八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > the decameron(十日谈) >


the decameron(十日谈)-第58部分

小说: the decameron(十日谈) 字数: 每页4000字

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daughter of the fore…named Physitian; called juliet; who; even in
these tender yeares; fixed her affection upon young Bertrand; with
such an earnest and intimate resolution; as was most admirable in so
yong a Maiden; and more then many times is noted in yeares of
greater discretion。 Old Count Isnarde dying; young Bertrand fell as
a Ward to the King; and being sent to Paris; remained there under
his royall custodie and protection; to no little discomfort of young
Juliet; who became greevously afflicted in minde; because she had lost
the company of Bertrand。
   Within some few yeares after; the Physitian her Father also dyed;
and then her desires grew wholly addicted; to visite Paris her selfe
in person; onely because she would see the young Count; awaiting but
time and opportunitie; to fit her stolne journey thither。 But her
kindred and friends; to whose care and trust she was committed; in
regard of her rich dowrie; and being left as a fatherlesse Orphane:
were so circumspect of her walks and daily behaviour; as she could not
compasse any meane; of escaping。 Her yeares made her now almost fit
for marriage; which so much more encreased her love to the Count;
making refusall of many woorthy husbands; and laboured by the
motions of her friends and kindred; yet all denyed; they not knowing
any reason for her refusalles。 By this time the Count was become a
gallant goodly Gentleman; and able to make election of his wife;
whereby her affections were the more violently enflamed; as fearing
least some other should be preferred before her; and so her hopes be
utterly disappointed。
   It was noysed abroad by common report; that the King of France
was in a very dangerous condition; by reason of a strange swelling
on his stomacke; which failing of apt and convenient curing; became
a Fistula; afflicting him daily with extraordinary paine and
anguish; no Chirurgeon or Physitian being found; that could minister
any hope of healing; but rather encreased the greefe; and drove it
to more vehement extreamitie; compelling the King; as dispairing
utterly of all helpe; to give over any further counsell or advice。
Heereof faire Juliet was wondrously joyfull; as hoping that this
accident would prove the meanes; not onely of her journey to Paris;
but if the disease were no more then she imagined; she could easily
cure it; and thereby compasse Count Bertrand to be her husband。
Hereupon; quickning up her wits; with remembrance of those rules of
Art; which (by long practise and experience) she had learned of her
skilfull Father; she compounded certaine hearbes together; such as she
knew fitting for that kinde of infirmity; and having reduced her
compound into powder; away she rode forthwith to Paris。
   Being there arrived; all other serious matters set aside; first
shee must needs have a sight of Count Bertrand; as being the onely
Saint that caused her pilgrimage。 Next she made meanes for her accesse
to the King; humbly entreating his Majesty; to vouchsafe her the sight
of his Fistula。 When the King saw her; her modest lookes did
plainely deliver; that she was a faire; comely; and discreete young
Gentlewoman; wherefore; he would no longer hide it; but layed it
open to her view。 When shee had seene and felt it; presently she put
the King in comfort; affirming; that she knew her selfe able to cure
his Fistula; saying: Sir; if your Highnesse will referre the matter to
me; without any perill of life; or any the least paine to your person;
I hope (by the helpe of heaven) to make you whole and sound within
eight dayes space。 The King hearing her words; beganne merrily to
smile at her; saying: How is it possible for thee; being a yong
Maiden; to do that which the best Physitians in Europe; are not able
to performe? I commend thy kindnesse; and will not remaine
unthankefull for thy forward willingnesse: but I am fully
determined; to use no more counsell; or to make any further triall
of Physicke or Chirurgery。 Whereto faire Juliet thus replyed: Great
King; let not my skill and experience be despised; because I am young;
and a Maiden; for my profession is not Physicke; neither do I
undertake the ministering thereof; as depending on mine owne
knowledge; but by the gracious assistance of heaven; and some rules of
skilfull observation; which I learned of reverend Gerard of Narbona
who was my worthy Father; and a Physitian of no meane fame; all the
while he lived。
  At the hearing of these words; the King began somewhat to admire
at her gracious carriage; and saide within himselfe。 What know I;
whether this Virgin is sent to me by the direction of heaven; or no?
Why should I disdaine to make proofe of her skill? Her promise is;
to cure me in a small times compasse; and without any paine or
affliction to me: she shall not come so farre; to returne againe
with the losse of he labour; I am resolved to try her cunning; and
thereon saide。 Faire Virgin; if you cause me to breake my setled
determination; and faile of curing me; what can you expect to follow
thereon? Whatsoever great King (quoth she) shall please you。 Let me be
strongly guarded; yet not hindered; when I am to prosecute the
businesse: and then if I do not perfectly heale you within eight
daies; let a good fire be made; and therein consume my body unto
ashes。 But if I accomplish the cure; and set your Highnesse free
from all further greevance; what recompence then shall remaine to me?
  Much did the King commend the confident perswasion which she had
of her owne power; and presently replyed。 Faire beauty (quoth he) in
regard that thou art a Maide and unmaried; if thou keepe promise;
and I finde my selfe to be fully cured: I will match thee with some
such Gentleman in marriage; as shall be of honourable and worthy
reputation; with a sufficient dowry beside。 My gracious Soveraigne
saide she; willing am I; and most heirtily thankfull withall; that
your Highnesse shall bestow me in marriage: but I desire then; to have
such a husband; as I shall desire or demand by your gracious favour;
without presuming to crave any of your Sonnes; Kindred; or Alliance;
or appertaining unto your Royal blood。 Whereto the King gladly
granted。 Young Juliet began to minister her Physicke; and within fewer
dayes then her limited time; the King was sound and perfectly cured;
which when he perceived; he saide unto her。 Trust me vertuous Mayde;
most woorthily hast thou wonne a Husband; name him; and thou shalt
have him。 Royall King (quoth she) then have I won the Count Bertrand
of Roussillion; whom I have most entirely loved from mine Infancy; and
cannot (in my soule) affect any other。 Very loath was the King to
grant her the young Count; but in regard of his solemne passed
promise; and his royal word engaged; which he would not by any
meanes breake; he commanded; that the Count should be sent for; and
spake thus to him。 Noble Count; it is not unknowne to us; that you are
a Gentleman of great honour; and it is our Royall pleasure; to
discharge your wardship; that you may repaire home to your owne House;
there to settle your affaires in such order; as you may be the readier
to enjoy a Wife; which we intend to bestowe upon you。 The Count
returned his Highnesse most humble thankes; desiring to know of
whence; and what she was? It is this Gentlewoman; answered the King;
who (by the helpe of Heaven) hath beene the meanes to save my life。
Well did the Count know her; as having very often before seene her;
and although she was very faire and amiable; yet in regard of her
meane birth; which he held as a disparagement to his Nobility in
blood; he made a scorne of her; and spake thus to the King。 Would your
Highnesse give me a Quacksalver to my Wife; one that deales in drugges
and Physicarie? I hope I am able to bestowe my selfe much better
then so。 Why? quoth the King; wouldst thou have us breake our faith;
which for the recovery of our health; we have given to this vertuous
virgin; and she will have no other reward; but onely Count Bertrand to
be her husband? Sir; replied the Count; you may dispossesse me of
all that is mine; because I am your Ward and Subject; any where else
you may bestow me: but pardon me to tell you; that this marriage
cannot be made with any liking or allowance of mine; neither will I
ever give consent thereto。
  Sir; saide the King; it is our will that it shall be so; vertuous
she is; faire and wise; she loveth thee most affectionately; and
with her mayest thou lead a more Noble life; then with the greatest
Lady in our Kingdome。 Silent; and discontented stoode the Count; but
the King commanded preparation for the marriage; and when the
appointed time was come; the Count (albeit against his will)
received his wife at the Kings hand; she loving him deerly as her owne
life。 When all was done; the Count requested of the King; that what
else remained for further solemnization of the marriage; it might be
performed in his owne Country; reserving to himselfe what else he
intended。 Being mounted on horseback; and humbly taking their leave of
the King; the Count would not ride home to his owne dwelling; but into
Tuscany; where he heard of a warre between the Florentines and the
Senesi; purposing to take part with the Florentines; to whom he was
willingly and honourably welcommed; being created Captaine of a worthy
Company; and continuing there a long while in service。
  The poore forsaken new married Countesse; could scarsely be
pleased with such dishonourable unkindnesse; yet governing her
impatience with no meane discretion; and hoping by her vertuous
carriage; to compasse the meanes of his recall: home she rode to
Roussillion; where all the people received her very lovingly。 Now;
by reason of the Counts so long absence; all things were there farre
out of order; mutinies; quarrels; and civill dissentions; having
procured many dissolute irruptions; to the expence of much blood in
many places。 But she; like a jolly stirring Lady; very wise and
provident in such disturbances; reduced all occasions to such civility
againe; that the people admired her rare behaviour; and condemned
the Count for his unkindnesse towards her。
  After that the whole Country of Roussillion (by the policy and
wisedome of 

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