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〃What you doin'?〃 asked Maurice for the third time; Sam
Williams not having decided upon a reply。
It was Penrod who answered。
〃Drinkin' lickrish water;〃 he said simply; and wiped his
mouth with such delicious enjoyment that Sam's jaded thirst was
instantly stimulated。 He took the bottle eagerly from Penrod。
〃A…a…h!〃 exclaimed Penrod; smacking his lips。 〃That was a
good un!〃
The eyes above the fence glistened。
〃Ask him if he don't want some;〃 Penrod whispered urgently。
〃Quit drinkin' it! It's no good any more。 Ask him!〃
〃What for?〃 demanded the practical Sam。
〃Go on and ask him!〃 whispered Penrod fiercely。
〃Say; M'rice!〃 Sam called; waving the bottle。 〃Want some?〃
〃Bring it here!〃 Mr。 Levy requested。
〃Come on over and get some;〃 returned Sam; being prompted。
〃I can't。 Penrod Schofield's after me。〃
〃No; I'm not;〃 said Penrod reassuringly。 〃I won't touch you;
M'rice。 I made up with you yesterday afternoondon't you
remember? You're all right with me; M'rice。〃
Maurice looked undecided。 But Penrod had the delectable
bottle again; and tilting it above his lips; affected to let the
cool liquid purl enrichingly into him; while with his right hand
he stroked his middle facade ineffably。 Maurice's mouth watered。
〃Here!〃 cried Sam; stirred again by the superb manifestations
of his friend。 〃Gimme that!〃
Penrod brought the bottle down; surprisingly full after so
much gusto; but withheld it from Sam; and the two scuffled for
its possession。 Nothing in the world could have so worked upon
the desire of the yearning observer beyond the fence。
〃Honest; Penrodyou ain't goin' to touch me if I come in
your yard?〃 he called。 〃Honest?〃
〃Cross my heart!〃 answered Penrod; holding the bottle away
from Sam。 〃And we'll let you drink all you want。〃
Maurice hastily climbed the fence; and while he was thus
occupied Mr。 Samuel Williams received a great enlightenment。
With startling rapidity Penrod; standing just outside the
storeroom door; extended his arm within the room; deposited the
licorice water upon the counter of the drug store; seized in its
stead the bottle of smallpox medicine; and extended it cordially
toward the advancing Maurice。
Genius is like thatgreat; simple; broad strokes!
Dazzled; Mr。 Samuel Williams leaned against the wall。 He had
the sensations of one who comes suddenly into the presence of a
chef…d'oeuvre。 Perhaps his first coherent thought was that
almost universal one on such huge occasions: 〃Why couldn't _I_
have done that!〃
Sam might have been even more dazzled had he guessed
that he figured not altogether as a spectator in the sweeping and
magnificent conception of the new Talleyrand。 Sam had no partner
for the cotillon。 If Maurice was to be absent from that
festivityas it began to seem he might bePenrod needed a male
friend to take care of Miss Rennsdale and he believed he saw his
way to compel Mr。 Williams to be that male friend。 For this he
relied largely upon the prospective conduct of Miss Rennsdale
when he should get the matter before herhe was inclined to
believe she would favour the exchange。 As for Talleyrand Penrod
himself; he was going to dance that cotillon with Marjorie Jones!
〃You can have all you can drink at one pull; M'rice;〃 said
Penrod kindly。
〃You said I could have all I want!〃 protested Maurice;
reaching for the bottle。
〃No; I didn't;〃 returned Penrod quickly; holding it away from
the eager hand。
〃He did; too! Didn't he; Sam?〃
Sam could not reply; his eyes; fixed upon the bottle;
protruded strangely。
〃You heard himdidn't you; Sam?〃
〃Well; if I did say it I didn't mean it!〃 said Penrod
hastily; quoting from one of the authorities。 〃Looky here;
M'rice;〃 he continued; assuming a more placative and reasoning
tone; 〃that wouldn't be fair to us。 I guess we want some of our
own lickrish water; don't we? The bottle ain't much over two…
thirds full anyway。 What I meant was; you can have all you
can drink at one pull。〃
〃How do you mean?〃
〃Why; this way: you can gulp all you want; so long as you
keep swallering; but you can't take the bottle out of your mouth
and commence again。 Soon's you quit swallering it's Sam's turn。〃
〃No; you can have next; Penrod;〃 said Sam。
〃Well; anyway; I mean M'rice has to give the bottle up the
minute he stops swallering。〃
Craft appeared upon the face of Maurice; like a poster pasted
on a wall。
〃I can drink so long I don't stop swallering?〃
〃Yes; that's it。〃
〃All right!〃 he cried。 〃Gimme the bottle!〃
And Penrod placed it in his hand。
〃You promise to let me drink until I quit swallering?〃
Maurice insisted。
〃Yes!〃 said both boys together。
With that; Maurice placed the bottle to his lips and began to
drink。 Penrod and Sam leaned forward in breathless excitement。
They had feared Maurice might smell the contents of the bottle;
but that danger was pastthis was the crucial moment。 Their
fondest hope was that he would make his first swallow a voracious
oneit was impossible to imagine a second。 They expected one
big; gulping swallow and then an explosion; with fountain
Little they knew the mettle of their man! Maurice
swallowed once; he swallowed twiceand thriceand he continued
to swallow! No Adam's apple was sculptured on that juvenile
throat; but the internal progress of the liquid was not a whit
the less visible。 His eyes gleamed with cunning and malicious
triumph; sidewise; at the stunned conspirators; he was fulfilling
the conditions of the draught; not once breaking the thread of
that marvelous swallering。
His audience stood petrified。 Already Maurice had swallowed
more than they had given Duke and still the liquor receded in the
uplifted bottle! And now the clear glass gleamed above the dark
contents full half the vessel's lengthand Maurice went on
drinking! Slowly the clear glass increased in its dimensions
slowly the dark diminished。
Sam Williams made a horrified movement to check himbut
Maurice protested passionately with his disengaged arm; and made
vehement vocal noises remindful of the contract; whereupon Sam
desisted and watched the continuing performance in a state of
grisly fascination。
Maurice drank it all! He drained the last drop and threw the
bottle in the air; uttering loud ejaculations of triumph and
〃Hah!〃 he cried; blowing out his cheeks; inflating his chest;
squaring his shoulders; patting his stomach; and wiping his mouth
contentedly。 〃Hah! Aha! Waha! Wafwah! But that was good!〃
The two boys stood looking at him in stupor。
〃Well; I gotta say this;〃 said Maurice graciously: 〃You
stuck to your bargain all right and treated me fair。〃
Stricken with a sudden horrible suspicion; Penrod entered the
storeroom in one stride and lifted the bottle of licorice water
to his nosethen to his lips。 It was weak; but good; he had
made no mistake。 And Maurice had really drainedto the dregs
the bottle of old hair tonics; dead catsups; syrups of
undesirable preserves; condemned extracts of vanilla and lemon;
decayed chocolate; ex…essence of beef; mixed dental preparations;
aromatic spirits of ammonia; spirits of nitre; alcohol; arnica;
quinine; ipecac; sal volatile; nux vomica and licorice water
with traces of arsenic; belladonna and strychnine。
Penrod put the licorice water out of sight and turned to face
the others。 Maurice was seating himself on a box just outside
the door and had taken a package of cigarettes from his pocket。
〃Nobody can see me from here; can they?〃 he said; striking a
match。 〃You fellers smoke?〃
〃No;〃 said Sam; staring at him haggardly。
〃No;〃 said Penrod in a whisper。
Maurice lit his cigarette and puffed showily。
〃Well; sir;〃 he remarked; 〃you fellers are certainly square
I gotta say that much。 Honest; Penrod; I thought you was after
me! I did think so;〃 he added sunnily; 〃but now I guess you like
me; or else you wouldn't of stuck to it about lettin' me
drink it all if I kept on swallering。〃
He chatted on with complete geniality; smoking his cigarette
in content。 And as he ran from one topic to another his hearers
stared at him in a kind of torpor。 Never once did they exchange
a glance with each other; their eyes were frozen to Maurice。 The
cheerful conversationalist made it evident that he was not
without gratitude。
〃Well;〃 he said as he finished his cigarette and rose to go;
〃you fellers have treated me nice and some day you come over to
my yard; I'd like to run with you fellers。 You're the kind of
fellers I like。〃
Penrod's jaw fell; Sam's mouth had been open all the time。
Neither spoke。
〃I gotta go;〃 observed Maurice; consulting a handsome watch。
〃Gotta get dressed for the cotillon right after lunch。 Come on;
Sam。 Don't you have to go; too?〃
Sam nodded dazedly。
〃Well; good…bye; Penrod;〃 said Maurice cordially。 〃I'm glad
you like me all right。 Come on; Sam。〃
Penrod leaned against the doorpost and with fixed and glazing
eyes watched the departure of his two visitors。 Maurice was
talking volubly; with much gesticulation; as they went; but Sam
walked mechanically and in silence; staring at his brisk
companion and keeping at a little distance from him。
They passed from sight; Maurice still conversing gayly
and Penrod slowly betook himself into the house; his head bowed
upon his chest。
Some three hours later; Mr。 Samuel Williams; waxen clean and
in sweet raiment; made his reappearance in Penrod's yard;
yodelling a code…signal to summon forth his friend。 He yodelled
loud; long; and frequently; finally securing a faint response
from the upper air。
〃Where are you?〃 shouted Mr。 Williams; his roving glance
searching ambi