八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > 3000英文名著目录 >



小说: 3000英文名著目录 字数: 每页4000字

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Cobb; Irvin Shrewsbury  (1876…1944) 
Cobb's Anatomy 
A Plea for Old Cap Collier 
Speaking of Operations
Coke; Henry J。  (1827…1916) 
  Tracks of A Rolling Stone
Coleridge; Samuel Taylor  (1772…1834) 
  Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit etc。 
  The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Collins; Wilkie  (1824…1889) 
After Dark 
The Black Robe 
The Dream Woman 
The Evil Genius 
A Fair Penitent 
The Frozen Deep 
The Guilty River
The Haunted Hotel 
I Say No 
Jezebel's Daughter
The Law and the Lady 
The Legacy of Cain 
Little Novels 
Man and Wife 
Miss or Mrs? 
The Moonstone 
My Lady's Money 
The New Magdalen 
No Name 
Poor Miss Finch
The Queen of Hearts 
A Rogue's Life 
The Two Destinies 
The Woman in White
Collodi; Carlo  (1826…1890) 
  The Adventures of Pinocchio
Congreve; William  (1670…1729) 
  The Double…Dealer 
  Love For Love 
  The Old Bachelor 
  The Way of The World
Connor; Ralph (Pseudonym)  (1860…1937)
Black Rock
Corporal Cameron of the North West Mounted Police
The Docto: A Tale of the Rockies
The Foreigner:  A Tale of Saskatchewan
Glengarry Schooldays
The Major
The Man From Glengarry
The Patrol of the Sun Dance Trail
The Prospector
Sky Pilot:  A Tale of the Foothills
The Sky Pilot in No Man's Land
To Him That Hath

Conrad; Joseph  (1857…1924) 
  Almayer's Folly 
  Amy Foster 
  The Arrow of Gold 
  End of the Tether 
  Heart of Darkness 
  Lord Jim 
  The Mirror of the Sea 
  The Nigger of the Narcissus 
  Notes on Life and Letter 
  An Outcast of the Island 
  A Personal Record 
  The Rescue 
  The Secret Agent 
  The Secret Sharer 
  A Set of Six 
  The Shadow Line 
  Some Reminiscences 
  Tales of Unrest 
  'Twixt Land and Sea 
  Under Western Eyes 
  Within the Tides 
Converse; Florence  (1871…    ) 
The Story of Wellesley
Conwell ; Russell H。 (1843…1925)  
  Acres of Diamonds
Cooley; Charles Horton   (1864…1929) 
Human Nature and the Social Order 
Social Organization
Cooper; James Fenimore  (1790…1851) 
Autobiography of a Pocket…Handkerchief 
The Lake Gun 
Last of the Mohicans 
New York 
Pathfinder; or; The Inland Sea 
Tales for Fifteen; or; Imagination and Heart
Cooper; Susan Fenimore  (1813…1894) 
Elinor Wyllys 
Female Suffrage: A Letter to the Christian Women of America 
The Lumley Autograph
Corneille; Pierre (1606…1684) 
Corson; Hiram  (1829…1911) 
An Introduction to the Study of Robert Browning's Poetry
Coulter; John Merle  (1851…1928) 
The North American Species of Cactus; Anhalonium; and Lophophora
Cowley; Abraham  (1618…1667)
Cowley's Essays

Cowper; William  (1731…1800)
The Task and Other Poems

Craft; William and Ellen (ca。1850) 
  Running A Thousand Miles for Freedom
Craik; Dinah Maria Mulock  (1826…1887) 
John Halifax; Gentleman 
The Little Lame Prince
Crane; Stephen  (1871…1900) 
  Active Service 
  Maggie… A Girl of the Streets 
  The Red Badge of  Courage 
Crile; George W。  (1864…1943) 
The Origin and Nature of Emotions
Cunninghame Graham; Robert Bontine   (1852…1936) 
A Vanished Arcadia: being some account of the Jesuits in Paraguay 1607…1767


Dana; Marvin  (1867…     ) 
Within the Law
Dana; Richard Henry  (1815…1882) 
Two Years Before the Mast
Dante Alighieri (1265…1321) 
  The Divine Comedy
Darwin; Charles (1809…1882) 
  The Autobiography of Charles Darwin 
  Coral Reefs 
  The Descent of Man; and Selection in Relation to Sex 
  The Expression of Emotion in Man and Animals 
  The Formation of Vegetable Mould 
  Life and Letters of Charles Darwin
  More Letters of Charles Darwin
  The Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants 
  The Origin of Species 
South American Geology
  The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication 
Volcanic Islands
  The Voyage of the Beagle
Daudet; Alphonse  (1840…1897) 
The Nabob 
Tartarin of Tarascon
D'Avenant; Charles (1656…1714) 
An Essay on the East…India Trade
Davis; James J。  (1873…1947) 
The Iron Puddler
Davis; Rebecca Harding   (1831…1910) 
  Frances Waldeaux 
  Life in the Iron…Mills
Davis; Richard Harding  (1864…1916) 
Adventures and Letters 
The Amateur 
Billy and the Big Stick 
A Charmed Life 
The Consul 
The Frame Up 
The King's Jackal 
Lion and the Unicorn 
The Log of the Jolly Polly 
The Lost House 
The Lost Road and Other Stories 
The Make…Believe Man 
The Man Who Could Not Lose 
The Messengers 
Miss Civilization 
My Buried Treasure 
The Nature Faker 
Peace Manoeuvres 
The Princess Aline 
A Question of Latitude 
The Red Cross Girl 
The Reporter Who Made Himself King 
The Scarlet Car 
Soldiers of Fortune 
The Spy 
Episodes In Van Bibber's Life 
Vera; The Medium 
A Wasted Day 

Defoe; Daniel  (1661…1731) 
  Dickory Cronke 
  Everybody's Business is Nobody's Business 
  From London to Land's End 
  Giving Alms No Charity 
  The Journal of the Plague Year 
  Moll Flanders 
  Robinson Crusoe…1 
  Robinson Crusoe…2 
  Tour Through the Eastern Counties of England
Deland; Margaret Wade Campbell  (1857…1945) 
The Voice 
The Way to Peace
Depew; Chauncey M。  (1834…1928) 
My Memories of Eighty Years
De Quincey; Thomas  (1785…1859) 
Confessions of an English Opium…Eater
De Saint…Pierre; Bernardin  (1737…1814) 
Paul and Virginia
Descartes; Rene  (1596…1650) 
A Discourse on Method 
Meditations on First Philosophy 
Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting the Reason
Dickens; Charles  (1812…1870) 
  American Notes 
  Barnaby Rudge: A Tale of the Riots of Eighty 
  The Battle of Life 
  Bleak House 
  A Child's History of England 
  A Christmas Carol 
  Contributions to: All The Year Round 
  The Cricket on the Hearth 
  David Copperfield 
  Doctor Marigold 
  Domby and Son 
  George Silverman's Explanation 
  Going into Society 
  Great Expectations 
  Hard Times 
  The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain 
  Holiday Romance 
  The Holly…Tree 
  A House to Let 
  Hunted Down: the Detective Stories of Charles Dickens 
  The Lamplighter 
  Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices 
  Little Dorrit 
  Martin Chuzzlewit 
  Master Humphrey's Clock 
  A Message from the Sea 
  Miscellaneous Papers 
  Mrs。 Lirriper's Legacy 
  Mrs。 Lirriper's Lodgings 
  Mudfog and Other Sketches 
  Mugby Junction 
  The Mystery of Edwin Drood 
  Nicholas Nickleby 
  No Thoroughfare 
  The Old Curiosity Shop 
  Oliver Twist 
  Our Mutual Friend 
  The Perils of Certain English Prisoners 
  The Pickwick Papers 
  Pictures from Italy 
  Reprinted Pieces 
  The Seven Poor Travellers 
  Sketches by Boz 
  Skethches of Young Couples 
  Sketches of Young Gentlemen 
  Some Christmas Stories 
  Somebody's Luggage 
  Speeches: Literary and Social 
  Sunday Under Three Heads 
  A Tale of Two Cities 
  Three Ghost Stories 
The Haunted House 
The Signal Man 
The Trial for Murder
  To Be Read at Dusk 
  Tom Tiddler's Ground 
  The Uncommercial Traveller 
  The Wreck of the Golden Mary
Dickinson; Emily (1830…1886) 
Dodge; Mary Mapes  (1830…1905) 
Hans Brinker; or; The Silver Skates
Donn…Byrne; Brian Oswald  (1889…1928) 
Messer Marco Polo
Dostoevsky; Fyodor  (1821…1881) 
  The Brothers Karamazov 
  Crime and Punishment 
  The Gambler 
  The Idiot 
  Notes from the Underground 
  Poor Folk
Doubleday; Nellie Blanchan (De Graff)  (1865…1918) 
Bird Neighbors
Douglass; Frederick  (1817…1895) 
  Collected Articles of Frederick Douglass 
  My Bondage and My Freedom 
  Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
Doumic; Rene  (1860…1937) 
George Sand; Some Aspects of Her Life and Writings
Doyle; Sir Arthur Conan  (1859…1930) 
  The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 
  The Hound of the Baskervilles 
  The Lost World 
  Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes 
  The New Revelation 
  The Poison Belt 
  The Return of Sherlock Holmes 
  The Sign of Four 
  Sir Nigel 
  A Study in Scarlet 
  The Valley of Fear 
  The Vital Message
Drake; Joseph Rodman  (1795…1820) 
The Culprit Fay and Other Poems
Dreiser; Theodore  (1871…1945) 
  The Financier 
  Sister Carrie 
The Titan
Drummond; Henry (1851…1897) 
The Lowell Lectures on the Ascent of Man
Dryden; John  (1631…1700) 
All For Love 
Discourses on Satire and Epic Poetry
Du Hausset; Mme。  (1720…    )
The Memoirs of Louis XV/XVI

Duff Gordon; Lucie; Lady  (1821…1869) 
Letters from the Cape
Dufferin; Lord  (1826…1902)
Letters From High Latitudes

Dumas; Alexandre; pere  (1802…1870) 
Ali Pacha
  The Black Tulip 
  The Borgias 
  The Cenci 
La Constantin
  The Count of Monte Cristo 
  The Countess of Saint Geran 
  Joan of Naples 
  Karl Ludwig Sand 
  Louise de la Valliere 
  The Man in the Iron Mask 
  Marquise de Brinvilliers 
  Marquise de Ganges 
  Martin Guerre 
  Mary Stuart 
  Massacres of the South 
  The Three Musketeers 
  The Vicomte de Bragelonne 
  Ten Years Later 
  Twenty Years After 
  Urbain Grandier 
Dumas; Alexandre; fils  (1824…1895) 
Dunbar; Alice Ruth Moore  (1875…1935) 
The Goodness of St。 Rocque and Other Stories
Duncan; Sara Jeannette  (1861…1922) 
The Pool in the Desert
Dyer; Frank Lewis  (1870…1941) 
Edison; His Life and Inventions


Earls; Michael  (1873…1937)
Ballads of Peace in War

Eastman; Charles  (1858…1939) 
  Indian Boyhood 
  Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains 
  Old Indian Days 
  The Soul of the Indian
Ebbinghaus; Hermann (1850…1909) 
Memory: A Contribution to Experimental Psychology
Edgeworth; Maria  (1767…1849) 
The Absentee 
Castle Rackrent 
Murad the Unlucky and Other Tales
The Parent's Assistant
Edwards; Owen Morgan  (1858…1920)
A Short History of Wales

Eliot; George  (1819…1880) 
  Adam Bede 
  Brother Jacob 
  The Lifted Veil 

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