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inscrutable countenance wore an expression interpreted by his
father as one of insane obstinacy; while Mrs。 Schofield found it
an incentive to inward prayer。 The fine graciousness of Mr。
Kinosling; however; was unimpaired by the glare of virulent
suspicion given him by this little brother: Mr。 Kinosling mistook
it for a natural curiosity concerning one who might possibly
become; in time; a member of the family。 He patted Penrod upon
the head; which was; for many reasons; in no condition to be
patted with any pleasure to the patter。 Penrod felt himself in
the presence of a new enemy。
〃How do you do; my little lad;〃 said Mr。 Kinosling。 〃I trust
we shall become fast friends。〃
To the ear of his little lad; it seemed he said; 〃A trost we
shall bick…home fawst frainds。〃 Mr。 Kinosling's pronunciation
was; in fact; slightly precious; and; the little lad; simply
mistaking it for some cryptic form of mockery of himself; assumed
a manner and expression which argued so ill for the proposed
friendship that Mrs。 Schofield hastily interposed the suggestion
of dinner; and the small procession went in to the dining…room。
〃It has been a delicious day;〃 said Mr。 Kinosling; presently;
〃warm but balmy。〃 With a benevolent smile he addressed
Penrod; who sat opposite him。 〃I suppose; little gentleman; you
have been indulging in the usual outdoor sports of vacation?〃
Penrod laid down his fork and glared; open…mouthed at Mr。
〃You'll have another slice of breast of the chicken?〃 Mr。
Schofield inquired; loudly and quickly。
〃A lovely day!〃 exclaimed Margaret; with equal promptitude
and emphasis。 〃Lovely; oh; lovely! Lovely!〃
〃Beautiful; beautiful; beautiful!〃 said Mrs。 Schofield; and
after a glance at Penrod which confirmed her impression that he
intended to say something; she continued; 〃Yes; beautiful;
beautiful; beautiful; beautiful; beautiful beautiful!〃
Penrod closed his mouth and sank back in his chairand his
relatives took breath。
Mr。 Kinosling looked pleased。 This responsive family; with
its ready enthusiasm; made the kind of audience he liked。 He
passed a delicate white hand gracefully over his tall; pale
forehead; and smiled indulgently。
〃Youth relaxes in summer;〃 he said。 〃Boyhood is the age of
relaxation; one is playful; light; free; unfettered。 One runs
and leaps and enjoys one's self with one's companions。 It is
good for the little lads to play with their friends; they jostle;
push; and wrestle; and simulate little; happy struggles with one
another in harmless conflict。 The young muscles are
toughening。 It is good。 Boyish chivalry develops; enlarges;
expands。 The young learn quickly; intuitively; spontaneously。
They perceive the obligations of noblesse oblige。 They begin
to comprehend the necessity of caste and its requirements。 They
learn what birth meansah;that is; they learn what it means to
be well born。 They learn courtesy in their games; they learn
politeness; consideration for one another in their pastimes;
amusements; lighter occupations。 I make it my pleasure to join
them often; for I sympathize with them in all their wholesome
joys as well as in their little bothers and perplexities。 I
understand them; you see; and let me tell you it is no easy
matter to understand the little lads and lassies。〃 He sent to
each listener his beaming glance; and; permitting it to come to
rest upon Penrod; inquired:
〃And what do you say to that; little gentleman?〃
Mr。 Schofield uttered a stentorian cough。 〃More? You'd
better have some more chicken! More! Do!〃
〃More chicken!〃 urged Margaret simultaneously。 〃Do please!
Please! More! Do! More!〃
〃Beautiful; beautiful;〃 began Mrs。 Schofield。 〃Beautiful;
beautiful; beautiful; beautiful〃
It is not known in what light Mr。 Kinosling viewed the
expression of Penrod's face。 Perhaps he mistook it for awe;
perhaps he received no impression at all of its extraordinary
quality。 He was a rather self…engrossed young man; just then
engaged in a double occupation; for he not only talked; but
supplied from his own consciousness a critical though favourable
auditor as well; which of course kept him quite busy。 Besides;
it is oftener than is expected the case that extremely peculiar
expressions upon the countenances of boys are entirely
overlooked; and suggest nothing to the minds of people staring
straight at them。 Certainly Penrod's expressionwhich; to the
perception of his family; was perfectly horriblecaused not the
faintest perturbation in the breast of Mr。 Kinosling。
Mr。 Kinosling waived the chicken; and continued to talk。
〃Yes; I think I may claim to understand boys;〃 he said; smiling
thoughtfully。 〃One has been a boy one's self。 Ah; it is not all
playtime! I hope our young scholar here does not overwork
himself at his Latin; at his classics; as I did; so that at the
age of eight years I was compelled to wear glasses。 He must be
careful not to strain the little eyes at his scholar's tasks; not
to let the little shoulders grow round over his scholar's desk。
Youth is golden; we should keep it golden; bright; glistening。
Youth should frolic; should be sprightly; it should play its
cricket; its tennis; its hand…ball。 It should run and leap; it
should laugh; should sing madrigals and glees; carol with the
lark; ring out in chanties; folk…songs; ballads; roundelays〃
He talked on。 At any instant Mr。 Schofield held himself
ready to cough vehemently and shout; 〃More chicken;〃 to
drown out Penrod in case the fatal words again fell from those
eloquent lips; and Mrs。 Schofield and Margaret kept themselves
prepared at all times to assist him。 So passed a threatening
meal; which Mrs。 Schofield hurried; by every means with decency;
to its conclusion。 She felt that somehow they would all be safer
out in the dark of the front porch; and led the way thither as
soon as possible。
〃No cigar; I thank you。〃 Mr。 Kinosling; establishing himself
in a wicker chair beside Margaret; waved away her father's
proffer。 〃I do not smoke。 I have never tasted tobacco in any
form。〃 Mrs。 Schofield was confirmed in her opinion that this
would be an ideal son…in…law。 Mr。 Schofield was not so sure。
〃No;〃 said Mr。 Kinosling。 〃No tobacco for me。 No cigar; no
pipe; no cigarette; no cheroot。 For me; a booka volume of
poems; perhaps。 Verses; rhymes; lines metrical and cadenced
those are my dissipation。 Tennyson by preference: ‘Maud;' or
‘Idylls of the King'poetry of the sound Victorian days; there
is none later。 Or Longfellow will rest me in a tired hour。 Yes;
for me; a book; a volume in the hand; held lightly between the
Mr。 Kinosling looked pleasantly at his fingers as he spoke;
waving his hand in a curving gesture which brought it into the
light of a window faintly illumined from the interior of the
house。 Then he passed those graceful fingers over his hair;
and turned toward Penrod; who was perched upon the railing in a
dark corner。
〃The evening is touched with a slight coolness;〃 said Mr。
Kinosling。 〃Perhaps I may request the little gentleman〃
〃B'gr…r…RUFF!〃 coughed Mr。 Schofield。 〃You'd better
change your mind about a cigar。〃
〃No; I thank you。 I was about to request the lit〃
〃DO try one;〃 Margaret urged。 〃I'm sure papa's are nice
ones。 Do try〃
〃No; I thank you。 I remarked a slight coolness in the air;
and my hat is in the hallway。 I was about to request〃
〃I'll get it for you;〃 said Penrod suddenly。
〃If you will be so good;〃 said Mr。 Kinosling。 〃It is a black
bowler hat; little gentleman; and placed upon a table in the
〃I know where it is。〃 Penrod entered the door; and a feeling
of relief; mutually experienced; carried from one to another of
his three relatives their interchanged congratulations that he
had recovered his sanity。
〃‘The day is done; and the darkness;'〃 began Mr。 Kinosling
and recited that poem entire。 He followed it with 〃The
Children's Hour;〃 and after a pause; at the close; to allow his
listeners time for a little reflection upon his rendition; he
passed his handagain over his head; and called; in the
direction of the doorway:
〃I believe I will take my hat now; little gentleman。〃
〃Here it is;〃 said Penrod; unexpectedly climbing over the
porch railing; in the other direction。 His mother and father and
Margaret had supposed him to be standing in the hallway out of
deference; and because he thought it tactful not to interrupt the
recitations。 All of them remembered; later; that this supposed
thoughtfulness on his part struck them as unnatural。
〃Very good; little gentleman!〃 said Mr。 Kinosling; and being
somewhat chilled; placed the hat firmly upon his head; pulling it
down as far as it would go。 It had a pleasant warmth; which he
noticed at once。 The next instant; he noticed something else; a
peculiar sensation of the scalpa sensation which he was quite
unable to define。 He lifted his hand to take the hat off; and
entered upon a strange experience: his hat seemed to have decided
to remain where it was。
〃Do you like Tennyson as much as Longfellow; Mr。 Kinosling?〃
inquired Margaret。
〃IahI cannot say;〃 he returned absently。 〃Iaheach
has his ownugh! flavour and savour; each hisahah〃
Struck by a strangeness in his tone; she peered at him
curiously through the dusk。 His outlines were indistinct; but
she made out that his arms were; uplifted in a singular
gesture。 He seemed to be wrenching at his head。
〃Isis anything the matter?〃 she asked anxiously。 〃Mr。
Kinosling; are you ill?〃
〃Not atugh!all;〃 he replied; in the same odd tone。 〃I
ahI believeUGH!〃
He dropped his hands from his hat; and rose。 His manner was
slightly agitated。 〃I fear I may have taken a triflingah
cold。 I shouldahperhaps beahbetter