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a psychological counter-current in recent fiction-第2部分

小说: a psychological counter-current in recent fiction 字数: 每页4000字

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superstitions; their old world traditions and their new world

customs。  It is the land not only of the habitant; but of his

oversoul; the good cure; and his overlord the seigneur; now faded

economically; but still lingering socially in the scene of his

large possessions。  Their personality imparts a charm to the many

books about them which at present there seems to be no end to the

making of; and such a fine touch as Dr。 Van Dyke's gives us a

likeness of them; which if it is idealized is idealized by

reservation; not by attribution。



Mr。 William Allen White's method is the reverse of Dr。 Van

Dyke's。  If he has held his hand anywhere the reader does not

suspect it; for it seems; with its relentless power of

realization; to be laid upon the whole political life of Kansas;

which it keeps in a clutch so penetrating; so comprehensive; that

the reader does not quite feel his own vitals free from it。  Very

likely; it does not grasp the whole situation; after all; it is a

picture; not a map; that Mr。 White has been making; and the

photograph itself; though it may include; does not represent

everything。  Some years ago there was a silly attempt to reproach

the true painters of manners by calling them photographic; but I

doubt if even then Mr。 White would have minded any such censure

of his conscientious work; and I am sure that now he would count

it honor。  He cannot be the admirable artist he is without

knowing that it is the inwardness as well as the outwardness of

men that he photographs; and if the reader does not know it; the

worse for the reader。  He is not the sort of reader who will rise

from this book humiliated and fortified; as any reader worthy of

it will。

The author has put his best foot forward in the opening story;

〃The Man on Horseback;〃 which; when I read it a few years ago in

the magazine where it first appeared; seemed to me so perfect in

its way that I should not have known how to better it。  Of

course; this is a good deal for a critic to say; it is something

like abdicating his office; but I repeat it。  It takes rather

more courage for a man to be honest in fiction than out of it;

for people do not much expect it of him; or altogether like it in

him; but in 〃The Man on Horseback〃 Mr。 White is at every moment

honest。  He is honest; if not so impressively honest; in the

other stories; 〃A Victory for the People;〃 〃A Triumph's

Evidence;〃 〃The Mercy of Death;〃 and 〃A Most Lamentable Comedy;〃

and where he fails of perfect justice to his material; I think it

is because of his unconscious political bias; rather than

anything wilfuller。  In the story last named this betrays itself

in his treatment of a type of man who could not be faithful to

any sort of movement; and whose unfaithfulness does not

necessarily censure the movement Mr。 White dislikes。  Wonderfully

good as the portrait of Dan Gregg is; it wants the final touch

which could have come only from a little kindness。  His story

might have been called 〃The Man on Foot;〃 by the sort of

antithesis which I should not blame Mr。 White for scorning; and I

should not say anything of it worse than that it is pitilessly

hard; which the story of 〃The Man on Horseback〃 is not; or any of

the other stories。  Sentimentality of any kind is alien to the

author's nature; but not tenderness; especially that sparing sort

which gives his life to the man who is down。

Most of the men whom Mr。 White deals with are down; as most men

in the struggle of life are。  Few of us can be on top morally;

almost as few as can be on top materially; and probably nothing

will more surprise the saints at the judgment day than to find

themselves in such a small minority。  But probably not the saints

alone will be saved; and it is some such hope that Mr。 White has

constantly in mind when making his constant appeal to conscience。 

It is; of course; a dramatic; not a didactic appeal。  He preaches

so little and is so effectively reticent that I could almost with

he had left out the preface of his book; good as it is。  Yes;

just because it is so good I could wish he had left it out。  It

is a perfect justification of his purpose and methods; but they

are their own justification with all who can think about them;

and the others are themselves not worth thinking about。  The

stories are so bravely faithful to human nature in that political

aspect which is but one phase of our whole average life that they

are magnificently above all need of excusing or defending。  They

form a substantial body of political fiction; such as we have so

long sighed for; and such as some of us will still go on sighing

for quite as if it had not been supplied。  Some others will be

aware that it has been supplied in a form as artistically fine as

the material itself is coarse and common; if indeed any sort of

humanity is coarse and common except to those who themselves are


The meaning that animates the stories is that our political

opportunity is trammelled only so far as we have trammelled it by

our greed and falsehood; and in this aspect the psychology of Mr。

White offers the strongest contrast to that of the latest Russian

master in fiction。  Maxim Gorky's wholly hopeless study of

degeneracy in the life of 〃Foma Gordyeeff〃 accuses conditions

which we can only imagine with difficulty。  As one advances

through the moral waste of that strange book one slowly perceives

that he is in a land of No Use; in an ambient of such iron fixity

and inexorable bounds that perhaps Foma's willingness to rot

through vice into imbecility is as wise as anything else there。 

It is a book that saturates the soul with despair; and blights it

with the negation which seems the only possible truth in the

circumstances; so that one questions whether the Russian in which

Turgenieff and Tolstoy; and even Dostoyevsky; could animate the

volition and the expectation of better things has not sunk to

depths beyond any counsel of amelioration。  To come up out of

that Bottomless Pit into the measureless air of Mr。 White's

Kansas plains is like waking from death to life。  We are still

among dreadfully fallible human beings; but we are no longer

among the damned; with the worst there is a purgatorial

possibility of Paradise。  Even the perdition of Dan Gregg then

seems not the worst that could befall him; he might again have

been governor。


If the human beings in Dr。 Weir Mitchell's very interesting novel

of 〃Circumstance〃 do not seem so human as those Russians of Gorky

and those Kansans of Mr。 White; it is because people in society

are always human with difficulty; and his Philadelphians are

mostly in society。  They are almost reproachfully exemplary; in

some instances; and it is when they give way to the natural man;

and especially the natural woman; that they are consoling and

edifying。  When Mary Fairthorne begins to scold her cousin; Kitty

Morrow; at the party where she finds Kitty wearing her dead

mother's pearls; and even takes hold of her in a way that makes

the reader hope she is going to shake her; she is delightful; and

when Kitty complains that Mary has 〃pinched〃 her; she is

adorable。  One is really in love with her for the moment; and in

that moment of nature the thick air of good society seems to blow

away and let one breathe freely。  The bad people in the book are

better than the good people; and the good people are best in

their worst tempers。  They are so exclusively well born and well

bred that the fitness of the medical student; Blount; for their

society can be ascertained only by his reference to a New England

ancestry of the high antiquity that can excuse even dubious cuffs

and finger…nails in a descendant of good principles and generous


The psychological problem studied in the book with such artistic

fineness and scientific thoroughness is personally a certain Mrs。

Hunter; who manages through the weak…minded and selfish Kitty

Morrow to work her way to authority in the household of Kitty's

uncle; where she displaces Mary Fairthorne; and makes the place

odious to all the kith and kin of Kitty。  Intellectually; she is

a clever woman; or rather; she is a woman of great cunning that

rises at times to sagacity; but she is limited by a bad heart and

an absence of conscience。  She is bold up to a point; and then

she is timid; she will go to lengths; but not to all lengths; and

when it comes to poisoning Fairthorne to keep him from changing

his mind about the bequest he has made her; she has not quite the

courage of her convictions。  She hesitates and does not do it;

and it is in this point she becomes so aesthetically successful。 

The guilt of the uncommitted crimes is more important than the

guilt of those which have been committed; and the author does a

good thing morally as well as artistically in leaving Mrs。 Hunter

still something of a problem to his reader。  In most things she

is almost too plain a case; she is sly; and vulgar; and depraved

and cruel; she is all that a murderess should be; but; in

hesitating at murder; she becomes and remains a mystery; and the

reader does not get rid of her as he would if she had really done

the deed。  In the inferior exigencies she strikes fearlessly; and

when the man who has divorced her looms up in her horizon with

doom in his presence; she goes and makes love to him。  She is not

the less successful because she disgusts him; he agrees to let

her alone so long as she does no mischief; she has; at least;

made him unwilling to feel himself her persecutor; and that is

enough for her。

Mrs。 Hunter is a study of extreme interest in degeneracy; but I

am not sure that Kitty Morrow is not a rarer contribution to

knowledge。  Of course; that sort of selfish girl has always been

known; but she has not met the open recognition which constitutes

knowledge; and so she has the preciousness of a find。  She is at

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