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roundabout papers-第30部分

小说: roundabout papers 字数: 每页4000字

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not suppose the combatants of necessity hated each other?  No more than the celebrated trained bands of literary sword…and…buckler men hate the adversaries whom they meet in the arena。  They engage at the given signal; feint and parry; slash; poke; rip each other open; dismember limbs; and hew off noses: but in the way of business; and; I trust; with mutual private esteem。  For instance; I salute the warriors of the Superfine Company with the honors due among warriors。  Here's at you; Spartacus; my lad。  A hit; I acknowledge。 A palpable hit!  Ha! how do you like that poke in the eye in return? When the trumpets sing truce; or the spectators are tired; we bow to the noble company: withdraw; and get a cool glass of wine in our rendezvous des braves gladiateurs。 By the way; I saw that amphitheatre of Verona under the strange light of a lurid eclipse some years ago: and I have been there in spirit for these twenty lines past; under a vast gusty awning; now with twenty thousand fellow…citizens looking on from the benches; now in the circus itself; a grim gladiator with sword and net; or a meek martyrwas I?brought out to be gobbled up by the lions? or a huge; shaggy; tawny lion myself; on whom the dogs were going to be set?  What a day of excitement I have had to be sure!  But I must get away from Verona; or who knows how much farther the Roundabout Pegasus may carry me? We were saying; my Muse; before we dropped and perched on earth for a couple of sentences; that our unsaid words were in some limbo or other; as real as those we have uttered; that the thoughts which have passed through our brains are as actual as any to which our tongues and pens have given currency。  For instance; besides what is here hinted at; I have thought ever so much more about Verona: about an early Christian church I saw there; about a great dish of rice we had at the inn; about the bugs there; about ever so many more details of that day's journey from Milan to Venice; about Lake Garda; which lay on the way from Milan; and so forth。  I say what fine things we have thought of; haven't we; all of us?  Ah; what a fine tragedy that was I thought of; and never wrote!  On the day of the dinner of the Oystermongers' Company; what a noble speech I thought of in the cab; and broke downI don't mean the cab; but the speech。  Ah; if you could but read some of the unwritten Roundabout Papers; how you would be amused!  Aha! my friend; I catch you saying; 〃Well; then; I wish THIS was unwritten with all my heart。〃 Very good。  I owe you one。  I do confess a hit; a palpable hit。 One day in the past month; as I was reclining on the bench of thought; with that ocean The Times newspaper spread before me; the ocean cast up on the shore at my feet two famous subjects for Roundabout Papers; and I picked up those waifs; and treasured them away until I could polish them and bring them to market。  That scheme is not to be carried out。  I can't write about those subjects。  And though I cannot write about them; I may surely tell what are the subjects I am going NOT to write about。 The first was that Northumberland Street encounter; which all the papers have narrated。  Have any novelists of our days a scene and catastrophe more strange and terrible than this which occurs at noonday within a few yards of the greatest thoroughfare in Europe? At the theatres they have a new name for their melodramatic pieces; and call them 〃Sensation Dramas。〃  What a sensation Drama this is! What have people been flocking to see at the Adelphi Theatre for the last hundred and fifty nights?  A woman pitched overboard out of a boat; and a certain Miles taking a tremendous 〃header;〃 and bringing her to shore?  Bagatelle!  What is this compared to the real life… drama; of which a midday representation takes place just opposite the Adelphi in Northumberland Street?  The brave Dumas; the intrepid Ainsworth; the terrible Eugene Sue; the cold…shudder…inspiring 〃Woman in White;〃 the astounding author of the 〃Mysteries of the Court of London;〃 never invented anything more tremendous than this。 It might have happened to you and me。  We want to borrow a little money。  We are directed to an agent。  We propose a pecuniary transaction at a short date。  He goes into the next room; as we fancy; to get the bank…notes; and returns with 〃two very pretty; delicate little ivory…handled pistols;〃 and blows a portion of our heads off。  After this; what is the use of being squeamish about the probabilities and possibilities in the writing of fiction?  Years ago I remember making merry over a play of Dumas; called Kean; in which the 〃Coal…Hole Tavern〃 was represented on the Thames; with a fleet of pirate…ships moored alongside。  Pirate…ships?  Why not? What a cavern of terror was this in Northumberland Street; with its splendid furniture covered with dust; its empty bottles; in the midst of which sits a grim 〃agent;〃 amusing himself by firing pistols; aiming at the unconscious mantel…piece; or at the heads of his customers! After this; what is not possible?  It is possible Hungerford Market is mined; and will explode some day。  Mind how you go in for a penny ice unawares。  〃Pray; step this way;〃 says a quiet person at the door。  You enterinto a back room:a quiet room; rather a dark room。  〃Pray; take your place in a chair。〃  And she goes to fetch the penny ice。  Malheureux!  The chair sinks down with yousinks; and sinks; and sinksa large wet flannel suddenly envelopes your face and throttles you。  Need we say any more?  After Northumberland Street; what is improbable?  Surely there is no difficulty in crediting Bluebeard。  I withdraw my last month's opinions about ogres。  Ogres?  Why not?  I protest I have seldom contemplated anything more terribly ludicrous than this 〃agent〃 in the dingy splendor of his den; surrounded by dusty ormolu and piles of empty bottles; firing pistols for his diversion at the mantel…piece until his clients come in!  Is pistol…practice so common in Northumberland Street; that it passes without notice in the lodging…houses there? We spake anon of good thoughts。  About bad thoughts?  Is there some Northumberland Street chamber in your heart and mine; friend: close to the every…day street of life visited by daily friends: visited by people on business; in which affairs are transacted; jokes are uttered; wine is drunk; through which people come and go; wives and children pass; and in which murder sits unseen until the terrible moment when he rises up and kills?  A farmer; say; has a gun over the mantel…piece in his room where he sits at his daily meals and rest: caressing his children; joking with his friends; smoking his pipe in his calm。  One night the gun is taken down: the farmer goes out: and it is a murderer who comes back and puts the piece up and drinks by that fireside。  Was he a murderer yesterday when he was tossing the baby on his knee; and when his hands were playing with his little girl's yellow hair?  Yesterday there was no blood on them at all: they were shaken by honest men: have done many a kind act in their time very likely。  He leans his head on one of them; the wife comes in with her anxious looks of welcome; the children are prattling as they did yesterday round the father's knee at the fire; and Cain is sitting by the embers; and Abel lies dead on the moor。 Think of the gulf between now and yesterday。  Oh; yesterday!  Oh; the days when those two loved each other and said their prayers side by side!  He goes to sleep; perhaps; and dreams that his brother is alive。  Be true; O dream!  Let him live in dreams; and wake no more。 Be undone; O crime; O crime!  But the sun rises: and the officers of conscience come: and yonder lies the body on the moor。  I happened to pass; and looked at the Northumberland Street house the other day。  A few loiterers were gazing up at the dingy windows。  A plain ordinary face of a house enoughand in a chamber in it one man suddenly rose up; pistol in hand; to slaughter another。  Have you ever killed any one in your thoughts?  Has your heart compassed any man's death?  In your mind; have you ever taken a brand from the altar; and slain your brother?  How many plain ordinary faces of men do we look at; unknowing of murder behind those eyes?  Lucky for you and me; brother; that we have good thoughts unspoken。  But the bad ones?  I tell you that the sight of those blank windows in Northumberland Streetthrough which; as it were; my mind could picture the awful tragedy glimmering behindset me thinking; 〃Mr。 Street…Preacher; here is a text for one of your pavement sermons。 But it is too glum and serious。  You eschew dark thoughts: and desire to be cheerful and merry in the main。〃  And; such being the case; you see we must have no Roundabout Essay on this subject。 Well; I had another arrow in my quiver。  (So; you know; had William Tell a bolt for his son; the apple of his eye; and a shaft for Gessler; in case William came to any trouble with the first poor little target。)  And this; I must tell you; was to have been a rare Roundabout performanceone of the very best that has ever appeared in this series。  It was to have contained all the deep pathos of Addison; the logical precision of Rabelais; the childlike playfulness of Swift; the manly stoicism of Sterne; the metaphysical depth of Goldsmith; the blushing modesty of Fielding; the epigrammatic terseness of Walter Scott; the uproarious humor of Sam Richardson; and the gay simplicity of Sam Johnson;it was to have combined all these qualities; with some excellences of modern writers whom I could name:but circumstances have occurred which have rendered this Roundabout Essay also impossible。 I have not the least objection to tell you what was to have been the subject of that other admirable Roundabout Paper。  Gracious powers! the Dean of St。 Patrick's never had a better theme。  The paper was to have been on the Gorillas; to be sure。  I was going to imagine myself to be a young surgeon…apprentice from Charleston; in South Carolina; who ran away to Cuba on account of unhappy family circumstances; with which nobody has the least concern; who sailed thence to Africa in a large; roomy schooner with an extraordinary vacant space between decks。  I was subject to dreadful ill treatment from the first mate of the ship; who; when I found she was a

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