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the decameron(十日谈)-第49部分

小说: the decameron(十日谈) 字数: 每页4000字

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give over speech; and you to attend your woorthy Husband。
  Notwithstanding all that hee had spoken; yet shee replyed not one
word; wherefore the Magnifico arose; and returned to the Knight; who
went to meete him; saying in a lowd laughter。 How now man? Have I
not kept my promise with thee? No Sir; answered the Magnifico; for you
promised I should speake with your wife; and you have made mee talke
to a marble Statue。 This answere; was greatly pleasing to the
Knight; who; although hee had an undoubted opinion of his wife; yet
this did much more strengthen his beliefe; and hee said。 Now thou
confessest thy Gelding to bee mine? I doe; replied the Magnifico;
but if I had thought; that no better successe would have ensued on the
bargaine; without your motion for the horse; I would have given him
you: and I am sorie that I did not; because now you have bought my
horse; and yet I have not sold him。 The Knight laughed heartily at
this answer; and being thus provided of so faire a beast; hee rode
on his journey to Millaine; and there entred into his authority of
  The Lady remained now in liberty at home; considering on the
Magnificoes words; and likewise the Gelding; which (for her sake)
was given to her husband。 Oftentimes shee saw him passe too and fro
before her windowe; still looking when the Flagge of defiance should
be hanged forth; that hee might fight valiantly under her Colours。 The
Story saith; that among many of her much better meditations; shee
was heard to talke thus idely to her selfe。 What doe I meane?
Wherefore is my youth? The olde miserable man is gone to Millaine; and
God knoweth when hee comes backe againe; ever; or never。 Is dignity
preferred before wedlockes holy duty; and pleasures abroade; more then
comforts at home? Ill can age pay youths arrerages; when: time is
spent; and no hope sparde。 Actions omitted; are oftentimes repented;
but done in due season; they are sildome sorrowed for。 Upon these
un…Lady…like private consultations; whether the window shewed the
signa or no; it is no matter belonging to my charge: I say; husbands
are unwise; to graunt such ill advantages; and wives much worse; if
they take hold of them; onely Judge you the best; and so the Tale is

                    THE THIRD DAY THE SIXTH NOVELL

                            AVAILABLE IN LOVE

  Ricciardo Minutolo fell in love with the wife of Philippello
Fighinolfi; and knowing her to be very jealous of her Husband; gave
her to understand; that hee was greatly enamoured of his Wife; and had
appointed to meete her privately in a Bathing house; on the next day
following: where shee hoping to take him tardie with his close
compacted Mistresse; found her selfe to be deceived by the said

  No more remained to be spoken by Madame Eliza; but the cunning of
the Magnifico; being much commended by all the company: the Queene
commanded Madame Fiammetta; to succede next in order with one of her
Novels; who (smiling) made answer that shee would; and began thus。
Gracious Ladies; mee thinkes wee have spoken enough already;
concerning our owne Citie; which as it aboundeth copiously in all
commodities; so is it an example also to every convenient purpose。 And
as Madam Eliza hath done; by recounting occasions happening in another
World; so must we now leape a little further off; even so far as
Naples; to see how one of those Saint…like Dames that nicely seemes to
shun loves allurings; was guided by the good spirit to a friend of
hers; and tasted of the fruite; before she knew the flowers。 A
sufficient warning for you to apprehend before hand what may follow
after; and to let you see beside; that when an error is committed; how
to bee discreete in keeping it from publike knowledge。
  In the Citie of Naples; it being of great antiquity; and (perhaps)
as pleasantly situated; as any other City in all Italy; there dwelt
sometime a yong Gentleman; of noble parentage; and well knowne to
bee wealthy; named Ricciardo Minutolo; who although hee had a
Gentlewoman of excellent beuty; and worthy the verie kindest affecting
to his wife; yet his gadding eye gazed elsewhere; and he became
enamored of another; which (in generall opinion) surpassed all the
Neapolitane Women else; in feature; favour; and the choysest
perfections; shee being named Madam Catulla wife to as gallant a young
Gentleman; called Philippello Fighinolfi; who most dearly he loved
beyond all other; for her vertue and admired chastity。
  Ricciardo loving this Madam Catulla; and using all such means
whereby the grace and liking of a Lady might be obtained; found it yet
a matter beyond possibility; to compasse the height of his desire:
so that many desperate and dangerous resolutions beleagred his braine;
seeming so intricate and unlikely to affoord any hopefull yssue; as
hee wished for nothing more then death。
  And death (as yet) being deafe to all his earnest imprecations;
delayed him on in lingering afflictions: and continuing still in
such an extreame condition; he was advised by some of his best
friends; utterly to abstaine from this fond pursuit; because his hopes
were meerely in vaine; and Madam Catulla prized nothing more
precious to her in the World; then unstayned loyaltie to her
Husband: and yet shee lived in such extreame jealousie of him; as
fearing least some bird flying in the ayre should snatch him from her。
  Ricciardo not unacquainted with this her jealous humour; as well
by credible hearing thereof; as also by daily observation; began to
with himselfe; that it were best to consider for him; to dissemble
amorous affection in some other place; and (henceforward) to set aside
all hope; of ever enjoying the love of Madam Catulla; because he was
now become the servant to another Gentlewoman; pretending (in her
honour) to performe many worthy actions of Armes; Joustes;
Tournaments; and all such like noble exercises; as he was wont to
doe for Madam Catulla。 So that most of the people of Naples; but
especially Madam Catulla; becam perswaded; that his former
fruitlesse love to her was quite changed; and the new elected Lady had
all the glory of his best endevours; persevering so long in this
opinion; as now it passed absolutely for currant。 Thus seemed he now
as meere a stranger to her; whose house before he familiarly
frequented; yet as a neighbour gave her the daies salutations;
according as he chanced to see her; or meet her。
  It came so to passe; that it being now the delightfull Summer
season; when all Gentlemen and Gentlewomen used to meete together
(according to a custome long observed in that Country) sporting
along on the Sea Coast; dining and supping there very often; Ricciardo
Minutolo happened to heare; that Madam Catulla (with a company of
her friends) intended also to be present there among them; at which
time; consorted with a seemely traine of his confederates; he resorted
thither; and was graciously welcommed by Madam Catulla; where he
pretended no willing long time of tarrying; but that Catulla and the
other Ladies were faine to entreate him; discoursing of his love to
his new elected Mistresse: which Minutolo graced with so solemne a
countenance; as it ministred much more matter of conference; all
coveting to know what she was。
  So farre they walked; and held on this kinde of discoursing; as
every Lady and Gentlewoman; waxing weary of too long a continued
argument; began to separate her selfe with such an associate as shee
best liked; and as in such walking women are wont to doe; so that
Madam Catulla having few females left with her; stayed behind with
Minutolo; who sodainly shot forth a word concerning her husband
Philipello; and of his loving another woman beside her selfe。 She that
was overmuch jealous before; became so sodainely set on fire to know
what shee was of whom Minutolo spake; as she sat silent a long
while; til being able to containe no longer; shee entreated
Ricciardo even for the Ladies sake; whose love he had so devoutly
embraced; to resolve her certainly in this strange alteration of her
husband; whereunto thus he answered。
  Madam; you have so straitly concured me; by urging the remembrance
of her; for whose sake I am not able to deny any thing you can demand;
as I am readie therein to pleasure you。 But first you must promise me;
that neither you; or any other person for you; shall at any time
disclose it to your Husband; untill you have seene by effect; that
which I have told you proveth to be true: and when you please; I wil
instruct you how your selfe shall see it。 The Ladie was not a little
joyfull to be thus satisfied in her Husbands folly; and constantly
crediting his words to be true; shee sware a solemne oath; that no one
alive should ever know it。 So stepping a little further aside; because
no listening eare should heare him; thus he beganne。
  Lady; if I did love you now so effectually as heeretofore I have
done; I should be very circumspect; in uttering any thing which I
immagined might distast you。 I know not whether your husband
Philipello; were at any time offended; because I affected you; or
beleeved that I received any kindnes from you: but whether it were
so or no; I could never discerne it by any outward apparance。 But
now awaiting for the opportunity of time; which he conceived should
affoord me the least suspition; he seekes to compasse that; which (I
doubt) he feares I would have done to him; in plaine termes Madam;
to have his pleasure of my wife。 And as by some carriages I have
observed; within few daies past he hath solicited and pursued his
purpose very secretly; by many Ambassages; and meanes; as (indeed) I
have learned from her selfe; and alwaies she hath returned in such
answers; as she receyved by my direction。
  And no longer ago Madam; then this very morning; before my comming
hither; I found a woman…messenger in my house; in very close
conference with my Wife; when growing doubtfull of that which was true
indeede; I called my Wife; enquiring; what the woman would have with
her; and she told me; it was another pursuite of Philipello
Fighinolfi; who (quoth shee) upon such answers as you h

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