八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > 3000英文名著目录 >



小说: 3000英文名著目录 字数: 每页4000字

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Poems of the Past and the Present
  The Return of the Native 
  The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid 
Satires of Circumstance; Lyrics and Reveries; with Miscellaneous Pieces 
  Tess of the D'Urbervilles 
  Time's Laughingstocks and Other Verses 
  The Trumpet…Major 
Two on a Tower
  Under the Greenwood Tree 
The Well…BelovedA Sketch of A Temperament
Wessex Poems and Other Verses
Wessex Tales
  The Woodlanders
Harper; Frances E。 W。  (1825…1911) 
Harrington; James (1611…1677) 
The Commonwealth of Oceana
Harris; Joel Chandler  (1848…1908) 
Uncle Remus; His Songs and His Sayings

Harte; Bret  (1836…1902) 
The Argonauts of North Liberty 
The Bell…Ringer of Angel's 
By Shore and Sedge 
Colonel Starbottle's Client 
Complete Poetical Works 
Condensed Novels 
The Crusade of the Excelsior 
Devil's Ford 
A Drift from Redwood Camp 
Drift from Two Shores 
A First Family of Tasajara 
Flip: A California Romance 
Found At Blazing Star 
From Sand Hill to Pine 
The Heritage of Dedlow Marsh and Other Tales 
In A Hollow Of The Hills 
In The Carquinez Woods 
Jeff Briggs's Love Story 
Legends and Tales 
A Millionaire of Rough…and…Ready 
Mr。 Jack Hamlin's Mediation 
Mrs。 Skaggs's Husbands 
New Burlesques 
On the Frontier 
Openings in the Old Trail 
A Phyllis Of The Sierras 
A Protegee of Jack Hamlin's 
The Queen of the Pirate Isle 
Sally Dows 
A Sappho of Green Springs 
Selected Stories 
Snow…Bound at Eagle's 
Stories in Light and Shadow 
The Story of a Mine 
Susy; A Story of the Plains 
Tales of the Argonauts 
Tales of Trail and Town 
Thankful Blossom 
The Three Partners 
Trent's Trust; and Other Stories 
The Twins of Table Mountain 
Two Men of Sandy Bar 
Under the Redwoods 
Urban Sketches 
A Waif of the Plains 
A Ward of the Golden Gate
Hawthorne; Julian  (1846…1934) 
The Golden Fleece
Hawthorne; Nathaniel  (1804…1864) 
  The Blithedale Romance 
  Grandfather's Chair 
  The Great Stone Face 
  The House of Seven Gables 
  The Marble Faun (or; The Romance of Monte Beni) 
  Mosses from an Old Manse 
  The Scarlet Letter 
  The Snow Image 
  Tanglewood Tales 
  Twice…Told Tales
Hayes; Edward  (fl。 1580)
Sir Humphrey Gilbert's Voyage to Newfoundland

Hazeltine; Alice Isabel  (1878…    ) 
Library Work with Children
Hazlitt; William  (1778…1830) 
Liber Amoris; or; The New Pygmalion
Table…Talk; Essays on Men and Manners
Healy; William  (1869…     ) 
Pathology of Lying
Hearn; Lafcadio  (1850…1904) 
  Chita: A Memory of Last Island 
Hecker; J。 F。 C。  (1795…1850) 
The Black Death and The Dancing Mania
Hegel  (1770…1831) 
Shorter Logic 
The Science of Logic 
The Philosophy of History 
Philosophy of Nature 
Philosophy of Right 
Philosophy of Spirit (1830)
Lectures on the History of Philosophy 
Phenomenology of Mind
Hemphill; Vivia  (1889…1934)
Down the Mother Lode … Pioneer Tales of California

Hendrick; Burton Jesse  (1870…1949)
The Age of Big Business; A Chronicle of the Captains of Industry

Henley; William Ernest  (1849…1903) 
Plays of William E。 Henley and R。 L。 Stevenson 

Henry; O。  (1862…1910) 
Cabbages and Kings 
The Four Million 
The Gentle Grafter 
Heart of the West 
Roads of Destiny 
Strictly Business (More Stories of the Four Million) 
Sixes and Sevens 
The Voice of the City 
Waifs and Strays(Part 1) 

Henty; George Alfred  (1832…1902) 
The Dragon and The Raven or The Days of King Alfred
Saint George for England
With Lee in Virginia: A Story Of The American Civil War 

Hentzner; Paul  (1558…1623) 
Travels in England During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth
The History of Herodotus (440 BC )
Herrick; Robert  (1591…1674) 
A Selection From The Lyrical Poems Of Robert Herrick
Hesiod; The Homeric Hymns; and Homerica
Hichens; Robert Smythe  (1864…1950) 
The Garden Of Allah
The Prophet of Berkeley Square 
The Spell of Egypt
A Spirit in Prison
Higginson; Thomas Wentworth  (1823…1911) 
Malbone: An Oldport Romance 
Oldport Days
Hippocrates ( 460…376BC ) 
  The Book of Prognostics 
  Instruments of Reduction 
  The Law 
  The Oath 
  Of the Epidemics 
  On Airs; Waters and Places 
  On Ancient Medicine 
  On Fistulae 
  On Fractures 
  On Hemorrhoids 
  On Injuries of the Head 
  On Regimen in Acute Diseases 
  On the Articulations 
  On the Sacred Disease 
  On the Surgery 
  On Ulcers
Hobbes; Thomas  (1588…1679) 
  De Cive  (Philosophicall Elements of a true Citizen) 
  The Elements of Law Natural and Politic 
Hobson; J。 A。 
Work and Wealth: A Human Valuation (1914)
Hodgskin; Thomas (1786…1869) 
Labour Defended against the Claims of Capital
Hogg; James  (1770…1835) 
The Private Memoirs and Confessions of A Justified Sinner
Holley; Marietta  (1836…1926)
Samantha at Saratoga

Holmes; Mary Jane  (1825…1907)
Cousin Maude

Holmes; Oliver Wendell  (1809…1894) 
  The Autocrat of the Breakfast…Table 
  Elsie Venner 
  The Guardian Angel 
  Medical Essays 
  A Mortal Antipathy 
  Over the Teacups 
  Passages from an Old Volume of Life 
  The Poet at the Breakfast Table 
  The Professor at the Breakfast Table
Holmes; Oliver Wendell  (1841…1935) 
The Common Law 
The Path of the Law
Holmes; Thomas  (1846…1918) 
London's Underworld
  The Iliad 
  The Odyssey
Hope; Anthony  (1863…1933) 
  Dolly Dialogues 
  Frivolous Cupid 
  The Prisoner of Zenda 
  Rupert of Hentzau
Hornung; E。 W。  (1866…1921) 
The Amateur Cracksman 
Dead Men Tell No Tales 
Raffles; Further Adventures of the Amateur Cracksman 
A Thief in the Night: A Book of Raffles' Adventures
Houdini; Harry  (1874…1926) 
The Miracle Mongers
Hough; Emerson  (1857…1923)
The Passing of the Frontier; A Chronicle of the Old West

Howells; William Dean  (1837…1920) 
American Literary Centers
April Hopes
A Belated Guest
Cambridge Neighbors
The Confessions of a Summer Colonist
         Criticism and Fiction
  Dr。 Breen's Practice
The Editor's Relations with the Young Contributor
The Elevator
Emile Zola 
Fennel and Rue
First Visit to New England
  The Garotters
A Hazard of New Fortunes(5 volumes) 
Henry James 
The Kentons
  The Landlord At Lions Head (2 volumes)
Last Days in a Dutch Hotel
Literary Boston As I Knew It
The Man of Letters as a Man of Business 
My Literary Passions
  My Mark Twain
Oliver Wendell Holmes
An Open…Eyed ConspiracyAn Idyl of Saratoga
The Parlor…Car
A Psychological Counter…Current in Recent Fiction 
Ragged Lady (2 volumes)
  The Register
The Rise of Silas Lapham 
Roundabout to Boston
  Short Stories and Essays
The Sleeping…CarA Farce
Some Anomalies of the Short Story
Spanish Prisoners of War
Staccato Notes of a Vanished Summer
The Standard Household…Effect Company
Studies of Lowell
Their Silver Wedding Journey(3 volumes)
Their Wedding Journey
The White Mr。 Longfellow

Hubbard; Elbert  (1856…1915) 
John Jacob Astor
Hudson; W。 H。 (1841…1922) 
  Green Mansions
Hughes; Thomas  (1822…1896) 
Tom Brown's School Days 
Hugo; Victor  (1802…1885) 
  The Hunchback of Notre Dame 
  The Memoirs of Victor Hugo 
  Les Miserables 
Hulbert; Archer Butler  (1873…1933)
The Paths of Inland Commerce

Hume; David  (1711…1776) 
  Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion 
  An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding 
  Essays; Moral and Literary 
  Essays on Suicide and Immortality 
  Of Commerce 
  Of the Origin of Government 
  Of  the Refinement in the Arts 
  On the Balance of Trade 
  On the First Principles of Government 
  On Interest 
  On the Jealousy of Trade 
  On Money 
  The Natural History of Religion 
  On Public Credit 
  On Taxes 
  A Treatise of Human Nature
Hume; Fergus (1859…1932) 
         The Green Mummy 

Humphrey; S。 D。  (1823…1883) 
American Hand Book of the Daguerrotype
Huntington; Ellsworth  (1876…1947)
The Red Man's Continent

Hutcheson; Frances (1694…1746) 
Remarks upon the Fable of the Bees
Huxley; Thomas Henry  (1825…1895) 
Autobiography and Selected Essays 
The Circulation of the Blood 
The Conditions of Existence 
Coral and Coral Reefs 
A Critical Examination of 〃On The Origin of Species〃 
Criticisms on 〃The Origin of Species〃 
The Darwinian Hypothesis 
Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature 
Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays 
Geological Contemporaneity and Persistent Types of Life 
On the Advisableness of Improving Natural Knowledge 
On the Relations of Man to the Lower Animals 
On Some Fossil Remains of Man 
On the Study of Zoology 
The Origin of Species 
The Origination of Living Beings 
The Past Condition of Organic Nature 
The Perpetuation of Living Beings 
The Present Condition of Organic Nature 
Time and Life 
Science and Hebrew Tradition 
On the Method of Zadig 
The Rise and Progress of Palaeontology 
Lectures on Evolution 
The Interpreters of Genesis and the Interpreters of Nature 
Mr。 Gladstone and Genesis 
The Lights of the Church and the Light of Science 
Hasisadra's Adventure 
The Evolution of Theology
Hyne; C。 J。 Cutcliffe  (1865…1944) 
  The Lost Continent


Ibsen; Henrik  (1828…1906) 
A Doll's House 
An Enemy of the People 
The Lady From The Sea 
Pillars of Society 
Iles; George (Editor;  1852…1942) 
Little Masterpieces of Autobiography : Actors 
Ingram; John Kells (1823 … 1907) 
A History of Political Economy
Irving; Washington  (1783…1859) 
  The Adventures of Captain Bonneville 
  The Alhambra 
Astoria; or; Anecdotes of An Enterprise Beyond the Rocky Mountains
Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada
  The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 
Little Britain
  Old Christmas
The Sketch Book


Jackman; William James  (1850…    ) 
Flying Machines: Construction and Operation
Jackson; Helen Maria Hunt  

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