八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > penrod >



小说: penrod 字数: 每页4000字

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incessantly calling his name。

He grew more and more irritated with her; he was the most

important person in the world and was engaged in proving it to

Marjorie Jones and the whole city; and yet Miss Spence seemed to

feel she still had the right to order him about as she did in the

old days when he was an ordinary schoolboy。  He was furious; he

was sure she wanted him to do something disagreeable。  It seemed

to him that she had screamed 〃Penrod Schofield!〃 thousands of


From the beginning of his aerial experiments in his own

schoolroom; he had not opened his lips; knowing somehow that one

of the requirements for air floating is perfect silence on the

part of the floater; but; finally; irritated beyond measure by

Miss Spence's clamorous insistence; he was unable to restrain an

indignant rebuke and immediately came to earth with a frightful


Miss Spencein the fleshhad directed toward the physical

body of the absent Penrod an inquiry as to the fractional

consequences of dividing seventeen apples; fairly; among three

boys; and she was surprised and displeased to receive no answer

although to the best of her knowledge and belief; he was looking

fixedly at her。  She repeated her question crisply; without

visible effect; then summoned him by name with increasing

asperity。  Twice she called him; while all his fellow pupils

turned to stare at the gazing boy。  She advanced a step from the


〃Penrod Schofield!〃

〃Oh; my goodness!〃 he shouted suddenly。  〃Can't you keep

still a MINUTE?〃



Miss Spence gasped。  So did the pupils。

The whole room filled with a swelling conglomerate 〃O…O…O…


As for Penrod himself; the walls reeled with the shock。  He

sat with his mouth open; a mere lump of stupefaction。  For the

appalling words that he had hurled at the teacher were as

inexplicable to him as to any other who heard them。

Nothing is more treacherous than the human mind; nothing else

so loves to play the Iscariot。  Even when patiently bullied into

a semblance of order and training; it may prove but a base and

shifty servant。  And Penrod's mind was not his servant;

it was a master; with the April wind's whims; and it had just

played him a diabolical trick。  The very jolt with which he came

back to the schoolroom in the midst of his fancied flight jarred

his day…dream utterly out of him; and he sat; open…mouthed in

horror at what he had said。

The unanimous gasp of awe was protracted。  Miss Spence;

however; finally recovered her breath; and; returning

deliberately to the platform; faced the school。  〃And then for a

little while;〃 as pathetic stories sometimes recount; 〃everything

was very still。〃  It was so still; in fact; that Penrod's newborn

notoriety could almost be heard growing。  This grisly silence was

at last broken by the teacher。

〃Penrod Schofield; stand up!〃

The miserable child obeyed。

〃What did you mean by speaking to me in that way?〃

He hung his head; raked the floor with the side of his shoe;

swayed; swallowed; looked suddenly at his hands with the air of

never having seen them before; then clasped them behind him。  The

school shivered in ecstatic horror; every fascinated eye upon

him; yet there was not a soul in the room but was profoundly

grateful to him for the sensationincluding the offended teacher

herself。  Unhappily; all this gratitude was unconscious and

altogether different from the kind which; results in

testimonials and loving…cups。  On the contrary!

〃Penrod Schofield!〃

He gulped。

〃Answer me at once!  Why did you speak to me like that?〃

〃I was〃  He choked; unable to continue。

〃Speak out!〃

〃I was justthinking;〃 he managed to stammer。

〃That will not do;〃 she returned sharply。  〃I wish to know

immediately why you spoke as you did。〃

The stricken Penrod answered helplessly:

〃Because I was just thinking。〃

Upon the very rack he could have offered no ampler truthful

explanation。  It was all he knew about it。

〃Thinking what?〃

〃Just thinking。〃

Miss Spence's expression gave evidence that her power of

self…restraint was undergoing a remarkable test。  However; after

taking counsel with herself; she commanded:

〃Come here!〃

He shuffled forward; and she placed a chair upon the platform

near her own。

〃Sit there!〃

Then (but not at all as if nothing had happened); she

continued the lesson in arithmetic。  Spiritually the children may

have learned a lesson in very small fractions indeed as they

gazed at the fragment of sin before them on the stool of

penitence。  They all stared at him attentively with hard and

passionately interested eyes; in which there was never one trace

of pity。  It cannot be said with precision that he writhed; his

movement was more a slow; continuous squirm; effected with a

ghastly assumption of languid indifference; while his gaze; in

the effort to escape the marble…hearted glare of his schoolmates;

affixed itself with apparent permanence to the waistcoat button

of James Russell Lowell just above the 〃U〃 in 〃Russell。〃

Classes came and classes went; grilling him with eyes。 

Newcomers received the story of the crime in darkling whispers;

and the outcast sat and sat and sat; and squirmed and squirmed

and squirmed。  (He did one or two things with his spine which a

professional contortionist would have observed with real

interest。)  And all this while of freezing suspense was but the

criminal's detention awaiting trial。  A known punishment may be

anticipated with some measure of equanimity; at least; the

prisoner may prepare himself to undergo it; but the unknown looms

more monstrous for every attempt to guess it。  Penrod's crime was

unique; there were no rules to aid him in estimating the

vengeance to fall upon him for it。  What seemed most probable was

that he would be expelled from the schools in the presence of his

family; the mayor; and council; and afterward whipped by his

father upon the State House steps; with the entire city as

audience by invitation of the authorities。

Noon came。  The rows of children filed out; every head

turning for a last unpleasingly speculative look at the outlaw。 

Then Miss Spence closed the door into the cloakroom and that into

the big hall; and came and sat at her desk; near Penrod。  The

tramping of feet outside; the shrill calls and shouting and the

changing voices of the older boys ceased to be heardand there

was silence。  Penrod; still affecting to be occupied with Lowell;

was conscious that Miss Spence looked at him intently。

〃Penrod;〃 she said gravely; 〃what excuse have you to offer

before I report your case to the principal?〃

The word 〃principal〃 struck him to the vitals。  Grand

Inquisitor; Grand Khan; Sultan; Emperor; Tsar; Caesar Augustus

these are comparable。  He stopped squirming instantly; and sat


〃I want an answer。  Why did you shout those words at me?〃

〃Well;〃 he murmured; 〃I was justthinking。〃

〃Thinking what?〃 she asked sharply。

〃I don't know。〃

〃That won't do!〃

He took his left ankle in his right hand and regarded it


〃That won't do; Penrod Schofield;〃 she repeated

severely。  〃If that is all the excuse you have to offer I shall

report your case this instant!〃

And she rose with fatal intent。

But Penrod was one of those whom the precipice inspires。 

〃Well; I HAVE got an excuse。〃

〃Well〃she paused impatiently〃what is it?〃

He had not an idea; but he felt one coming; and replied

automatically; in a plaintive tone:

〃I guess anybody that had been through what I had to go

through; last night; would think they had an excuse。〃

Miss Spence resumed her seat; though with the air of being

ready to leap from it instantly。

〃What has last night to do with your insolence to me this


〃Well; I guess you'd see;〃 he returned; emphasizing the

plaintive note; 〃if you knew what I know。〃

〃Now; Penrod;〃 she said; in a kinder voice; 〃I have a high

regard for your mother and father; and it would hurt me to

distress them; but you must either tell me what was the matter

with you or I'll have to take you to Mrs。 Houston。〃

〃Well; ain't I going to?〃 he cried; spurred by the dread

name。  〃It's because I didn't sleep last night。〃

〃Were you ill?〃  The question was put with some dryness。

He felt the dryness。  〃No'm; _I_ wasn't。〃

〃Then if someone in your family was so ill that even you

were kept up all night; how does it happen they let you come to

school this morning?〃

〃It wasn't illness;〃 he returned; shaking his head

mournfully。  〃It was lots worse'n anybody's being sick。  It was

it waswell; it was jest awful。〃

〃WHAT was?〃  He remarked with anxiety the incredulity in

her tone。

〃It was about Aunt Clara;〃 he said。

〃Your Aunt Clara!〃 she repeated。  〃Do you mean your mother's

sister who married Mr。 Farry of Dayton; Illinois?〃

〃YesUncle John;〃 returned Penrod sorrowfully。  〃The trouble

was about him。〃

Miss Spence frowned a frown which he rightly interpreted as

one of continued suspicion。  〃She and I were in school together;〃

she said。  〃I used to know her very well; and I've always heard

her married life was entirely happy。  I don't〃

〃Yes; it was;〃 he interrupted; 〃until last year when Uncle

John took to running with travelling men〃


〃Yes'm。〃 He nodded solemnly。  〃That was what started it。  At

first he was a good; kind husband; but these travelling men would

coax him into a saloon on his way home from work; and they got

him to drinking beer and then ales; wines; liquors; and




〃I'm not inquiring into your Aunt Clara's private affairs;

I'm asking you if you have anything to say which would


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