八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > eryxias >



小说: eryxias 字数: 每页4000字

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that the greater their wants the worse they are。

SOCRATES:  And do we think it possible that a thing should be useful for a

purpose unless we have need of it for that purpose?


SOCRATES:  Then if these things are useful for supplying the needs of the

body; we must want them for that purpose?

CRITIAS:  That is my opinion。

SOCRATES:  And he to whom the greatest number of things are useful for his

purpose; will also want the greatest number of means of accomplishing it;

supposing that we necessarily feel the want of all useful things?

CRITIAS:  It seems so。

SOCRATES:  The argument proves then that he who has great riches has

likewise need of many things for the supply of the wants of the body; for

wealth appears useful towards that end。  And the richest must be in the

worst condition; since they seem to be most in want of such things。


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