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roundabout papers-第31部分

小说: roundabout papers 字数: 每页4000字

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I was subject to dreadful ill treatment from the first mate of the ship; who; when I found she was a slaver; altogether declined to put me on shore。  I was chasedwe were chasedby three British frigates and a seventy…four; which we engaged and captured; but were obliged to scuttle and sink; as we could sell them in no African port: and I never shall forget the look of manly resignation; combined with considerable disgust; of the British Admiral as he walked the plank; after cutting off his pigtail; which he handed to me; and which I still have in charge for his family at Boston; Lincolnshire; England。 We made the port of Bpoopoo; at the confluence of the Bungo and Sgglolo rivers (which you may see in Swammerdahl's map) on the 31st April last year。  Our passage had been so extraordinarily rapid; owing to the continued drunkenness of the captain and chief officers; by which I was obliged to work the ship and take her in command; that we reached Bpoopoo six weeks before we were expected; and five before the coffres from the interior and from the great slave depot at Zbabblo were expected。  Their delay caused us not a little discomfort; because; though we had taken the four English ships; we knew that Sir Byam Martin's iron…cased squadron; with the 〃Warrior;〃 the 〃Impregnable;〃 the 〃Sanconiathon;〃 and the 〃Berosus;〃 were cruising in the neighborhood; and might prove too much for us。 It not only became necessary to quit Bpoopoo before the arrival of the British fleet or the rainy season; but to get our people on board as soon as might be。  While the chief mate; with a detachment of seamen; hurried forward to the Pgogo lake; where we expected a considerable part of our cargo; the second mate; with six men; four chiefs; King Fbumbo; an Obi man; and myself; went N。W。 by W。; towards King Mtoby'stown; where we knew many hundreds of our between…deck passengers were to be got together。  We went down the Pdodo river; shooting snipes; ostriches; and rhinoceros in plenty; and I think a few elephants; until; by the advice of a guide; who I now believe was treacherous; we were induced to leave the Pdodo; and march N。E。 by N。N。  Here Lieutenant Larkins; who had persisted in drinking rum from morning to night; and thrashing me in his sober moments during the whole journey; died; and I have too good reason to know was eaten with much relish by the natives。  At Mgoo; where there are barracoons and a depot for our cargo; we had no news of our expected freight; accordingly; as time pressed exceedingly; parties were despatched in advance towards the great Washaboo lake; by which the caravans usually come towards the coast。  Here we found no caravan; but only four negroes down with the ague; whom I treated; I am bound to say; unsuccessfully; whilst we waited for our friends。  We used to take watch and watch in front of the place; both to guard ourselves from attack; and get early news of the approaching caravan。 At last; on the 23rd September; as I was in advance with Charles Rogers; second mate; and two natives with bows and arrows; we were crossing a great plain skirted by a forest; when we saw emerging from a ravine what I took to be three negroesa very tall one; one of a moderate size; and one quite little。 Our native guide shrieked out some words in their language; of which Charles Rogers knew something。  I thought it was the advance of the negroes whom we expected。  〃No!〃 said Rogers (who swore dreadfully in conversation); 〃it is the Gorillas!〃  And he fired both barrels of his gun; bringing down the little one first; and the female afterwards。 The male; who was untouched; gave a howl that you might have heard a league off; advanced towards us as if he would attack us; and then turned and ran away with inconceivable celerity towards the wood。 We went up towards the fallen brutes。  The little one by the female appeared to be about two years old。  It lay bleating and moaning on the ground; stretching out its little hands; with movements and looks so strangely resembling human; that my heart sickened with pity。  The female; who had been shot through both legs; could not move。  She howled most hideously when I approached the little one。 〃We must be off;〃 said Rogers; 〃or the whole Gorilla race may be down upon us。〃  〃The little one is only shot in the leg;〃 I said。 〃I'll bind the limb up; and we will carry the beast with us on board。〃 The poor little wretch held up its leg to show it was wounded; and looked to me with appealing eyes。  It lay quite still whilst I looked for and found the bullet; and; tearing off a piece of my shirt; bandaged up the wound。  I was so occupied in this business; that I hardly heard Rogers cry 〃Run! run!〃 and when I looked up When I looked up; with a roar the most horrible I ever hearda roar? ten thousand roarsa whirling army of dark beings rushed by me。  Rogers; who had bullied me so frightfully during the voyage; and who had encouraged my fatal passion for play; so that I own I owed him 1;500 dollars; was overtaken; felled; brained; and torn into ten thousand pieces; and I dare say the same fate would have fallen on me; but that the little Gorilla; whose wound I had dressed; flung its arms round my neck (their arms; you know; are much longer than ours)。  And when an immense gray Gorilla; with hardly any teeth; brandishing the trunk of a gollyboshtree about sixteen feet long; came up to me roaring; the little one squeaked out something plaintive; which; of course; I could not understand; on which suddenly the monster flung down his tree; squatted down on his huge hams by the side of the little patient; and began to bellow and weep。 And now; do you see whom I had rescued?  I had rescued the young Prince of the Gorillas; who was out walking with his nurse and footman。  The footman had run off to alarm his master; and certainly I never saw a footman run quicker。  The whole army of Gorillas rushed forward to rescue their prince; and punish his enemies。  If the King Gorilla's emotion was great; fancy what the queen's must have been when SHE came up!  She arrived; on a litter; neatly enough made with wattled branches; on which she lay; with her youngest child; a prince of three weeks old。 My little protege with the wounded leg; still persisted in hugging me with its arms (I think I mentioned that they are longer than those of men in general); and as the poor little brute was immensely heavy; and the Gorillas go at a prodigious pace; a litter was made for us likewise; and my thirst much refreshed by a footman (the same domestic who had given the alarm) running hand over hand up a cocoanut…tree; tearing the rinds off; breaking the shell on his head; and handing me the fresh milk in its cup。  My little patient partook of a little; stretching out its dear little unwounded foot; with which; or with its hand; a Gorilla can help itself indiscriminately。  Relays of large Gorillas relieved each other at the litters at intervals of twenty minutes; as I calculated by my watch; one of Jones and Bates's; of Boston; Mass。; though I have been unable to this day to ascertain how these animals calculate time with such surprising accuracy。  We slept for that night under And now; you see; we arrive at really the most interesting part of my travels in the country which I intended to visit; viz。 the manners and habits of the Gorillas chez eux。  I give the heads of this narrative only; the full account being suppressed for a reason which shall presently be given。  The heads; then; of the chapters; are briefly as follows:

The author's arrival in the Gorilla country。  Its geographical position。  Lodgings assigned to him up a gum…tree。  Constant attachment of the little prince。  His royal highness's gratitude。 Anecdotes of his wit; playfulness; and extraordinary precocity。  Am offered a portion of poor Larkins for my supper; but decline with horror。  Footman brings me a young crocodile: fishy but very palatable。  Old crocodiles too tough: ditto rhinoceros。  Visit the queen motheran enormous old Gorilla; quite white。  Prescribe for her majesty。  Meeting of Gorillas at what appears a parliament amongst them: presided over by old Gorilla in cocoanut…fibre wig。 Their sports。  Their customs。  A privileged class amongst them。 Extraordinary likeness of Gorillas to people at home; both at Charleston; S。 C。; my native place; and London; England; which I have visited。  Flat…nosed Gorillas and blue…nosed Gorillas; their hatred; and wars between them。  In a part of the country (its geographical position described) I see several negroes under Gorilla domination。  Well treated by their masters。  Frog…eating Gorillas across the Salt Lake。  Bull…headed Gorillastheir mutual hostility。 Green Island Gorillas。  More quarrelsome than the Bull…heads; and howl much louder。  I am called to attend one of the princesses。 Evident partiality of H。 R。 H。 for me。  Jealousy and rage of large red…headed Gorilla。  How shall I escape?

Ay; how indeed?  Do you wish to know?  Is your curiosity excited? Well; I DO know how I escaped。  I could tell the most extraordinary adventures that happened to me。  I could show you resemblances to people at home; that would make them blue with rage and you crack your sides with laughter。 。 。 。  And what is the reason I cannot write this paper; having all the facts before me?  The reason is; that walking down St。 James Street yesterday; I met a friend who says to me; 〃Roundabout my boy; have you seen your picture?  Here it is!〃  And he pulls out a portrait; executed in photography; of your humble servant; as an immense and most unpleasant…featured baboon; with long hairy hands; and called by the waggish artist 〃A Literary Gorilla。〃  O horror!  And now you see why I can't play off this joke myself; and moralize on the fable; as it has been narrated already DE ME。


This group of dusky children of the captivity is copied out of a little sketch…book which I carried in many a roundabout journey; and will point a moral as well as any other sketch in the volume。 Yonder drawing* was made in a country where there was such hospitality; friendship; kindness shown to the humble designer; that his eyes do not care to look out for faults; or his pen to note them。  How they sang; how they laughed and grinned; how they scraped; bowed; and complimented 

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