八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > penrod >



小说: penrod 字数: 每页4000字

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top of the second:  〃Nor must an adverb be used to modif〃

Immediately followed: 





And the subsequent entries in the book appeared to have little

concern with Room 6; Ward School Nomber Seventh。





The author of 〃Harold Ramorez;〃 etc。; lit one of the hayseed

cigarettes; seated himself comfortably; with his back against the

wall and his right shoulder just under the lantern; elevated his

knees to support the note…book; turned to a blank page; and

wrote; slowly and earnestly:



He took a knife from his pocket; and; broodingly; his eyes

upon the inward embryos of vision; sharpened his pencil。  After

that; he extended a foot and meditatively rubbed Duke's

back with the side of his shoe。  Creation; with Penrod; did not

leap; full…armed; from the brain; but finally he began to

produce。  He wrote very slowly at first; and then with increasing

rapidity; faster and faster; gathering momentum and growing more

and more fevered as he sped; till at last the true fire came;

without which no lamp of real literature may be made to burn。

Mr。 Wilson reched for his gun but our hero had him covred and

soon said Well I guess you don't come any of that on me my


Well what makes you so sure about it sneered the other

bitting his lip so savageley that the blood ran。  You are nothing

but a common Roadagent any way and I do not propose to be bafled

by such; Ramorez laughed at this and kep Mr。 Wilson covred by his


Soon the two men were struggling together in the death…roes

but soon Mr Wilson got him bound and gaged his mouth and went

away for awhile leavin our hero; it was dark and he writhd at his

bonds writhing on the floor wile the rats came out of their holes

and bit him and vernim got all over him from the floor of that

helish spot but soon he managed to push the gag out of his mouth

with the end of his toungeu and got all his bonds off

Soon Mr Wilson came back to tant him with his helpless

condition flowed by his gang of detectives and they said Oh look

at Ramorez sneering at his plight and tanted him with his

helpless condition because Ramorez had put the bonds back sos he

would look the same but could throw them off him when he wanted

to Just look at him now sneered they。  To hear him talk you would

thought he was hot stuff and they said Look at him now; him that

was going to do so much; Oh I would not like to be in his fix

Soon Harold got mad at this and jumped up with blasing

eyes throwin off his bonds like they were air Ha Ha sneered

he I guess you better not talk so much next time。  Soon there

flowed another awful struggle and siezin his ottomatick back from

Mr Wilson he shot two of the detectives through the heart Bing

Bing went the ottomatick and two more went to meet their Maker

only two detectives left now and so he stabbed one and the

scondrel went to meet his Maker for now our hero was fighting for

his very life。  It was dark in there now for night had falen and

a terrible view met the eye Blood was just all over everything

and the rats were eatin the dead men。

Soon our hero manged to get his back to the wall for he was

fighting for his very life now and shot Mr Wilson through the

abodmen Oh said Mr Wilson you   (The dashes are


Mr Wilson stagerd back vile oaths soilin his lips for he was

in pain Why you you sneered he I will get you yet

you Harold Ramorez

The remainin scondrel had an ax which he came near our heros

head with but missed him and ramand stuck in the wall Our heros

amunition was exhaused what was he to do; the remanin scondrel

would soon get his ax lose so our hero sprung forward and bit him

till his teeth met in the flech for now our hero was fighting for

his very life。  At this the remanin scondrel also cursed and

swore vile oaths。  Oh sneered he  you Harold Ramorez

what did you bite me for Yes sneered Mr Wilson also and he has

shot me in the abdomen too the

Soon they were both cursin and reviln him together Why

you    sneered they what did you want to

injure us foryou Harold Ramorez you have not got any sence

and you think you are so much but you are no better than anybody

else and you are a     

Soon our hero could stand this no longer。  If you could learn

to act like gentlmen said he I would not do any more to you

now and your low vile exppresions have not got any effect on me

only to injure your own self when you go to meet your Maker Oh I

guess you have had enogh for one day and I think you have learned

a lesson and will not soon atemp to beard Harold Ramorez again so

with a tantig laugh he cooly lit a cigarrete and takin the keys

of the cell from Mr Wilson poket went on out

Soon Mr Wilson and the wonded detective manged to bind up

their wonds and got up off the floor it I will have that

dasstads life now sneered they if we have to swing for it

  him he shall not eccape us again the low down



Chapiter seventh

A mule train of heavily laden burros laden with gold from the

mines was to be seen wondering among the highest clifts and gorgs

of the Rocky Mts and a tall man with a long silken mustash and a

cartigde belt could be heard cursin vile oaths because he well

knew this was the lair of Harold Ramorez Why  you

you    mules you sneered he because the poor

mules were not able to go any quicker  you I will show you

Why     it sneered he his oaths growing

viler and viler I will whip you     

you sos you will not be able to walk for a week you

you mean old        mules you

Scarcly had the vile words left his lips when


It was his mother's voice; calling from the back porch。

Simultaneously; the noon whistles began to blow; far and

near; and the romancer in the sawdust…box; summoned prosaically

from steep mountain passes above the clouds; paused with

stubby pencil halfway from lip to knee。  His eyes were shining:

there was a rapt sweetness in his gaze。  As he wrote; his burden

had grown lighter; thoughts of Mrs。 Lora Rewbush had almost left

him; and in particular as he recounted (even by the chaste dash)

the annoyed expressions of Mr。 Wilson; the wounded detective; and

the silken moustached mule…driver; he had felt mysteriously

relieved concerning the Child Sir Lancelot。  Altogether he looked

a better and a brighter boy。


The rapt look faded slowly。  He sighed; but moved not。

〃Penrod!  We're having lunch early just on your account; so

you'll have plenty of time to be dressed for the pageant。 


There was silence in Penrod's aerie。


Mrs。 Schofields voice sounded nearer; indicating a threatened

approach。  Penrod bestirred himself: he blew out the lantern; and

shouted plaintively:

〃Well; ain't I coming fast's I can?〃

〃Do hurry;〃 returned the voice; withdrawing; and the kitchen

door could be heard to close。

Languidly; Penrod proceeded to set his house in order。

Replacing his manuscript and pencil in the cigar…box; he

carefully buried the box in the sawdust; put the lantern and

oil…can back in the soap…box; adjusted the elevator for the

reception of Duke; and; in no uncertain tone; invited the devoted

animal to enter。

Duke stretched himself amiably; affecting not to hear; and

when this pretence became so obvious that even a dog could keep

it up no longer; sat down in a corner; facing it; his back to his

master; and his head perpendicular; nose upward; supported by the

convergence of the two walls。  This; from a dog; is the last

word; the comble of the immutable。  Penrod commanded;

stormed; tried gentleness; persuaded with honeyed words and

pictured rewards。  Duke's eyes looked backward; otherwise he

moved not。  Time elapsed。  Penrod stooped to flattery; finally to

insincere caresses; then; losing patience spouted sudden threats。

Duke remained immovable; frozen fast to his great gesture of

implacable despair。

A footstep sounded on the threshold of the store…room。

〃Penrod; come down from that box this instant!〃


〃Are you up in that sawdust…box again?〃  As Mrs。 Schofield

had just heard her son's voice issue from the box; and also; as

she knew he was there anyhow; her question must have been put for

oratorical purposes only。  〃Because if you are;〃 she continued

promptly; 〃I'm going to ask your papa not to let you play there


Penrod's forehead; his eyes; the tops of his ears; and most

of his hair; became visible to her at the top of the box。  〃I

ain't ‘playing!'〃 he said indignantly。

〃Well; what ARE you doing?〃

〃Just coming down;〃 he replied; in a grieved but patient


〃Then why don't you COME?〃

〃I got Duke here。  I got to get him DOWN; haven't I?  You

don't suppose I want to leave a poor dog in here to starve; do


〃Well; hand him down over the side to me。  Let me〃

〃I'll get him down all right;〃 said Penrod。  〃I got him up

here; and I guess I can get him down!〃

〃Well then; DO it!〃

〃I will if you'll let me alone。  If you'll go on back to the

house I promise to be there inside of two minutes。  Honest!〃

He put extreme urgency into this; and his mother turned

toward the house。  〃If you're not there in two minutes〃

〃I will be!〃

After her departure; Penrod expended some finalities of

eloquence upon Duke; then disgustedly gathered him up in his

arms; dumped him into the basket and; shouting sternly; 〃All in

for the ground floorstep back there; madamall ready; Jim!〃

lowered dog and basket to the floor of the storeroom。  Duke

sprang out in tumultuous relief; and bestowed frantic

affection upon his master as the latter slid down from the box。

Penrod dusted himself sketchily; experiencing a s

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