the decameron(十日谈)-第72部分
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earnest importunity) pronounced the sentence of death on the Prince;
and commanded to have him beheaded in his presence; affecting
rather; to dye without an heire; then to be thought a King voyde of
justice。 So these two unfortunate Lovers; never enjoyed the very least
benefite of their long wished desires: ended both their lives in
violent manner。
The three Brethren to Isabella; slew a Gentleman that secretly loved
her。 His ghost appeared to her in her sleepe; and shewed her in what
place they had buried his body。 She (in silent manner) brought away
his head; aid putting it into a pot of earth; such as Flowers; Basile;
or other sweete hearbes are usually set in; she watered it (a long
while) with her teares。 Wherefore her Brethren having intelligence;
soone after she dyed; with meere conceite of sorrow。
The Novell of Madame Eliza being finished; and some…what commended
by the King; in regard of the Tragicall conclusion; Philomena was
enjoyned to proceede next with her discourse。 She being overcome
with much compassion; for the hard Fortunes of Noble Gerbino; and
his beautifull Princesse; after an extreame and vehement sighe; thus
she spake。 My Tale (worthy Ladies) extendeth not to persons of so high
birth or quality; as they were of whom Madame Eliza gave you relation:
yet (peradventure) it may prove to be no lesse pittifull。 And now I
remember my selfe; Messina so lately spoken of; is the place where
this accident also happened。
In Messina there dwelt three young men; Brethren; and Merchants by
their common profession; who becomming very rich by the death of their
Father; lived in very good fame and repute。 Their Father was of San
Gemignano; and they had a Sister named Isabella; young; beautifull;
and well conditioned; who upon some occasion; as yet remained
unmarried。 A proper youth; being a Gentleman borne in Pisa; and
named Lorenzo; as a trusty factor or servant; had the managing of
the brethrens businesse and affaires。 This Lorenzo being of comely
personage; affable; and excellent in his behaviour; grew so gracious
in the eyes of Isabella; that she affoorded him many very respective
lookes; yea; kindnesses of no common quality。 Which Lorenzo taking
notice of; and observing by degrees from time to time; gave over all
other beauties in the City; which might allure any affection from him;
and onely fixed his heart on her; so that their love grew to a mutuall
embracing; both equally respecting one another; and entertaining
kindnesses; as occasion gave leave。
Long time continued this amorous league: of love; yet not so
cunningly concealed; but at the length; the secret meeting of Lorenzo;
and Isabella; to ease their poore soul of Loves oppressions; was
discovered by the eldest of the Brethren; unknowne to them who were
thus betrayed。 He being a man of great discretion; although this sight
was highly displeasing to him: yet notwithstanding; he kept it to
himselfe till the next morning; labouring his braine what might best
be done in so urgent a case。 When day was come; he resorted to his
other Brethren; and told them what he had seene in the time past;
betweene their sister and Lorenzo。
Many deliberations passed on in this case; but after all; thus
they concluded together; to let it proceede on with patient that no
scandall might ensue to them; or their Sister; no evill acte being (as
yet) committed。 And seeming; as if they knew not of their love; had
a wary eye still upon her secret walkes; awaiting for some
convenient time; when without their owne prejudice; or Isabellaes
knowledge; they might safely breake off this their stolne love;
which was altogether against their liking。 So; shewing no worse
countenance to Lorenzo; then formerly they had done; but imploying and
conversing with him in kinde manner; it fortuned; that riding (all
three) to recreate themselves out of the City; they tooke Lorenzo in
their company; and when they were come to a solitarie place; such as
best suited with their vile purpose: they ran sodainly upon Lorenzo;
slew him; and afterward enterred his body; where hardly it could be
discovered by any one。 Then they returned backe to Messina; and gave
it forth (as a credible report) that they had sent him abroad about
their affaires; as formerly they were wont to do: which every one
verily beleeved; because they knew no reason why they should
conceite any otherwise。
Isabella; living in expectation of his returne; and perceiving his
stay to her was so offensive long: made many demands to her
Brethren; into what parts they had sent him; that his tarrying was
so quite from all wonted course。 Such was her importunate speeches
to them; that they taking it very discontentedly; one of them returned
her this frowning answer。 What is your meaning Sister; by so many
questionings after Lorenzo? What urgent affaires have you with him;
that makes you so impatient upon his absence? If hereafter you make
any more demands for him; we shall shape you such a reply; as will
be but little to your liking。 At these harsh words; Isabella fell into
abundance of teares; where…among she mingled many sighes and
groanes; such as were able to overthrow a farre stronger constitution:
so that; being full of feare and dismay; yet no way distrusting her
brethrens cruell deede; she durst not question any more after him。
In the silence of darke night; as she lay afflicted in her bed;
oftentimes would she call for Lorenzo; entreating his speedy returning
to her: And then againe; as if he had bene present with her; she
checkt and reproved him for his so long absence。 One night amongst the
rest; she being growen almost hopelesse; of ever seeing him againe;
having a long while wept and greevously lamented; her senses and
faculties utterly spent and tired; that she could not utter any more
complaints; she fell into a trance or sleepe; and dreamed; that the
ghost of Lorenzo appeared unto her; in torne and unbefitting garments;
his lookes pale; meager; and staring: and (as she thought) thus
spake to her。 My deere love Isabella; thou dost nothing but torment
thy selfe; with calling on me; accusing me for overlong tarrying
from thee: I am come therefore to let thee know; that thou canst not
enjoy my company any more; because the very same day when last thou
sawest me; thy brethren most bloodily murthered me。 And acquainting
her with the place where they had buried his mangled body: hee
strictly charged her; not to call him at any time afterward; and so
vanished away。
The young Damosell awaking; and giving some credite to her Vision;
sighed and wept exceedingly; and after she was risen in the morning;
not daring to say any thing to her brethren; she resolutely
determined; to go see the place formerly appointed her; onely to
make triall; if that which she seemed to see in her sleepe; should
carry any likelyhood of truth。 Having obtained favour of her brethren;
to ride a dayes journey ney the City; in company of her trusty
Nurse; who long time had attended on her in the house; and knew the
secret passages of her love: they rode directly to the designed place;
which being covered with some store of dried leaves; and more deeply
sunke then any other part of the ground therabout; they digged not
farre; but they found the body of murthered Lorenzo; as yet very
little corrupted or impaired; and then perceived the truth of her
Wisedome and government so much prevailed with her; as to instruct
her soule; that her teares spent there; were meerley fruitelesse and
in vaine; neither did the time require any long tarrying there。 Gladly
would she have carried the whole body with her; secretly to bestow
honourable enterment on it; but it exceeded the compasse of her
ability。 Wherefore; in regard she could not have all; yet she would
be。 possessed of a part; and having brought a keene razor with her; by
helpe of the Nurse; she divided the head from the body; and wrapped it
up in a Napkin; which the Nurse conveyed into her lap; and then
laide the body in the ground againe。 Thus being undiscovered by any;
they departed thence; and arrived at home in convenient time; where
being alone by themselves in the Chamber: she washed the head over and
over with her teares; and bestowed infinite kisses thereon。
Not long after; the Nurse having brought her a large earthen pot;
such as we use to set Basile; Marjerom; Flowers; or other sweet
hearbes in; and shrouding the head in a silken Scarfe; put it into the
pot; covering it with earth; and planting divers rootes of excellent
Basile therein; which she never watered; but either with her teares;
Rose water; or water distilled from the Flowers of Oranges。 This pot
she used continually to sitte by; either in her chamber; or any
where else: for she carried it alwaies with her; sighing and breathing
foorth sad complaints thereto; even as if they had beene uttered to
her Lorenzo; and day by day this was her continuall exercise; to the
no meane admiration of her bretheren; and many other friends that
beheld her。
So long she held on in this mourning manner; that; what by the
continuall watering of the Basile; and putrifaction of the head; so
buried in the pot of earth; it grew very flourishing; and most
odorifferous to such as scented it; that as no other Basile could
possibly yeeld so sweete a savour。 The neighbours noting this
behaviour in her; observing the long continuance thereof; how much her
bright beauty was defaced; and the eyes sunke into her head by
incessant weeping; made many kinde and friendly motions; to understand
the reason of her so violent oppressions; but could not by any
meanes prevaile with her; or win any discovery by her Nurse; so
faithfull was she in secrecie to her。 Her brethren also waxed wearie
of this carriage in her; and having very often reproved her for it;
without any other alteration in her: at length; they closely stole
away the potte of Basile from her; for which she made infinite