the decameron(十日谈)-第159部分
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them already past。 And; were I willing to conceale the truth; and
cloath it in more circumstantiall maner: I could make use of
contrary names; and paint it in a poeticall fiction; perhaps more
probable; though not so pleasing。 But because wandring from the
truth of things; doth much diminish (in relatic the delight of the
hearers: I will build boldly on my fore…alledged reason; and tel you
truly how it hapned。
Niccholao Cornacchini was once a Citizen of ours; and a man of great
wealth; who; among other his rich possessions in Camerata; builded
there a very goodly house; which being perfected ready for painting:
he compounded with Bruno and Buffalmaco who bicause their worke
required more helpe then their owne; they drew Nello and Calandrino
into their association; and began to proceed in their businesse。 And
because there was a Chamber or two; having olde moveables in them;
as Bedding; Tables; and other Houshold stuffe beside; which were in
the custody of an old Woman that kepte the house; without the helpe of
any other servants else; a Son unto the saide Niccholao; beeing
named Phillippo; resorted thither divers times; with one or other
prety Damosell in his company (in regard he was unmarried) where he
would abide a day or two with her; and then convey her home againe。
At one time among the rest; it chanced that he brought a Damosell
thither named Nicholetta; who was maintained by a wily companion;
called Magione; in a dwelling which hee had at Camaldoli; and (indeed)
no honester then she should be。 She was a very beautifull young woman;
wearing garments of great value; and (according to her quality) well
spoken; and of commendable carriage。 Comming forth of her Chamber
one day; covered with a White veyle; because her haire hung loose
about her; which shee went to wash at a Well in the middle Court;
bathing there also her face and hands: Calandrino going (by chance) to
the same Well for water; gave her a secret salutation。 She kindly
returning the like courtesie to him; began to observe him advisedly:
more; because he looked like a man newly come thither; then any
handsomnesse she perceyved in him。
Calandrino threw wanton glances at her; and seeing she was both
faire and lovely; began to finde some occasion of tarrying; so that he
returned not with water to his other associates; yet neither knowing
her; or daring to deliver one word。 She; who was not to learn her
lesson in alluring; noting what affectionate regards (with
bashfulnesse) he gave her: answered him more boldly with the like; but
meerly in scorning manner; breathing forth divers dissembled sighs
among them: so that Calandrino became foolishly inveigled with her
love; and would not depart out of the Court; until Phillippo; standing
above in his Chamber window called her thence。
When Calandrino was returned backe to his businesse; he could do
nothing else; but shake the head; sigh; puffe; and blowe; which
being observed by Bruno (who alwayes fitted him according to his
folly; as making a meer mockery of his very best behaviour) sodainly
he said。 Why how now Calandrino? Sigh; puffe; and blow man? What may
be the reason of these unwonted qualities? Calandrino immediately
answered; saying: My friendly Companion Bruno; if I had one to lend me
a little helpe; I should very quickely become well enough。 How? quoth
Bruno; doth any thing offend thee; and wilt thou not reveale it to thy
friend Deare Bruno; said Calandrino; there is a proper handsome
woman here in the house; the goodliest creature that ever any eye
beheld; much fairer then the Queen of Fairies her selfe; who is so
deeply falne in love with mee; as thou wouldst thinke it no lesse then
a wonder; and yet I never sawe her before; till yer while when I was
sent to fetch water。 A very strange case; answered Bruno; take heede
Calandrino; that shee bee not the lovely friend to Phillippo; our yong
Master; for then it may prove a dangerous matter。
Calandrino stood scratching his head an indifferent while; and
then sodainly replyed thus。 Now trust me Bruno; it is to bee
doubted; because he called her at his Window; and she immediatly
went up to his Chamber。 But what doe I care if it be so? Have not
the Gods themselves bene beguiled of their Wenches; who were better
men then ever Phillippo can be; and shall I stand in feare of him?
Bruno replied: Be patient Calandrino; I will enquire what Woman she
is; and if she be not the wife or friend to our young master
Phillippo; with faire perswasions I can over…rule the matter;
because shee is a familiar acquaintance of mine。 But how shall wee
doe; that Buffalmaco may not know heereof? I can never speake to
her; if hee be in my company。 For Buffalmaco (quoth Calandrino) I have
no feare at all; but rather of Nello; because he is a neer Kinsman
to my wife; and he is able to undo me quite; if once it should come to
his hearing。 Thou saist well; replyed Bruno; therefore the matter hath
neede to be very cleanly carried。
Now let me tell you; the Woman was well enough knowne to Bruno; as
also her quality of life; which Phillippo had acquainted him
withall; and the reason of her resorting thither。 Wherefore;
Calandrino going forth of the roome where they wrought; onely to gaine
another sight of Nicholetta; Bruno revealed the whole history to
Buffalmaco and Nello; they all concluding together; how this amorous
fit of the foole was to be followed。 And when Calandrino was
returned backe againe; in whispering maner Bruno said to him。 Hast
thou once more seene her? Yes; yes Bruno; answered Calandrino: Alas;
she hath slaine me with her very eye; and I am no better then a dead
man。 Be patient said Bruno; I will goe and see whether she be the same
woman which I take her for; or no: and if it prove so; then never
feare; but refer the businesse unto me。
Bruno descending downe the staires; found Phillippo and Nicholetta
in conference together; and stepping unto them; discoursed at large;
what manner of man Calandrino was; and how farre he was falne in
love with her: so that they made a merry conclusion; what should be
performed in this case; onely to make a pastime of his hot begun love。
And being come backe againe to Calandrino; he saide。 It is the same
woman whereof I told thee; and therefore wee must worke wisely in
the businesse: for if Phillippo perceive any thing; all the water in
Arno will hardly serve to quench his fury。 But what wouldst thou
have me say to her on thy behalfe; if I compasse the meanes to
speake with her? First of all (quoth Calandrino) and in the prime
place; tell her; that I wish infinite bushels of those blessings;
which makes Maides Mothers; and begetteth children。 Next; that I am
onely hers; in any service she wil command me。 Dooest thou
understand me what I say? Sufficiently answered Bruno; leave all to
When supper time was come; that they gave over working; and were
descended downe into the Court: there they found Phillippo and
Nicholetta readily attending to expect some beginning of amorous
behaviour; and Calandrino glanced such leering lookes at her; coughing
and spetting with hummes and haes; yea in such close and secret
manner; that a starke blinde sight might verie easily have perceyved
She also on the other side; returned him such queint and cunning
carriage; as enflamed him farre more furiously; even as if hee were
ready to leape out of himselfe。 In the meane while; Phillippo;
Buffalmaco and the rest that were there present; seeming as if they
were seriouslie consulting together; and perceived nothing of his
fantastick behavior; according as Bruno had appointed; could scarse
refraine from extremity of laughter; they noted such antick trickes in
Having spent an indifferent space in this foppish folly; the houre of
parting came; but not without wonderful affliction to Calandrino;
and as they were going towards Florence; Bruno saide closely to
Calandrino。 I dare assure thee; that thou hast made her to consume and
melt; even like ice against the warme Sunne。 On my word; if thou
wouldst bring thy Gitterne; and sit downe by us; singing some few
amorous songs of thine owne making; when we are beneath about our
businesse in the Court: shee would presently leape out of the
Window; as being unable to tarry from thee。
I like thy counsell well Bruno; answered Calandrino; but shall I
bring my Gitterne thither indeed? Yes; in any case; replied Bruno; for
Musicke is a matter of mighty prevailing。 Ah Bruno (quoth
Calandrino) thou wouldst not credit me in the morning; when I tolde
thee; how the very sight of my person had wounded her: I perceived
it at the very first looke of her owne; for shee had no power to
conceale it。 Who but my selfe could so soone have enflamed her
affection; and being a woman of such worth and beauty as shee is?
There are infinite proper handsome fellowes; that daily haunt the
company of dainty Damosels; yet are so shallow in the affayres of
love; as they are not able to win one wench of a thousand; no; not
with all the wit they have; such is their extreame follie and ill
Then pausing a while; and sodainely rapping out a Lovers Oath or
two; thus he proceeded。 My dearest Bruno; thou shalt see how I can
tickle my Gitterne; and what good sport will ensue thereon。 If thou
dost observe me with judgement; why man; I am not so old as I seeme to
be; and she could perceive it at the very first view; yea; and she
shall finde it so too; when we have leysure to consult upon further
occasions: I finde my selfe in such a free and frolicke jocunditie
of spirit; that I will make her to follow me; even as a fond woman
doth after her child。
But beware; saide Bruno; that thou do not gripe her over…hard; and
in kissing; bee carefull of biting; because the teeth stand in thy
head like the pegges of a Lute; yet make a comely shew in thy faire
wide mouth; thy cheekes looking like two of our artificiall Roses;
swelling amiably; when thy jawes are well fild with meat。 Calandrino
hearing these hansome comnendations; thought himselfe a man of
action already; going; singing; and frisking before his companie so
lively; as if he had not bin in his skin。
On the morrow; carrying his Gittern