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John Fielding; Mr。 Procurator…Fiscal; he's an active gentleman;
likewise; though he's blind as a himage; and he desired his
compliments to you; 'sir; and said that between us he thought
we'd do the trick'。
LAWSON。 Ay; he'll be a fine man; Sir John。 Hand me owre your
papers; Hunt; and you'll have your new warrant QUAM PRIMUM。 And
see here; Hunt; ye'll aiblins have a while to yoursel'; and an
active man; as ye say ye are; should aye be grinding grist。
We're sair forfeuchen wi' our burglaries。 NON CONSTAT DE
PERSONA。 We canna get a grip o' the delinquents。 Here is the
HUE AND CRY。 Ye see there is a guid two hundred pounds for ye。
HUNT。 Well; Mr。 Procurator…Fiscal 'I ain't a rich man; and two
hundred's two hundred。 Thereby; sir'; I don't mind telling you
I've had a bit of a worry at it already。 You see; Mr。
Procurator…Fiscal; I had to look into a ken to…night about the
Captain; and an old cock always likes to be sure of his walk; so
I got one of your Scotch officers … him as was so polite as to
show me round to Mr。 Brodie's … to give me full particulars about
the 'ouse; and the flash companions that use it。 In his list I
drop on the names of two old lambs of my own; and I put it to
you; Mr。 Procurator…Fiscal; as a genleman as knows the world; if
what's a black sheep in London is likely or not to be keeping
school in Edinburgh?
HUNT。 I'll give it a thought; sir; and see if I can't kill two
birds with one stone。 Talking of which; Mr。 Procurator…Fiscal;
I'd like to have a bit of a confab with that nice young woman as
came to pay her rent。
LAWSON。 Hunt; that's a very decent woman。
HUNT。 And a very decent woman may have mighty queer pals; Mr。
Procurator…Fiscal。 Lord love you; sir; I don't know what the
profession would do without 'em!
LAWSON。 Ye're vera richt; Hunt。 An active and a watchful
officer。 I'll send her in till ye。
Two hundred pounds reward。 Curious thing。 One burglary after
another; and these Scotch blockheads without a man to show for
it。 Jock runs east; and Sawney cuts west; everything's at a
deadlock; and they go on calling themselves thief…catchers! 'By
jingo; I'll show them how we do it down South! Well; I've worn
out a good deal of saddle leather over Jemmy Rivers; but here's
for new breeches if you like。' Let's have another queer at the
list。 (READS。) 'Humphrey Moore; otherwise Badger; aged forty;
thick…set; dark; close…cropped; has been a prize…fighter; no
apparent occupation。' Badger's an old friend of mine; 'George
Smith; otherwise the Dook; otherwise Jingling Geordie; red…haired
and curly; slight; flash; an old thimble…rig; has been a
stroller; suspected of smuggling; an associate of loose women。'
G。 S。; Esquire; is another of my flock。 'Andrew Ainslie;
otherwise Slink Ainslie; aged thirty…five; thin; white…faced;
lank…haired; no occupation; has been in trouble for reset of
theft and subornation of youth; might be useful as king's
evidence。' That's an acquaintance to make。 'Jock Hamilton;
otherwise Sweepie;' and so on。 ''Willie M'Glashan;' hum … yes;
and so on; and so on。' Ha! here's the man I want。 'William
Brodie; Deacon of the Wrights; about thirty; tall; slim; dark;
wears his own hair; is often at Clarke's; but seemingly for
purposes of amusement only; 'is nephew to the Procurator…Fiscal;
is commercially sound; but has of late (it is supposed) been
short of cash; has lost much at cock…fighting;' is proud; clever;
of good repute; but is fond of adventures and secrecy; and keeps
low company。' Now; here's what I ask myself: here's this list
of the family party that drop into Mother Clarke's; it's been in
the hands of these nincompoops for weeks; and I'm the first to
cry Queer Street! Two well…known cracksmen; Badger and the Dook!
why; there's Jack in the Orchard at once。 This here topsawyer
work they talk about; of course that's a chalk above Badger and
the Dook。 But how about our Mohock…tradesman? 'Purposes of
amusement!' What next? Deacon of the Wrights? and wright in
their damned lingo means a kind of carpenter; I fancy? Why;
damme; it's the man's trade! I'll look you up; Mr。 William
Brodie; Deacon of the Wrights。 As sure as my name's Jerry Hunt;
I wouldn't take one…ninety…nine in gold for my chance of that
'ere two hundred!
HUNT; to him JEAN
HUNT。 Well; my dear; and how about your gentleman friend now?
How about Deacon Brodie?
JEAN。 I dinna ken your name; sir; nor yet whae ye are; but this
is a very poor employ for ony gentleman … it sets ill wi' ony
gentleman to cast my shame in my teeth。
HUNT。 Lord love you; my dear; that ain't my line of country。
Suppose you're not married and churched a hundred thousand times;
what odds to Jerry Hunt? Jerry; my Pamela Prue; is a cove as
might be your parent; a cove renowned for the ladies' friend 'and
he's dead certain to be on your side'。 What I can't get over is
this: here's this Mr。 Deacon Brodie doing the genteel at home;
and leaving a nice young 'oman like you … as a cove may say … to
take it out on cold potatoes。 That's what I can't get over; Mrs。
Watt。 I'm a family man myself; and I can't get over it。
JEAN。 And whae said that to ye? They lee'd whatever。 I get
naething but guid by him; and I had nae richt to gang to his
house; and O; I just ken I've been the ruin of him!
HUNT。 Don't you take on; Mrs。 Watt。 Why; now I hear you piping
up for him; I begin to think a lot of him myself。 I like a cove
to be open…handed and free。
JEAN。 Weel; sir; and he's a' that。
HUNT。 Well; that shows what a wicked world this is。 Why; they
told me … 。 Well; well; 'here's the open 'and and the 'appy
'art。' And how much; my dear … speaking as a family man … now;
how much might your gentleman friend stand you in the course of a
JEAN。 What's your wull?
HUNT。 That's a mighty fancy shawl; Mrs。 Watt。 'I should like to
take its next…door neighbour to Mrs。 Hunt in King Street; Common
Garden。' What's about the figure?
JEAN。 It's paid for。 Ye can sweir to that。
HUNT。 Yes; my dear; and so is King George's crown; but I don't
know what it cost; and I don't know where the blunt came from to
pay for it。
JEAN。 I'm thinking ye'll be a vera clever gentleman。
HUNT。 So I am; my dear; and I like you none the worse for being
artful yourself。 But between friends now; and speaking as a
family man …
JEAN。 I'll be wishin' ye a fine nicht。 (CURTSIES AND GOES OUT。)
HUNT。 Ah! that's it; is it? 'My fancy man's my 'ole delight;'
as we say in Bow Street。 But which IS the fancy man? George the
Dock; or William the Deacon? One or both? (HE WINKS SOLEMNLY。)
Well; Jerry; my boy; here's your work cut out for you; but if you
took one…nine…five for that 'ere little two hundred you'd be a
disgrace to the profession。
The Stage represents a room of coarse and sordid appearance:
settles; spittoons; etc。; sanded floor。 A large table at back;
where AINSLIE; HAMILTON; and others are playing cards and
quarrelling。 In front; L。 and R。 smaller tables; at one of which
are BRODIE and MOORE; drinking。 MRS。 CLARKE and women serving。
MOORE。 You've got the devil's own luck; Deacon; that's what
you've got。
BRODIE。 Luck! Don't talk of luck to a man like me! Why not say
I've the devil's own judgment? Men of my stamp don't risk … they
plan; Badger; they plan; and leave chance to such cattle as you
'and Jingling Geordie。 They make opportunities before they take
MOORE。 You're artful; ain't you?
BRODIE。 Should I be here else? When I leave my house I leave an
ALIBI behind me。 I'm ill … ill with a jumping headache; and the
fiend's own temper。 I'm sick in bed this minute; and they're all
going about with the fear of death on them lest they should
disturb the poor sick Deacon。 'My bedroom door is barred and
bolted like the bank … you remember! … and all the while the
window's open; and the Deacon's over the hills and far away。
What do you think of me?'
MOORE。 I've seen your sort before; I have。
BRODIE。 Not you。 As for Leslie's …
MOORE。 That was a nick above you。
BRODIE。 Ay was it。 He wellnigh took me red…handed; and that was
better luck than I deserved。 If I'd not been drunk; and in my
tantrums; you'd never have got my hand within a thousand years of
such a job。
MOORE。 Why not? You're the King of the Cracksmen; ain't you?
BRODIE。 Why not! He asks me why not! Gods; what a brain it is!
Hark ye; Badger; it's all very well to be King of the Cracksmen;
as you call it; but however respectable he may have the
misfortune to be; one's friend is one's friend; and as such must
be severely let alone。 What! shall there be no more honour among
thieves than there is honesty among politicians? Why; man; if
under heaven there were but one poor lock unpicked; and that the
lock of one whose claret you've drunk; and who has babbled of
woman across your own mahogany … that lock; sir; were entirely
sacred。 Sacred as the Kirk of Scotland; sacred as King George
upon his throne; sacred as the memory of Bruce and Bannockburn。
MOORE。 Oh; rot! I ain't a parson; I ain't; I never had no
college education。 Business is business。 That's wot's the
matter with me。
BRODIE。 Ay; so we said when you lost that fight with Newcastle
Jemmy; and sent us all home poor men。 That was a nick above YOU。
MOORE。 Newcastle Jemmy! Muck: that's my opinion of him: muck。
I'll mop the floor up with him any day; if so be as you or any on
'em 'll make it worth my while。 If not; muck! That's my motto。
Wot I now ses is; about that 'ere crib at Leslie's; wos I right;
I ses? or wos I wrong? That's wot's the matter with you。
BRODIE。 You are both right and wrong。 You dared me to do it。 I
was drunk; I was upon my mettle; and I as good as did it。 More
than that; black…guardly as it was; I enjoyed the doing。 He is
my friend。 He had dined with me that day; and I felt like a man
in a story。 I climbed his wall; I crawled along his pantry roof;
I mou