八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > 3000英文名著目录 >



小说: 3000英文名著目录 字数: 每页4000字

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                English Classics 3000

Published by Peking University Press       
ISBN 7…900636…43…9/I。05
Tel:  0086…10…62757146
Fax:  0086…10…62757513

Product of 2000english Studio
Tel:  0086…21…64757126
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1。  System Requirements

2。  How to Use This CD…ROM

3。  Table of Contents ( Listed by Author )

4。  Index ( Listed by Title )

1。  System Requirements

Any computer system; 16MB memory; 50MB free hard disk space; CD…ROM drive and mouse。

2。  How to Use this CD…ROM

To use this CD…ROM; you just need to double click on the file 〃index。html〃 from
the root directory of the CD…ROM drive。 Your system will automatically start the 
browser program for you。 Then; just follow the links to read the books。

It is suggested to set the monitor's resolution to 800x600。

3。  Table of Contents ( Listed by Author )


Abbott; Edwin A。  (1838…1926) 
Abelard; Peter (1079…1142) 
Historia Calamitatum: The Story of My Misfortunes
Adams; Andy  (1859…1935) 
The Outlet
Adams; Henry   (1838…1918) 
Democracy An American Novel 
The Education of Henry Adams
Adams; John Quincy  (1767…1848) 
Addams; Jane  (1860…1935) 
Newer Ideals of Peace 
Twenty Years at Hull House

Addison; Joseph (1672…1719) 
Days with Sir Roger de Coverley
    Essays and Tales 

Aeschylus ( 525…456BC ) 
  The Choephori 
  The Persians 
  Prometheus Bound 
  The Seven Against Thebes 
  The Suppliants
Ainsworth; William Harrison (1805…1882) 
Windsor Castle
Alcott; Louise May  (1832…1888) 
  Behind a Mask ; or; A Woman's Power 
  Eight Cousins 
  Flower Fables 
  Good Wives 
  Hospital Sketches 
  Jack and Jill 
  Little Men 
  Little Women 
  The Mysterious Key; and What it Opened 
  An Old…Fashioned Girl 
  An Old…Fashioned Thanksgiving 
  Rose in Bloom
Aldrich; Thomas Bailey  (1836…1907) 
The Cruise of the Dolphin 
Majorie Daw 
An Old Town By The Sea 
Ponkapog Papers 
The Sisters' Tragedy 
The Story of a Bad Boy
Alger; Horatio    (1832…1899) 
Ballads and Poems 
Bound to Rise 
The Cash Boy 
Cast Upon the Breakers 
Driven From Home 
The Errand Boy 
A Fancy of Hers 
Frank's Campaign; or; The Farm and the Camp 
Joe the Hotel Boy 
Paul Prescott's Charge 
Paul the Peddler 
Phil;the Fiddler
Allen; James Lane  (1849…1925) 
The Choir Invisible
Altsheler; Joseph A。  (1862…1919) 
The Guns of Bull Run
The Scouts of the Valley

Andersen; Hans C。  (1805…1875) 
  Fairy Tales (127 titles)
Anderson; Sherwood  (1876…1941) 
  Winesburg; Ohio
Aesop's Fables 
The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night (8 volumes)
The Song of Roland 

Aladdin and the Magic Lamp 
Grettir the Strong (Icelandic Saga) 
The Life and Death of Cormac the Skald 
The Story of Burnt Njal

Antoninus; Marcus Aurelius (121…161) 
Apuleius; Lucius 
The Golden Asse (Translated by William Adlington in 1566)
Aquinas; Saint Thomas (1224…1274) 
On Being and Essence 
On the Principles of Nature
Arbuthnot; John 
The History of John Bull (1712)
Ariosto; Ludovico  (1474…1533) 
Orlands Furioso
Aristophanes ( 450…385BC ) 
  The Acharnians 
  The Birds 
  The Clouds 
  The Ecclesiazusae 
  The Frogs 
  The Knights 
  The Thesmophoriazusae 
  The Wasps
Aristotle   ( 384…322BC ) 
  History of Animals 
  Nicomachean Ethics 
  On Dreams 
  On Generation and Corruption 
  On Interpretation 
  On Sophistical Refutations 
  On Longevity and Shortness of Life 
  On Memory and Reminiscence 
  On Sense and the Sensible 
  On Sleep and Sleeplessness 
  On the Gait of Animals 
  On the Generation of Animals 
  On the Motion of Animals 
  On the Parts of Animals 
  On the Heavens 
  On the Soul 
  On Youth and Old Age; On Life and Death; On Breathing 
  Prior Analytics 
  Posterior Analytics 
  The Athenian Constitution 
Arnold; Edwin L。 (1832…1904) 
  Gulliver of Mars
Arnold; Matthew   (1822…1888) 
Culture and Anarchy
Astor; John Jacob  (1763…1848) 
A Journey in Other Worlds
Atherton; Gertrude Franklin Horn  (1857…1948) 
The Valiant Runaways
Atkinson; Eleanor (1863…1942) 
    Greyfriars Bobby 

Augustine; Saint (354…430) 
The City of God 
On Christian Doctrine 
Confessions and Enchiridion
Austen; Jane  (1775…1817) 
  Lady Susan 
  Love and Friendship 
  Mansfield Park 
  Northanger Abbey 
Pride and Prejudice 
  Sense and Sensibility
Austin; Mary Hunter  (1868…1934) 
  The Land of Little Rain 


Babbage; Charles   (1791…1871) 
  The Economy of Machinery and Manufactures 
  Reflections on the Decline of Science in England
Bacheller; Irving  (1859…1950)
Eben Holden; a Tale of the North Country

Bacon ; Francis ( 1561…1626) 
The Advancement of Learning 
The New Atlantis
Valerius Terminus: of the Interpretation of Nature
Bacon; John Mackenzie  (1846…1904) 
The Dominion of the Air
Badger; Joseph E。; Jr。  (1848…    ) 
The Lost City

Baker; Samuel White; Sir  (1821…1893) 
The Albert N'Yanza; Great Basin of the Nile
Cyprus; as I Saw it in 1879
Eight Years' Wanderings in Ceylon 
The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia
The Rifle and Hound in Ceylon

Ball; R。 S。 (1840…1913) 
Great Astronomers
Ballantyne; R。 M。  (1825…1894) 
The Coral Island
Balzac; Honore de  (1799…1850) 
  Albert Savarus 
  The Alkahest 
  Another Study of Woman 
  At the Sign of the Cat and Racket 
  The Atheist's Mass 
  The Ball at Sceaux 
  The Brotherhood of Consolation 
  Catherine de Medici 
  The Chouans 
  Christ in Flanders 
  Colonel Chabert 
  Cousin Betty 
  Cousin Pons 
  The Collection of Antiquities 
  The Commission in Lunacy 
  The Country Doctor 
  A Daughter of Eve 
  A Distinguished Provincial at Paris 
  The Deputy of Arcis 
  The Deserted Woman 
  Droll Stories ( 3 Volumes )
  Domestic Peace 
  A Drama on the Seashore 
  The Duchesse de Langeais 
  The Elixir of Life 
  An Episode Under the Terror 
  Eugenie Grandet 
  Eve and David 
  The Exiles 
  Father Goriot 
  The Firm of Nucingen 
  Facino Cane 
  Gaudissart II 
  The Girl with the Golden Eyes 
  La Grande Breteche 
  La Grenadiere 
  The Hated Son 
  The Hidden Masterpiece 
  An Historical Mystery 
  The Human Comedy: Introductions and Appendix 
  The Illustrious Gaudissart 
  The Lily of the Valley 
  The Lesser Bourgeoisie 
  Letters of Two Brides 
  Louis Lambert 
  Madame Firmiani 
  Maitre Cornelius 
  The Magic Skin 
  The Marriage Contract 
  A Man of Business 
  Massimilla Doni 
  The Message 
  The Muse of the Department 
  Melmoth Reconciled 
  Modeste Mignon 
  An Old Maid 
  A Passion in the Desert 
  A Prince of Bohemia 
  Pierre Grassou 
  The Purse 
  The Recruit 
  Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau 
  The Red Inn 
  Repertory of the Comedie Humaine 
  The Secrets of the Princesse de Cadignan 
  Scenes from a Courtesan's Life 
  A Second Home 
  Sons of the Soil 
  A Start in Life 
  Study of a Woman 
  The Two Brothers 
  Two Poets 
  Unconscious Comedians 
  El Verdugo 
  The Vicar of Tours 
  The Village Rector 
  A Woman of Thirty 
  Z。 Marcas
Bancroft; Elizabeth Davis  (1803…1886) 
Letters from England
Bangs; John Kendrick  (1862…1922) 
         The Enchanted Typewriter 
A House…Boat on the Styx 
Mr。 Bonaparte of Corsica 
The Pursuit of the House…Boat
A Rebellious Heroine
Bannerman; Helen  (1862…1946) 
The Story of Little Black Sambo
Barber; Horatio   (1875…     ) 
The Aeroplane Speaks

Barclay; Florence Louisa  (1862…1921)
The Rosary

Baring; Maurice (1874…1945) 
    Orpheus in Mayfair and Other Stories and Sketches
Barr; Amelia E。  (1831…1919) 
The Man Between 
Remember the Alamo
Barrie; J。 M。  (1860…1937) 
  The Little White Bird 
  Margaret Ogilvy 
  Peter Pan 
  Peter Pan in Kensington Garden
Barry; John Daniel  (1866…1942)
The City of Domes

Basile; Giambattista  (ca。1575…1632) 
Stories from the Pentamerone
Bates; Henry Walter  (1825…1892) 
The Naturalist on the River Amazons
Baum; L。 Frank  (1856…1919) 
Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz 
The Emerald City of Oz 
The Enchanted Island of Yew 
Glinda of Oz 
A Kidnapped Santa Claus 
The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus 
The Lost Princess of Oz 
The Magic of Oz 
The Marvelous Land of Oz 
The Master Key; An Electrical Fairy Tale Founded upon the Mysteries Of Electricity 
Ozma of Oz 
The Patchwork Girl of Oz 
Rinkitink In Oz 
The Road to Oz 
The Scarecrow of Oz 
Tik…Tok of Oz 
The Tin Woodman of Oz 
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Beck; L。 Adams  (    … 1931) 
The Ninth Vibration and Other Stories
Beckford; William  (1760…1844) 
The History of Caliph Vathek
Bell; Robert (Editor) 
Ancient Poems; Ballads and Songs of the Peasantry of England
Bellamy; Edward  (1850…1898) 
  Looking Backward; 2000 to 1887
Benet; Stephen Vincent  (1898…1943) 
Young Adventure
Bennett; Arnold  (1867…1931) 
The Grand Babylon Hotel 
How to Live on 24 Hours a Day
Benson; E。 F。  (1867…1940) 
Bentham; Jeremy  (1748…1832) 
  Defence of Usury 
  A Fragment on Government 
  An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation 
  The Rationale of Reward
Benton; Joel  (1832…1911) 
The Life of Phineas T。 Barnum
Berkeley; George   (1685…1753) 
The Querist 
Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous 
A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge 
The Analyst: A Discourse Addressed to an Infidel Mathematician 
A Defence of Free…Thinking in Mathematics 
An Essay Towards a 

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