the decameron(十日谈)-第115部分
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that they shall all die; and before I depart hence; you shall see your
Son as healthfull as ever。 And because the maner of this charm is of
such nature; that it required prayer and exorcising in two places at
once: Nurse went up with his Holye Brother into our Pigeon loft; to
exercise their devotion there; while we did the like heere。 For none
but the mother of the childe must bee present at such a mystery; nor
any enter to hinder the operation of the charme; which was the
reason of making fast the Chamber doore。 You shall see Husband anon
the Childe; which is indifferently recovered in his armes; and if
Nurse and his holy Brother were returned from theyr meditations; he
saith; that the charme would then be fully effected: for the child
beginneth to looke chearefull and merry。
So deerely did Credulano love the childe; that hee verily
beleeved; what his Wife had saide; never misdoubting any other
treachery: and; lifting up his eyes; with a vehement sigh; said。 Wife;
may not I goe in and take the child into my armes? Oh no; not yet good
husband (quoth she) in any case; least you should overthrow all that
is done。 Stay but a little while; I will go in againe; and if all
bee well; then will I call you。 In went Agnesia againe; making the
doore fast after her; the Fryar having heard all the passed
speeches; by this time he was fitted with his habite; and taking the
childe in his armes; he said to Agnesia。 Gossip methought I heard your
Husbands voice; is hee at your Chamber doore? Yes Gossip Reynard
(quoth Credulano without; while Agnesia opened the doore; and admitted
him entrance) indeede it is I。 Come in Sir; I pray you; replyed the
Friar; and heere receive your childe of mee; who was in great
danger; of your ever seeing him any more alive。 But you must take
order; to make an Image of waxe; agreeing with the stature of the
childe; to be placed on the Altar before the Image of S。 Frances; by
whose merites the childe is thus restored to health。
The childe; beholding his Father; made signes of comming to him;
rejoycing merrily; as yong infants use to do; and Credulano clasping
him in his armes; wept with conceite of joy; kissing him infinitely;
and heartily thanking his Gossip Reynard; for the recovery of his
God…son。 The Friars brotherly Companion; who had given sufficient
enstructions to the Nurse; and a small purse full of Sisters white
thred; which a Nunne (after shrift) had bestowed on him; upon the
husbands admittance into the Chamber (which they easily heard) came in
also to them; and seeing all in very good tearmes; they holpe to
make a joyfull conclusion; the Brother saying to Friar Reynard:
Brother; I have finished all those foure jaculatory prayers; which you
commanded me。
Brother; answered Reynard; you have a better breath then I; and your
successe hath prooved happier then mine; for before the arrivall of my
Gossip Credulano; I could accomplish but two jaculatory prayers onely。
But it appeareth; that we have both prevailed in our devout desire;
because the childe is perfectly cured。 Credulano calling for Wine
and good cheare; feasted both the Friars very jocondly; and then
conducting them forth of his house; without any further
intermission; caused the childs Image of waxe to be made; and sent
it to be placed on the Altar of Saint Frances; among many other the
like oblations。
Tofano in the night season; did locke his wife out of his house; and
shee not prevailing to get entrance againe; by all the entreaties
she could possiblie use: made him beleeve that she had throwne her
selfe into a Well; by casting a great stone into the same Well。 Tofano
hearing the fall of the stone into the Well; and being perswaded
that it was his Wife indeed; came forth of his house; and ran to the
Welles side。 In the meane while; his wife gotte into the house; made
fast the doore against her Husband; and gave bim many reproachfull
So soone as the King perceyved; that the Novell reported by Madame
Eliza was finished: hee turned himselfe to Madame Lauretta; and told
her as his pleasure; that she should now begin the next; whereto she
yeelded in this manner。 O Love: What; and how many are thy
prevailing forces? How straunge are thy foresights? And how
admirable thine attempts? Where is; or ever was the Philosopher or
Artist; that could enstruct the wiles; escapes; preventions; and
demonstrations; which sodainly thou teachest such; as are thy apt
and understanding Schollers indeede? Certaine it is; that the
documents and eruditions of all other whatsoever; are weak; or of no
worth; in respect of thine: as hath notably appeared; by the
remonstrances already past; and whereto (worthy Ladies) I wil adde
another of a simple woman; who taught her husband such a lesson; as
shee never learned of any; but Love himselfe。
There dwelt sometime in Arezzo (which is a faire Village of Tuscany)
a rich man; named Tofano; who enjoyed in marriage a young beautifull
woman; called Cheta: of whom (without any occasion given; or reason
knowne to himselfe) he became exceeding… jealous。 Which his wife
perceyving; she grew much offended thereat; and tooke it in great
scorne; that she should be servile to so vile and slavish a condition。
Oftentimes; she demanded of him; from whence this jealousie in him
received originall; he having never seene or heard of any; he could
make her no other answer; but who his owne bad humour suggested; and
drove him every day (almost) to deaths doore; by feare of that which
no way needed。 But; whether as a just scourge for this his grosse
folly; or a secret decree; ordained to him by Fortune and the Fates; I
am not able to distinguish: It came so to passe; that a young
Gallant made meanes to enjoy her favour; and she was so discreetly
wise in judging of his worthinesse; that affection passed so farre
mutually betweene them; as nothing wanted; but effects to answere
words; suited with time and place convenient; for which order was
taken as best they might; yet to stand free from all suspition。
Among many other evill conditions; very frequent and familiar in her
husband Tofano; he tooke a great delight in drinking; which not only
he held to be a commendable quality; but was alwaies so often
solicited thereto: that Cheta her selfe began to like and allow it
in him; feeding his humor so effectually; with quaffing and carowsing;
that (at any time when she listed) she could make him bowsie beyonde
all measure: and leaving him sleeping in this drunkennesse; would
alwayes get her selfe to bed。 By helpe heereof; she compassed the
first familiarity with her friend; yea; divers times after; as
occasion served: and so confidently did she builde on her husbands
drunkennesse; that not onely shee adventured to bring her friend
home into her owne house; but also would as often go to his; which was
some…what neere at hand; and abide with him there; the most part of
the night season。
While Cheta thus continued on these amorous courses; it fortuned;
that her slye suspitious husband; beganne to perceive; that though
shee drunke very much with him; yea; untill he was quite spent and
gone: yet she remained fresh and sober still; and therby imagined
strange matters; that he being fast asleepe; his wife then tooke
advantage of his drowsinesse; and mightand so forth。 Beeing desirous
to make experience of this his distrust; hee returned home at night
(not having drunke any thing all the whole day) dissembling both by
his words and behaviour; as if he were notoriously drunke indeede。
Which his Wife constantly beleeving; saide to her selfe: That hee
had now more neede of sleepe; then drinke; getting him immediately
into his warme bed; and then going downe the staires againe; softly
went out of doores unto her Friends house; as formerly she had used to
do; and there shee remained untill midnight。
Tofano perceiving that his Wife came not to bed; and imagining to
have heard his doore both open and shut: arose out of his bed; and
calling his Wife Cheta divers times; without any answere returned: hee
went downe the staires; and finding the doore but closed too; made
it fast and sure on the inside; and then got him up to the window;
to watch the returning home of his wife; from whence shee came; and
then to make her conditions apparantly knowne。 So long there he
stayed; till at the last she returned indeede; and finding the doore
so surely shut; shee was exceeding sorrowful; essaying how she might
get it open by strength: which when Tofano had long suffered her in
vaine to approove; thus hee spake to her。 Cheta; all thy labour is
meerely lost; because heere is no entrance allowed for thee; therefore
return to the place from whence thou camest; that all thy friends
may Judge of thy behaviour; and know what a night…walker thou art
The woman hearing this unpleasing language; began to use all
humble entreaties; desiring him (for charities sake) to open the doore
and admit her entrance; because she had not bin in any such place;
as his jelous suspition might suggest to him: but onely to visit a
weak and sickly neighbour; the nights being long; she not (as yet)
capeable of sleepe; nor willing to sit alone in the house。 But all her
perswasions served to no purpose; he was so setled in his owne
opinion; that all the Town should now see her nightly gading; which
before was not so much as suspected。 Cheta seeing; that faire meanes
would not prevalle; shee entred into roughe speeches and
threatnings; saying: If thou wilt not open the doore and let me come
in; I will so shame thee; as never base man was。 As how I pray thee?
answered Tofano; what canst thou do to me?
The woman; whom love had inspired with sprightly counsell;
ingeniously enstructing her what to do in this distresse; stearnly
thus replyed。 Before I will suffer any such shame as thou intendest
towards mee; I will drowne my selfe heere in this Well before our
doore; where being found dead; and thy villanous jealousie so
apparantly knowne; beside thy more then b