八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > penrod >



小说: penrod 字数: 每页4000字

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increased his horror of the moment when; in pursuance of the

action of the 〃pageant;〃 the sheltering garment must be cast


Some of the other child knights were also keeping their

mantles close about them。  A few of the envied opulent swung

brilliant fabrics from their shoulders; airily; showing off hired

splendours from a professional costumer's stock; while one or two

were insulting examples of parental indulgence; particularly

little Maurice Levy; the Child Sir Galahad。  This shrinking

person went clamorously about; making it known everywhere that

the best tailor in town had been dazzled by a great sum into

constructing his costume。  It consisted of blue velvet

knickerbockers; a white satin waistcoat; and a beautifully cut

little swallow…tailed coat with pearl buttons。  The medieval and

artistic triumph was completed by a mantle of yellow velvet; and

little white boots; sporting gold tassels。

All this radiance paused in a brilliant career and addressed

the Child Sir Lancelot; gathering an immediately formed

semicircular audience of little girls。  Woman was ever the

trailer of magnificence。

〃What YOU got on?〃 inquired Mr。 Levy; after dispensing

information。  〃What you got on under that ole golf cape?〃

Penrod looked upon him coldly。  At other times his

questioner would have approached him with deference; even with

apprehension。  But to…day the Child Sir Galahad was somewhat

intoxicated with the power of his own beauty。

〃What YOU got on?〃 he repeated。

〃Oh; nothin';〃 said Penrod; with an indifference assumed at

great cost to his nervous system。

The elate Maurice was inspired to set up as a wit。  〃Then

you're nakid!〃 he shouted exultantly。  〃Penrod Schofield says he

hasn't got nothin' on under that ole golf cape!  He's nakid! 

He's nakid。〃

The indelicate little girls giggled delightedly; and a

javelin pierced the inwards of Penrod when he saw that the Child

Elaine; amber…curled and beautiful Marjorie Jones; lifted golden

laughter to the horrid jest。

Other boys and girls came flocking to the uproar。  〃He's

nakid; he's nakid!〃 shrieked the Child Sir Galahad。  〃Penrod

Schofield's nakid!  He's NA…A…A…KID!〃

〃Hush; hush!〃 said Mrs。 Lora Rewbush; pushing her way into

the group。  〃Remember; we are all little knights and ladies to…

day。  Little knights and ladies of the Table Round would not make

so much noise。  Now children; we must begin to take our places on

the stage。  Is everybody here?〃

Penrod made his escape under cover of this diversion: he slid

behind Mrs。 Lora Rewbush; and being near a door; opened it

unnoticed and went out quickly; closing it behind him。  He

found himself in a narrow and vacant hallway which led to a door

marked 〃Janitor's Room。〃

Burning with outrage; heart…sick at the sweet; cold…blooded

laughter of Marjorie Jones; Penrod rested his elbows upon a

window…sill and speculated upon the effects of a leap from the

second story。  One of the reasons he gave it up was his desire to

live on Maurice Levy's account: already he was forming

educational plans for the Child Sir Galahad。

A stout man in blue overalls passed through the hallway

muttering to himself petulantly。  〃I reckon they'll find that

hall hot enough NOW!〃 he said; conveying to Penrod an

impression that some too feminine women had sent him upon an

unreasonable errand to the furnace。  He went into the Janitor's

Room and; emerging a moment later; minus the overalls; passed

Penrod again with a bass rumble〃Dern 'em!〃 it seemed he said

and made a gloomy exit by the door at the upper end of the


The conglomerate and delicate rustle of a large; mannerly

audience was heard as the janitor opened and closed the door; and

stage…fright seized the boy。  The orchestra began an overture;

and; at that; Penrod; trembling violently; tiptoed down the hall

into the Janitor's Room。  It was a cul…de…sac:  There was no

outlet save by the way he had come。

Despairingly he doffed his mantle and looked down upon

himself for a last sickening assurance that the stockings

were as obviously and disgracefully Margaret's as they had seemed

in the mirror at home。  For a moment he was encouraged: perhaps

he was no worse than some of the other boys。  Then he noticed

that a safety…pin had opened; one of those connecting the

stockings with his trunks。  He sat down to fasten it and his eye

fell for the first time with particular attention upon the

trunks。  Until this instant he had been preoccupied with the


Slowly recognition dawned in his eyes。

The Schofields' house stood on a corner at the intersection

of two main…travelled streets; the fence was low; and the

publicity obtained by the washable portion of the family apparel;

on Mondays; had often been painful to Penrod; for boys have a

peculiar sensitiveness in these matters。  A plain; matter…of…fact

washerwoman' employed by Mrs。 Schofield; never left anything to

the imagination of the passer…by; and of all her calm display the

scarlet flaunting of his father's winter wear had most abashed

Penrod。  One day Marjorie Jones; all gold and starch; had passed

when the dreadful things were on the line:  Penrod had hidden

himself; shuddering。  The whole town; he was convinced; knew

these garments intimately and derisively。

And now; as he sat in the janitor's chair; the horrible and

paralyzing recognition came。  He had not an instant's doubt that

every fellow actor; as well as every soul in the audience; would

recognize what his mother and sister had put upon him。  For

as the awful truth became plain to himself it seemed blazoned to

the world; and far; far louder than the stockings; the trunks did

fairly bellow the grisly secret: WHOSE they were and WHAT

they were!

Most people have suffered in a dream the experience of

finding themselves very inadequately clad in the midst of a crowd

of well…dressed people; and such dreamers' sensations are

comparable to Penrod's; though faintly; because Penrod was awake

and in much too full possession of the most active capacities for


A human male whose dress has been damaged; or reveals some

vital lack; suffers from a hideous and shameful loneliness which

makes every second absolutely unbearable until he is again as

others of his sex and species; and there is no act or sin

whatever too desperate for him in his struggle to attain that

condition。  Also; there is absolutely no embarrassment possible

to a woman which is comparable to that of a man under

corresponding circumstances and in this a boy is a man。  Gazing

upon the ghastly trunks; the stricken Penrod felt that he was a

degree worse then nude; and a great horror of himself filled his


〃Penrod Schofield!〃

The door into the hallway opened; and a voice demanded him。 

He could not be seen from the hallway; but the hue and the cry

was up; and he knew he must be taken。  It was only a question

of seconds。  He huddled in his chair。

〃Penrod Schofield!〃 cried Mrs。 Lora Rewbush angrily。

The distracted boy rose and; as he did so; a long pin sank

deep into his back。  He extracted it frenziedly; which brought to

his ears a protracted and sonorous ripping; too easily located by

a final gesture of horror。

〃Penrod Schofield!〃 Mrs。 Lora Rewbush had come out into the


And now; in this extremity; when all seemed lost indeed;

particularly including honour; the dilating eye of the outlaw

fell upon the blue overalls which the janitor had left hanging

upon a peg。

Inspiration and action were almost simultaneous。





〃Penrod!〃 Mrs。 Lora Rewbush stood in the doorway; indignantly

gazing upon a Child Sir Lancelot mantled to the heels。  〃Do you

know that you have kept an audience of five hundred people

waiting for ten minutes?〃  She; also; detained the five hundred

while she spake further。

〃Well;〃 said Penrod contentedly; as he followed her toward

the buzzing stage; 〃I was just sitting there thinking。〃

Two minutes later the curtain rose on a medieval castle hall

richly done in the new stage…craft made in Germany and consisting

of pink and blue cheesecloth。  The Child King Arthur and

the Child Queen Guinevere were disclosed upon thrones; with the

Child Elaine and many other celebrities in attendance; while

about fifteen Child Knights were seated at a dining…room table

round; which was covered with a large Oriental rug; and displayed

(for the knights' refreshment) a banquet service of silver

loving…cups and trophies; borrowed from the Country Club and some

local automobile manufacturers。

In addition to this splendour; potted plants and palms have

seldom been more lavishly used in any castle on the stage or off。

The footlights were aided by a 〃spot…light〃 from the rear of the

hall; and the children were revealed in a blaze of glory。

A hushed; multitudinous 〃O…OH〃 of admiration came from

the decorous and delighted audience。  Then the children sang


〃Chuldrun of the Tabul Round;

    Lit…tul knights and ladies we。

Let our voy…siz all resound

    Faith and hope and charitee!〃

The Child King Arthur rose; extended his sceptre with the

decisive gesture of a semaphore; and spake:

〃Each littul knight and lady born

Has noble deeds TO perform

In THEE child…world of shivullree;

No matter how small his share may be。

Let each advance and tell in turn

What claim has each to knighthood earn。〃

The Child Sir Mordred; the villain of this piece; rose in his

place at the table round; and piped the only lines ever written

by Mrs。 Lora Rewbush which Penrod Schofield could have pronounced

without loathing。  Georgie Bassett; a really angelic boy; had

been selected for the role of Mordred。  His perfect conduct had

earned for him the sardonic

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