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roundabout papers-第55部分

小说: roundabout papers 字数: 每页4000字

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lt; sir; guilt remains stamped on the memory; and I feel easier in my mind now that it is liberated of this old peccadillo。  I met my college tutor only yesterday。  We were travelling; and stopped at the same hotel。  He had the very next room to mine。  After he had gone into his apartment; having shaken me quite kindly by the hand; I felt inclined to knock at his door and say; 〃Doctor Bentley; I beg your pardon; but do you remember; when I was going down at the Easter vacation in 1830; you asked me where I was going to spend my vacation?  And I said; With my friend Slingsby; in Huntingdonshire。  Well; sir; I grieve to have to confess that I told you a fib。  I had got 20L。 and was going for a lark to Paris; where my friend Edwards was staying。〃  There; it is out。  The Doctor will read it; for I did not wake him up after all to make my confession; but protest he shall have a copy of this Roundabout sent to him when he returns to his lodge。 They gave me a bedroom there; a very neat room on the first floor; looking into the pretty garden。  The hotel must look pretty much as it did a hundred years ago when HE visited it。  I wonder whether he paid his bill?  Yes: his journey was just begun。  He had borrowed or got the money somehow。  Such a man would spend it liberally enough when he had it; give generouslynay; drop a tear over the fate of the poor fellow whom he relieved。  I don't believe a word he says; but I never accused him of stinginess about money。  That is a fault of much more virtuous people than he。  Mr。 Laurence is ready enough with his purse when there are anybody's guineas in it。  Still when I went to bed in the room; in HIS room; when I think how I admire; dislike; and have abused him; a certain dim feeling of apprehension filled my mind at the midnight hour。  What if I should see his lean figure in the black…satin breeches; his sinister smile; his long thin finger pointing to me in the moonlight (for I am in bed; and have popped my candle out); and he should say; 〃You mistrust me; you hate me; do you?  And you; don't you know how Jack; Tom; and Harry; your brother authors; hate YOU?〃  I grin and laugh in the moonlight; in the midnight; in the silence。  〃O you ghost in black…satin breeches and a wig!  I like to be hated by some men;〃 I say。  〃I know men whose lives are a scheme; whose laughter is a conspiracy; whose smile means something else; whose hatred is a cloak; and I had rather these men should hate me than not。〃 〃My good sir;〃 says he; with a ghastly grin on his lean face; 〃you have your wish。〃 〃Apres?〃 I say。  〃Please let me go to sleep。  I shan't sleep any the worse because〃 〃Because there are insects in the bed; and they sting you?〃  (This is only by way of illustration; my good sir; the animals don't bite me now。  All the house at present seems to me excellently clean。) 〃'Tis absurd to affect this indifference。  If you are thin…skinned; and the reptiles bite; they keep you from sleep。〃 〃There are some men who cry out at a flea…bite as loud as if they were torn by a vulture;〃 I growl。 〃Men of the genus irritabile; my worthy good gentleman!and you are one。〃 〃Yes; sir; I am of the profession; as you say; and I dare say make a great shouting and crying at a small hurt。〃 〃You are ashamed of that quality by which you earn your subsistence; and such reputation as you have?  Your sensibility is your livelihood; my worthy friend。  You feel a pang of pleasure or pain? It is noted in your memory; and some day or other makes its appearance in your manuscript。  Why; in your last Roundabout rubbish you mention reading your first novel on the day when King George IV。 was crowned。  I remember him in his cradle at St。 James's; a lovely little babe; a gilt Chinese railing was before him; and I dropped the tear of sensibility as I gazed on the sleeping cherub。〃 〃A teara fiddlestick; MR。 STERNE;〃 I growled out; for of course I knew my friend in the wig and satin breeches to be no other than the notorious; nay; celebrated Mr。 Laurence Sterne。 〃Does not the sight of a beautiful infant charm and melt you; mon ami?  If not; I pity you。  Yes; he was beautiful。  I was in London the year he was born。  I used to breakfast at the 'Mount Coffee… house。'  I did not become the fashion until two years later; when my 'Tristram' made his appearance; who has held his own for a hundred years。  By the way; mon bon monsieur; how many authors of your present time will last till the next century?  Do you think Brown will?〃 I laughed with scorn as I lay in my bed (and so did the ghost give a ghastly snigger)。 〃Brown!〃 I roared。  〃One of the most over…rated men that ever put pen to paper!〃 〃What do you think of Jones?〃 I grew indignant with this old cynic。  〃As a reasonable ghost; come out of the other world; you don't mean;〃 I said; 〃to ask me a serious opinion of Mr。 Jones?  His books may be very good reading for maid…servants and school…boys; but you don't ask ME to read them?  As a scholar yourself you must know that〃 〃Well; then; Robinson?〃 〃Robinson; I am told; has merit。  I dare say; I never have been able to read his books; and can't; therefore; form any opinion about Mr。 Robinson。  At least you will allow that I am not speaking in a prejudiced manner about HIM。〃 〃Ah! I see you men of letters have your cabals and jealousies; as we had in my time。  There was an Irish fellow by the name of Gouldsmith; who used to abuse me; but he went into no genteel companyand faith! it mattered little; his praise or abuse。  I never was more surprised than when I heard that Mr。 Irving; an American gentleman of parts and elegance; had wrote the fellow's life。  To make a hero of that man; my dear sir; 'twas ridiculous! You followed in the fashion; I hear; and chose to lay a wreath before this queer little idol。  Preposterous!  A pretty writer; who has turned some neat couplets。  Bah!  I have no patience with Master Posterity; that has chosen to take up this fellow; and make a hero of him!  And there was another gentleman of my time; Mr。 Thiefcatcher Fielding; forsooth! a fellow with the strength; and the tastes; and the manners of a porter!  What madness has possessed you all to bow before that Calvert Butt of a man?a creature without elegance or sensibility!  The dog had spirits; certainly。  I remember my Lord Bathurst praising them: but as for reading his booksma foi; I would as lief go and dive for tripe in a cellar。  The man's vulgarity stifles me。  He wafts me whiffs of gin。  Tobacco and onions are in his great coarse laugh; which choke me; pardi; and I don't think much better of the other fellowthe Scots' gallipot purveyor Peregrine Clinker; Humphrey Randomhow did the fellow call his rubbish?  Neither of these men had the bel air; the bon ton; the je ne scais quoy。  Pah!  If I meet them in my walks by our Stygian river; I give them a wide berth; as that hybrid apothecary fellow would say。  An ounce of civet; good apothecary; horrible; horrible! The mere thought of the coarseness of those men gives me the chair de poule。  Mr。 Fielding; especially; has no more sensibility than a butcher in Fleet Market。  He takes his heroes out of ale…house kitchens; or worse places still。  And this is the person whom Posterity has chosen to honor along with meME!  Faith; Monsieur Posterity; you have put me in pretty company; and I see you are no wiser than we were in our time。  Mr。 Fielding; forsooth!  Mr。 Tripe and Onions!  Mr。 Cowheel and Gin!  Thank you for nothing。 Monsieur Posterity!〃 〃And so;〃 thought I; 〃even among these Stygians this envy and quarrelsomeness (if you will permit me the word) survive?  What a pitiful meanness!  To be sure; I can understand this feeling to a certain extent; a sense of justice will prompt it。  In my own case; I often feel myself forced to protest against the absurd praises lavished on contemporaries。  Yesterday; for instance; Lady Jones was good enough to praise one of my works。  Tres bien。  But in the very next minute she began; with quite as great enthusiasm; to praise Miss Hobson's last romance。  My good creature; what is that woman's praise worth who absolutely admires the writings of Miss Hobson?  I offer a friend a bottle of '44 claret; fit for a pontifical supper。 'This is capital wine;' says he; 'and now we have finished the bottle; will you give me a bottle of that ordinaire we drank the other day?'  Very well; my good man。  You are a good judgeof ordinaire; I dare say。  Nothing so provokes my anger; and rouses my sense of justice; as to hear other men undeservedly praised。  In a word; if you wish to remain friends with me; don't praise anybody。 You tell me that the Venus de' Medici is beautiful; or Jacob Omnium is tall。  Que diable!  Can't I judge for myself?  Haven't I eyes and a foot…rule?  I don't think the Venus IS so handsome; since you press me。  She is pretty; but she has no expression。  And as for Mr。 Omnium; I can see much taller men in a fair for twopence。〃 〃And so;〃 I said; turning round to Mr。 Sterne; 〃you are actually jealous of Mr。 Fielding?  O you men of letters; you men of letters! Is not the world (your world; I mean) big enough for all of you?〃 I often travel in my sleep。  I often of a night find myself walking in my night…gown about the gray streets。  It is awkward at first; but somehow nobody makes any remark。  I glide along over the ground with my naked feet。  The mud does not wet them。  The passers…by do not tread on them。  I am wafted over the ground; down the stairs; through the doors。  This sort of travelling; dear friends; I am sure you have all of you indulged。 Well; on the night in question (and; if you wish to know the precise date; it was the 31st of September last); after having some little conversation with Mr。 Sterne in our bedroom; I must have got up; though I protest I don't know how; and come down stairs with him into the coffee…room of the 〃Hotel Dessein;〃 where the moon was shining; and a cold supper was laid out。  I forget what we had 〃vol…au…vent d'oeufs de Phenixagneau aux pistaches a la Barmecide;〃what matters what we had? 〃As regards supper this is certain; the less you have of it the better。〃 That is what one of the guests remarked;a shabby old man; in a wig; and such a dirty; ragged; disreputable dressing…gown that I should have been quite surprised at him; only one never IS surprised in dr under 

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