the decameron(十日谈)-第165部分
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I pray you; let it not be offensive to you to see it; but rather
hold all to be done in merriment。 And because I would not be
hindered by you; doe but remember the answere which the Muletter
gave us; when we tooke compassion on his Mule。 Worthy friend;
replyed Melisso; I am in your owne house; where I purpose not to
impeach whatsoever you doe。
Giosefo; having provided a good Hollywand; went into the Chamber;
where his wife sate railing; and despitefully grumbling; where
taking her by the haire of her head; he threw her at his feete;
beating her extreamely with the wand。 She crying; then cursing; next
railing; lastly fighting; biting and scratching; when she felt the
cruell smart of the blowes; and that all her resistance served to no
end: then she fell on her knees before him; and desired mercy for
charities sake。 Giosefo fought still more and more on head; armes;
shoulders; sides; and all parts else; pretending as if he heard not
her complaints; but wearied himselfe wel neere out of breath: so
that (to be briefe) she that never felt his fingers before;
perceived and confessed; it was now too soone。 This being done; hee
returned to Melisso; and said: Tomorrow we shall see a miracle; and
how availeable the counsell is of going to the Goose Bridge。 So
sitting a while together; after they had washed their hands; and supt;
they withdrew to their lodgings。
The poore beaten woman; could hardly raise her selfe from the
ground; which yet (with much adoe) she did; and threw her selfe upon
the bed; where she tooke such rest as she could: but arising early the
next morning; she came to her Husband; and making him a very low
courtesie; demaunded what hee pleased to have for his dinner; he
smiling heartely thereat; with Melisso; tolde her his mind。 And when
dinner time came; every thing was ready according to the direction
given: in which regard; they highly commended the counsell; whereof
they made such an harsh construction at the first。
Within a while after; Melisso being gone from Giosefo; and
returned home to his owne house: hee acquainted a wise and reverend
man; with the answere which king Salomon gave him; whereto hee
received this reply。 No better or truer advise could possibly be given
you; for well you know; that you love not any man; but the bountiful
banquets you bestow on them; is more in respect of your owne
vaine…glory; then any kind affection you beare to them: Learne then to
love men; as Salomon advised; and you shall be beloved of them againe。
Thus our unruly Wife became mildely reclaimed; and the yong Gentleman;
by loving others; found the fruits of reciporall affection。
John de Barolo; at the instance and request of his Gossip Pietro
da Tresanti; made an enchantment; to have his wife become a Mule。
And when it came to the fastening on of the taile; Gossip Pietro by
saying she should have no taile at all; spoyled the whole enchantment。
This Novell reported by the Queene; caused a little murmuring
among the Ladies; albeit the men laughed heartely thereat: but after
they were all growne silent; Dioneus began in this manner。 Gracious
Beauties; among many white Doves; one blacke Crow will seeme more
sightly; then the very whitest Swanne can doe。 In like manner; among a
multitude of wise men; sometimes one of much lesse wisedome and
discretion; shall not onely increase the splendour and Majestie of
their maturity; but also give an addition of delight and solace。
In which regard; you all being modest and discreet Ladies; and my
selfe more; much defective in braine; then otherwise able: in making
your vertues shine gloriously; through the evident apparance of mine
owne weakenesse; you should esteeme the better of mee; by how much I
seeme the more cloudy and obscure。 And consequently; I ought to have
the larger scope of liberty; by plainely expressing what I am; and
be the more patiently endured by you all; in saying what absurdly I
shall; then I should be if my speeches savoured of absolute wisdome。 I
will therfore tell you a Tale; which shall not be of any great length;
whereby you may comprehend; how carefully such things should be
observed; which are commanded by them; as can effect matters by the
power of enchantment; and how little delayance also ought to be in
such; as would not have an enchantment to be hindered。
About a yeare already past since; there dwelt at Barletta; an honest
man; called John de Barolo; who because he was of poore condition; for
maintenance in his contented estate; provided himselfe of a Mule; to
carry commodities from place to place; where Faires and Markets were
in request; but most especially to Apuglia; buying and selling in
the nature of a petty Chapman。 Travelling thus thorow the
Countreyes; he grew into great and familiar acquaintance; with one who
named himselfe Pietro da Tresanti; following the same Trade of life as
he did; carrying his commodities upon an Asse。 In signe of amitie;
according to the Countreyes custome; he never tearmed him otherwise
then by the name of Gossip Pietro and alwayes when he came to
Barletta; he brought him to his own house; taking it as his Inne;
entreating him very friendly; and in the best manner he could devise
to doe。 On the other side; Gossip Pietro being very poore; having
but one simple habitation in the village of Tresanti; hardly sufecient
for him; and an handsome young woman which he had to his wife; as also
his Asse: evermore when John de Barolo came to Tresanti; he would
bring him to his poore abiding; with all his uttermost abilitie of
entertainement; in due acknowledgement of the courtesie he afforded to
him at Barletta。 But when he came to take repose in the night
season; Gossip Pietro could not lodge him as gladly he would:
because he had but one silly bed; wherein himselfe and his wife lay;
so that John de Barolo was faigne to lie on a little straw; in a small
stable; close adjoyning by his owne Mule and the Asse。
The woman understanding; what good and honest welcome; Gossip John
afforded her husband; when he came to Barletta; was often very willing
to goe lodge with an honest neighbour of hers; called Carapresa di
Gludice Leo; because the two Gossips might both lie together in one
bed; wherewith divers times she acquainted her Husband; but by no
meanes he would admit it。
At one time among the rest; as she was making the same motion againe
to her Husband; that his friend might be lodged in better manner:
Gossip John thus spake to her。 Good Zita Carapresa; never molest
your selfe for me; because I lodge to mine owne contentment; and so
much the rather; in regard that whensoever I list: I can convert my
Mule into a faire young woman; to give mee much delight in the
night…season; and afterward make her a Mule againe: thus am I never
without her company。
The young woman wondring at these words; and beleeving he did not
fable in them: she told them to her Husband; with this addition
beside; Pietro (quoth she) if he be such a deare friend to thee; as
thou hast often avouched to me; wish him to instruct thee in so rare a
cunning; that thou maist make a Mule of me; then shalt thou have
both an Asse and a Mule to travell withall about thy businesse;
whereby thy benefit will be double: and when we returne home to our
house; then thou maist make mee thy wife againe; in the same condition
as I was before。 Gossip Pietro; who was (indeed) but a very Coxecombe;
beleeved also the words to be true; yeelding therefore the more gladly
to her advise; and moving the matter to his Gossip John; to teach
him such a wonderfull secret; which would redound so greatly to his
benefit: but John began to disswade him from it; as having spoken it
in merriment; yet perceiving; that no contradiction would serve to
Frevaile; thus he began。
Seeing you will needs have it so; let us rise to morrow morning
before day; as in our travell we use to doe; and then I will shew
you how it is to be done: onely I must and doe confesse; that the most
difficult thing of all the rest; is; to fasten on the taile; as thou
shalt see。
Gossip Pietro and his wife; could hardly take any rest all the night
long; so desirous they were to have the deed done; and therefore
when it drew towards day; up they arose; and calling Gossip John; he
came presently to them in his shirt; and being in the Chamber with
them; he said。 I know not any man in the world; to whom I would
disclose this secret; but to you; and therefore because you so
earnestly desire it; I am the more willing to doe it。 Onely you must
consent; to doe whatsoever I say; if you are desirous to have it done。
Faithfully they ey ;h promised to performe all; whereupon John
delivering a lighted Candle to Gossip Petro; to hold in his hand;
said。 Marke well what I doe; and remember all the words I say: but
be very carefull; that whatsoever thou hearest or seest; thou doe
not speake one word; for then the enchantment will be utterly
overthrowne; onely wish that the taile may be well set on; for therein
consisteth all the cunning。
Gossip Pietro holding the Candle; and the woman being prepared as
John had appointed her; she bowed her selfe forwardes with her hands
set to the ground; even as if she stood upon foure feete。 First with
his hands he touched her head and face; saying; Heere is the goodly
head of a Mule: then handling her disheveld haire; termed them the
goodly mane of a Mule。 Afterwardes; touching the body; armes; legs;
and feete; gave them all the apt names (for those parts) belonging
to a Mule; nothing else remaining; but onely the forming of the taile;
which when Pietro perceived; how John was preparing to fasten it on
(having no way misliked all his former proceeding:) he called to
him; saying: Forbeare Gossippe John; my Mule shal have no taile at
all; I am contented to have her without a taile。
How now Gossip Pietro? answered John; What hast thou done? Thou hast
mard all by this unadvised speaking; even when the worke was almost
fully finished。 It is no matter Gossip (answered Pietro) I can like my