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roundabout papers-第50部分

小说: roundabout papers 字数: 每页4000字

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march to the Club; proposing to improve my mind and keep myself 〃posted up;〃 as the Americans phrase it; with the literature of the day。  And what happens?  Given; a walk after luncheon; a pleasing book; and a most comfortable armchair by the fire; and you know the rest。  A doze ensues。  Pleasing book drops suddenly; is picked up once with an air of some confusion; is laid presently softly in lap: head falls on comfortable arm…chair cushion: eyes close: soft nasal music is heard。  Am I telling Club secrets?  Of afternoons; after lunch; I say; scores of sensible fogies have a doze。  Perhaps I have fallen asleep over that very book to which 〃Finis〃 has just been written。  〃And if the writer sleeps; what happens to the readers?〃 says Jones; coming down upon me with his lightning wit。  What?  You DID sleep over it?  And a very good thing too。  These eyes have more than once seen a friend dozing over pages which this hand has written。  There is a vignette somewhere in one of my books of a friend so caught napping with 〃Pendennis;〃 or the 〃Newcomes;〃 in his lap and if a writer can give you a sweet soothing; harmless sleep; has he not done you a kindness?  So is the author who excites and interests you worthy of your thanks and benedictions。  I am troubled with fever and ague; that seizes me at odd intervals and prostrates me for a day。  There is cold fit; for which; I am thankful to say; hot brandy…and…water is prescribed; and this induces hot fit; and so on。  In one or two of these fits I have read novels with the most fearful contentment of mind。  Once; on the Mississippi; it was my dearly beloved 〃Jacob Faithful:〃 once at Frankfort O。 M。; the delightful 〃Vingt Ans Apres〃 of Monsieur Dumas: once at Tunbridge wells; the thrilling 〃Woman in White:〃 and these books gave me amusement from morning till sunset。  I remember those ague fits with a great deal of pleasure and gratitude。  Think of a whole day in bed; and a good novel for a companion!  No cares: no remorse about idleness: no visitors: and the Woman in White or the Chevalier d'Artagnan to tell me stories from dawn to night!〃 Please; ma'am; my master's compliments; and can he have the third volume?〃  (This message was sent to an astonished friend and neighbor who lent me; volume by volume; the W。 in W。)  How do you like your novels?  I like mine strong; 〃hot with;〃 and no mistake: no love…making: no observations about society: little dialogue; except where the characters are bullying each other: plenty of fighting: and a villain in the cupboard; who is to suffer tortures just before Finis。  I don't like your melancholy Finis。  I never read the history of a consumptive heroine twice。  If I might give a short hint to an impartial writer (as the Examiner used to say in old days); it would be to act; NOT a la mode le pays de Pole (I think that was the phraseology); but ALWAYS to give quarter。  In the story of Philip; just come to an end; I have the permission of the author to state; that he was going to drown the two villains of the piecea certain Doctor F and a certain Mr。 T。 H on board the 〃President;〃 or some other tragic shipbut you see I relented。 I pictured to myself Firmin's ghastly face amid the crowd of shuddering people on that reeling deck in the lonely ocean; and thought; 〃Thou ghastly lying wretch; thou shalt not be drowned: thou shalt have a fever only; a knowledge of thy danger; and a chance ever so small a chanceof repentance。〃  I wonder whether he DID repent when he found himself in the yellow…fever; in Virginia?  The probability is; he fancied that his son had injured him very much; and forgave him on his death…bed。  Do you imagine there is a great deal of genuine right…down remorse in the world?  Don't people rather find excuses which make their minds easy; endeavor to prove to themselves that they have been lamentably belied and misunderstood; and try and forgive the persecutors who WILL present that bill when it is due; and not bear malice against the cruel ruffian who takes them to the police…office for stealing the spoons? Years ago I had a quarrel with a certain well…known person (I believed a statement regarding him which his friends imparted to me; and which turned out to be quite incorrect)。  To his dying day that quarrel was never quite made up。  I said to his brother; 〃Why is your brother's soul still dark against me?  It is I who ought to be angry and unforgiving: for I was in the wrong。〃  In the region which they now inhabit (for Finis has been set to the volumes of the lives of both here below); if they take any cognizance of our squabbles; and tittle…tattles; and gossips on earth here; I hope they admit that my little error was not of a nature unpardonable。  If you have never committed a worse; my good sir; surely the score against you will not be heavy。  Ha; dilectissimi fratres!  It is in regard of sins NOT found out that we may say or sing (in an undertone; in a most penitent and lugubrious minor key); Miserere nobis miseris peccatoribus。 Among the sins of commission which novel…writers not seldom perpetrate; is the sin of grandiloquence; or tall…talking; against which; for my part; I will offer up a special libera me。  This is the sin of schoolmasters; governesses; critics; sermoners; and instructors of young or old people。  Nay (for I am making a clean breast; and liberating my soul); perhaps of all the novel…spinners now extant; the present speaker is the most addicted to preaching。 Does he not stop perpetually in his story and begin to preach to you?  When he ought to be engaged with business; is he not for ever taking the Muse by the sleeve; and plaguing her with some of his cynical sermons?  I cry peccavi loudly and heartily。  I tell you I would like to be able to write a story which should show no egotism whateverin which there should be no reflections; no cynicism; no vulgarity (and so forth); but an incident in every other page; a villain; a battle; a mystery in every chapter。  I should like to be able to feed a reader so spicily as to leave him hungering and thirsting for more at the end of every monthly meal。 Alexandre Dumas describes himself; when inventing the plan of a work; as lying silent on his back for two whole days on the deck of a yacht in a Mediterranean port。  At the end of the two days he arose and called for dinner。  In those two days he had built his plot。  He had moulded a mighty clay; to be cast presently in perennial brass。  The chapters; the characters; the incidents; the combinations were all arranged in the artist's brain ere he set a pen to paper。  My Pegasus won't fly; so as to let me survey the field below me。  He has no wings; he is blind of one eye certainly; he is restive; stubborn; slow; crops a hedge when he ought to be galloping; or gallops when he ought to be quiet。  He never will show off when I want him。  Sometimes he goes at a pace which surprises me。  Sometimes; when I most wish him to make the running; the brute turns restive; and I am obliged to let him take his own time。  I wonder do other novel…writers experience this fatalism?  They MUST go a certain way; in spite of themselves。  I have been surprised at the observations made by some of my characters。  It seems as if an occult Power was moving the pen。  The personage does or says something; and I ask; how the dickens did he come to think of that? Every man has remarked in dreams; the vast dramatic power which is sometimes evinced; I won't say the surprising power; for nothing does surprise you in dreams。  But those strange characters you meet make instant observations of which you never can have thought previously。  In like manner; the imagination foretells things。  We spake anon of the inflated style of some writers。  What also if there is an AFFLATED style;when a writer is like a Pythoness on her oracle tripod; and mighty words; words which he cannot help; come blowing; and bellowing; and whistling; and moaning through the speaking pipes of his bodily organ?  I have told you it was a very queer shock to me the other day when; with a letter of introduction in his hand; the artist's (not my) Philip Firmin walked into this room; and sat down in the chair opposite。  In the novel of 〃Pendennis;〃 written ten years ago; there is an account of a certain Costigan; whom I had invented (as I suppose authors invent their personages out of scraps; heel…taps; odds and ends of characters)。 I was smoking in a tavern parlor one nightand this Costigan came into the room alivethe very man:the most remarkable resemblance of the printed sketches of the man; of the rude drawings in which I had depicted him。  He had the same little coat; the same battered hat; cocked on one eye; the same twinkle in that eye。  〃Sir;〃 said I; knowing him to be an old friend whom I had met in unknown regions; 〃sir;〃 I said; 〃may I offer you a glass of brandy…and… water?〃  〃Bedad; ye may;〃 says he; 〃and I'll sing ye a song tu。〃  Of course he spoke with an Irish brogue。  Of course he had been in the army。  In ten minutes he pulled out an Army Agent's account; whereon his name was written。  A few months after we read of him in a police court。  How had I come to know him; to divine him?  Nothing shall convince me that I have not seen that man in the world of spirits。 In the world of spirits and water I know I did: but that is a mere quibble of words。  I was not surprised when he spoke in an Irish brogue。  I had had cognizance of him before somehow。  Who has not felt that little shock which arises when a person; a place; some words in a book (there is always a collocation) present themselves to you; and you know that you have before met the same person; words; scene; and so forth? They used to call the good Sir Walter the 〃Wizard of the North。〃 What if some writer should appear who can write so ENCHANTINGLY that he shall be able to call into actual life the people whom he invents?  What if Mignon; and Margaret; and Goetz von Berlichingen are alive now (though I don't say they are visible); and Dugald Dalgetty and Ivanhoe were to step in at that open window by the little garden yonder?  Suppose Uncas and our noble old Leather Stocking were to glide silent in?  Suppose Athos; Porthos; and Aramis should enter with a noiseless swagger; curling their moustaches?  And dearest Amelia Booth; on Uncle Toby's arm; an

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