vailima letters-第14部分
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We are told to return to…morrow; I refuse; and at last we are
very sourly received; sit on the mats; and I open out;
through a very poor interpreter; and sometimes hampered by
unacceptable counsels from my backers。 I can speak fairly
well in a plain way now。 C。 asked me to write out my
harangue for him this morning; I have done so; and couldn't
get it near as good。 I suppose (talking and interpreting) I
was twenty minutes or half…an…hour on the deck; then his
majesty replied in the dying whisper of a big chief; a few
words of rejoinder (approving); and the deputation withdrew;
rather well satisfied。
A few days ago this intervention would have been a deportable
offence; not now; I bet; I would like them to try。 A little
way back along Mulinuu; Mrs。 G。 met us with her husband's
horse; and he and she and Lloyd and I rode back in a heavenly
moonlight。 Here ends a chapter in the life of an island
politician! Catch me at it again; 'tis easy to go in; but it
is not a pleasant trade。 I have had a good team; as good as
I could get on the beach; but what trouble even so; and what
fresh troubles shaping。 But I have on the whole carried all
my points; I believe all but one; and on that (which did not
concern me) I had no right to interfere。 I am sure you would
be amazed if you knew what a good hand I am at keeping my
temper; talking people over; and giving reasons which are not
my reasons; but calculated for the meridian of the particular
objection; so soon does falsehood await the politician in his
whirling path。
MY DEAR CARTHEW; … See what I have written; but it's Colvin
I'm after … I have written two chapters; about thirty pages
of WRECKER since the mail left; which must be my excuse; and
the bother I've had with it is not to be imagined; you might
have seen me the day before yesterday weighing British sov。's
and Chili dollars to arrange my treasure chest。 And there
was such a calculation; not for that only; but for the ship's
position and distances when … but I am not going to tell you
the yarn … and then; as my arithmetic is particularly lax;
Lloyd had to go over all my calculations; and then; as I had
changed the amount of money; he had to go over all HIS as to
the amount of the lay; and altogether; a bank could be run
with less effusion of figures than it took to shore up a
single chapter of a measly yarn。 However; it's done; and I
have but one more; or at the outside two; to do; and I am
Free! and can do any damn thing I like。
Before falling on politics; I shall give you my day。 Awoke
somewhere about the first peep of day; came gradually to; and
had a turn on the verandah before 5。55; when 'the child' (an
enormous Wallis Islander) brings me an orange; at 6;
breakfast; 6。10; to work; which lasts till; at 10。30; Austin
comes for his history lecture; this is rather dispiriting;
but education must be gone about in faith … and charity; both
of which pretty nigh failed me to…day about (of all things)
Carthage; 11; luncheon; after luncheon in my mother's room; I
read Chapter XXIII。 of THE WRECKER; then Belle; Lloyd; and I
go up and make music furiously till about 2 (I suppose); when
I turn into work again till 4; fool from 4 to half…past;
tired out and waiting for the bath hour; 4。30; bath; 4。40;
eat two heavenly mangoes on the verandah; and see the boys
arrive with the pack…horses; 5; dinner; smoke; chat on
verandah; then hand of cards; and at last at 8 come up to my
room with a pint of beer and a hard biscuit; which I am now
consuming; and as soon as they are consumed I shall turn in。
Such are the innocent days of this ancient and outworn
sportsman; to…day there was no weeding; usually there is
however; edge in somewhere。 My books for the moment are a
crib to Phaedo; and the second book of Montaigne; and a
little while back I was reading Frederic Harrison; 'Choice of
Books;' etc。 … very good indeed; a great deal of sense and
knowledge in the volume; and some very true stuff; CONTRA
Carlyle; about the eighteenth century。 A hideous idea came
over me that perhaps Harrison is now getting OLD。 Perhaps
you are。 Perhaps I am。 Oh; this infidelity must be stared
firmly down。 I am about twenty…three … say twenty…eight; you
about thirty; or; by'r lady; thirty…four; and as Harrison
belongs to the same generation; there is no good bothering
about him。
Here has just been a fine alert; I gave my wife a dose of
chlorodyne。 'Something wrong;' says she。 'Nonsense;' said
I。 'Embrocation;' said she。 I smelt it; and … it smelt very
funny。 'I think it's just gone bad; and to…morrow will
tell。' Proved to be so。
HISTORY OF TUESDAY。 … Woke at usual time; very little work;
for I was tired; and had a job for the evening … to write
parts for a new instrument; a violin。 Lunch; chat; and up to
my place to practise; but there was no practising for me … my
flageolet was gone wrong; and I had to take it all to pieces;
clean it; and put it up again。 As this is a most intricate
job … the thing dissolves into seventeen separate members;
most of these have to be fitted on their individual springs
as fine as needles; and sometimes two at once with the
springs shoving different ways … it took me till two。 Then
Lloyd and I rode forth on our errands; first to Motootua;
where we had a really instructive conversation on weeds and
grasses。 Thence down to Apia; where we bought a fresh bottle
of chlorodyne and conversed on politics。
My visit to the King; which I thought at the time a
particularly nugatory and even schoolboy step; and only
consented to because I had held the reins so tight over my
little band before; has raised a deuce of a row … new
proclamation; no one is to interview the sacred puppet
without consuls' permission; two days' notice; and an
approved interpreter … read (I suppose) spy。 Then back; I
should have said I was trying the new horse; a tallish
piebald; bought from the circus; he proved steady and safe;
but in very bad condition; and not so much the wild Arab
steed of the desert as had been supposed。 The height of his
back; after commodious Jack; astonished me; and I had a great
consciousness of exercise and florid action; as I posted to
his long; emphatic trot。 We had to ride back easy; even so
he was hot and blown; and when we set a boy to lead him to
and fro; our last character for sanity perished。 We returned
just neat for dinner; and in the evening our violinist
arrived; a young lady; no great virtuoso truly; but plucky;
industrious; and a good reader; and we played five pieces
with huge amusement; and broke up at nine。 This morning I
have read a splendid piece of Montaigne; written this page of
letter; and now turn to the WRECKER。
WEDNESDAY … November 16th or 17th … and I am ashamed to say
mail day。 The WRECKER is finished; that is the best of my
news; it goes by this mail to Scribner's; and I honestly
think it a good yarn on the whole and of its measly kind。
The part that is genuinely good is Nares; the American
sailor; that is a genuine figure; had there been more Nares
it would have been a better book; but of course it didn't set
up to be a book; only a long tough yarn with some pictures of
the manners of to…day in the greater world … not the shoddy
sham world of cities; clubs; and colleges; but the world
where men still live a man's life。 The worst of my news is
the influenza; Apia is devastate; the shops closed; a ball
put off; etc。 As yet we have not had it at Vailima; and; who
knows? we may escape。 None of us go down; but of course the
boys come and go。
Your letter had the most wonderful 'I told you so' I ever
heard in the course of my life。 Why; you madman; I wouldn't
change my present installation for any post; dignity; honour;
or advantage conceivable to me。 It fills the bill; I have
the loveliest time。 And as for wars and rumours of wars; you
surely know enough of me to be aware that I like that also a
thousand times better than decrepit peace in Middlesex? I do
not quite like politics; I am too aristocratic; I fear; for
that。 God knows I don't care who I chum with; perhaps like
sailors best; but to go round and sue and sneak to keep a
crowd together … never。 My imagination; which is not the
least damped by the idea of having my head cut off in the
bush; recoils aghast from the idea of a life like
Gladstone's; and the shadow of the newspaper chills me to the
bone。 Hence my late eruption was interesting; but not what I
like。 All else suits me in this (killed a mosquito) A1
About politics。 A determination was come to by the President
that he had been an idiot; emissaries came to G。 and me to
kiss and be friends。 My man proposed I should have a
personal interview; I said it was quite useless; I had
nothing to say; I had offered him the chance to inform me;
had pressed it on him; and had been very unpleasantly
received; and now 'Time was。' Then it was decided that I was
to be made a culprit against Germany; the German Captain … a
delightful fellow and our constant visitor … wrote to say
that as 'a German officer' he could not come even to say
farewell。 We all wrote back in the most friendly spirit;
telling him (politely) that some of these days he would be
sorry; and we should be delighted to see our friend again。
Since then I have seen no German shadow。
Mataafa has been proclaimed a rebel; the President did this
act; and then resigned。 By singular good fortune; Mataafa
has not yet moved; no thanks to our idiot governors。 They
have shot their bolt; they have made a rebel of the only man