八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > a tale of two cities(双城记) >


a tale of two cities(双城记)-第65部分

小说: a tale of two cities(双城记) 字数: 每页4000字

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 They so harnessed him and drove him。 You know that it is among their Rights to keep us in their grounds all night; quieting the frogs; in order that their noble sleep may not be disturbed。 They kept him out in the unwholesome mists at night; and ordered him back into his harness in the day。 But he was not persuaded。 No! Taken out of harness one day at noon; to feedif he could find foodhe sobbed twelve times; once for every stroke of the bell; and died on her bosom。〃 
 ‘Nothing human could have held life in the boy but his determination to tell all his wrong。 He forced back the gathering shadows of death; as he forced his clenched right hand to remain clenched; and to cover his wound。 
 ‘〃Then; with that man's permission and even with his aid; his brother took her away; in spite of what I know she must have told his brotherand what that is; will not be long unknown to you; Doctor; if it is nowhis brother took her awayfor his pleasure and diversion; for a little while。 I saw her pass me on the road。 When I took the tidings home; our father's heart burst; he never spoke one of the words that filled it。 I took my young sister (for I have another) to a place beyond the reach of this man; and where; at least; she will never be his vassal。 Then; I tracked the brother here; and last night climbed in…a common dog; but sword in hand。Where is the loft window? It was somewhere here?〃 
 ‘The room was darkening to his sight; the world was narrowing around him。 I glanced about me; and saw that the hay and straw were trampled over the floor; as if there had been a struggle。 
 ‘〃She heard me; and ran in。 I told her not to come near us till he was dead。 He came in and first tossed me some pieces of money; then struck at me with a whip。 But I; though a common dog; so struck at him as to make him draw。 Let him break into as many pieces as he will; the sword that he stained with my common blood; he drew to defend himselfthrust at me with all his skill for his life。〃 
 ‘My glance had fallen; but a few moments before; on the fragments of a broken sword; lying among the hay。 That weapon was a gentleman's。 In another place; lay an old sword that seemed to have been a soldier's。 
 ‘〃Now; lift me up; Doctor; lift me up。 Where is he?〃 
 ‘〃He is not here;〃 I said; supporting the boy; and thinking that he referred to the brother。 
 ‘〃He! Proud as these nobles are; he is afraid to see me。 Where is the man who was here? Turn my face to him。〃 
 ‘I did so; raising the boy's head against my knee。 But; invested for the moment with extraordinary power; he raised himself completely: obliging me to rise too; or I could not have still supported him。 
 ‘〃Marquis;〃 said the boy; turned to him with his eyes opened wide; and his right hand raised; 〃in the days when all these things are to be answered for; I summon you and yours; to the last of your bad race; to answer for them。 I mark this cross of blood upon you; as a sign that I do it。 In the days when all these things are to be answered for; I summon your brother; the worst of the bad race; to answer for them separately。 I mark this cross of blood upon him; as a sign that I do it。 
 ‘Twice; he put his hand to the wound in his breast; and with forefinger drew a cross in the air。 He stood for an instant with the finger yet raised; and; as it with it; and I laid him down dead。 * * * * 
 ‘When I returned to the bedside of the young woman; I found her raving in precisely the same order and continuity。 I knew that this might last for many hours; and that it would probably end in the silence of the grave。 
 ‘I repeated the medicines I had given her; and I sat at the side of the bed until the night was far advanced。 She never abated the piercing quality of her shrieks; never stumbled in the distinctness or the order of her words。 They were always 〃My husband; my father; and my brother! One; two; three; four; five; six; seven; eight; nine; ten; eleven; twelve。 Hush!〃 
 ‘This lasted twenty…six hours from the time when I first saw her。 I had come and gone twice; and was again sitting by her; when she began to falter。 I did what little could be done to assist that opportunity; and by…and…by she sank into a lethargy; and lay like the dead。 
 ‘It was as if the wind and rain had lulled at last; after a long and fearful storm。 I released her arms; and called the woman to assist me to compose her figure and the dress she had torn。 It was then that I knew her condition to be that of one in whom the first expectations of being a mother have arisen; and it was then that I lost the little hope I had had of her。 
 ‘〃Is she dead?〃 asked the Marquis; whom I will still describe as the elder brother; coming booted into the room from his horse。 
 ‘〃Not dead;〃 said I; 〃but like to die。〃 
 ‘〃what strength there is in these common bodies!〃 he said; looking down at her with some curiosity。 
 ‘〃There is prodigious strength;〃 I answered him; 〃in sorrow and despair。〃 
 ‘He first laughed at my words; and then frowned at them。 He moved a chair with his foot near to mine; ordered the woman away; and said in a subdued voice; 
 ‘〃Doctor; finding my brother in this difficulty with these hinds; I recommended that your aid should be invited。 Your reputation is high; and; as a young man with your fortune to make; you are probably mindful of your interest。 The things that you see here; are things to be seen; and not spoken of。〃 
 ‘I listened to the patient's breathing; and avoided answering。 
 ‘ 〃Do you honour me with your attention; Doctor? 
 ‘〃Monsieur;〃 said I; 〃in my profession; the communications of patients are always received in confidence。〃 I was guarded in my answer; for I was troubled in my mind with what I had heard and seen。 
 ‘Her breathing was so difficult to trace; that I carefully tried the pulse and the heart。 There was life; and no more。 Looking round as I resumed my seat; I found the brothers intent upon me。 * * * * 
 ‘I write with so much difficulty; the cold is so severe; I am so fearful of being detected and consigned to an underground cell and total darkness; that I must abridge this narrative。 There is no confusion or failure in my memory; it can recall; and could detail; every word that was ever spoken between me and those brothers。 
 ‘She lingered for a week。 Towards the last; I could understand some few syllables that she said to me; by placing my ear close to her lips。 She asked me where she was; and I told her; who I was; and I told her。 It was in vain that I asked her for her family name。 She faintly shook her head upon the pillow; and kept her secret; as the boy had done。 
 ‘I had no opportunity of asking her any question; until I had told the brothers she was sinking fast; and could not live another day。 Until then; though no one was ever presented to her consciousness save the woman and myself; one or other of them had always jealously sat behind the curtain at the head of the bed when I was there。 But when it came to that; they seemed careless what communication I might hold with her; as ifthe thought passed through my mindI were dying too。 
 ‘I always observed that their pride bitterly resented the younger brother's (as I call him) having crossed swords with a peasant; and that peasant a boy。 The only consideration that appeared to affect the mind of either of them was the consideration that this was highly degrading to the family; and was ridiculous。 As often as I caught the younger brother's eyes; their expression reminded me that he disliked me deeply; fur knowing what I knew from the boy。 He was smoother and more polite to me than the elder; but I saw this。 I also saw that I was an incumbrance in the mind of the elder; too。 
 ‘My patient died; two hours before midnightat a time; by my watch; answering almost to the minute when I had first seen her。 I was alone with her; when her forlorn young head trooped gently on one side; and all her earthly wrongs and sorrows ended。 
 ‘The brothers were waiting in a room down…stairs; impatient to ride away。 I had heard them; alone at the bedside; striking their boots with their riding…whips; and loitering up and down。 
 ‘〃At last she is dead?〃 said the elder; when I went in。 
 ‘〃She is dead;〃 said I。 
 ‘〃I congratulate you; my brother;〃 were his words as he turned round。 
 ‘He had before offered me money; which I had postponed taking。 He now gave me a rouleau of gold。 I took it from his hand; but laid it on the table。 I had considered the question; and had resolved to accept nothing。 
 ‘〃Pray excuse me;〃 said I。 〃Under the circumstances; no。〃 ‘They exchanged looks; but bent their heads to me as I bent mine to them; and we parted without another word on either side。 * * * * 
 ‘I am weary; weary; wearyworn down by misery。 I cannot read what I have written with this gaunt hand。 
 ‘Early in the morning; the rouleau of gold was left at m' door in a little box; with my name on the outside。 From the first; I had anxiously considered what I ought to do。 I decided; that day; to write privately to the Minister; stating the nature of the two eases to which I had been summoned; and the place to which I had gone: in effect; stating all the circumstances。 I knew what Court influence was; and what the immunities of the Nobles were; and I expected that the matter would never be heard of; but; I wished to relieve my own mind。 I had kept the matter a profound secret; even from my wife; and this; too; I resolved to state in my letter。 I had no apprehension whatever of my real danger; but I was conscious that there might be danger for others; if others were compromised by possessing the knowledge that I possessed。 
 ‘I was much engaged that day; and could not complete my letter that night。 I rose long before my usual time next morning to finish it。 It was the last day of the year。 The letter was lying before me just completed; when I was told that a lady waited; who wished to see me。 * * * * 
 ‘I am growing more and more unequal to the task I have set myself。 It is so cold; so dark; my senses are so benumbed; and the gloom upon me is so dreadful。 
 ‘The lady was young; engaging; and handsome; but not marked for long life。 She was in great agitation。 She presented herself to me as the wife of the Marquis St。 Evrémonde。 I connected the title by which the boy had addressed the eld

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