the decameron(十日谈)-第32部分
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away thence he went to Calice。
Upon the clamour and noise of the Lady; the Courtiers quickly
flocked thither; and; as lies soone winne beleefe in hasty opinions;
upon any silly or shallow surmise: so did her accusation passe for
currant; and the Counts advancement being envied by many; made his
honest carriage (in this case) the more suspected。 In hast and madding
fury; they ran to the Counts houses; to arrest his person; and carry
him to prison: but when they could not finde him; they raced his
goodly buildings downe to the ground; and used all shamefull
violence to them。 Now; as ill newes sildome wants a speedy
Messenger; so; in lesse space then you will imagine; the King and
Dolphin heard thereof in the Campe;…and were therewith so highly
offended; that the Count had a sodaine and severe condemnation; all
his progeny being sentenced with perpetuall exile; and promises of
great and bountifull rewards; to such as could bring his body alive or
Thus the innocent Count; by his overhasty and sodaine flight; made
himselfe guilty of this foule imputation: and arriving at Callice with
his children; their poore and homely habites; hid them from being
knowne; and thence they crossed over into England; staying no where
untill hee came to London。 Before he would enter into the City; he
gave divers good advertisements to his children; but especially two
precepts above all the rest。 First; with patient soules to support the
poore condition; whereto Fortune (without any offence in him or
them) had thus dejected them。 Next; that they should have most
heedfull care; at no time to disclose from whence they came; or
whose children they were; because it extended to the perill of their
lives。 His Sonne; being named Lewes; and now about nine yeares old;
his Daughter called Violenta; and aged seaven yeares; did both observe
their fathers direction; as afterward it did sufficiently appeare。 And
because they might live in the safer securitie; hee thought it for the
best to change their names; calling his Sonne Perotto; and his
Daughter Gianetta; for thus they might best escape unknowne。
Being entred into the City; and in the poore estate of beggars; they
craved every bodies mercy and almes。 It came to passe; that standing
one morning at the Cathedrall Church doore; a great Lady of England
being then wife to the Lord high Marshal; comming forth of the Church;
espied the Count and his children there begging。 Of him she demanded
what Countrey…man he was? and whether those children were his owne; or
no? The Count replyed; that he was borne in Piccardy; and for an
unhappy fact committed by his eldest Sonne (a stripling of more
hopefull expectation; then proved) hee was enforced; with those his
two other children; to forsake his country。 The Lady being by nature
very pittifull; looking advisedly on the young Girle beganne to grow
in good liking of her; because (indeede) she was amiable; gentle;
and beautifull; whereupon shee saide。 Honest man; thy daughter hath
a pleasing countenance; and (perhaps) her inward disposition may
proove answerable to her outward good parts: if therefore thou canst
bee content to leave her with me; I will give her entertainment; and
upon her dutifull carriage and behaviour; if she live to such yeares
as may require it; I will have her honestly bestowne in marriage。 This
motion was very pleasing to the Count; who readily declared his
willing consent thereto; and with the teares trickling downe his
cheekes; in thankfull maner he delivered his pretty daughter to the
She being thus happily bestowne; he minded to tarry no longer in
London; but; in his wonted begging manner; travailing thorough the
Country with his sonne Perotto; at length he came into Wales: but
not without much weary paine and travell; being never used before;
to journey so far on foot。 There dwelt another Lord; in office of
Marshalship to the King of England; whose power extended over those
parts: a man of very great authority; keeping a most noble and
bountifull house; which they termed the President of Wales his
Court; whereto the Count and his Son oftentimes resorted; as finding
there good releefe and comfort。 On a day; one of the Presidents
sons; accompanied with divers other Gentlemens children; were
performing certaine youthfull sports; and pastimes; as running;
leaping; and such like; wherein Perotto presumed to make one among
them; excelling all the rest in such commendable manner; as none of
them came any thing nere him。 Divers times the President had taken
notice thereof; and was so well pleased with the Lads behaviour;
that he enquired of whence he was? Answere was made; that he was a
poore mans Son; that every day came for an almes to his gate。
The President being desirous to make the boy his; the Count (whose
dayly prayers were to the same purpose) frankly gave his Son to the
Nobleman: albeit naturall and fatherly affection; urged some
unwillingnesse to part so with him; yet necessity and discretion;
found it best for the benefit of them both。 Being thus eased of care
for his Son and Daughter; and they (though in different places) yet
under good and worthy government; the Count would continue no longer
in England: but; as best hee could procure the meanes; passed over
into Ireland; and being arrived at a place called Stanford; became
servant to an Earle of that Country; a Gentleman professing Armes;
on whom he attended as a serving man; and lived a long while in that
estate very painfully。
His daughter Violenta; clouded under the borrowed name of
Gianetta; dwelling with the Lady at London; grew so in yeares; beauty;
comelinesse of person; and was so gracefull in the favour of her
Lord and Lady; yea; of every one in the house beside; that it was
wonderfull to behold。 Such as but observed her usuall carriage; and
what modesty shined clearely in her eyes; reputed her well worthy of
honourable preferment; in regard; the Lady that had received her of
her Father; not knowing of whence; or what shee was; but as himselfe
had made report; intended to match her in honourable marriage;
according as her vertues worthily deserved。 But God; the just rewarder
of all good endeavours; knowing her to be noble by birth; and
(causelesse) to suffer for the sinnes of another; disposed otherwise
of her: and that so worthy a Virgin might be no mate for a man of
ill conditions; no doubt ordained what was to be done; according to
his owne good pleasure。
The Noble Lady; with whom poore Gianetta dwelt; had but one onely
Sonne by her Husband; and he most deerely affected of them both; as
well in regard he was to be their heire; as also for his vertues and
commendable qualities; wherein he excelled many young Gentlemen。
Endued he was with heroycall valour; compleate in all perfections of
person; and his minde every way answerable to his outward behaviour;
exceeding Gianetta about sixe yeeres in age。 Hee perceiving her to
be a faire and comely Maiden; grew to affect her so entirely; that all
things else he held contemptible; and nothing pleasing in his eye
but shee。 Now; in regard her parentage was reputed poore; he kept
his love concealed from his Parents; not daring to desire her in
marriage: for loath he was to loose their favour; by disclosing the
vehemency of his afflictions; which proved a greater torment to him;
then if it had beene openly knowne。
It came to passe; that love over…awed him in such sort; as he fell
into a violent sicknesse; and store of Physicions were sent for; to
save him from death; if possibly it might be。 Their judgements
observing the course of his sicknesse; yet not reaching to the cause
of the disease; made a doubtfull question of his recovery; which was
so displeasing to his parents; that their griefe and sorrow grew
beyond measure。 Many earnest entreaties they moved to him; to know the
occasion of his sickenesse; whereto he returned no other answere;
but heart…breaking sighes; and incessant teares; which drew him more
and more into weakenesse of body。
It chanced on a day; a Physicion was brought unto him; being young
in yeeres; but well experienced in his practise: and as hee made
triall of his pulse; Gianetta (who by his Mothers command; attended on
him very diligently) upon some especiall occasion entred into the
Chamber; which when the young Gentleman perceived; and that shee
neither spake word; nor so much as looked towards him; his heart
grew great in amorous desire; and his pulse did beate beyond the
compasse of ordinary custome; whereof the Physicion made good
observation; to note how long that fit would continue。 No sooner was
Gianetta gone forth of the Chamber; but the pulse immediately gave
over beating; which perswaded the Physicion; that some part of the
disease had now discovered it selfe apparantly。
Within a while after; pretending to have some speech with
Gianetta; and holding the Gentleman still by the arme; the Physicion
caused her to be sent for; and immediately shee came。 Upon her very
entrance into the Chamber; the pulse began to beate againe extreamely;
and when shee departed; it presently ceased。 Now was he thorowly
perswaded; that he had found the true effect of his sicknesse; when
taking the Father and mother aside; thus he spake to them。 If you be
desirous of your Sons health; it consisteth not either in Physicion or
physicke; but in the mercy of your faire Maide Gianetta; for
manifest signes have made it knowne to me; and he loveth the
Damosell very dearely: yet (for ought I can perceive; the Maide doth
not know it:) now if you have respect of his life; you know (in this
case) what is to be done。 The Nobleman and his Wife hearing this;
became somewhat satisfied; because there remained a remedy to preserve
his life: but yet it was no meane griefe to them; if it should so
succeede; as they feared; namely; the marriage betweene this their
Sonne and Gianetta。
The Physicion being gone; and they repairing to their sicke Sonne;
the Mother began with him in this manner。 Sonne; I was alwayes
perswaded; that thou wouldest not conceale any secret from me; or
the least part of thy desires; especially; when without enjoying them;
thou must remaine in the danger of