sunday under three heads-第7部分
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Sunday now; are industrious; orderly; and well…behaved persons。 It
is not unreasonable to suppose that they would be no more inclined
to an abuse of pleasures provided for them; than they are to an
abuse of the pleasures they provide for themselves; and if any
people; for want of something better to do; resort to criminal
practices on the Sabbath as at present observed; no better remedy
for the evil can be imagined; than giving them the opportunity of
doing something which will amuse them; and hurt nobody else。
The propriety of opening the British Museum to respectable people
on Sunday; has lately been the subject of some discussion。 I think
it would puzzle the most austere of the Sunday legislators to
assign any valid reason for opposing so sensible a proposition。
The Museum contains rich specimens from all the vast museums and
repositories of Nature; and rare and curious fragments of the
mighty works of art; in bygone ages: all calculated to awaken
contemplation and inquiry; and to tend to the enlightenment and
improvement of the people。 But attendants would be necessary; and
a few men would be employed upon the Sabbath。 They certainly
would; but how many? Why; if the British Museum; and the National
Gallery; and the Gallery of Practical Science; and every other
exhibition in London; from which knowledge is to be derived and
information gained; were to be thrown open on a Sunday afternoon;
not fifty people would be required to preside over the whole: and
it would take treble the number to enforce a Sabbath bill in any
three populous parishes。
I should like to see some large field; or open piece of ground; in
every outskirt of London; exhibiting each Sunday evening on a
larger scale; the scene of the little country meadow。 I should
like to see the time arrive; when a man's attendance to his
religious duties might be left to that religious feeling which most
men possess in a greater or less degree; but which was never forced
into the breast of any man by menace or restraint。 I should like
to see the time when Sunday might be looked forward to; as a
recognised day of relaxation and enjoyment; and when every man
might feel; what few men do now; that religion is not incompatible
with rational pleasure and needful recreation。
How different a picture would the streets and public places then
present! The museums; and repositories of scientific and useful
inventions; would be crowded with ingenious mechanics and
industrious artisans; all anxious for information; and all unable
to procure it at any other time。 The spacious saloons would be
swarming with practical men: humble in appearance; but destined;
perhaps; to become the greatest inventors and philosophers of their
age。 The labourers who now lounge away the day in idleness and
intoxication; would be seen hurrying along; with cheerful faces and
clean attire; not to the close and smoky atmosphere of the public…
house but to the fresh and airy fields。 Fancy the pleasant scene。
Throngs of people; pouring out from the lanes and alleys of the
metropolis; to various places of common resort at some short
distance from the town; to join in the refreshing sports and
exercises of the day … the children gambolling in crowds upon the
grass; the mothers looking on; and enjoying themselves the little
game they seem only to direct; other parties strolling along some
pleasant walks; or reposing in the shade of the stately trees;
others again intent upon their different amusements。 Nothing
should be heard on all sides; but the sharp stroke of the bat as it
sent the ball skimming along the ground; the clear ring of the
quoit; as it struck upon the iron peg: the noisy murmur of many
voices; and the loud shout of mirth and delight; which would awaken
the echoes far and wide; till the fields rung with it。 The day
would pass away; in a series of enjoyments which would awaken no
painful reflections when night arrived; for they would be
calculated to bring with them; only health and contentment。 The
young would lose that dread of religion; which the sour austerity
of its professors too often inculcates in youthful bosoms; and the
old would find less difficulty in persuading them to respect its
observances。 The drunken and dissipated; deprived of any excuse
for their misconduct; would no longer excite pity but disgust。
Above all; the more ignorant and humble class of men; who now
partake of many of the bitters of life; and taste but few of its
sweets; would naturally feel attachment and respect for that code
of morality; which; regarding the many hardships of their station;
strove to alleviate its rigours; and endeavoured to soften its
This is what Sunday might be made; and what it might be made
without impiety or profanation。 The wise and beneficent Creator
who places men upon earth; requires that they shall perform the
duties of that station of life to which they are called; and He can
never intend that the more a man strives to discharge those duties;
the more he shall be debarred from happiness and enjoyment。 Let
those who have six days in the week for all the world's pleasures;
appropriate the seventh to fasting and gloom; either for their own
sins or those of other people; if they like to bewail them; but let
those who employ their six days in a worthier manner; devote their
seventh to a different purpose。 Let divines set the example of
true morality: preach it to their flocks in the morning; and
dismiss them to enjoy true rest in the afternoon; and let them
select for their text; and let Sunday legislators take for their
motto; the words which fell from the lips of that Master; whose
precepts they misconstrue; and whose lessons they pervert … 'The
Sabbath was made for man; and not man to serve the Sabbath。'