八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > 3000英文名著目录 >



小说: 3000英文名著目录 字数: 每页4000字

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Jackman; William James  (1850…    ) 
Flying Machines: Construction and Operation
Jackson; Helen Maria Hunt  (1830…1885) 

James; George Wharton  (1858…1923) 
The Grand Canyon of Arizona: How to See It

James; Henry  (1843…1916) 
  The Altar of the Dead 
  The Ambassadors 
  The American 
  The Aspern Papers 
The Author of Beltraffio
  The Beast in the Jungle 
  The Beldonald Holbein 
  A Bundle of Letters 
The Chaperon
  The Coxon Fund 
  Daisy Miller 
  Death of the Lion 
  The Diary of a Man of Fifty 
  Eugene Pickering 
  The Europeans 
  The Figure in the Carpet 
  The Golden Bowl 
  Greville Fane 
  In the Cage 
  An International Episode 
  The Jolly Corner 
  The Lesson of the Master 
  A Little Tour In France 
  The Madonna of the Future 
  The Marriages 
  Nona Vincent 
  The Patagonia 
  The Pension Beaurepas 
  The Point of View 
  The Portrait of A Lady 
  The Pupil 
  The Real Thing 
  Roderick Hudson 
  The Sacred Fount 
  Sir Dominick Ferrand 
  Some Short Stories 
  The Turn of the Screw 
  Washington Square
James; William  (1842…1910) 
The Varieties of Religious Experience 
Pragmatism: A New Name For Some Old Ways of Thinking 
Essays in Radical Empiricism 
The Principles of Psychology
Japp; Alexander H。  (1839…1905) 
  Robert Louis Stevenson; A Record; An Estimate; A Memorial
Jefferies; Richard  (1848…1887) 
Pageant of Summer 
The Story of My Heart
Jefferson; Thomas  (1743…1826) 
A Manual of Parliamentary Practice for the Use of the Senate of the United States
Jenkins; Edward  (1838…1910) 
Ginx's Baby: His Birth and Other Misfortunes

Jenkins; Herbert George  (1876…1923)
The Life of George Borrow

Jerome; Jerome K。   (1859…1927) 
  All Roads Lead to Calvary 
  The Angel and the Author and Others 
  The Cost of Kindness 
  Diary of a Pilgrimage 
Fanny and the Servant Problem
  Idle Ideas in 1905
Idle Thoughts of An Idle Fellow 
  John Ingerfield and Other Stories 
  The Love of Ulrich Nebendahl 
  Malvina of Brittany 
  The Master of Mrs。 Chilvers 
  Mrs。 Korner Sins Her Mercies 
  Novel Notes 
  Passing of the Third Floor Back 
  Paul Kelver 
  The Philosopher's Joke 
  Second Thoughts of An Idle Fellow 
  Sketches in Lavender; Blue and Green 
  The Soul of Nicholas Synders 
  Tea…table Talk 
  They and I 
  Three Men in a Boat 
  Three Men on the Bummel 
  Told After Supper 
  Tommy and Co。
Jewett; Sarah Orne  (1849…1909) 
  The Country of the Pointed Firs
John of Damascus; Saint  (ca。 675…749) 
Barlaam and Ioasaph
Johnson; Allen  (1870…1931)
Jefferson and his Colleagues

Johnson; E。 Pauline  (1861…1913)
Legends of Vancouver

Johnson; Samuel   (1709…1784) 
  Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland 
  Rasselas; Prince of Abyssinia
Johnston; Mary  (1870…1936) 
Pioneers of the Old South 
To Have and To Hold
Jones; Henry Festing  (1851…1928) 
        Samuel Butler: A Sketch 

Jones; Richard  (1790 … 1855) 
An Essay on the Distribution of Wealth
Jonson; Ben  (1573…1637)
Every Man in his Humour

Josephus; Flavius (37…100) 
Against Apion
The Antiquities of the Jews 
The Life of Flavius Josephus
       The Wars of the Jews 

Joyce; James  (1882…1941) 
Chamber Music 
  A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 
Judson; Katharine Berry (Editor) 
Myths and Legends of California and the Old Southwest
Judy; J。 M。 
Questionable Amusements and Worthy Substitutes (1904)
Jurin; James  (1684…1750) 
Geometry No Friend to Infidelity


Kant; Immanuel   (1724…1804) 
Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals 
The Philosophy of Law 
Introduction to the Metaphysic of Morals 
The Science of Right
The Critique of Practical Reason 
The Critique of Pure Reason 
The Critique of Judgement 
Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics
Keats; John  (1795…1821) 
  Poems of John Keats
Keim; Albert  (1876…1947)
Honore de Balzac

Kendall; Henry  (1839…1882) 
  Leaves from Australian Forests 
  Poems and Songs 
  Songs from the Mountains
Key; Ellen  (1849…1926) 
  The Education of the Child
Keynes; John Maynard  (1883…1946) 
The Economic Consequences of the Peace 
General Theory of Employment; Interest and Money
Kilmer; Joyce  (1886…1918) 
  Main Street and Other Poems 
  Trees and Other Poems
Kilner; Dorothy  (1735…1836) 
Life and Perambulations of a Mouse
Kinglake; Alexander William  (1809…1891) 
Eothen; or; Traces of Travel Brought Home from the East
Kingsley; Charles  (1819…1875) 
Alexandria and Her Schools 
The Ancien Regime 
Froude's History of England
Glaucus; or The Wonders of the Shore 
The Heroes 
Historical Lecturers and Essays 
Madam How and Lady Why 
Plays and Puritans
Sanitary and Social Lectures; etc 
Sir Walter Raleigh and his Time
The Water…Babies 
Westward Ho!
Kipling; Rudyard  (1865…1936) 
Actions and Reactions 
American Notes 
Barrack…Room Ballads 
Captains Courageous 
The Day's Work… Part 1 
The Jungle Book 
Just So Stories 
The Light That Failed 
The Man Who Would Be King 
My Own True Ghost Story 
The Phantom 'Rickshaw and Other Ghost Stories 
Plain Tales from the Hills 
Puck of Pook's Hill 
Rewards and Fairies 
The Second Jungle Book 
Soldiers Three…Part 2 
Stalky & Co。 
The Story of the Gadsby 
Under the Deodars 
The Works of Rudyard Kipling…One Volume Edition
Kirby; William (1817…1906) 
        The Golden Dog 

Knowles; James Sheridan  (1784…1862)
The Hunchback
The Love…Chase

Kountz; William J。  (1867…1899) 
Billy Baxter's Letters 
Kovalevsky; Maksim   (1851…1916) 
Modern Customs and Ancient Laws in Russia


la Barca; Pedro Calderon de  (1600…1681) 
Life Is A Dream
Labriola; Antonio  (1843 … 1904) 
Essays on the Materialist Conception of History
Lafayette;  Madame de   (1634…1693) 
The Princess de Montpensier 
The Princess of Cleves
Lamb; Charles  (1775…1834) and Mary 
  Tales from Shakespeare
La Mettrie; Julien Offray de  (1709…1751) 
Man a Machine
La Motte…Fouque; Fredrich de (1777…1843)
Aslauga's Knight
Sintram and His Companions
The Two Captains

Lamothe…Langon; Etienne Leon; baron de  (1786…1864) 
Memoirs of the Comtesse du Barry
Lang; Andrew  (1844…1912) 
Adventures Among Books 
Alfred Tennyson
Angling Sketches 
The Arabian Nights Entertainments 
Aucassin and Nicolete 
Ballads in Blue China and Verses and Translations
Ballads Lyrics and Poems of Old France 
Ban and Arriere Ban 
Books and Bookmen 
A Collection of Ballads 
Essays in Little 
The Fairy Books: 
  The Blue Fairy Book 
The Brown Fairy Book
  The Crimson Fairy Book 
The Lilac Fairy Book
  The Orange Fairy Book
The Red Fairy Book 
  The Violet Fairy Book 
  The Yellow Fairy Book
Grass of Parnassus 
Helen of Troy
How to Fail in Literature 
Introduction to The Compleat Angler
Letters on Literature 
Letters to Dead Authors 
The Library 
A Monk of Fife 
Myth; Ritual; and Religion (Volume One)
New Collected Rhymes 
Old Friends; Epistolary Parody 
The Puzzle of Dickens's Last Plot 
R。 F。 Murray : His Poems with a Memoir 
Rhymes a la Mode 
Tales of Troy
The Valet's Tragedy and Other Stories 
Lanier; Sidney  (1842…1881) 
The Poems of Sidney Lanier 
Select Poems of Sidney Lanier
Larcom; Lucy  (1824…1893) 
A New England Girlhood
Laveleye; Emile  (1822 … 1892) 
Primitive Property
Law; John  (1671 … 1729) 
Money and Trade Considered
Lawrence; D。 H。  (1855…1930) 
  Lady Chatterlay's Lover 
  Sons and Lovers 
  Women in Love
Lawson; Henry  (1867…1922) 
  In the Days When the World Was Wide 
  Joe Wilson and His Mates 
  On the Track 
  Over the Sliprails
Lear; Edward  (1812…1888) 
  The Book of Nonsense
Le Bon; Gustave  (1841…1931) 
The Crowd; Study of Popular Mind 
The Psychology of Revolution
LeBlanc; Maurice  (1864…1941) 
  The Crystal Stopper
Le Fanu; Joseph Sheridan  (1814…1873) 
The Purcell Papers  ( 3 Volumes )
Le Gallienne; Richard  (1866…1947) 
Quest of the Golden Girl
Leacock; Stephen  (1869…1944)
My Discovery of England
Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town

Lee; Robert Edward; General  (1807…1870) 
Recollections and Letters of General Robert E。 Lee
Legros; Georges Victor  (1862…    )
Fabre; Poet of Science

Lermontov; M。 Y。  (1814…1841) 
  A Hero of Our Time
Leroux; Gaston  (1868…1927) 
Mystery of the Yellow Room 
The Phantom of the Opera 
The Secret of the Night
Lessing; Gotthold Ephraim (1729…1781) 
Minna von Barnhelm
Lewis; Alfred Henry  (1857…1914)
Wolfville Days

Lewis; Mattew  (1775…1818) 
The Bravo of VeniceA Romance 
  The Monk
Lincoln; Abraham  (1809…1865) 
The Writings of Abraham Lincoln ( 7 Volumes )
Lincoln; Joseph Crosby  (1870…1944) 
Cap'n Eri
Cap'n Warren's Wards
Cy Whittaker's Place
The Depot Master 
Keziah Coffin 
The Portygee
The Rise of Roscoe Paine
Thankful's Inheritance 
The Woman…Haters
Lincoln; Natalie Sumner  (1885…1935) 
The Red Seal
Linderman; Frank Bird  (1869…1938) 
Indian Why Stories
Lindsay; David  (1876…1945) 
A Voyage to Arcturus
Lindsay; Vachel   (1879…1931) 
The Chinese Nightingale and Other Poems 
The Congo; and Other Poems 
General William Booth Enters into Heaven; and Other Poems
List; Frederich  (1789…1846) 
  The National System of Political Economy
Livingstone; David   (1813…1873) 
  Missionary Travels in South Africa 
A Popular Account (of Dr。 Livingstone's Expedition to the Zambesi and Its Tributaries: 
And of the Discovery of the Lakes Shirwa and Nyassa 1858…1864) 
Lobo; Jeronimo  (1596…1678) 
A Voyage to Abyssinia
Locke; John  (1632…1704) 
  Concerning Civil Government 
  An Essay Concerning Human Understanding 
  Further Considera

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