八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > the decameron(十日谈) >


the decameron(十日谈)-第12部分

小说: the decameron(十日谈) 字数: 每页4000字

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in this manner。


                       THE HARME OF THE DEVISER

  Martellino counterfeitting to be lame of his members; caused
himselfe to be set on the body of Saint Arriguo; where he made shew of
his sudden recovery; but when his dissimulation was discovered; he was
well beaten; being afterward taken prisoner; and in great danger of
being hanged and strangled by the necke; and yet he escaped in the

  Faire Ladies; it hath happened many times; that he who striveth to
scorne and floute other men; and especially in occasions deserving
to be respected; proveth to mocke himselfe with the selfe same matter;
yea; and to his no meane danger beside。 As you shall perceive by a
Tale; which I intend to tell you; obeying therein the command of our
Queene; and according to the subject by her enjoyned。 In which
discourse; you may first observe; what great mischance happened to one
our Citizens; and yet afterward; how (beyond all hope) he happily
  Not long since; there lived in the City of Trevers; an Almaine or
Germaine; named Arriguo; who being a poore man; served as a Porter; or
burden…bearer for money; when any man pleased to employ him。 And
yet; notwithstanding his poore and meane condition; he was generally
reputed; to be of good and sanctified life。 In which regard (whether
it were true or no; I know not) it happened; that when he died (at
least as the men of Trevers themselves affirmed) in the very instant
houre of his departing; all the Belles in the great Church of Trevers;
(not being pulled by the helpe of any hand) beganne to ring: which
being accounted for a miracle; every one saide; that this Arriguo
had bene; and was a Saint。 And presently all the people of the City
ran to the house where the dead body lay; and carried it (as a
sanctified body) into the great Church; where people; halt; lame;
and blind; or troubled with any other diseases; were brought about it;
even as if every one should forth…with be holpen; onely by their
touching the body。
  It came to passe; that in so great a concourse of people; as
resorted thither from all parts; three of our Citizens went to
Trevers; one of them being named Stechio; the second Martellino; and
the third Marquiso; all being men of such condition; as frequented
Princes Courts; to give them delight by pleasant and counterfetted
qualities。 None of these men having ever beene at Trevers before;
seeing how the people crowded thorow the streetes; wondered greatly
thereat: but when they knew the reason why the throngs ranne on heapes
in such sort together; they grew as desirous to see the Shrine; as any
of the rest。 Having ordered all affaires at their lodging; Marquiso
saide; It is fit for us to see this Saint; but I know not how we shall
attaine thereto; because (as I have heard) the place is guarded by
Germaine Souldiers; and other warlike men; commanded thither by the
Governour of this City; least any outrage should be there committed:
And beside; the Church is so full of people; as we shall never
compasse to get neere。 Martellino being also as forward in desire to
see it; presently replied。 All this difficulty cannot dismay me; but I
will go to the very body of the Saint it selfe。 But how? quoth
Marquiso。 I will tell thee; answered Martellino。 I purpose to go in
the disguise of an impotent lame person; supported on the one side
by thy selfe; and on the other by Stechio; as if I were not able to
walke of my selfe: And you two thus sustaining me; desiring to come
neere the Saint to cure me; every one will make way; and freely give
you leave to go on。
  This devise was very pleasing to Marquiso and Stechio; so that
(without any further delaying) they all three left their lodging;
and resorting into a secret corner aside; Martellino so writhed and
mishaped his hands; fingers; and armes; his legges; mouth; eyes; and
whole countenance; that it was a dreadfull sight to looke upon him;
and whosoever beheld him; would verily have imagined; that hee was
utterly lame of his limbes; and greatly deformed in his body。 Marquiso
and Stechio; seeing all sorted so well as they could wish; tooke and
led him towards the Church; making very pitious moane; and humbly
desiring (for Gods sake) of every one that they met; to grant them
free passage: whereto they charitably condiscended。
  Thus leading him on; crying; Beware there before; and give way for
Gods sake; they arrived at the body of Saint Arriguo; that (by his
helpe) he might be healed。 And while all eyes were diligently
observing; what miracle would be wrought on Martellino; he having
sitten a small space upon the Saints body; and being sufficiently
skilfull in counterfeiting; began first to extend forth the one of his
fingers; next his hand; then his arme; and so (by degrees) the rest of
his body。 Which when the people saw; they made such a wonderfull noyse
in praise of Saint Arriguo; even as if it had thundered in the Church。
  Now it chanced by ill fortune; that there stood a Florentine neere
to the body; who knew Martellino very perfectly; but appearing so
monstrously mishapen; when he was brought into the Church; hee could
take no knowledge of him。 But when he saw him stand up and walke;
hee knew him then to be the man indeede; whereupon he saide。 How
commeth it to passe; that this fellow should be so miraculously cured;
that never truly was any way impotent? Certaine men of the City
hearing these words; entred into further questioning with him;
demanding; how he knew that the man had no such imperfection? Well
enough (answered the Florentine) I know him to be as direct in his
limbes and body; as you; I; or any of us all are: but indeede; he
knowes better how to dissemble counterfet trickes; then any man else
that ever I saw。
  When they heard this; they discoursed no further with the
Florentine; but pressed on mainely to the place where Martellino
stood; crying out aloude。 Lay hold on this Traytor; a mocker of God;
and his holy Saints; that had no lamenesse in his limbes; but to
make a mocke of our Saint and us; came hither in false and counterfeit
manner。 So laying hands uppon him; they threw him against the
ground; having him by the haire on his head; and tearing the
garments from his backe; spurning him with their feete; and beating
him with their fists; that many were much ashamed to see it。
  Poore Martellino was in a pittifull case; crying out for mercy;
but no man would heare him; for; the more he cryed; the more still
they did beat him; as meaning to leave no life in him: which Stechio
and Marquiso seeing; considered with themselves; that they were
likewise in a desperate case; and therefore; fearing to be as much
misused; they cryed out among the rest; Kill the counterfet knave; lay
on loade; and spare him not; neverthelesse; they tooke care how to get
him out of the peoples handes; as doubting; least they would kill
him indeede; by their extreame violence。
  Sodainly; Marquiso bethought him how to do it; and proceeded thus。
All the Sergeants for Justice standing at the Church doore; hee ran
with all possible speede to the Potestates Lieutenant; and said unto
him。 Good my Lord Justice; helpe me in an hard case; yonder is a
villaine that hath cut my purse; I desire he may bee brought before
you; that I may have my money againe。 He hearing this; sent for a
dozen of the Sergeants; who went to apprehend unhappy Martellino;
and recover him from the peoples fury; leading him on with them to the
Palace; no meane crowds thronging after him; when they heard that he
was accused to bee a Cutpurse。 Now durst they meddle no more with him;
but assisted the Officers; some of them charging him in like manner;
that hee had cut their purses also。
  Upon these clamours and complaints; the Potestates Lieutenant (being
a man of rude quality) tooke him sodainly aside; and examined him of
the crimes wherewith he was charged。 But Martellino; as making no
account of these accusations; laughed; and returned scoffing answeres。
Whereat the Judge; waxing much displeased; delivered him over to the
Strappado; and stood by himselfe; to have him confesse the crimes
imposed on him; and then to hang him afterward。 Being let downe to the
ground; the Judge still demaunded of him; whether the accusations
against him were true; or no? Affirming; that it nothing avayled him
to deny it: whereupon hee thus spake to the Judge。 My Lord; I am heere
ready before you; to confesse the truth; but I pray you; demaund of
all them that accuse me; when and where I did cut their purses; and
then I wil tell you that; which (as yet) I have not done; otherwise
I purpose to make you no more answers。
 Well (quoth the Judge) thou requirest but reason; and calling
divers of the accusers; one of them saide; that he lost his purse
eight dayes before; another saide six; another foure; and some saide
the very same day。 Which Martellino hearing; replyed。 My Lord; they
all lie in their throats; as I will plainly prove before you。 I
would to God I had never set foot within this City; as it is not
many houres since my first entrance; and presently after mine
arrivall; I went (in evill houre I may say for me) to see the Saints
body; where I was thus beaten as you may beholde。 That all this is
true which I say unto you; the Seigneurie Officer that keeps your
Booke of presentations; will testifie for me; as also the Host where I
am lodged。 Wherefore good my Lord; if you finde all no otherwise; then
as I have said; I humbly entreate you; that upon these bad mens
reportes and false informations; I may not be thus tormented; and
put in perill of my life。
  While matters proceeded in this manner; Marquiso and Stechio;
understanding how roughly the Potestates Lieutenant dealt with
Martellino; and that he had already given him the Strappado; were in
heavy perplexity; saying to themselves; we have carried this businesse
very badly; redeeming him out of the Frying…pan; and flinging him into
the fire。 W

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