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affection upon his master as the latter slid down from the box。
Penrod dusted himself sketchily; experiencing a sense of
satisfaction; dulled by the overhanging afternoon; perhaps; but
perceptible: he had the feeling of one who has been true to a
cause。 The operation of the elevator was unsinful and; save for
the shock to Duke's nervous system; it was harmless; but Penrod
could not possibly have brought himself to exhibit it in the
presence of his mother or any other grown person in the world。
The reasons for secrecy were undefined; at least; Penrod did not
define them。
After lunch his mother and his sister Margaret; a pretty girl of
nineteen; dressed him for the sacrifice。 They stood him near his
mother's bedroom window and did what they would to him。
During the earlier anguishes of the process he was mute;
exceeding the pathos of the stricken calf in the shambles; but a
student of eyes might have perceived in his soul the premonitory
symptoms of a sinister uprising。 At a rehearsal (in citizens'
clothes) attended by mothers and grown…up sisters; Mrs。 Lora
Rewbush had announced that she wished the costuming to be
〃as medieval and artistic as possible。〃 Otherwise; and as to
details; she said; she would leave the costumes entirely to the
good taste of the children's parents。 Mrs。 Schofield and
Margaret were no archeologists; but they knew that their taste
was as good as that of other mothers and sisters concerned; so
with perfect confidence they had planned and executed a costume
for Penrod; and the only misgiving they felt was connected with
the tractability of the Child Sir Lancelot himself。
Stripped to his underwear; he had been made to wash himself
vehemently; then they began by shrouding his legs in a pair of
silk stockings; once blue but now mostly whitish。 Upon Penrod
they visibly surpassed mere ampleness; but they were long; and it
required only a rather loose imagination to assume that they were
The upper part of his body was next concealed from view by a
garment so peculiar that its description becomes difficult。 In
1886; Mrs。 Schofield; then unmarried; had worn at her 〃coming…out
party〃 a dress of vivid salmon silk which had been remodelled
after her marriage to accord with various epochs of fashion until
a final; unskilful campaign at a dye…house had left it in a
condition certain to attract much attention to the wearer。 Mrs。
Schofield had considered giving it to Della; the cook; but had
decided not to do so; because you never could tell how Della was
going to take things; and cooks were scarce。
It may have been the word 〃medieval〃 (in Mrs。 Lora Rewbush's
rich phrase) which had inspired the idea for a last conspicuous
usefulness; at all events; the bodice of that once salmon dress;
somewhat modified and moderated; now took a position; for its
farewell appearance in society; upon the back; breast; and arms
of the Child Sir Lancelot。
The area thus costumed ceased at the waist; leaving a Jaeger…
like and unmedieval gap thence to the tops of the stockings。 The
inventive genius of woman triumphantly bridged it; but in a
manner which imposes upon history almost insuperable delicacies
of narration。 Penrod's father was an old…fashioned man: the
twentieth century had failed to shake his faith in red flannel
for cold weather; and it was while Mrs。 Schofield was putting
away her husband's winter underwear that she perceived how
hopelessly one of the elder specimens had dwindled; and
simultaneously she received the inspiration which resulted in a
pair of trunks for the Child Sir Lancelot; and added an earnest
bit of colour; as well as a genuine touch of the Middle Ages; to
his costume。 Reversed; fore to aft; with the greater part of the
legs cut off; and strips of silver braid covering the seams; this
garment; she felt; was not traceable to its original source。
When it had been placed upon Penrod; the stockings were
attached to it by a system of safety…pins; not very perceptible
at a distance。 Next; after being severely warned against
stooping; Penrod got his feet into the slippers he wore to
dancing…school〃patent…leather pumps〃 now decorated with large
pink rosettes。
〃If I can't stoop;〃 he began; smolderingly; 〃I'd like to know
how'm I goin' to kneel in the pag〃
〃You must MANAGE!〃 This; uttered through pins; was
evidently thought to be sufficient。
They fastened some ruching about his slender neck; pinned
ribbons at random all over him; and then Margaret thickly
powdered his hair。
〃Oh; yes; that's all right;〃 she said; replying to a question
put by her mother。 〃They always powdered their hair in Colonial
〃It doesn't seem right to meexactly;〃 objected Mrs。
Schofield; gently。 〃Sir Lancelot must have been ever so long
before Colonial times。〃
〃That doesn't matter;〃 Margaret reassured her。 〃Nobody'll
know the differenceMrs。 Lora Rewbush least of all。 I don't
think she knows a thing about it; though; of course; she does
write splendidly and the words of the pageant are just beautiful。
Stand still; Penrod!〃 (The author of 〃Harold Ramorez〃 had moved
convulsively。) 〃Besides; powdered hair's always becoming。 Look
at him。 You'd hardly know it was Penrod!〃
The pride and admiration with which she pronounced this
undeniable truth might have been thought tactless; but Penrod;
not analytical; found his spirits somewhat elevated。 No mirror
was in his range of vision and; though he had submitted to
cursory measurements of his person a week earlier; he had no
previous acquaintance with the costume。 He began to form a not
unpleasing mental picture of his appearance; something somewhere
between the portraits of George Washington and a vivid memory of
Miss Julia Marlowe at a matinee of 〃Twelfth Night。〃
He was additionally cheered by a sword which had been
borrowed from a neighbor; who was a Knight of Pythias。 Finally
there was a mantle; an old golf cape of Margaret's。 Fluffy
polka…dots of white cotton had been sewed to it generously; also
it was ornamented with a large cross of red flannel; suggested by
the picture of a Crusader in a newspaper advertisement。 The
mantle was fastened to Penrod's shoulder (that is; to the
shoulder of Mrs。 Schofield's ex…bodice) by means of large safety…
pins; and arranged to hang down behind him; touching his heels;
but obscuring nowise the glory of his facade。 Then; at last; he
was allowed to step before a mirror。
It was a full…length glass; and the worst immediately
happened。 It might have been a little less violent; perhaps; if
Penrod's expectations had not been so richly and poetically
idealized; but as things were; the revolt was volcanic。
Victor Hugo's account of the fight with the devil…fish; in
〃Toilers of the Sea;〃 encourages a belief that; had Hugo
lived and increased in power; he might have been equal to a
proper recital of the half hour which followed Penrod's first
sight of himself as the Child Sir Lancelot。 But Mr。 Wilson
himself; dastard but eloquent foe of Harold Ramorez; could not
have expressed; with all the vile dashes at his command; the
sentiments which animated Penrod's bosom when the instantaneous
and unalterable conviction descended upon him that he was
intended by his loved ones to make a public spectacle of himself
in his sister's stockings and part of an old dress of his
To him these familiar things were not disguised at all; there
seemed no possibility that the whole world would not know them at
a glance。 The stockings were worse than the bodice。 He had been
assured that these could not be recognized; but; seeing them in
the mirror; he was sure that no human eye could fail at first
glance to detect the difference between himself and the former
purposes of these stockings。 Fold; wrinkle; and void shrieked
their history with a hundred tongues; invoking earthquake;
eclipse; and blue ruin。 The frantic youth's final submission was
obtained only after a painful telephonic conversation between
himself and his father; the latter having been called up and
upon; by the exhausted Mrs。 Schofield; to subjugate his offspring
by wire。
The two ladies made all possible haste; after this; to
deliver Penrod into the hands of Mrs。 Lora Rewbush;
nevertheless; they found opportunity to exchange earnest
congratulations upon his not having recognized the humble but
serviceable paternal garment now brilliant about the Lancelotish
middle。 Altogether; they felt that the costume was a success。
Penrod looked like nothing ever remotely imagined by Sir Thomas
Malory or Alfred Tennyson;for that matter; he looked like
nothing ever before seen on earth; but as Mrs。 Schofield and
Margaret took their places in the audience at the Women's Arts
and Guild Hall; the anxiety they felt concerning Penrod's
elocutionary and gesticular powers; so soon to be put to public
test; was pleasantly tempered by their satisfaction that; owing
to their efforts; his outward appearance would be a credit to the
The Child Sir Lancelot found himself in a large anteroom behind
the stagea room crowded with excited children; all about
equally medieval and artistic。 Penrod was less conspicuous than
he thought himself; but he was so preoccupied with his own shame;
steeling his nerves to meet the first inevitable taunting
reference to his sister's stockings; that he failed to perceive
there were others present in much of his own unmanned condition。
Retiring to a corner; immediately upon his entrance; he managed
to unfasten the mantle at the shoulders; and; drawing it round
him; pinned it again at his throat so that it concealed
the rest of his costume。 This permitted a temporary relief; but
increased his horror of the moment when; in pursu