roundabout papers-第36部分
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necdotal powers:I know such; who very likely will read this; and say; 〃Hang the fellow; he means ME!〃 And so I do。 Nono man ought to tell an anecdote more than thrice; let us say; unless he is sure he is speaking only to give pleasure to his hearersunless he feels that it is not a mere desire for praise which makes him open his jaws。 And is it not with writers as with raconteurs? Ought they not to have their ingenuous modesty? May authors tell old stories; and how many times over? When I come to look at a place which I have visited any time these twenty or thirty years; I recall not the place merely; but the sensations I had at first seeing it; and which are quite different to my feelings to…day。 That first day at Calais; the voices of the women crying out at night; as the vessel came alongside the pier; the supper at Quillacq's and the flavor of the cutlets and wine; the red…calico canopy under which I slept; the tiled floor; and the fresh smell of the sheets; the wonderful postilion in his jack…boots and pigtail;all return with perfect clearness to my mind; and I am seeing them; and not the objects which are actually under my eyes。 Here is Calais。 Yonder is that commissioner I have known this score of years。 Here are the women screaming and hustling over the baggage; the people at the passport… barrier who take your papers。 My good people; I hardly see you。 You no more interest me than a dozen orange…women in Covent…Garden; or a shop book…keeper in Oxford Street。 But you make me think of a time when you were indeed wonderful to beholdwhen the little French soldiers wore white cockades in their shakoswhen the diligence was forty hours going to Paris; and the great…booted postilion; as surveyed by youthful eyes from the coupe; with his jurons; his ends of rope for the harness; and his clubbed pigtail; was a wonderful being; and productive of endless amusement。 You young folks don't remember the apple…girls who used to follow the diligence up the hill beyond Boulogne; and the delights of the jolly road? In making continental journeys with young folks; an oldster may be very quiet; and; to outward appearance; melancholy; but really he has gone back to the days of his youth; and he is seventeen or eighteen years of age (as the case may be); and is amusing himself with all his might。 He is noting the horses as they come squealing out of the post…house yard at midnight; he is enjoying the delicious meals at Beauvais and Amiens; and quaffing ad libitum the rich table…d'hote wine; he is hail…fellow with the conductor; and alive to all the incidents of the road。 A man can be alive in 1860 and 1830 at the same time; don't you see? Bodily; I may be in 1860; inert; silent; torpid; but in the spirit I am walking about in 1828; let us say;…in a blue dress…coat and brass buttons; a sweet figured silk waistcoat (which I button round a slim waist with perfect ease); looking at beautiful beings with gigot sleeves and tea…tray hats under the golden chestnuts of the Tuileries; or round the Place Vendome; where the drapeau blanc is floating from the statueless column。 Shall we go and dine at 〃Bombarda's;〃 near the 〃Hotel Breteuil;〃 or at the 〃Cafe Virginie?〃 Away! 〃Bombarda's〃 and the 〃Hotel Breteuil〃 have been pulled down ever so long。 They knocked down the poor old Virginia Coffee…house last year。 My spirit goes and dines there。 My body; perhaps; is seated with ever so many people in a railway…carriage; and no wonder my companions find me dull and silent。 Have you read Mr。 Dale Owen's 〃Footfalls on the Boundary of Another World?〃(My dear sir; it will make your hair stand quite refreshingly on end。) In that work you will read that when gentlemen's or ladies' spirits travel off a few score or thousand miles to visit a friend; their bodies lie quiet and in a torpid state in their beds or in their arm…chairs at home。 So in this way; I am absent。 My soul whisks away thirty years back into the past。 I am looking out anxiously for a beard。 I am getting past the age of loving Byron's poems; and pretend that I like Wordsworth and Shelley much better。 Nothing I eat or drink (in reason) disagrees with me; and I know whom I think to be the most lovely creature in the world。 Ah; dear maid (of that remote but well…remembered period); are you a wife or widow now?are you dead?are you thin and withered and old?or are you grown much stouter; with a false front? and so forth。 O Eliza; Eliza!Stay; WAS she Eliza? Well; I protest I have forgotten what your Christian name was。 You know I only met you for two days; but your sweet face is before me now; and the roses blooming on it are as fresh as in that time of May。 Ah; dear Miss X; my timid youth and ingenuous modesty would never have allowed me; even in my private thoughts; to address you otherwise than by your paternal name; but THAT (though I conceal it) I remember perfectly well; and that your dear and respected father was a brewer。
CARILLON。I was awakened this morning with the chime which Antwerp cathedral clock plays at half…hours。 The tune has been haunting me ever since; as tunes will。 You dress; eat; drink; walk and talk to yourself to their tune: their inaudible jingle accompanies you all day: you read the sentences of the paper to their rhythm。 I tried uncouthly to imitate the tune to the ladies of the family at breakfast; and they say it is 〃the shadow dance of Dinorah。〃 It may be so。 I dimly remember that my body was once present during the performance of that opera; whilst my eyes were closed; and my intellectual faculties dormant at the back of the box; howbeit; I have learned that shadow dance from hearing it pealing up ever so high in the air; at night; morn; noon。 How pleasant to lie awake and listen to the cheery peal! whilst the old city is asleep at midnight; or waking up rosy at sunrise; or basking in noon; or swept by the scudding rain which drives in gusts over the broad places; and the great shining river; or sparkling in snow which dresses up a hundred thousand masts; peaks; and towers; or wrapped round with thunder…cloud canopies; before; which the white gables shine whiter; day and night the kind little carillon plays its fantastic melodies overhead。 The bells go on ringing。 Quot vivos vocant; mortuos plangunt; fulgara frangunt; so on to the past and future tenses; and for how many nights; days; and years! Whilst the French were pitching their fulgara into Chasse's citadel; the bells went on ringing quite cheerfully。 Whilst the scaffolds were up and guarded by Alva's soldiery; and regiments of penitents; blue; black; and gray; poured out of churches and convents; droning their dirges; and marching to the place of the Hotel de Ville; where heretics and rebels were to meet their doom; the bells up yonder were chanting at their appointed half…hours and quarters; and rang the mauvais quart d'heure for many a poor soul。 This bell can see as far away as the towers and dykes of Rotterdam。 That one can call a greeting to St。 Ursula's at Brussels; and toss a recognition to that one at the town…hall of Oudenarde; and remember how after a great struggle there a hundred and fifty years ago the whole plain was covered with the flying French cavalryBurgundy; and Bern; and the Chevalier of St。 George flying like the rest。 〃What is your clamor about Oudenarde?〃 says another bell (Bob Major THIS one must be)。 〃Be still; thou querulous old clapper! I can see over to Hougoumont and St。 John。 And about forty…five years since; I rang all through one Sunday in June; when there was such a battle going on in the corn…fields there; as none of you others ever heard tolled of。 Yes; from morning service until after vespers; the French and English were all at it; ding…dong。〃 And then calls of business intervening; the bells have to give up their private jangle; resume their professional duty; and sing their hourly chorus out of Dinorah。 What a prodigious distance those bells can be heard! I was awakened this morning to their tune; I say。 I have been hearing it constantly ever since。 And this house whence I write; Murray says; is two hundred and ten miles from Antwerp。 And it is a week off; and there is the bell still jangling its shadow dance out of Dinorah。 An audible shadow you understand; and an invisible sound; but quite distinct; and a plague take the tune!
UNDER THE BELLS。Who has not seen the church under the bells? Those lofty aisles; those twilight chapels; that cumbersome pulpit with its huge carvings; that wide gray pavement flecked with various light from the jewelled windows; those famous pictures between the voluminous columns over the altars; which twinkle with their ornaments; their votive little silver hearts; legs; limbs; their little guttering tapers; cups of sham roses; and what not? I saw two regiments of little scholars creeping in and forming square; each in its appointed place; under the vast roof; and teachers presently coming to them。 A stream of light from the jewelled windows beams slanting down upon each little squad of children; and the tall background of the church retires into a grayer gloom。 Pattering little feet of laggards arriving echo through the great nave。 They trot in and join their regiments; gathered under the slanting sunbeams。 What are they learning? Is it truth? Those two gray ladies with their books in their hands in the midst of these little people have no doubt of the truth of every word they have printed under their eyes。 Look; through the windows jewelled all over with saints; the light comes streaming down from the sky; and heaven's own illuminations paint the book! A sweet; touching picture indeed it is; that of the little children assembled in this immense temple; which has endured for ages; and grave teachers bending over them。 Yes; the picture is very pretty of the children and their teachers; and their bookbut the text? Is it the truth; the only truth; nothing but the truth? If I thought so; I would go and sit down on the form cum parvulis; and learn the precious lesson with all my heart。
BEADLE。But I submit; an obstacle to conversions is the intrusion and impertinence of that Swiss fellow with the baldricthe officer who answers to the beadle of the British Islands; and is pacing about the church with an eye o