八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > the decameron(十日谈) >


the decameron(十日谈)-第108部分

小说: the decameron(十日谈) 字数: 每页4000字

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determination; that Biagio should hold conference with the Friars boy;
while his fellow ransackt the Wallet; to finde the Feather; and
carry it away with him; for a future observation; what the Friar would
say unto the people; when he found the losse of the Feather; and could
not performe his promise to them。
  The Fryars Boy; whom some called Guccio Balena; some Guccio Imbrata;
and others Guccio Porco; was such a knavish Lad; and had so many bad
qualities; as Lippo Topo the cunning Painter; or the most curious
Poeticall wit; had not any ability to describe them。 Friar Onyon
himself did often observe his behaviour; and would make this report
among his Friends。 My Boy (quoth he) hath nine rare qualities in
him; and such they are; as if Salomon; Aristotle; or Seneca had
onely but one of them: it were sufficient to torment and trouble all
their vertue; all their senses; and all their sanctity。 Consider then;
what manner of man he is like to be; having nine such rarities; yet
voide of all vertue; wit; or goodnes。 And when it was demaunded of
Friar Onyon; what these nine rare conditions were: hee having them all
readie by heart; and in rime; thus answered。

    Boyes I have knowne; and seene;
      And heard of many:
    For Lying; Loytring; Lazinesse;
    For Facing; Filching; Filthinesse;
    For Carelesse; Gracelesse; all Unthriftinesse;
      My Boy excelleth any。

  Now; over and beside all these admirable qualities; hee hath manie
more such singularities; which (in favour towards him) I am faine to
conceale。 But that which I smile most at in him; is; that he would
have a Wife in every place where he commeth; yea; and a good house
to boot too: for; in regard his beard beginneth to shew it selfe;
rising thicke in haire; blacke and amiable; he is verily perswaded;
that all Women will fall in love with him; and if they refuse to
follow him; he will in all hast run after them。 But truly; he is a
notable servant to mee; for I cannot speake with any one; and in never
so great secrecy; but he will be sure to heare his part; and when
any question is demanded of me; he standes in such awe and feare of my
displeasure: that he will bee sure to make the first answer; yea or
no; according as he thinketh it most convenient。
  Now; to proceede where we left; Friar Onyon having left this
serviceable youth at his lodging; to see that no bodie should meddle
with his commodities; especially his Wallet; because of the sacred
things therein contained: Guccio Imbrata; who as earnestly affected to
be in the Kitchin; as Birds to hop from branch to branch;
especially; when anie of the Chamber…maides were there; espyed one
of the Hostesses Female attendants; a grosse fat Trugge; low of
stature; ill faced; and worse formed; with a paire of brests like
two bumbards; smelling loathsomely of grease and sweate; downe shee
descended into the Kitchin; like a Kite upon a peece of Carion。 This
Boy; or Knave; chuse whither you will style him; having carelesly left
Fryar Onyons Chamber doore open; and all the holy things so much to be
neglected; although it was then the moneth of August; when heate is in
the highest predominance; yet hee would needs sit downe by the fire;
and began to conferre with this amiable creature; who was called by
the name of Nuta。
  Being set close by her; he told her; that he was a Gentleman by
Atturniship; and that he had more millions of Crownes; then all his
life time would serve him to spend; beside those which he payed away
dayly; as having no convenient im…ployment for them。
  Moreover; he knew how to speake; and do such things; as were
beyond wonder or admiration。 And; never remembring his olde tatterd
Friars Cowle; which was so snottie and greazie; that good store of
kitchin stuffe might have beene boiled out of it; as also a foule
slovenly Trusse or halfe doublet; all baudied with bowsing; fat
greazie lubberly sweating; and other drudgeries in the Convent
Kitchin; where he was an Officer in the meanest credite。 So that to
describe this sweet youth in his lively colours; both for naturall
perfections of body; and artificiall composure of his Garments;
never came the fowlest silks out of Tartaria or India; more ugly or
unsightly to bee lookt upon。 And for a further addition to his neate
knavery; his breeches were so rent betweene his legges; his shooes and
stockings had bin at such a mercilesse massacre: that the gallantest
Commandador of Castile (though he had never so lately bin releast
out of slavery) could have wisht for better garments; then he; or make
larger promises; then he did to his Nuta。 Protesting to entitle her as
his onely; to free her from the Inne and Chamber thraldomes; if she
would live with him; be his Love; partaker of his present possessions;
and so to succeed in his future Fortunes。 All which bravadoes;
though they were belcht foorth with admirable insinuations: yet they
converted into smoke; as all such braggadochio behaviours do; and he
was as wise at the ending; as when he began。
  Our former named two craftie Companions; seeing Guccio Porco so
seriously employed about Nuta; was there…with not a little
contented; because their intended labour was now more then halfe
ended。 And perceiving no contradiction to crosse their proceeding;
into Friar Onyons chamber entred they; finding it ready open for their
purpose: where the first thing that came into their hand in search;
was the wallet。 When they had opened it; they found a small Cabinet;
wrapped in a great many foldings of rich Taffata; and having
unfolded it; a fine formall Key was hanging thereat: wherwith having
unlockt the Cabinet; they found a faire Feather of a Parrots taile;
which they supposed to bee the verie same; that he meant to shew the
people of Certaldo。 And truly (in those dayes) it was no hard matter
to make them beleeve any thing; because the idle vanities of Aegypt
and those remoter parts; had not (as yet) bin seene in Tuscany; as
since then they have bin in great abundance; to the utter ruine
(almost) of Italy。
  And although they might then be knowne to very few; yet the
inhabitants of the Country generally; understoode little or nothing at
all of them。 For there; the pure simplicitie of their ancient
predecessors still continuing; they had not seene any Parrots; or so
much as heard any speech of them。 Wherefore the two crafty consorts;
not a little joyfull of finding the Feather; tooke it thence with
them; and beecause they would not leave the Cabinet empty; espying
Charcoales lying in a corner of the Chamber; they filled it with them;
wrapping it up againe in the Taffata; and in as demure manner as
they found it。 So; away came they with the Feather; neither seene or
suspected by any one; intending now to heare what Friar Onyon would
say; uppon the losse of his precious Relique; and finding the Coales
there placed insted thereof。
  The simple men and women of the country; who had bin at morning
Masse in the Church; and heard what a wonderful Feather they should
see in the after noone; returned in all hast to their houses; where
one telling this newes to another; and gossip with gossip consulting
theron; they made the shorter dinner; and afterward flocked in maine
troopes to the Castle; contending who shold first get entrance; such
was their devotion to see the holy feather。 Friar Onyon having
dined; and reposed a litle after his wine; he arose from the table
to the window; where beholding what multitudes came to see the
feather; he assured himselfe of good store of mony。 Hereupon; he
sent to his Boy Guccio Imbrata; that uppon the Bels ringing; he should
come and bring the wallet to him。 Which (with much ado) he did; so
soone as his quarrell was ended in the kitchin; with the amiable
Chamber…maid Nuta; away then he went with his holy commodities:
where he was no sooner arrived; but because his belly was readie to
burst with drinking water; he sent him to the Church to ring the bels;
which not onely would warme the cold water in his belly; but
likewise make him run as gaunt as a Grey…hound。
  When all the people were assembled in the Church together; Friar
Onyon (never distrusting any injurie offered him; or that his close
commodities had bin medled withal) began his predication; uttering a
thousand lies to fit his purpose。 And when he came to shew the feather
of the Phoenix (having first in great devotion finisht the confession)
he caused two goodly torches to be lighted; and ducking downe his head
three severall times; before hee would so much as touch the Taffata;
he opened it with much reverence。 So soone as the Cabinet came to be
seen; off went his Hood; lowly he bowed downe his body; and uttering
especial praises of the Phoenix; and sacred properties of the
wonderfull Relique; the Cover of the Cabinet being lifted uppe; he saw
the same to bee full of Coales。 He could not suspect his Villaine
boy to do this deede; for he knew him not to be endued with so much
wit; onely hee curst him for keeping it no better; and curst
himselfe also; for reposing trust in such a careles knave; knowing him
to be slothfull; disobedient; negligent; and void of all honest
understanding or grace。 Sodainly (without blushing) lest his losse
should be discerned; he lifted his lookes and hands to heaven;
speaking out so loude; as every one might easily heare him; thus: O
thou omnipotent providence; for ever let thy power be praised。 Then
making fast the Cabinet againe; and turning himselfe to the people;
with lookes expressing admiration; he proceeded in this manner。
  Lords; Ladies; and you the rest of my worthy Auditors: You are to
understand; that I (being then very young) was sent by my Superiour;
into those parts; where the Sun appeareth at his first rising。 And I
had received charge by expresse command; that I should seeke for (so
much as consisted in my power to do) the especiall vertues and
priviledges belonging to Porcellane; which although the boyling
thereof bee worth but little; yet it is very profitable to any but us。
In regard whereof; being upon my journey; and departing from Venice;
passing along the Borgo de Grecia; I proceeded thence (on horseback)
through the Realme of Garbo; so to 

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