a tale of two cities(双城记)-第34部分
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lue cap to the company; and drank。 In the breast of his blouse he carried some coarse dark bread; he ate of this between whiles; and sat munching and drinking near Madame Defarge's counter。 A third man got up and went out。
Defarge refreshed himself with a draught of winebut; he took less than was given to the stranger; as being himself a man to whom it was no rarityand stood waiting until the countryman had made his breakfast。 He looked at no one present; and no one now looked at him; not even Madame Defarge; who had taken up her knitting; and was at work。
‘Have you finished your repast; friend?' he asked; in due season。
‘Yes; thank you。'
‘Come; then! You shall see the apartment that I told you you could occupy。 It will suit you to a marvel。'
Out of the wine…shop into the street; out of the street into a courtyard; out of the courtyard up a steep staircase; out of the staircase into a garretformerly the garret where a white…haired man sat on a low bench; stooping forward and very busy; making shoes。
No white…haired man was there now; but; the three men were there who had gone out of the wine…shop singly。 And between them and the white…haired man afar off; was the one small link; that they had once looked in at him through the chinks in the wail。
Defarge closed the door carefully; and spoke in a subdued voice:
‘Jacques One; Jacques Two; Jacques Three! This is the witness encountered by appointment; by me; Jacques Four。
He will tell you all。 Speak; Jacques Five!
The mender of roads; blue cap in hand; wiped his swarthy forehead with it; and said; ‘Where shall I commence; monsieur?'
‘Commence;' was Monsieur Defarge's not unreasonable reply; ‘at the commencement。'
‘I saw him then; messieurs;' began the mender of roads; a year ago this running summer; underneath the carriage of the Marquis; hanging by the chain。 Behold the manner of it。 I leaving my work on the road; the sun going to bed; the carriage of the Marquis slowly ascending the hill; he hanging by the chainlike this。'
Again the mender of roads went through the whole performance; in which he ought to have been perfect by that time; seeing that it had been the infallible resource and indispensable entertainment of his village during a whole year。
Jacques One struck in; and asked if he had ever seen the man before?
‘Never;' answered the mender of roads; recovering his perpendicular。
Jacques Three demanded how he afterwards recognised him then?
‘By his tall figure;' said the mender of roads; softly; and with his finger at his nose。 ‘When Monsieur the Marquis demands that evening;; ‘‘Say; what is he like?'' I make response; ‘‘Tall as a spectre。'''
‘You should have said; short as a dwarf;' returned Jacques Two。
‘But what did I know? The deed was not then accomplished; neither did he confide in me。 Observe! Under those circumstances even; I do not offer my testimony。 Monsieur the Marquis indicates me with his finger; standing near our little fountain; and says; ‘‘To me! Bring that rascal!'' My faith; messieurs; I offer nothing。'
‘He is right there; Jacques;' murmured Defarge; to him who had interrupted。 ‘Go on!'
‘Good!' said the mender of roads; with an air of mystery。 ‘The tall man is lost; and he is soughthow many months? Nine; ten; eleven?'
‘No matter; the number;' said Defarge。 ‘He is well hidden; but at last he is unluckily found。 Go on!'
‘I am again at work upon the hillside; and the sun is again about to go to bed。 I am collecting my tools to descend to my cottage down in the village below; where it is already dark; when I raise my eyes; and see coming over the hill six soldiers。 In the midst of them is a tall man with his arms boundtied to his sideslike this!'
With the aid of his indispensable cap; he represented a man with his elbows bound fast at his hips; with cords that were knotted behind him。
‘I stand aside; messieurs; by my heap of stones; to see the soldiers and their prisoner pass (for it is a solitary road; that; where any spectacle is well worth looking at); and at first; as they approach; I see no more than that they are six soldiers with a tall man bound; and that they are almost black to my sightexcept on the side of the sun going to bed where they have a red edge; messieurs。 Also; I see that their long shadows are on the hollow ridge on the opposite side of the road; and are on the hill above it; and are like the shadows of giants。 Also; I see that they are covered with dust; and that the dust moves with them as they come; tramp; tramp! But when they advance quite near to me; I recognise the tall man; and he recognises me。 Ah; but he would be well content to precipitate himself over the hillside once again; as on the evening when he and I first encountered; close to the same spot!'
He described it as if he were there; and it was evident that he saw it vividly; perhaps he had not seen much in his life。
‘I do not show the soldiers that I recognise the tall man; he does not show the soldiers that he recognises me; we do it; and we know it; with our eyes。 ‘‘Come on!'' says the chief of that company; pointing to the village; ‘‘bring him fast to his tomb!'' and they bring him faster。 I follow。 His arms are swelled because of being bound so tight; his wooden shoes are large and clumsy; and he is lame。 Because he is lame; and consequently slow; they drive him with their gunslike this!'
He imitated the action of a man's being impelled forward by the butt…ends of muskets。
‘As they descend the hill like madmen running a race; he falls。 They laugh and pick him up again。 His face is bleeding and covered with dust; but he cannot touch it; thereupon they laugh again。 They bring him into the village; all the village runs to look; they take him past the mill; and up to the prison; all the village sees the prison gate open in the darkness of the night; and swallow himlike this!'
He opened his mouth as wide as he could; and shut it with a sounding snap of his teeth。 Observant of his unwillingness to mar the effect by opening it again; Defarge said; ‘Go on; Jacques。'
‘All the village;' pursued the mender of roads; on tiptoe and in a low voice; ‘withdraws; all the village whispers by the fountain; all the village sleeps; all the village dreams of that unhappy one; within the locks and bars of the prison on the crag; and never to come out of it; except to perish。 In the morning; with my tools upon my shoulder; eating my morsel of black bread as I go; I make a circuit by the prison; on my way to my work。 There I see him; high up; behind the bars of a lofty iron cage; bloody and dusty as last night; looking through。 He has no hand free; to wave to me; I dare not call to him; he regards me like a dead man。'
Defarge and the three glanced darkly at one another。 The looks of all of them were dark; repressed; and revengeful; as they listened to the countryman's story; the manner of all of them; while it was secret; was authoritative too。 They had the air of a rough tribunal; Jacques One and Two sitting on the old pallet…bed; each with his chin resting on his hand; and his eyes intent on the road…mender; Jacques Three; equally intent; on one knee behind them; with his agitated hand always gliding over the network of fine nerves about his mouth and nose; Defarge standing between them and the narrator; whom he had stationed in the light of the window; by turns looking from him to them; and from them to him。
‘Go on; Jacques;' said Defarge。
‘He remains up there in his iron cage some days。 The village looks at him by stealth; for it is afraid。 But it always looks up; from a distance; at the prison on the crag; and in the evening; when the work of the day is achieved and it assembles to gossip at the fountain; all faces are turned towards the prison。 Formerly; they were turned towards the posting…house; now; they are turned towards the prison。 They whisper at the fountain; that although condemned to death he will not be executed; they say that petitions have been presented in Paris; showing that he was enraged and made mad by the death of his child; they say that a petition has been presented to the King himself。 What do I know? It is possible。 Perhaps yes; perhaps no。'
‘Listen then; Jacques;' Number One of that name sternly interposed。 ‘Know that a petition was presented to the King and Queen。 All here; yourself excepted; saw the King take it; in his carriage in the street; sitting beside the Queen。 It is Defarge whom you see here; who; at the hazard of his life; darted out before the horses; with the petition in his hand。'
‘And once again listen; Jacques!' said the kneeling Number Three: his fingers ever wandering over and over those fine nerves; with a strikingly greedy air; as if he hungered for some thingthat was neither food nor drink; ‘the guard; horse and foot; surrounded the petitioner; and struck him blows。 You hear?'
‘I hear; messieurs。'
‘Go on then;' said Defarge。
‘Again; on the other hand; they whisper at the fountain;' resumed the countryman; ‘that he is brought down into our country to be executed on the spot; and that he will very certainly be executed。 They even whisper that because he has slain Monseigneur; and because Monseigneur was the father of his tenantsserfswhat you willhe will be executed as a parricide。 One old man says at the fountain; that his right hand; armed with the knife; will be burnt off before his face; that; into wounds which will be made in his arms; his breast; and his legs; there will be poured boiling oil; melted lead; hot resin; wax; and sulphur; finally; that he will be torn limb from limb by four strong horses。 That old man says; all this was actually done to a prisoner who made an attempt on the life of the late King; Louis Fifteen。 But how do I know if he lies?
I am not a scholar。'
‘Listen once again then; Jacques!' said the man with the restless hand and the craving air。 ‘The name of that prisoner was Damiens; and it was all done in open day; in the open streets of this city of Paris; and nothing was more noticed in the vast concourse that saw it done; than the crowd of ladies of quality and fashion; who were full of eager attention to the lastto the last; Jacques; prolonged until nightfall; when he had lost two legs and an arm; and still brea