vailima letters-第31部分
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there was of course a special verse for each one of the party
… Lloyd was called the dancing man (practically the Chief's
handsome son) of Vailima; he was also; in his character I
suppose of overseer; compared to a policeman … Belle had that
day been the almoner in a semi…comic distribution of wedding
rings and thimbles (bought cheap at an auction) to the whole
plantation company; fitting a ring on every man's finger; and
a ring and a thimble on both the women's。 This was very much
in character with her native name TEUILA; the adorner of the
ugly … so of course this was the point of her verse and at a
given moment all the performers displayed the rings upon
their fingers。 Pelema (the cousin … OUR cousin) was
described as watching from the house and whenever he saw any
boy not doing anything; running and doing it himself。
Fanny's verse was less intelligible; but it was accompanied
in the dance with a pantomime of terror well…fitted to call
up her haunting; indefatigable and diminutive presence in a
blue gown。
MY DEAR COLVIN; … This is very late to begin the monthly
budget; but I have a good excuse this time; for I have had a
very annoying fever with symptoms of sore arm; and in the
midst of it a very annoying piece of business which suffered
no delay or idleness。 。 。 。 The consequence of all this was
that my fever got very much worse and your letter has not
been hitherto written。 But; my dear fellow; do compare these
little larky fevers with the fine; healthy; prostrating colds
of the dear old dead days at home。 Here was I; in the middle
of a pretty bad one; and I was able to put it in my pocket;
and go down day after day; and attend to and put my strength
into this beastly business。 Do you see me doing that with a
catarrh? And if I had done so; what would have been the
Last night; about four o'clock; Belle and I set off to Apia;
whither my mother had preceded us。 She was at the Mission;
we went to Haggard's。 There we had to wait the most
unconscionable time for dinner。 I do not wish to speak
lightly of the Amanuensis; who is unavoidably present; but I
may at least say for myself that I was as cross as two
sticks。 Dinner came at last; we had the tinned soup which is
usually the PIECE DE RESISTANCE in the halls of Haggard; and
we pitched into it。 Followed an excellent salad of tomatoes
and cray…fish; a good Indian curry; a tender joint of beef; a
dish of pigeons; a pudding; cheese and coffee。 I was so
over…eaten after this 'hunger and burst' that I could
scarcely move; and it was my sad fate that night in the
character of the local author to eloquute before the public …
'Mr。 Stevenson will read a selection from his own works' … a
degrading picture。 I had determined to read them the account
of the hurricane; I do not know if I told you that my book
has never turned up here; or rather only one copy has; and
that in the unfriendly hands of …。 It has therefore only
been seen by enemies; and this combination of mystery and
evil report has been greatly envenomed by some ill…judged
newspaper articles from the States。 Altogether this specimen
was listened to with a good deal of uncomfortable expectation
on the part of the Germans; and when it was over was
applauded with unmistakable relief。 The public hall where
these revels came off seems to be unlucky for me; I never go
there but to some stone…breaking job。 Last time it was the
public meeting of which I must have written you; this time it
was this uneasy but not on the whole unsuccessful experiment。
Belle; my mother; and I rode home about midnight in a fine
display of lightning and witch…fires。 My mother is absent;
so that I may dare to say that she struck me as voluble。 The
Amanuensis did not strike me the same way; she was probably
thinking; but it was really rather a weird business; and I
saw what I have never seen before; the witch…fires gathered
into little bright blue points almost as bright as a night…
This is the day that should bring your letter; it is gray and
cloudy and windless; thunder rolls in the mountain; it is a
quarter past six; and I am alone; sir; alone in this
workman's house; Belle and Lloyd having been down all
yesterday to meet the steamer; they were scarce gone with
most of the horses and all the saddles; than there began a
perfect picnic of the sick and maim; Iopu with a bad foot;
Faauma with a bad shoulder; Fanny with yellow spots。 It was
at first proposed to carry all these to the doctor;
particularly Faauma; whose shoulder bore an appearance of
erysipelas; that sent the amateur below。 No horses; no
saddle。 Now I had my horse and I could borrow Lafaele's
saddle; and if I went alone I could do a job that had long
been waiting; and that was to interview the doctor on another
matter。 Off I set in a hazy moonlight night; windless; like
to…day; the thunder rolling in the mountain; as to…day; in
the still groves; these little mushroom lamps glowing blue
and steady; singly or in pairs。 Well; I had my interview;
said everything as I had meant; and with just the result I
hoped for。 The doctor and I drank beer together and
discussed German literature until nine; and we parted the
best of friends。 I got home to a silent house of sleepers;
only Fanny awaiting me; we talked awhile; in whispers; on the
interview; then; I got a lantern and went across to the
workman's house; now empty and silent; myself sole occupant。
So to bed; prodigious tired but mighty content with my
night's work; and to…day; with a headache and a chill; have
written you this page; while my new novel waits。 Of this I
will tell you nothing; except the various names under
consideration。 First; it ought to be called … but of course
that is impossible …
Then it IS to be called either
Adam Weir; Lord…Justice Clerk; called Lord Hermiston。
Archie; his son。
Aunt Kirstie Elliott; his housekeeper at Hermiston。
Elliott of the Cauldstaneslap; her brother。
Kirstie Elliott; his daughter。
Jim; }
Gib; }
Hob } his sons。
& }
Dandie; }
Patrick Innes; a young advocate。
The Lord…Justice General。
Scene; about Hermiston in the Lammermuirs and in Edinburgh。
Temp。 1812。 So you see you are to have another holiday from
copra! The rain begins softly on the iron roof; and I will
do the reverse and … dry up。
Yours with the diplomatic private opinion received。 It is
just what I should have supposed。 CA M'EST BIEN EGAL。 … The
name is to be
None others are genuine。 Unless it be
On Saturday we expected Captain Morse of the Alameda to come
up to lunch; and on Friday with genuine South Sea hospitality
had a pig killed。 On the Saturday morning no pig。 Some of
the boys seemed to give a doubtful account of themselves; our
next neighbour below in the wood is a bad fellow and very
intimate with some of our boys; for whom his confounded house
is like a fly…paper for flies。 To add to all this; there was
on the Saturday a great public presentation of food to the
King and Parliament men; an occasion on which it is almost
dignified for a Samoan to steal anything; and entirely
dignified for him to steal a pig。
(The Amanuensis went to the TALOLO; as it is called; and saw
something so very pleasing she begs to interrupt the letter
to tell it。 The different villagers came in in bands … led
by the maid of the village; followed by the young warriors。
It was a very fine sight; for some three thousand people are
said to have assembled。 The men wore nothing but magnificent
head…dresses and a bunch of leaves; and were oiled and
glistening in the sunlight。 One band had no maid but was led
by a tiny child of about five … a serious little creature
clad in a ribbon of grass and a fine head…dress; who skipped
with elaborate leaps in front of the warriors; like a little
kid leading a band of lions。 A。M。)
The A。M。 being done; I go on again。 All this made it very
possible that even if none of our boys had stolen the pig;
some of them might know the thief。 Besides; the theft; as it
was a theft of meat prepared for a guest; had something of
the nature of an insult; and 'my face;' in native phrase;
'was ashamed。' Accordingly; we determined to hold a bed of
justice。 It was done last night after dinner。 I sat at the
head of the table; Graham on my right hand; Henry Simele at
my left; Lloyd behind him。 The house company sat on the
floor around the walls … twelve all told。 I am described as
looking as like Braxfield as I could manage with my
appearance; Graham; who is of a severe countenance; looked
like Rhadamanthus; Lloyd was hideous to the view; and Simele
had all the fine solemnity of a Samoan chief。 The
proceedings opened by my delivering a Samoan prayer; which
may be translated thus … 'Our God; look down upon us and
shine into our hearts。 Help us to be far from falsehood so
that each one of us may stand before Thy Face in his
integrity。' … Then; beginning with Simele; every one came up
to the table; laid his hand on the Bible; and repeated clause
by clause after me the following oath … I fear it may sound
even comic in English; but it is a very pretty piece of
Samoan; and struck direct at the most lively superstitions of
the race。 'This is the Holy Bible here that I am touching。
Behold me; O God! If I know who it was that took away the