the decameron(十日谈)-第36部分
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honour; that they wil containe those principles of constancie; which
men are meerely carelesse of; and I justifie my wife to be one of
them。 Beleeve me Bernardo; replyed Ambroginolo; if so often as thy
wives minde is addicted to wanton folly; a badge of scorne should
arise on thy forehead; to render testimony of hir female frailty; I
beleeve the number of them would be more; then willingly you would
wish them to be。 And among all married men in every degree; the
notes are so secret of their wives imperfections; that the sharpest
sight is not able to discerne them: and the wiser sort of men are
willing not to know them; because shame and losse of honour is never
imposed; but in cases evident and apparant。
Perswade thy selfe then Bernardo; that what women may accomplish
in secret; they will rarely faile to doe: or if they abstaine; it is
through feare and folly。 Wherefore; hold it for a certaine rule;
that that is onely chaste; that never was solicited personally; or
if she endured any such suite; either shee answered yea; or no。 And
albeit I know this to be true; by many infallible and naturall
reasons; yet could I not speak so exactly as I doe; if I had not tried
experimentally; the humours and affections of divers Women。 Yea; and
let me tell thee more Bernardo; were I in private company with thy
wife; howsoever thou presumest to thinke her to be; I should account
it a matter of no impossibility; to finde in her the selfesame
Bernardoes blood now began to boyle; and patience being a little put
downe by choller; thus he replyed。 A combat of words requires
over…long continuance; for I maintaine the matter which thou
deniest; and all this sorts to nothing in the end。 But seeing thou
presumest; that all women are so apt and tractable; and thy selfe so
confident of thine owne power: I willingly yeeld (for the better
assurance of my wifes constant loyalty) to have my head smitten off;
if thou canst winne her to any such dishonest act; by any meanes
whatsoever thou canst use unto her; which if thou canst not doe;
thou shalt onely loose a thousand duckets of Gold。 Now began
Ambroginolo to be heated with these words; answering thus。 Bernardo;
if I had won the wager; I know not what I should doe with thy head;
but if thou be willing to stand upon the proofe; pawne downe five
thousand Duckets of gold; (a matter of much lesse value then thy head)
against a thousand Duckets of mine; granting me a lawfull limited
time; which I require to be no more then the space of three moneths;
after the day of my departing hence。 I will stand bound to goe for
Geneway; and there winne such kinde consent of thy Wife; as shall be
to mine owne content。 In witnesse whereof; I will bring backe with
me such private and especiall tokens; as thou thy selfe shalt confesse
that I have not failed。 Provided; that thou doe first promise upon thy
faith; to absent thy selfe thence during my limitted time; and be no
hinderance to me by thy Letters; concerning the attempt by me
Bernardo saide; Be it a bargaine; am the man that will make good
my five thousand Duckets; and albeit the other Merchants then present;
earnestly laboured to breake the wager; knowing great harme must needs
ensue thereon: yet both the parties were so hot and fiery; as all
the other men spake to no effect; but writings was made; sealed; and
delivered under either of their hands; Bernardo remaining at Paris;
and Ambroginolo departing for Geneway。 There he remained some few
dayes; to learne the streetes name where Bernardo dwelt; as also the
conditions and qualities of his Wife; which scarcely pleased him
when he heard them; because they were farre beyond her Husbands
relation; and shee reputed to be the onely wonder of women; whereby he
plainely perceived; that he had undertaken a very idle enterprise; yet
would he not give it over so; but proceeded therein a little further。
He wrought such meanes; that he came acquainted with a poore
woman; who often frequented Bernardoes house; and was greatly in
favour with his wife; upon whose poverty he so prevailed; by earnest
perswasions; but much more by large gifts of money; that he won her to
further him in this manner following。 A faire and artificiall Chest he
caused to be purposely made; wherein himselfe might be aptly
contained; and so conveyed into the House of Bernardoes Wife; under
colour of a formall excuse; that the poore woman should be absent from
the City two or three dayes; and shee must keepe it safe till she
returne。 The Gentlewoman suspecting no guile; but that the Chest was
the receptacle of all the womans wealth; would trust it in no other
roome; then her owne Bed…chamber; which was the place where
Ambroginolo most desired to bee。
Being thus conveyed into the Chamber; the night going on apace;
and the Gentlewoman fast asleepe in her bed; a lighted Taper stood
burning on the Table by her; as in her Husbands absence shee ever used
to have: Ambroginolo softly opened the Chest; according as cunningly
hee had contrived it; and stepping forth in his sockes made of cloath;
observed the scituation of the Chamber; the paintings; pictures; and
beautifull hangings; with all things else that were remarkable;
which perfectly he committed to his memory。 Going neere to the bed; he
saw her lie there sweetly sleeping; and her young Daughter in like
manner by her; she seeming then as compleate and pleasing a
creature; as when shee was attired in her best bravery。 No especiall
note or marke could hee descrie; whereof he might make credible
report; but onely a small wart upon her left pappe; with some few
haires growing thereon; appearing to be as yellow as gold。
Sufficient had he seene; and durst presume no further; but taking
one of her Rings; which lay upon the Table; a purse of hers; hanging
by on the wall; a light wearing Robe of silke; and her girdle; all
which he put into the Chest; and being in himselfe; closed it fast
as it was before; so continuing there in the Chamber two severall
nights; the Gentlewoman neither mistrusting or missing any thing。
The third day being come; the poore woman; according as formerly was
concluded; came to have home her Chest againe; and brought it safely
into her owne house; where Ambroginolo comming forth of it;
satisfied the poore woman to her owne liking; returning (with all
the forenamed things) so fast as conveniently he could to Paris。
Being arrived there long before his limmitted time; he called the
Merchants together; who were present at the passed words and wager;
avouching before Bernardo; that he had won his five thousand
Duckets; and performed the taske he undertooke。 To make good his
protestation; first he described the forme of the Chamber; the curious
pictures hanging about it; in what manner the bed stood; and every
circumstance else beside。 Next he shewed the severall things; which he
brought away thence with him; affirming that he had received them of
her selfe。 Bernardo confessed; that his description of the Chamber was
true; and acknowledged moreover; that these other things did belong to
his Wife: But (quoth he) this may be gotten; by corrupting some
servant of mine; both for intelligence of the Chamber; as also of
the Ring; Purse; and what else is beside; all which suffice not to win
the wager; without some other more apparant and pregnant token。 In
troth; answered Ambroginolo; me thinkes these should serve for
sufficient proofes; but seeing thou art so desirous to know more: I
plainely tell thee; that faire Genevra thy Wife; hath a small round
wart upon her left pappe; and some few little golden haires growing
When Bernardo heard these words; they were as so many stabs to his
heart; yea; beyond all compasse of patient sufferance; and by the
changing of his colour; it was noted manifestly; (being unable to
utter one word) that Ambroginolo had spoken nothing but the truth。
Within a while after; he saide; Gentlemen; that which Ambroginolo hath
saide; is very true; wherefore let him come when he will; and he shall
be paide; which accordingly he performed on the very next day; even to
the utmost penny; departing then from Paris towards Geneway; with a
most malitious intention to his Wife: Being come neere to the City; he
would not enter it; but rode to a Country house of his; standing about
tenne miles distant thence。 Being there arrived; he called a
servant; in whom hee reposed especiall trust; sending him to Geneway
with two Horses; writing to his Wife; that he was returned; and shee
should come thither to see him。 But secretly he charged his servant;
that so soone as he had brought her to a convenient place; he should
there kill her; without any pitty or compassion; and then returne to
him againe。
When the servant was come to Geneway; and had delivered his Letter
and message; Genevra gave him most joyfull welcome; and on the
morrow morning mounting on Horse…backe with the servant; rode
merrily towards the Country house; divers things shee discoursed on by
the way; till they descended into a deepe solitary valey; very thickly
beset with high and huge spreading Trees; which the servant supposed
to be a meete place; for the execution of his Masters command。
Suddenly drawing forth his Sword; and holding Genevra fast by the
arme; he saide; Mistresse; quickly commend your soule to God; for
you must die; before you passe any further。 Genevra seeing the naked
Sword; and hearing the words so peremptorily delivered; fearefully
answered; Alas deare friend; mercy for Gods sake; and before thou kill
me; tell me wherein I have offended thee; and why thou must kill me?
Alas good Mistresse replied the servant; you have not any way offended
me; but in what occasion you have displeased your Husband; it is
utterly unknowne to me: for he hath strictly commanded me; without
respect of pitty or compassion; to kill you by the way as I bring you;
and if I doe it not; he hath sworne to hang me by the necke。 You
know good Mistresse; how much I stand obliged to him; and how
impossible it is for me; to contradict any thing that he commandeth。
God is my witnesse; that I am truly compassionate of you; and yet
(by no meanes) may I let you live。