousin。〃  But as Harry Blount; seated at the left
of the train; only saw one part of the country; which was hilly;
without giving himself the trouble of looking at the right side;
which was composed of wide plains; he added; with British assurance;
〃Country mountainous between Moscow and Wladimir。〃

It was evident that the Russian government purposed taking severe
measures to guard against any serious eventualities even in the interior
of the empire。  The rebel lion had not crossed the Siberian frontier;
but evil influences might be feared in the Volga provinces; so near
to the country of the Kirghiz。

The police had as yet found no traces of Ivan Ogareff。  It was not
known whether the traitor; calling in the foreigner to avenge his
personal rancor; had rejoined Feofar…Khan; or whether he was endeavoring
to foment a revolt in the government of Nijni…Novgorod; which at this time
of year contained a population of such diverse elements。  Perhaps among
the Persians; Armenians; or Kalmucks; who flocked to the great market;
he had agents; instructed to provoke a rising in the interior。
All this was possible; especially in such a country as Russia。  In fact;
this vast empire; 4;000;000 square miles in extent; does not possess
the homogeneousness of the states of Western Europe。  The Russian
territory in Europe and Asia contains more than seventy millions
of inhabitants。  In it thirty different languages are spoken。
The Sclavonian race predominates; no doubt; but there are
besides Russians; Poles; Lithuanians; Courlanders。  Add to these;
Finns; Laplanders; Esthonians; several other northern tribes with
unpronounceable names; the Permiaks; the Germans; the Greeks; the Tartars;
the Caucasian tribes; the Mongol; Kalmuck; Samoid; Kamtschatkan;
and Aleutian hordes; and one may understand that the unity of so vast
a state must be difficult to maintain; and that it could only be
the work of time; aided by the wisdom of many successive rulers。

Be that as it may; Ivan Ogareff had hitherto managed to escape
all search; and very probably he might have rejoined the Tartar army。
But at every station where the train stopped; inspectors came
forward who scrutinized the travelers and subjected them all to a
minute examination; as by order of the superintendent of police;
these officials were seeking Ivan Ogareff。  The government; in fact;
believed it to be certain that the traitor had not yet been able to quit
European Russia。  If there appeared cause to suspect any traveler;
he was carried off to explain himself at the police station;
and in the meantime the train went on its way; no person troubling
himself about the unfortunate one left behind。

With the Russian police; which is very arbitrary; it is absolutely
useless to argue。  Military rank is conferred on its employees;
and they act in military fashion。  How can anyone; moreover;
help obeying; unhesitatingly; orders which emanate from a monarch
who has the right to employ this formula at the head of his ukase:
〃We; by the grace of God; Emperor and Autocrat of all the Russias
of Moscow; Kiev; Wladimir; and Novgorod; Czar of Kasan and Astrakhan; Czar
of Poland; Czar of Siberia; Czar of the Tauric Chersonese; Seignior
of Pskov; Prince of Smolensk; Lithuania; Volkynia; Podolia;
and Finland; Prince of Esthonia; Livonia; Courland; and of Semigallia;
of Bialystok; Karelia; Sougria; Perm; Viatka; Bulgaria; and many
other countries; Lord and Sovereign Prince of the territory
of Nijni…Novgorod; Tchemigoff; Riazan; Polotsk; Rostov;
Jaroslavl; Bielozersk; Oudoria; Obdoria; Kondinia; Vitepsk;
and of Mstislaf; Governor of the Hyperborean Regions; Lord of
the countries of Iveria; Kartalinia; Grou…zinia; Kabardinia;
and Armenia; Hereditary Lord and Suzerain of the Scherkess princes;
of those of the mountains; and of others; heir of Norway; Duke of
Schleswig…Holstein; Stormarn; Dittmarsen; and Oldenburg。〃  A powerful
lord; in truth; is he whose arms are an eagle with two heads;
holding a scepter and a globe; surrounded by the escutcheons
of Novgorod; Wladimir; Kiev; Kasan; Astrakhan; and of Siberia;
and environed by the collar of the order of St。 Andrew; surmounted by
a royal crown!

As to Michael Strogoff; his papers were in order; and he was;
consequently; free from all police supervision。

At the station of Wladimir the train stopped for several minutes;
which appeared sufficient to enable the correspondent of
the Daily Telegraph to take a twofold view; physical and moral;
and to form a complete estimate of this ancient capital of Russia。

At the Wladimir station fresh travelers joined the train。
Among others; a young girl entered the compartment occupied by
Michael Strogoff。  A vacant place was found opposite the courier。
The young girl took it; after placing by her side a modest traveling…bag
of red leather; which seemed to constitute all her luggage。
Then seating herself with downcast eyes; not even glancing
at the fellow…travelers whom chance had given her; she prepared
for a journey which was still to last several hours。

Michael Strogoff could not help looking attentively at his
newly…arrived fellow…traveler。 As she was so placed as to travel
with her back to the engine; he even offered her his seat;
which he might prefer to her own; but she thanked him with a
slight bend of her graceful neck。

The young girl appeared to be about sixteen or seventeen years of age。
Her head; truly charming; was of the purest Sclavonic type
slightly severe; and likely in a few summers to unfold into beauty
rather than mere prettiness。  From beneath a sort of kerchief
which she wore on her head escaped in profusion light golden hair。
Her eyes were brown; soft; and expressive of much sweetness of temper。
The nose was straight; and attached to her pale and somewhat thin
cheeks by delicately mobile nostrils。  The lips were finely cut;
but it seemed as if they had long since forgotten how to smile。

The young traveler was tall and upright; as far as could be judged
of her figure from the very simple and ample pelisse that covered her。
Although she was still a very young girl in the literal sense of the term;
the development of her high forehead and clearly…cut features
gave the idea that she was the possessor of great moral energy
a point which did not escape Michael Strogoff。  Evidently this
young girl had already suffered in the past; and the future
doubtless did not present itself to her in glowing colors; but she
had surely known how to struggle still with the trials of life。
Her energy was evidently both prompt and persistent; and her
calmness unalterable; even under circumstances in which a man would
be likely to give way or lose his self…command。

Such was the impression which she produced at first sight。
Michael Strogoff; being himself of an energetic temperament;
was naturally struck by the character of her physiognomy; and;
while taking care not to cause her annoyance by a too persistent gaze;
he observed his neighbor with no small interest。  The costume
of the young traveler was both extremely simple and appropriate。
She was not richthat could be easily seen; but not the slightest
mark of negligence was to be discerned in her dress。
All her luggage was contained in the leather bag which;
for want of room; she held on her lap。

She wore a long; dark pelisse; gracefully adjusted at the neck
by a blue tie。  Under this pelisse; a short skirt; also dark;
fell over a robe which reached the ankles。  Half…boots of leather;
thickly soled; as if chosen in anticipation of a long journey;
covered her small feet。

Michael Strogoff fancied that he recognized; by certain details;
the fashion of the costume of Livonia; and thought his neighbor
a native of the Baltic provinces。

But whither was this young girl going; alone; at an age when the fostering
care of a father; or the protection of a brother; is considered a matter
of necessity?  Had she now come; after an already long journey; from the
provinces of Western Russia?  Was she merely going to Nijni…Novgorod;
or was the end of her travels beyond the eastern frontiers of the empire?
Would some relation; some friend; await her arrival by the train?
Or was it not more probable; on the contrary; that she would find
herself as much isolated in the town as she was in this compartment?
It was probable。

In fact; the effect of habits contracted in solitude was clearly
manifested in the bearing of the young girl。  The manner in which
she entered the carriage and prepared herself for the journey;
the slight dist

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