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fling her in the street; when done。
KIT。 So you brought me here to steal did you?
PEW。 Ay did I; and you shall。 I'm a biter: I bring blood。
KIT。 Now; Pew; you came here on my promise; or I'd kill you like
a rat。 As it is; out of that door! One; two; three (DRAWING HIS
CUTLASS); and off!
murder! thieves!
To these; ARETHUSA; GAUNT; with lights。 Stage light。 PEW has
KIT down; and is throttling him
PEW。 I've got him; Cap'n。 What; kill my old commander; and rob
him of his blessed child? Not with old Pew!
GAUNT。 Get up; David: can't you see you're killing him?
Unhand; I say。
ARETHUSA。 In heaven's name; who is it?
PEW。 It's a damned villain; my pretty; and his name; to the best
of my belief; is French。
ARETHUSA。 Kit? Kit French? Never!
KIT (RISING)。 He's done for me。 (FALLS ON CHEST。)
'PEW。 Don't you take on about him; ducky; he ain't worth it。
Cap'n Gaunt; I took him and I give him up。 You was 'ard on me
this morning; Cap'n: this is my way … Pew's way; this is … of
paying of you out。
ARETHUSA。 Father; this is the blind man that came while you were
abroad。 Sure you'll not listen to HIM。 And you; Kit; you; what
is this?
KIT。 Captain Gaunt; that blind devil has half…throttled me。 He
brought me here … I can't speak … he has almost killed me … and
I'd been drinking too。
GAUNT。 And you; David Pew; what do you say?'
PEW。 Cap'n; the rights of it is this。 Me and that young man
there was partaking in a friendly drop of rum at the ADMIRAL
BENBOW inn; and I'd just proposed his blessed Majesty; when the
young man he ups and says to me: 'Pew;' he says; 'I like you;
Pew: you're a true seaman;' he says; 'and I'm one as sticks at
nothing; and damme; Pew;' he says; 'I'll make your fortune。'
'Can he deny as them was his words? Look at him; you as has
eyes: no; he cannot。 'Come along of me;' he says; 'and damme;
I'll make your fortune。'' Well; Cap'n; he lights a dark lantern
(which you'll find it somewhere on the floor; I reckon); and out
we goes; me follerin' his lead; as I thought was 'art…of…oak and
a true…blue mariner; and the next I knows is; here we was in
here; and him a…askin' me to 'old the glim; while he prised the
lid off of your old sea…chest with his cutlass。
PEW。 Leastways; I was to 'elp him; by his account of it; while
he nailed the rhino; and then took and carried off that lovely
maid of yours; for a lovely maid she is; and one as touched old
Pew's 'art Cap'n; when I 'eard that; my blood biled。 'Young
man;' I says; 'you don't know David Pew;' I says; and with that I
ups and does my dooty by him; cutlass and all; like a lion…'arted
seaman; though blind。 'And then in comes you; and I gives him
up: as you know for a fack is true; and I'll subscribe at the
Assizes。 And that; if you was to cut me into junks; is the
truth; the 'ole truth; and nothing but the truth; world without
end; so help me; amen; and if you'll 'and me over the 'oly Bible;
me not having such a thing about me at the moment; why; I'll put
a oath upon it like a man。'
ARETHUSA。 Father; have you heard?
'GAUNT。 I know this man; Arethusa; and the truth is not in him。
ARETHUSA。 Well; and why do we wait? We know Kit; do we not?
KIT。 Ay; Captain; you know the pair of us; and you can see his
face and mine。'
GAUNT。 Christopher; the facts are all against you。 I find you
here in my house at midnight: you who at least had eyes to see;
and must have known whither you were going。 It was this man; not
you; who called me up: and when I came in; it was he who was
uppermost and who gave you up to justice。 This unsheathed
cutlass is yours; there hangs the scabbard; empty; and as for the
dark lantern; of what use is light to the blind? and who could
have trimmed and lighted it but you?
PEW。 Ah; Cap'n; what a 'ed for argyment!
KIT。 And now; sir; now that you have spoken; I claim the liberty
to speak on my side。
GAUNT。 Not so。 I will first have done with this man。 David
Pew; it were too simple to believe your story as you tell it; but
I can find no testimony against you。 From whatever reason;
assuredly you have done me service。 Here are five guineas to set
you on your way。 Begone at once; and while it is yet time; think
upon your repentance。
PEW。 Cap'n; here's my respecks。 You've turned a pious man;
Cap'n; it does my 'art good to 'ear you。 But you ain't the only
one。 O no! I came about and paid off on the other tack before
you; I reckon: you ask the Chaplain of the Fleet else; as called
me on the quarter…deck before old Admiral 'Awke himself (TOUCHING
HIS HAT); my old commander。 ''David Pew;' he says;
'five…and…thirty year have I been in this trade; man and boy;'
that chaplain says; 'and damme; Pew;' says he; 'if ever I seen
the seaman that could rattle off his catechism within fifty mile
of you。 Here's five guineas out of my own pocket;' he says; 'and
what's more to the pint;' he says; 'I'll speak to my reverend
brother…in…law; the Bishop of Dover;' he says; 'and if ever you
leave the sea; and wants a place as beadle; why damme;' says he;
'you go to him; for you're the man for him; and him for you。'
GAUNT。 David Pew; you never set your foot on a King's ship in
all your life。 There lies the road。
PEW。 Ah; you was always a 'ard man; Cap'n; and a 'ard man to
believe; like Didymus the 'Ebrew prophet。 But it's time for me
to go; and I'll be going。 My service to you; Cap'n: and I kiss
my 'and to that lovely female。
'Time for us to go;
Time for us to go; A
nd when we'd clapped the hatches on;
'Twas time for us to go。'
KIT。 Well; sir; and now?
GAUNT。 I find you here in my house at this untimely and unseemly
hour; I find you there in company with one who; to my assured
knowledge; should long since have swung in the wind at Execution
Dock。 What brought you? Why did you open my door while I slept
to such a companion? Christopher French; I have two treasures。
Christopher; is this your love?
KIT。 Sir; I have been fooled and trapped。 That man declared he
knew you; declared he could make you change your mind about our
marriage。 I was drunk; sir; and I believed him: heaven knows I
am sober now; and can see my folly; but I believed him then; and
followed him。 He brought me here; he told me your chest was full
of gold that would make men of us for life。 At that I saw my
fault; sir; and drew my cutlass; and he; in the wink of an eye;
roared out for help; leaped at my throat like a weasel and had me
rolling on the floor。 He was quick; and I; as I tell you; sir;
was off my balance。
GAUNT。 Is this man; Pew; your enemy?
KIT。 No sir; I never saw him till to…night。
GAUNT。 Then; if you must stand the justice of your country; come
to the proof with a better plea。 What? lantern and cutlass
yours; you the one that knew the house; you the one that saw; you
the one overtaken and denounced; and you spin me a galley yarn
like that? If that is all your defence; you'll hang; sir; hang。
ARETHUSA。 Ah! Father; I give him up: I will never see him;
never speak to him; never think of him again; I take him from my
heart; I give myself wholly up to you and to my mother; I will
obey you in every point … O; not at a word merely … at a finger
raised! I will do all this; I will do anything … anything you
bid me; I swear it in the face of heaven。 Only … Kit! I love
him; father; I love him。 Let him go。
ARETHUSA。 You let the other。 Open the door again … for my sake;
father … in my mother's name … O; open the door and let him go。'
KIT。 Let me go? My girl; if you had cast me out is morning;
good and well: I would have left you; though it broke my heart。
But it's a changed story now; now I'm down on my luck; and you
come and stab me from behind。 I ask no favour; and I'll take
none; I stand here on my innocence; and God helping me I'll clear
my good name; and get your love again; if it's love worth having。
'Now; Captain Gaunt; I've said my say; and you may do your
pleasure。 I am my father's son; and I never feared to face the
GAUNT。 You have spoken like a man; French; and you may go。 I
leave you free。
KIT。 Nay; sir; not so: not with my will。 I'm accused and
counted guilty; the proofs are against me; the girl I love has
turned upon me。 I'll accept no mercy at your hands。' Captain
Gaunt; I am your prisoner。
ARETHUSA。 Kit; dear Kit …
GAUNT。 Silence! Young man; I have offered you liberty without
bond or condition。 You refuse。 You shall be judged。 Meanwhile
(OPENING THE DOOR; R。); you will go in here。 I keep your
cutlass。 The night brings counsel: to…morrow shall decide。 (HE
ARETHUSA。 Father; you believe in him; you do; I know you do。
GAUNT。 Child; I am not given to be hasty。 I will pray and sleep
upon this matter。 (A KNOCKING AT THE DOOR; C。) Who knocks so
late? (HE OPENS。)
PEW (ENTERING)。 Cap'n; shall I fetch the constable?
PEW。 No? Have ye killed him?
GAUNT。 My man; I'll see you into the road。 (HE TAKES PEW BY THE
wait! I will come to you soon。
The Stage represents the Admiral's house; as in Acts I。 and III。
A chair; L。; in front。 As the curtain rises; the Stage is dark。
Enter ARETHUSA; L。; with candle; she lights another; and passes
to door; R。; which she unbolts。 Stage light
ARETHUSA。 Come; dear Kit; come!
KIT。 Well; I'm here。
ARETHUSA。 O Kit; you are not angry with me。
KIT。 Have I reason to be pleased?
ARETHUSA。 Kit; I was wrong。 Forgive me。
KIT。 O yes。 I forgive you。 I suppose you meant it kindly; but
there are some k