八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > 3000英文名著目录 >



小说: 3000英文名著目录 字数: 每页4000字

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A Defence of Free…Thinking in Mathematics 
An Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision
Biggers; Earl Derr  (1884…1933) 
The Agony Column
Biggs; Walter  (    …1586)
Drake's Great Armada

Bierce; Ambrose  (1842…1914) 
  Can Such Things Be? 
  The Devil's Dictionary 
  Fantastic Fables 
  An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge
Bird; Isabella L。  (1831…1904) 
The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains 
Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
Bishop; Nathaniel H。  (1837…1902) 
Voyage of The Paper Canoe
Blackmore; R。 D。  (1825…1900) 
  Lorna Doone
Blades; William  (1824…1890) 
The Enemies of Books

Blake ; William (1757…1827) 
  Poems of William Blake 
  Songs of Innocence and Experience
Blanchan; Neltje (1865…1918) 
    Wild Flowers 
Blasco Ibanez; Vicente  (1867…1928) 
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Blavatsky; H。 P。 (1831…1891) 
Studies in Occultism
Boccaccio; Giovanni  (1313…1375) 
  The Decameron
Boethius (480…524) 
The Consolation of Philosophy
Bohm…Bawerk; Eugen  (1851…1914) 
  The Ultimate Standand of Value
Bok; Edward William  (1863…1930)
The Americanization of Edward Bok

Boldrewood; Rolf  (1826…1915) 
Robbery Under Arms
Bolingbroke; Henry St。 John  ( 1678 … 1751) 
  A Dissertation Upon Parties 
  The Idea of a Patriot King 
  Letters on the Study and Use of History 
  On the Spirit of Patriotism
Booth; William  (1829…1912) 
In Darkest England and The Way Out
Borrow; George  (1803…1881) 
  The Bible in Spain 
  Gypsy Dictionary 
  Lavengro; the Scholar; the Gypsy; the Priest 
  Letters of George Borrow to the British and Foreign Bible Society 
  Romantic Ballads 
  The Romany Rye 
  Wild Wales: Its People; Language and Scenery 
  The Zincali … An Account of the Gypsies of Spain
Boswell; James  (1740…1795) 
  Life of Johnson
Botero; Giovanni  (1540…1617) 
The Greatness of Cities

Bourget; Paul  (1852…1935) 
Andre Cornelis

Bourrienne; Louis Antoine Fauvelet de  (1769…1834)
Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte(16 volumes)
Bower; B。 M。  (1874…1940) 
Cabin Fever 
The Flying U Ranch 
The Flying U's Last Stand 
Good Indian 
The Heritage of the Sioux 
Her Prairie Knight 
Jean of the Lazy A 
The Lure of the Dim Trails 
Rowdy of the Cross L 
The Trail of the White Mule
Boyesen; Hjalmar Hjorth  (1848…1895) 
  Boyhood in Norway 
  Tales from Two Hemispheres
Brame; Charlotte M。  (1836…1884) 
Dora Thorne
Brand; Max  (1892…1944) 
The Seventh Man
Bray; William  (1736…1832) 
Extracts from the Diary of William Bray
Brieux; Eugene  (1858…1932) 
Damaged Goods
Bronte; Anne  (1820…1849) 
  Agnes Grey 
  The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
Bronte; Charlotte  (1816…1855) 
  Jane Eyre 
  Notes on the Pseudonymous Bells 
  The Professor
Bronte; Emily  (1818…1848) 
  Wuthering Heights
Brooke; Rupert C。  (1887…1915) 
  Poems of Rupert Brooke
Brooks; Elbridge Streeter  (1846…1902) 
Historic Girls 
The True Story of Christopher Columbus
Brooks; Noah  (1830…1903) 
First Across the Continent
Brown; Charles Brockden  (1771…1810) 
  Memoirs of Carwin; the Biloquist 
  Wieland; or The Transformation
Brown; William Wells  (1815…1884) 
Clotelle: or The Colored Heroine
Browne; Charles Farrar  (1834…1867)
The Complete Works of Artemus Ward (7 volumes)

Browne; Thomas; Sir  (1605…1682) 
Religio Medici; Hydriotaphia; and the Letter to a Friend 
Christian Morals
Browning; Elizabeth Barrett  (1806…1861) 
Sonnets from the Portuguese
Browning; Robert  (1812…1889) 
A Blot In The 'Scutcheon
  Dramatic Lyrics
Brownson; Orestes Augustus  (1803…1876) 
The American Republic: Constitution; Tendencies and Destiny
Bryant; Sara Cone  (1873…    ) 
How To Tell Children Stories 
Stories To Tell To Children
Bryce; James  (1838…1922)
William Ewart Gladstone

Buchan; John  (1875…1940) 
  The Moon Endureth: Tales and Fancies 
  Mr。 Standfast 
  The Path of the King 
  Prester John 
  The Thirty…Nine Steps
Bulfinch; Thomas  (1796…1867)
Bulfinch's Mythology; The Age of Fable

Bullen; Frank T。  (1857…1915) 
The Cruise of the Cachalot (Round the World After Sperm Whales)

Bulwer…Lytton; Edward George (1808…1873) 
The Last Days of Pompeii
Rienzi; Last of the Roman Tribunes
Bunyan; John  (1628…1688) 
  Grace Abounding to Chief of Sinners 
  The Holy War 
The Jerusalem Sinner Saved
  Life and Death of Mr。 Badman 
Miscellaneous Pieces
The Pharisee And The Publican
  The Pilgrim's Progress
Burckhardt; Jacob  (1818…1897) 
The Civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy
Burke; Edmund  (1729…1797) 。 
A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful
Selections from the Speeches and Writings of Edmund Burke
Thoughts on the Present Discontents; and Speeches; etc

Burke; Thomas  (1887…1945)  
The Song Book of Quong Lee of Limehouse

Burnett; Frances Hodgson  (1894…1924) 
  The Dawn of A To…morrow 
  A Lady of Quality 
  Little Lord Fauntleroy 
  A Little Princess 
  The Lost Prince 
  Sara Crewe 
  The Secret Garden 
  The Shuttle 
T。 Tembarom
  The White People
Burnham; Clara Louise (1854…1927) 

Burns; Robert  (1759…1796) 
  Poems and Songs of Robert Burns
Burr; George Lincoln  (1857…1938) 
Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases; 1648…1706
Burroughs; Edgar Rice  (1875…1950) 
At the Earth's Core 
The Beasts of Tarzan 
The Chessman of Mars 
The Efficiency Expert
The Gods of Mars 
THe Jungle Tales of Tarzan 
The Land That Time Forgot 
The Lost Continent 
The Mad King 
The Monster Men 
The Mucker 
The Oakdale Affair 
Out Of Time's Abyss 
The Outlaw of Torn 
People Out Of Time 
A Princess of Mars 
The Return of Tarzan 
The Son of Tarzan 
Tarzan of the Apes 
Tarzan the Terrible 
Tarzan the Untamed 
Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar 
Thuvia; Maid of Mars 
Warlord of Mars
Burton; Richard Francis; Sir  (1821…1890) 
Vikram and the Vampire
Bury; Richard de  (1287…1345) 
The Love of Books : the Philobiblon of Richard de Bury
Butler; Ellis Parker  (1869…1937) 
Pigs is Pigs 
The Water Goats and Other Troubles
Butler; Samuel  (1835…1902) 
Alps and Sanctuaries of Piedmont and the Canton Ticino 
Cambridge Pieces
Canterbury Pieces
Erewhon Revisited 
Essays on Life; Art and Science
A First Year in Canterbury Settlement
God the Known and God the Unknown 
The Way of All Flesh 
Byron; George  (1788…1824) 
  Don Juan


Caine; Hall  (1853…1931) 
  The Scapegoat
Cambrensis; Giraldus  (ca。 1146…1223) 
The Description of Wales
         The Itinerary of Archibishop Baldwin through Wales 
Campan; Jeanne Louise Henriette  (1752…1822)
The Memoirs of Marie Antoinette

Campanells; Tommaso (1568…1639) 
         The City of the Sun 
Cantillon; Richard  (1680…1734) 
  Essay on the Nature of Commerce in General
Carboni; Raffaello  (1817…1875)
The Eureka Stockade

Cardozo; Benjamin  (1870…1938) 
The Altruist in Politics 
The Nature of the Judicial Process
Carlyle; Thomas (1795…1881) 
  Early Kings of Norway 
  The French Revolution 
  Latter…Day Pamphlets 
  Life of John Sterling 
  On Heroes; Hero Worship; and The Heroic in History 
  Sartor Resartus: the life and opinions of Herr Teufelsdrocke 
  History of Friedrich II of Prussia ( 21 Volumes )
Appendix to History of Friedrich II of Prussia
Carpenter; Edward  (1844…    ) 
        Never Again 
Pagan and Christian Creeds: Their Origin and Meaning
Carrol; Lewis  (1832…1898) 
  Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 
  The Hunting of the Snark 
  Phantasmagoria and Other Poems 
  Sylvia and Bruno 
  Through the Looking Glass

Carus; Titus Lucretius  ( ca。98…55BC ) 
Of The Nature of Things
Carvalho; David Nunes  (1848…1925) 
Forty Centuries of Ink
Casanova; Jacques (1725…1798) 
    The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova (30 volumes)

Casson; Herbert Newton  (1869…    ) 
The History of the Telephone
Cather; Willa  (1873…1947) 
  Alexander's Bridge 
  My Antonia 
  One of Ours 
  O Pioneers! 
  The Song of the Lark 
  The Troll Garden and Selected Stories
Cervantes; Miguel de  (1547…1616) 
  Don Quixote
Chapin; E。 H。  (1814…1880) 
The Crown of Thorns
Charles; de Secondat (1689…1755) 
The Spirit of Laws
Chaucer; Geoffrey  (ca。 1340…1400) 
Canterbury Tales; and Other Poems 
Troilus and Criseyde 
Chekhov; Anton Pavlovich  (1860…1904) 
  The Schoolmistress and Other Stories 
  The Sea…Gull 
  Swan Song 
  Uncle Vanya 
  The Wife and Other Stories 
  The Witch and Other Stories
Cherbuliez; Victor (1829…1899) 
Samuel Brohl and Company
Chesnutt; Charles W。  (1858…1932) 
  The House Behind the Cedars
Chesterfield; Philip Dormer Stanhope; Earl of;  (1694…1773)
Letters to His Son (10 volumes)

Chesterton; G。 K。  (1874…1936) 
The Ballad of the White Horse 
The Club of Queer Trades 
The Innocence of Father Brown 
The Man Who Knew Too Much 
The Man Who Was Thursday 
A Miscellany of Men 
The Trees of Pride 
Utopia of Usurers; and other Essays 
What's Wrong With The World 
The Wisdom of Father Brown
Chopin; Kate  (1851…1904) 
  The Awakening and Other Short Stories
Chretien; de Troyes  (12th cent。) 
Cliges: A Romance 
Four Arthurian Romances
Churchill; Winston  (1871…1947) 
The Crossing
The Dwelling Place of Ligh
   A Far Country
Mr。 Crewe's Career

Cicero; Marcus Tullius (106BC…43BC) 
        Letters of Cicero 
        Treatises on Friendship and Old Age 
Cist; Henry Martyn  (1839…1902)
The Army of the Cumberland

Clarke; Marcus  (1846…1881)
For the Term of His Natural Life

Clough; Arthur Hugh  (1819…1861) 
Amours de Voyage
Clousten; J。 Storer  (1870…1944) 
Count Bunker
Cobb; Irvin Shrewsbury  (1876…1944) 
Cobb's Anatomy 
A Plea for Old Cap Collier 
Speaking of Operations

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